Beasts of Beyond
MEMORY LOSS • 2nd stage. - Printable Version

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MEMORY LOSS • 2nd stage. - DELILAH. - 07-12-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
tdlr: Delilah has reached the second stage of Alzheimer's. She'll start seeming a bit lost every once in a while, forget what she was doing, forget people temporarily, seem confused. Powerplaying of peaceful actions are allowed for Delilah from here on out.<3

Delilah was aching- sorting through herbs, trying to find some purpose once more.. The stress buildup of having lost her old friends, newer ones disappearing.. For someone like Delilah, it was hard to come back from lows like that.

But then thinks got odd. Delilah started sleeping in places she didn't remember going to, forgetting which herbs were used for which ailments. Sorting herbs was becoming near impossible.

"Ah.. Uh.."

Delilah, once again, had found herself in the middle of the town square- confused and unaware of what exactly was going on.

"Where.. Am I, again?"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: MEMORY LOSS • 2nd stage. - wormwood. - 07-13-2020

Aurum had known that Delilah wasn't doing very well. After all, it wasn't hard to assume that she wouldn't be, after the loss of her lover and her child. That wasn't even beginning to mention all of the friends that had been lost, as well. However, the angel certainly hadn't been expecting his dear friend to begin losing her memories in addition to all of that. Unfortunately, this seemed to be the case, at least for the moment. Aurum had just been passing through camp when he heard her voice, soft, and confused. He had turned to her, opening his muzzle to say hello, only to have her question where she was. Concern bleeding into his blue gaze, the lion responded slowly, "Delilah...? You're in the Tanglewood camp. You know, home... are you doing okay? Did you hit your head recently?" He could only hope that this was just a temporary injury, and she'd be back to one hundred percent before long, like what had happened with Feza. Although, his heart ached in a way that made him doubt that would be the case.

Re: MEMORY LOSS • 2nd stage. - DELILAH. - 07-16-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah's claws seemed to sink into the mud as the woman walked, unsure pink eyes staring in front of her. When she heard a voice, the femme turned her head, staring at the lion as if she didn't recognize him for a moment.

"Well, aren't you an adorable child.." Delilah crooned with a smile, head leaning down to gently greet Aurum- was she seeing a smaller version of Aurum? Maybe. Everyone was younger than her, so she just thought he was young. "Did you hurt your eye, little one? I think I may have something that could help with the wound.."

Turning her head to her back, almost not hearing the question that Aurum asked. She shuffled her nose through her saddlebag, before her movements suddenly halted. Her head lifted, eyes blinking.

And then she glanced down at Aurum, smiling again. As if she had just seen him.

"Well, it's good to see you, Aurum. How are you? Did you need something?"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: MEMORY LOSS • 2nd stage. - wormwood. - 07-17-2020

Concern. It was not an unusual emotion for Aurum, as the former proxy often found himself feeling worries not only over his own kin, but practically everyone within the groups of Tanglewood and Elysium, as well as some out of them. However, he wasn't sure he had ever felt such a rapid wave of concern come over him as when Delilah spoke to him, seemingly without recognition. She seemed to think that he was a child, something he might once had just thought of as a silly joke or prank, but now seemed far too overwhelmingly serious for his tastes. He took a step towards the dragoness, his muzzle opening to question whether she had hit her head. However, he was cut off by her suddenly turning to face him once again, causing him to take a step back. She just smiled at him, as if without a care in the world, and his heart sank, "Del... Delilah...? Are you feeling alright? You were just acting... odd. More than a little odd, actually. Have you hit your head, or eaten anything weird today?" He wasn't sure who they could turn to if Delilah was feeling unwell, considering she was one of the only ones left within the group with any sort of medical expertise, but he knew he had to ask. Maybe his books could help, if it came to that.

Re: MEMORY LOSS • 2nd stage. - DELILAH. - 07-17-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah seemed confused by the concerned look on her friends face, a low coo leaving her lips as the dragoness tilted her head. Hit her head? Ate something? Definitely not.. at least, she didn't think so.

"What do you mean, Aurum?"

The woman was staring at Aurum like he had grown three heads.

"Of course not. I was.. Um.. My, I must be getting old.."

Delilah pondered out loud, a wing coming up to rub over her face and eyes idly before she glanced back down at the winged lion.

"I can assure you that I'm fine. I'm just clumsy and forgetful, is all! It'll come to me soon."
tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: MEMORY LOSS • 2nd stage. - wormwood. - 07-20-2020

Delilah's comments did nothing to soothe the lion's concern, the frown on his face deepening before morphing into a neutral expression. She claimed she was alright, just getting old... but she had been much older than most who remained within Tanglewood before, hadn't she? He couldn't recall anything like this happening in the past, but maybe he was just being forgetful. His stomach was twisted up in knots, but he tried to just offer Delilah a smile, his tail flicking absently behind him as he spoke, "Ah, well... make sure to give yourself a once over, if you need to. I'd say go see the medics, but... you know. That's you." He chuckled a bit, glancing down momentarily to claw at the ground, watching the dirt shift before he continued, "...And if you do end up needing anything, feel free to ask me. That's what friends are for, right?" He wasn't sure of how much help he could truly be, considering his relative lack of medical knowledge, but if she needed him to bring her anything, he could always do that.