Beasts of Beyond
BEFORE I'M HISTORY || Meeting 7/16/2020 - Printable Version

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BEFORE I'M HISTORY || Meeting 7/16/2020 - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-16-2020

Just as he had promised last meeting, there were going to be some changes around Tanglewood. Vigenere had been prepping for the changes he was about to announce, and he was sure his clanmates noticed that he hadn't been around as much. Or at the very least, he tended to stick to himself for the past three weeks. But now it was time to kick things in gear, and Vigenere rolled his shoulders as he walked outside of his den.

"Tanglers! Gather around for a meeting!" The General's voice rang out across camp as he bounded towards the statue, hopping on top of the short platform. "I'd like to thank everyone for sticking around, and I apologize for not being around as often. Mentioned during last meeting, I was planning on making some changes around here regarding ranks and I had to take some time to myself to reflect on things." First business, done. He appreciated his clanmates, every one of them, and he wanted to make sure they knew that.

Clearing his throat, Vigenere went on. "First up, rank name changes. This is a lot to take in all at once, so no worries if it takes a while to get used to." He paused for a quick moment before continuing, "General is now known as Luminary, Proxy is Shadow Regent, Captain of the Guard is Reaper, Guardsmen - Vassal, Chaser - Shaderunner, Medic - Bloodweaver. The only rank staying the same is Sawbone." One more pause. "In addition to this, Reapers will have different specialties, and if promoted, you can choose between the following: communal, military, espionage, ambassador, and medicine. Reapers will essentially act as 'heads' of that specific field, while Vassals work beneath them. Ambassador, Espionage, and Military are self-explanatory, but Communal is a field that is specifically focusing on Tanglewood, not our allies. Also, with Reapers specializing in medicine, this means we have no use for the medic rank. Sawbones are no longer a high position, but a semi-high position." He would be quiet for some time, allowing the news to sink in.

"Promotions next - Bloodhound, Delilah, Aurum. I'd like you all to step up as Shaderunners - or, Delilah, you can be a Sawbone if you wish. I'd also like to give Delilah the title of Hallow." Hallow was the title for those who shows an interest in medicine, if he recalled correctly."Amunet, Fenris, and V has returned to us, so make sure to give them a welcoming return." Another short pause. "Aurum has also just introduced his youngest son, Ignace, to us so give him a big welcome, too!" Hopefully Aurum wouldn't mind, considering how young the cub was. Hopefully Ignace wouldn't be too overwhelmed.

Alright, what else? Vigenere knew he had some other things to announce. The savannah's tail tip twitched in thought, half-listening to the NPCs that cheered for their new clanmates and to those that were promoted. "Oh, a couple more things! Aurum has hosted Weekly Tasks this week, and Delilah will be holding a little medical training session for those interested." Vigenere hoped that some would show up, just to see who could potentially become a Sawbone officially if they proved themselves. Not to mention, it wouldn't hurt to get some basic knowledge of things. Now that should be all, unless he missed something. "Unless anyone has any questions, comments, or concerns, you all are dismissed."

- Ranks have changed! They are now known as:
    - General > Luminary
    - Proxy > Shadow Regent
    - Captain of the Guard > Reaper
          - Also, there's a tiny bit of changes to this rank! Reapers are now the 'heads' of specific fields, and they can choose to specialize in the following: espionage (spying), military (fighting), ambassador (allies), communal (focusing on the city/town/Tanglewood in general), and medicine.
          - Since Reapers can specialize in medicine, the Medic rank is no longer needed.
    - Guardsmen > Vassal
    - Chaser > Shaderunner
    - Sawbone stays the same.
- [member=14157]BLOODHOUND.[/member] , [member=6881]aurum.[/member] , and [member=1277]DELILAH.[/member] are promoted to Shaderunner (or Sawbone if Delilah wants to be a Sawbone)! Delilah also gets the Hallow title.
- Welcome back to [member=15595]FENRIS.[/member] , [member=72]AMUNET G.[/member] , and [member=15701]V. BYRNE[/member] ! Aurum has also introduced his youngest son, [member=15692]sinclair.[/member] !
- Aurum is hosting Weekly Tasks this week!
- Delilah will also be holding a training session for medicine later on![glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: BEFORE I'M HISTORY || Meeting 7/16/2020 - wormwood. - 07-16-2020

The last few weeks had been fairly eventful for Aurum, as the male had once again thrown himself into helping Tanglewood to be the best that it could possibly be. It was what generally kept him going, especially after having lost so much that he had loved within the group before. Still, it wasn't as if all had been lost. Delilah was back, as were two of the older members, along with none other than the mother that he had thought he had lost forever. In addition to all of that, he had finally allowed his youngest son to go out and see the outside world, even despite the anxieties that were swirling in his chest the whole time. All in all, he had been happy since returning to Tanglewood, and he was glad to see that Vig was doing fairly well too. The lion showed no hesitation in trotting over at the feline's call, Ignace rushing along after him with a big smile on her face, stumbling to sit between his paws once he had settled back on his haunches.

A change to the ranks within Tanglewood was certainly a surprise, but Aurum couldn't say that it was an unwelcome one. After all, Tanglewood had never really felt as military as their ranks seemed to reflect. He nodded along as he listened to each change, mentally noted what everything was now called. The changes to the various fields was definitely a positive, especially for those that excelled in more recreational tasks, like Feza. He only wished that the snow leopard could've been around for such changes. However, the angel's temporarily darkened mood was lifted when he heard his name, his gaze flicking upwards and a small smile coming to his muzzle. It was surreal, hearing his name called out for a promotion again, but it certainly didn't feel bad. The male let out a soft chuff before rumbling in response, "Thank you, Vigenere. And congratulations to Bloodhound and Delilah, as well." From between his paws, he could hear Ignace let out triumphant little cries of happiness, the cub delighted not only at her father's promotion, but at her welcome as well. The rest of the information came as no surprise to the new shaderunner, so he just dipped his head, silently thanking Vig for his hard work.

Re: BEFORE I'M HISTORY || Meeting 7/16/2020 - DELILAH. - 07-16-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah let a low croon leave her maw as she settled into the ground, the call of Vigenere's voice summoning her. Fuzzy memories fogged together, and Delilah could feel it- her very eager need to heal others, it seemed to simmer beneath the mixed confusion and unsure emotions.

"Understood. Anyone who is interested in medicine, or learning basic medical skills- please don't be afraid to come and see me. Medical knowledge, even if it's only small amounts of it, is extremely useful throughout your daily life when there isn't a medic around to help you."

With her brief chime, Delilah lowered her head back onto the ground, a low hum of congratulations to her fellow tanglers.

"I'm proud of both of you, Aurum. Bloodhound."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: BEFORE I'M HISTORY || Meeting 7/16/2020 - trojan g. - 07-16-2020

After his hopes getting brought up and then almost immediately shot down in the last meeting that was held, Ryder decided he was going to stay quiet this time and just up and leave when it was all said and done. Even if he thought it'd still be a good idea to go to the Pitt and talk to them face to face - if anything to see how they were fairing, see if they still had mostly kids there - but he wouldn't bring it up again this time. If Vig had decided then he'd decided and it was no use in trying to change his mind now.

Ears would flick once as Ryder heard the announcements, nothing too important to be honest. People getting promoted, rank names changing, things he hadn't cared enough to learn in the first place so it shouldn't be too hard for him this time around either. He'd begin to get up to leave, stopping for a moment listening to Delilah speak before continuing on once more. If he was going to die due to lack of medicinal knowledge then fine, let it happen, medicine was boring and if it was willed it was willed. He was out to look for more things to get him drunk.


Re: BEFORE I'M HISTORY || Meeting 7/16/2020 - Grimm - 07-16-2020

[align=center][div style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; width: 60%; text-align: justify; line-height:120%"]All was different yet proved stagnant, familiar the course of routine.

Occupied the minimal frame of time since she had been ushered forth into the town once more by simple wandering, reorientating herself as best she was capable. Present Aurum, as though a spectre of beaten gold had he become within her time of absence, a face well loved among the crowd of strangers. Of no surprise her positioning, close to the heels of the lion as forth did he tread with an even gait, more erratic the springing step of his son. Jarring the notion of such, that beyond the child he had accepted within his home and heart was no longer alone, and even than but one of many the cub.

As the two settled alike did Viera, odd her posture as lengthy body folded upon itself to a degree permitting her a comfortable seat. Brief the moment she thought upon the matter of the change in titles, unnecessary the strict remembrance of those that came before. Easy enough may it be to set these within her memory, though such was a worry for another day. Upon the call of Aurum gentle the smile that drew across her dark lips, brief the rise of laughter as Ignace made apparent his own joy.

With ease she allowed the welcome to pass her by, of more false quality the smile she offered forth to Vigenere. The notion of returning had settled poorly within the first few days but almost natural felt it, if unnerving the open regard of her status among the marsh dwelling people. All done she followed the lead of Aurum, his regard of the others called alongside him making easier her quiet utterance of congratulations.

Re: BEFORE I'M HISTORY || Meeting 7/16/2020 - Luciferr - 07-16-2020

after so long he’d almost forgotten that meetings were a thing but when the call came up, Fenris appeared, seatin* himself at the back of the gathering - he didn’t want his immense height blocking the view after all - and listening quietly as his old friend turned leader spoke of rank changes - which would be easy enough to get used to, they hadn’t been here in so long they’d all but forgot the original names for them - and then promotions and of course the welcome returns - to which Fenris inclined his head when he and his wife were mentioned.

He nodded to the promoted with a gruff ”congratulations” and what might Ave been a hint of a smile on the fanged maw.

Re: BEFORE I'M HISTORY || Meeting 7/16/2020 - COSMIIX - 07-22-2020

It had been quite some time since Amunet had attended a meeting and it was refreshing to say the least, the Goddess making her way over towards her husband only to seat herself next to him. A soft rumble leaving her as she leaned herself to his side feeling the warmth that radiated off of him pressed against her fur and feathers, she could remember when she had been a proxy once though that had been a long time ago. She worried not of ranks but simply enjoyed the time she got to spend within Tanglewood, she would listen to the change of ranks nodding slowly to acknowledge them. They would be easy to remember, she was certain though upon hearing the welcoming back to Tanglewood would she simply nod her head before speaking up at the sound of promotions "Congratulations loves," She was truly happy for them.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]