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RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - Printable Version

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RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - DELILAH. - 07-16-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Laid out before her were basic herbs, oils, and many other things- a couple pestle and mortars as well as flat stoned were stacked against each other to the side. She had spent many, many months studying plants and the effect they had on the animal body. Using special herbs that only grew in the radioactive swamp, she had created syrups from odd plants that had helped with sore throats, teas with therapeutic purposes.

To say that Delilah was adamant to teach people was an understatement.

"Everyone gather around! If.. you are interested in becoming a candidate for medical positions in the future, or if you just want common knowledge on basic first aid.. Please don't be afraid to come and sit down."
tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - wormwood. - 07-16-2020

Aurum had never really been too interested in the medical field, beyond the connection that it held to Moth. He had occasionally listened to her when she saw fit to talk about whatever injuries she had recently been dealing with, or what herbs she was having trouble finding, but beyond that? He really only knew the basics, and even those he had only learned from Alaric, for the sake of helping others in a really dire emergency, when no medics could be found. Despite his lack of interest, the lion still found himself padding over at Delilah's call, mostly just to listen in. Perhaps he could learn more than just the bare minimum with her teachings, which would be useful regardless of his lack of interest in becoming a medic. Sitting down, he wrapped his tail around his paws and offered Delilah a smile, rumbling, "Medicine isn't really my thing, but I think I'll still participate. Can't ever hurt to have some important knowledge, right?" Really, this was no different from when he read books about fields that he would never in a million years get to work in.

Re: RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - Grimm - 07-16-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Medicine, within itself as much an artform as it was a test of skill and patience. Base her own knowledge where the field was of concern, minor aspects taken up during the lengthy frame of her life when offered. Upon it she had not thought a great deal, nor else cared to take the chance to expand her limited horizons, painful the memories wound about it.

Difficult to speak on what drew Viera forth with a tentative step, easiest to simply deem the comforting presence of Aurum her draw. "I do not believe we have met, it was Delilah…?" Soft her quiet voice, miniscule felt she as placement was found, the draconic and angelic a towering shape of bright hues she must crane her neck to view. "If I am not intruding I wish to learn." Ood felt the reversal of placement, common her own leading of lessons. Behind her had been placed those days, however, the children she has once taught gone, within their place she continued to draw tentative breath.

Re: RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - DELILAH. - 07-16-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Foggy were the memories of her past, yet the femme did her best- muscle memory, mortar and pestle levitating over to the two creatures before her. Despite them being much smaller, Delilah never stood to her full height. Head always lowered, aching bones always carrying her slower.

The smile given to her was familiar, the croon of welcome from draconic lips sweet in taste. A beautiful sight she was known to be, but cursed with few dark secrets.

"That's right, dear. Delilah is my name.. Feel free to come over, then. What is your name?"

With a flick of a forked tail, Delilah began to turn and walk to her garden- if they followed, the sharp winds would sweep the scent of cherry blossoms off of her scales, the skin-like material shifting under it. "There are many flowers and plants that can help with fevers.. Personally, I prefer feverfew. These little flowers here, surrounded by muddy water?"

A sharp huff left the woman, Delilah gently nudging Aurum and V closer so they could see better. She preferred a hands on approach.

"Notice how it has a tangy smell? Remember that scent. If you get stuck out in the rain, or if you're lost.. If you get a fever, just sweating off won't help. Feverfew is what you use. Headaches, aches, minor pain. It will get you through the day. Gather some of your own, and we'll move on. Remember, break it off gently. You chew the whole thing, usually."

Stepping back to watch patiently, Delilah smiled a little bit- that little lapse in her memory happened once more, the woman shaking her head and looking around.

You're losing focus.. Feverfew, Delilah.

The smile was there once more- she shouldn't forget what she was doing again..

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - wormwood. - 07-17-2020

The presence of Viera joining them was honestly only a further comfort to Aurum, who found himself perfectly at ease with the pair of two of his favorite people in the world at the moment. Well... nearly perfectly at ease. It was hard to forget the former incident with Delilah, and the thought of her doing medical training only further hammered that home. Would she forget what she was saying in the middle of saying it? Would one of them be forced to use medical knowledge on the medic? He could only hope not, and he shoved those frantic thoughts from his mind, deciding to focus on the task at hand. Flicking his tail lightly against V's spine in greeting, the lion slowly followed behind Delilah, his blue gaze watching with interest as she began to explain about the herb feverfew. A soft chuckle left him as they were both nudged forward by the dragoness, and he found himself nodding along, rumbling softly, "I see it. You're definitely right about the smell..." He knew herbs to have rather distinctive smells, hence why they clung to the pelts of the medics so well, but being up so close made it especially obvious.

He then nodded further along with what she had to say, frowning a bit at the mental image of being lost and alone, out in the rain. He doubted it was something that would happen to him nowadays, but anything was a possibility, and soon enough he found himself bending down to grab some of the herb carefully with his jaws. He was a bit more clumsy about it, considering his powerful crushing fangs and large muzzle, but before long he had enough to feel satisfied. When he straightened back up, he noticed the flash of uncertainty that crossed Delilah's face. Frowning a bit at the sawbone, he questioned softly around his mouthful of feverfew, "You doing alright, Del? I'm sure we could do this another day, if you need rest..." He had strong doubts she would accept the offer, but he felt that he needed to.

Re: RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - Grimm - 07-18-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]Indeed was she a beauty of rather high calibre, a sight upon which eyes feasted upon for the brief span of stolen moments, even caught beneath the wear of age such was left untarnished. Momentary the loss of her attention, though of a weakened state her vision apparent the pleasant rose tinge she bore, sweetened the air by a concoction of fallen cherry blossoms and the sharper aroma of flourishing herbs. Forth did her mind once more draw, barely withheld the tepid surprise that welled within her throat.

It was but Aurum, familiar and welcome the sweeping brush of gentle touch against the length of her spine, settled her worry when no other seemed the cause of such an unsightly response. Gentle words, a voice of honey and sugar, momentary her own silence within its wake. "Oh, I do apologise for not introducing myself sooner, I am Viera." Slight the curl about her lips, where once an unsightly horror over such slip may arise by choice the chosen state of her name. Forth did rise her eyes for a brief moment, heavy the settling of thought for sole knowledge of such had laid once at the feet of Aurum, though well she knew of a kind and good heart was he.

Further line of thought was severed by the haste of her own approach, somewhat further quickened at the behest of Delilah. Silent was Viera as the other spoke, wrapped up within the manner she articulated each word, apparent how well she had taken to such a complex field. Invited to gather some, a sample so she may recall it later possibly, she did so with deft movement, better suited to such fine work. Alike her companion she completed the task with time enough to witness the shift, how the once placate calm was swept aside beneath a dark cloud.

"As Aurum said this can wait, I do not wish for you to push yourself too far if it may cause any harm." Uncertainty touched lightly upon her quiet words, some of the distance closed as behind was left the feverfew, now freed paw extending forth though a halt was performed before contact may be made.

Re: RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - DELILAH. - 07-18-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Blurry memories, lapped one over the other in weak attempts to cover up the present, Delilah staring off into space for a moment before she just.. Smiled ever so softly.

"I'm quite alright. Come, we have some paste to make."

Soft and sullen, Delilah tried to steer the subject away from herself, already having worried Aurum the first time around. She figured it was just her old age getting to her, but Delilah had a job that needed to be done. She couldn't halt her job just because she didn't want to deal with a few seconds of fuzzy memories.

"Grab your mortar and pestle, I assume neither of you have telekinesis? If so, if your tail is long enough, use that. Building the strength up in your tail or paws to learn how to use this is important, since in the wild, you won't have a mortar and pestle. Only rocks."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - wormwood. - 07-20-2020

It seemed as though, once again, Delilah was unwilling to admit that she had some kind of problem. That fact made Aurum's stomach churn, although he shoved his worries from his mind for the moment. Much as he wanted Delilah to acknowledge that she was having problems, he knew that lingering on the issue would only make her annoyed, or possibly worse. Right now, it seemed as though the right thing to do was just follow her lead, nodding along with Viera when she introduced herself. It was a bit of a surprise, hearing her introduce herself with her full name when, for such a long time, he had been the only one worthy of that information, but he didn't feel bitter. He felt... happy, actually, knowing that V felt more comfortable sharing herself with other members of Tanglewood, particularly considering Delilah was one of his closest friends. Taking a deep breath, the shaderunner mumbled, "As long as you're sure you're alright... lead the way, Del."

When Del's order to grab the mortar and pestle reached him, the angel stretched out one of his long legs, pulling one of the sets of tools over to himself. It was a bit awkward, wrapping his long tail around the base of mortar, but it worked well enough in a pinch. Lifting up his paws, he grabbed the handle of the pestle, crushing the smooth stone tool against the feverfew below. He kept his eyes on Viera, watching his adoptive mother curiously as he ground the herb into a paste. He couldn't help but wonder if she would be alright, and if she had the strength to grind the herb down properly. He wasn't entirely sure, but he wasn't too worried about it – after all, she was strong in ways that had surprised the young angel before. Once he was done grinding up the feverfew, the lion fell back on his haunches, a soft hum of satisfaction leaving him as he sniffed at his concoction, resisting the urge to recoil at the strong scent the feverfew presented. Turning his head curiously to look over at Delilah, Aurum questioned as he pulled his paws back from.the mortar, "Is there anything else we can mix in to the feverfew? To make it more effective?" Alaric had taught him about a few poultices that were particularly good for treating wounds, so he couldn't help but think that maybe there would be good mixtures for fevers.

Re: RUBBER DUCKY • medical training. - COSMIIX - 07-22-2020

It wasn't long before Victory would stride over with both of her ears perked up in curiosity, Amunet could certainly remember medicine from the time she had been in Tanglewood though her memory was slightly fuzzy and it took her a moment to recall who had been a Sawbone around her time... Her precious Nayru, oh, how Amunet missed her child dearly but her mind would shift to the present and well, she supposed that she would learn some of the basics in case any of her loved ones got hurt. Although. Amunet was much better at combat rather than healing nor did she think that she would be able to remember most of the herbs since her mind and thoughts were normally in other places.

It seemed that the training session had already began and Amunet would stand behind the back of the crowd not wishing to block the way though would find a frown tugging downwards at her lips realizing that Delilah seemed to have a problem but refused to end the session there. Amunet felt sad that the other seemed to be having fuzzy memories or had lost a few, she didn't know how she'd feel if she suddenly forgot about everything important to her. The thought saddened her but shoved that away as she finally spoke up with a slow nod "I'm Amunet," Before adding afterwards with a warm smile "I hope it isn't too late for me to take part in the lesson,"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]