Beasts of Beyond
NO ONE'S GONNA CATCH US NOW ☆ salvaging - Printable Version

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NO ONE'S GONNA CATCH US NOW ☆ salvaging - wormwood. - 07-16-2020

For the most part, rebuild efforts after the tremors had gone well, and Aurum honestly held a lot of admiration for Leroy in how he had chosen to divide tasks out. However, when one had to worry about piecing back together their entire town after such a catastrophic event, it was natural that some things slipped through the cracks. There were still some houses that were in shambles, and certain bits of the town that still had some debris to clean up. Things had slowed down a little regarding rebuilding when Leroy had taken off, but Aurum knew that they were so close to things being at least close to entirely normal again, so the shaderunner had decided to do a bit of investigation work. He had gone around the main town of Tanglewood, talking to those that he could find and asking them about what they thought might've needed to be done, or how they would help out. For the most part, the grand majority were only interested in a last little bit of clean-up, just to make the town look a little more held together and less messy – it was a sentiment that he could definitely agree with, particularly when he thought about the ruins of his sister's home. Not only an eyesore, but a painful one at that.

However, there were a few members of the group that were worried about something else entirely – mementos. Precious objects to them that had been lost in the tremors, buried beneath what remained of their collapsed homes, never to be seen again. Most of them just expressed a desire to see their lost objects returned to them, hastily following up their requests with an apology, since they knew it was unlikely. Aurum, however, wanted to at least try and get back some of what had been lost, although he knew that he couldn't do it on his own. So, after compiling a list of the various objects that were still buried beneath house debris, the lion had made his way near the middle of town, calling out, "Anybody who could help out with some scavenging for items, could you please come over here?" He continued afterwards, flicking one of his large wings, "You don't have to be big in order to help out. You're just as valuable if you're able to squeeze through small cracks. I wanna try and help some people get their stuff with sentimental value back, which requires some scavenging in broken buildings." He knew it was a bit of a dangerous task, but the angel also knew how to be careful, and he knew how to patch up basic wounds in case of an emergency until they could see Delilah.

Re: NO ONE'S GONNA CATCH US NOW ☆ salvaging - DELILAH. - 07-16-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
It had been almost like a vacation for Delilah, honestly. She had grown so old that most people didn't want her doing too much heavy lifting. She was starting to be known for getting lost in the territory that she'd known for years. It was odd, really. Her memory lapses and confusion were covered up, but the one person who had witnessed a slip-up? Aurum.

His call was always welcome, Delilah found. Her dearest friend was always worrying over her and making sure she was alright, and the elder was just happy to have the company after the loss of her child and lover many moons ago.

"I can certainly help. I have telekinesis, so that might be helpful."

Delilah crooned. Big, pastel wings extended, bones shifting and muscles cracking from misuse. But up went the femme, full height extended out until sharp claws grappled onto a large wooden pile- was it a rooftop? She didn't know, but with a sharp warning beforehand, Delilah lifted it with her own physical strength, catching lighter fallen debris with telekinesis.

"Anything we don't need, we can put in a pile, right?.. A bonfire would be nice."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: NO ONE'S GONNA CATCH US NOW ☆ salvaging - COSMIIX - 07-22-2020

It saddened her seeing her home in shambles but the most she could do at the very most was help in rebuilding it or cleaning up until it was more and more like the home she had left behind but even Amunet knew that was a bit of a slim chance seeing as the people she had loved from the time she had been around were gone or at least, some of them. She was fortunate to still have Fenris at her side and Vigenere now leading Tanglewood, she knew that he would do good things for Tanglewood leaving her quite excited to see where his reign would go. She would touch the ring that hung around her neck for a moment only to heed Aurum's call did she come walking over with both of her ears perked forward, so, it seems they would be trying to salvage some lost items.

Amunet held no items close to her aside from her gauntlet, sword, and ring that had been gifts from her husband though if she ever had to lose either, she would rather lose the items than her own beloved husband. With that thought in mind, the hybrid would glance down at her ring with a subtle smile before she would make her way over catching onto what Delilah said about a bonfire did she pipe in "Good idea... That definitely would be fun... With some s'mores and stories to tell." Though her mind moreso just thought of huddling up next to Fenris nesr the bonfire if they ever did decide to do that. "I'll be willing to help," Victory would finish speaking with a nod of her cranium, the jaguar hybrid eventually turned to one of the buildings that had fallen down due to the tremors. She was large enough to pick up a few things here and there, she began to move around some of the wood throwing it out of the way in the beginnings of a pile... For the bonfire, of course, if they still desired it. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: NO ONE'S GONNA CATCH US NOW ☆ salvaging - wormwood. - 07-23-2020

Aurum was lucky that the first two to approach after his call for help were Delilah and Amunet. After all, the both of them were fairly large and fairly strong considering their forms, even if Delilah wasn't particularly a lifter or a fighter. As she helpfully pointed out, however, she also had telekinesis to help her in her task. The dragoness's presence caused the lion to smile, still glad to see her out and about after the... incidents that he had bore witness to. The sawbone insisted that nothing was going on with her, but the angel still found himself a little bit doubtful, especially with the growing frequency of the strange moments. He let that go for now, however, since Delilah seemed in high spirits, and he had no intention of bringing her down. Nodding his head to her as he spoke, Aurum moved over to one of the several still collapsed buildings, "Thank you, Del... it's very appreciated. And yeah, a bonfire would be nice... feel free to put things aside. Most of these structures are getting rebuilt from the ground up, so..." He trailed off, tail twitching, as he began to search through the ruins that Delilah had excavated, nosing around for anything valuable.

When Amunet spoke of helping as well, Aurum grinned and nodded, saying to her from where he stood amongst the wreckage, "Yeah... it'd certainly be a good way to lift everyone's moods after everything that has happened, you know?" Turning to look back at what he was standing in, the lion began to move some of the larger pieces of wood, pushing them aside. As he searched, he occasionally picked up little trinkets, wincing when he saw the state that they were in. Sighing, the shaderunner found himself putting aside a broken pocket watch, muttering as he dug his claws loosely against the dirt and wood beneath him, "It's such a shame to see all of this stuff just... destroyed, like this. Most of the tanglers who lived in these homes didn't even have any specific requests for anything to look for. They just said 'anything valuable that doesn't seem destroyed.' I guess we're just lucky that everything didn't collapse." His own home had been relatively unharmed, although it had been majorly shaken up, and many things had been shattered or broken because of the tremors. Still, he was just lucky he still had a house to return to.