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[ ALL THAT I HAVE IS A HOME ¦ spring cleaning ] - Printable Version

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[ ALL THAT I HAVE IS A HOME ¦ spring cleaning ] - Grimm - 07-18-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Numerous the instances she had questioned herself over her prolonged presence among the swamp dwelling people, unwelcome blight cast upon a land scoured by radiation. Deceptive the simple line of innocent ponderance, the depth of her confusion extended when she drew forth the necessary courage to touch upon the subject. A mere burden had she proven, from them resources taken without promise of repayment, profited from the hospitality of strangers. Yet falsehood such, though her mind raged against such notion as her existence being nought but a leech. Paid within a certain sense her debt, aside swept in favour of treatment as though she were one of them.

For all she cared for those who dwelled within broken structures laced by the clinging growth of unruly flora of them she was not, a wolf bearing the shorn fleece of a discarded lamb.

Much of her minimal time among them once more was a quiet and solitary period, few and rather far between the instances homesickness wormed into her chest. Had not she bore such dark cloud for a length of time she care not think upon amusing may it be, once striped of home and now readily gifted the notion of it to singular individual. The latter half of her week would not be such, however, of some minor note her destination. Situated near enough the outskirts of the cluster of long forgotten buildings it was but one of many, small for unneeded excess room.

"Home…" Forth did reach a small paw, almost fearful the light touch settled upon the wood of singular step leading to oaken door. Dusty the panes set within, the bronze of the handle drawing her eye, yet for a time did she hesitate. Was it even hers to claim such any longer, left to decay, meagre possessions removed in the hast of her departure. Back did flick her ears though soft the near inaudible click at the smooth rotation of handle, silent her joy over the low placement. True the inky darkness that filled the space beyond, cut by a widening triangle of golden illumination.

Back could Viera not turn, upon this path had she been set and yet something clogged the closing confinements of her throat, stole from her breath that tasted of dust and mold. Momentary her pause within the entryway, thoughtless the stumbling steps, brief the bitter laughter arising from lips pulled back into a grimace more than ever it may be a grin. As he was home so was this, the abode long since left, chorus of its creaking groans echoing within her head. "I'm not leaving again." Utterance for herself alone, though of a volume another may hear if proximity permitted.

Confidence she felt unfit to carry guided the languid pace of easy steps, drawn on memory of the rather small interior. Unknown the passage of time, even as on it wore and painted shifting images against the floor as uncovered each window in turn, miniscule the creature in comparison to her surroundings. Peaceful, almost, the delicate little curl pale lips held, arising the broken notes of a quiet hum, engrossed within the work of cleaning what had once been hers.

Re: [ ALL THAT I HAVE IS A HOME ¦ spring cleaning ] - DELILAH. - 07-18-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."

Home was something Delilah had longed for since forever, a place to belong to. Somewhere that she could return to after a day of helping the people she cared about. She had long since discovered that Tanglewood was where she belonged. Close to the Earth, hearing the voices of the plants amongst her despite the radioactivity and toxicity of the territory. She loved her home, cherished it- and she planned to live the rest of her days amongst the muddy jungle that she called her home.

Inside of her home, she had found the man she had believed was her soulmate. Renegadeanthems had made her feel like the only one in the world, had swept her off of her feet. But to her, that didn't last long. Nothing ever lasted forever, as much as she wished it would. She had lost the two people who had meant the world to her.

It was just another day with Delilah wandering, the woman doing her daily rounds around the territory to see if any new, strange herbs or plants had started growing. Stockpiling, she told passerbys. If she was gone before winter came, she wanted Tanglewood to be well-stocked for it when she was gone. Not that she would disappear anytime soon. It was just.. A security measure.

So when the woman had came upon the many long-abandoned buildings on the outskirts, she wasn't exactly expecting to smell a person there. A familiar smell, however much newer.

"Miss Viera?" Came the soft croon from draconic lips, the woman carefully making her way over to step up to the oak door, the weight of her body weighing beneath her. Careful of large wings, the woman kept her head low, as always. She had smacked her head on enough doorways these days, hence why she now resided in her treehouse, where her large body could stretch out when she wasn't lounging in the garden on the days that her mind was mostly a fog.

"I apologize for intruding. Do you need any help with anything?"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: [ ALL THAT I HAVE IS A HOME ¦ spring cleaning ] - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-20-2020

Home is where the heart is.

That saying always rang true for Vigenere. At least, it has been for the last couple of years; if you had told him this before he ever joined Tanglewood, he probably would've laughed at you. But now that he's been apart of Tanglewood for at least two years - if not more, by this point - he believed in this saying. Tanglewood would be his home, now and forever. Even if Morgan was away at the moment; Vigenere couldn't help but feel like he truly belonged here in the swamp.

There had been a couple rejoiners lately and Vigenere hated that he had been too busy in order to properly address them outside the meeting. So, the savannah took it upon himself to search for Viera - and lo and behold, Delilah was here as well. "I apologize for intruding as well." Vigenere's deep voice came in from behind the dragoness, peeking out from under her wing as much as he could. "Are you settling in alright? Is there anything I can help ya with?" It was better than doing nothing, considering how he hadn't even greeting Viera when she came back.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: [ ALL THAT I HAVE IS A HOME ¦ spring cleaning ] - wormwood. - 07-20-2020

Home was a complicated thing for one such as Aurum, for the lion had called many places home throughout his life. First had been his place of birth, The Pride. The towering city that The Pride called home had supposedly been his home, even though it had never truly felt as though it was. To the young lion who, at the time, had been known only as Wormwood, the city that The Pride had lived within had not represented safety, or warmth. Instead, it had represented only pain and fear, and family that had never truly cared about him, save perhaps for Poetking, but even that had been debatable. Then, his home had been the uncharted lands, a sprawling paradise where anything could have happened. Still, it wasn't truly a home. No, it was merely a vehicle, meant to transport him from The Pride to the one place that had been – and still was, more than anywhere else – his one true home. Tanglewood. While there had been more than a few troubles throughout his time within the group, he couldn't deny that this was his ultimate home. It was where he had made all of his connections. It was where he had met his true family, and where he had become the better person that he was today. He wouldn't give up the swamp-dwelling group for the entire world, as evidenced by the fact that he had returned even after losing one of the people who mattered to him the most.

That wasn't to say that the other groups he had dwelled within had treated him poorly, however. Elysium suited him just fine, and although they moved at a slower pace than Tanglewood, it was actually sort of a relief. In addition to that, there were certainly a great deal of interesting people within Elysium that he had the pleasure of interacting with. The kind group within the mountains served him nearly as well as a home as Tanglewood did, save for the occasional attacks from the gods. The Knights of Concord had welcomed him with open arms too, even if they had eventually faded into a sort of quiet obscurity. Still, none of them could begin to hold a candle to Tanglewood, mainly because of the people. Although Tanglewood had changed a great deal since he had initially joined nearly a year ago, the people were still what made the shaderunner want to defend Tanglewood, until the day that he drew his last breath. Although he had lost some of those within Tanglewood he had once considered family, he still had Viera. V, who had stuck by him through some of the worst times in his life. V, who had been a mother to him, when his birth mother had tossed him aside and cursed him, claiming he was a pox on their family. As long as Viera was around, he was whole, and he was home.

Since his recent promotion, Aurum had been making efforts to be around the group often once again, wanting to make sure that he was being helpful, and welcoming anyone who needed it. As such, he hadn't been keeping as much of a close eye on Viera, despite the anxiety that ran cold through him whenever she was out of his sight. Some part of him was scared. Scared that she would disappear again if he left her alone for too long. Thankfully, that seemed to be far from the case, as the angel noticed when he saw his adoptive mother leaving the main town. Curiosity – and a fair amount of worry – piqued, the lion followed after her, his eyes eventually widening with realization when he noticed where she was – her old home. He had come over often in the past, mainly to enjoy some tea, and lunch. Delilah and Vig were already there, so the male didn't pause in trotting up to the front door, slipping his way inside before letting out a kind chuff, "V... wasn't sure I'd ever see this place all cleaned up again. If you need any help, I'll be happy to offer as well. If not, maybe we could do a tea lunch, like we used to? I can bring things over." The invitation was silently extended to Delilah and Vig as well, although Aurum was unsure if Vig would be aware of that, given his current position poking out from beneath one of Delilah's large wings.

Re: [ ALL THAT I HAVE IS A HOME ¦ spring cleaning ] - COSMIIX - 07-22-2020

Amunet stayed in the back for the moment recalling when she had been here since the very beginning, when Beck had called several over and took claim of leadership. How much Tanglewood has grown since that day, a saddened smile on her maw in that moment before she would remove herself from those memories. Tanglewood had been her home for the longest time and seeing it thrive made the former Regent smile, her heart fluttering. Amunet didn't think she would go anywhere else, she had planted her roots her and one day, she would plant her own seeds that would grow within the swamp as well to come and call Tanglewood their own home as well. Although, that would be a while and she would rather readjust to Tanglewood once more before making any big decisions quite yet.

Home was where the heart was. Tanglewood might've held onto her roots and foundation but sadly, her heart only belonged to one. The thought of her beloved War made Victory's heart thump loudly, Amunet took a few more steps forward until she had somewhat peeked inside too with a slightly sheepish smile on her maw "I'd be more than happy to lend a paw too," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: [ ALL THAT I HAVE IS A HOME ¦ spring cleaning ] - Luciferr - 07-23-2020

and here was said other half.

Fenris padded up to the gathering group, brushing up beside his partner in all things - and nodded his head with a gruff sort of charm that spoke to how sort of out of place he felt a little, there were a lot of people gathering and he only really knew Vigenere - and Amunet of course but that went without saying, how could he not know the other half of his soul? - and was rather big on not standing out too much.

Hard when one was so tall, alas,

It did, he ruminated, make it all rather stark in his mind when he looked at these unknown and new faces with only two points of true kinship - rather showed just how time and tide could go, it reminded him most of how precious all this was, this peace of theirs taht he held precious for however long it would last

It’s what made home more a people than A place to him - War might ruin lands and clans, might take away but it could never truly break a people so thoroughly as to be forgotten,

People were home to him.

These people, were and would be, home.