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A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - Printable Version

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A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - Luciferr - 07-11-2020

[ooc: please wait for amunet to respond first! <3 ]

Oh it had been a very long time hadn’t it? Since end last walked these swampy roads - for both of them truly.

And a long journey to get back here - the driving force at first being back to what he now labelled home after so long away just the two of them, then with the news of the meteor it had been a frantic dash to make sure that home was still there

But news travels and along the way they’d learned Tanglewood was intact - and what’s more, their very old friend was leader - one Fenris tentatively labelled brother in his mind though unvoiced, yet anyway, for he wasn’t sure the reaction of Vig should he say so

But damn if he hadn’t missed this, missed them, missed home

And of course with such an ascension, it was only right to forge a gift - much like the one he’d made the cipher oh so long ago now.

It was a delicate yet beautiful thing - delicate looking at least, but forged in his own fire, it would outlast any ordinary crown - golden but woven with small intricate and darker burnished gold tangles of thorns that culminated at the front to clasp a brilliant emerald jewel placed and inlaid with utmost care.

It seemed fitting, to give a king his crown after all.

He stopped at the borderlines, award that perhaps only one soul here would recognise him on sight and thus should wait and not alarm them - so he turned behind him to see his love, with a soft smile on his eternally snarling maw - Amunet was as beautiful as the day he first met her as always.

”we’re home love”

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - DELILAH. - 07-11-2020

;; Tracking!

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - COSMIIX - 07-13-2020

It had been quite some time since the jaguar had seen her old home but she hadn't been lonely during those years that she hadn't been within Tanglewood, she had the company of War at her side and that alone had been enough for her during that large gap of time. Regardless, the two of them had decided to return home at the mention of a meteor shower having struck and caused tremors throughout the lands. Amunet wasn't sure of what she would possibly find within Tanglewood anymore, she wasn't certain if there would be familiar faces and she'd be faced with ones that weren't very familiar to her. New. The thought settles itself within her mind and saddens her briefly until she thinks of all the newer people she'd meet and possibly befriend, that was something to look forward to. Eventually, throughout their travels did the two of them discover that Vigenere had became the new leader of Tanglewood and Amunet would twitch her ears at the sound of this. She was happy for the Cipher and glad thst someone familiar had taken over their old group, a soft sigh leaving slightly parted lips.

Fenris had forged together a crown for Vigenere and Amunet couldn't help but feel a warm smile tug at her lips, she was sure that the feline would enjoy this gift and hopefully, would be just as delighted to see both Fenris and Amunet just as they would be when they saw the smaller male. It wasn't long before both of them arrived, Amunet taking in the familiarity that was the Tanglewood territory. She would shift her stance slightly with sword pressed close to her side with her gauntlet hanging by the strip of leather that was wrapped around her waist, her golden gaze shifting over to her beloved when he spoke to her. Home. They were definitely home once more... Amunet had missed Tanglewood with all her heart, she would shift slightly until fur brushed against the warmth of War's side, Victory offering a slow nod of her head as she would utter in a quiet voice "I've been home all this time, love." Call her sappy, cheesy even but she strongly believed that home was where the heart was and her heart certainly belonged to Fen. Nonetheless, it was nice to set down roots once more. It had been so long since she had been to the swamp. To Tanglewood. [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - DELILAH. - 07-13-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
"Well, well.. We've gotten quite a few people at our borders lately.."

The soft croak of Delilah's voice seemed to get stuck in the mud that she walked through, claws squelching in the sticky dirt until the dragoness could stand before the two with a smile. The woman was happy enough seeing Fenris, but she wouldn't push the brief memories she had of her onto the other.

When Delilah had first join, Fenris was the one who comforted her when all of the men scared her. She remembered that, surprisingly.

"My name is Delilah. Welcome to Tanglewood.. How can we help you?"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - Luciferr - 07-13-2020

if ever there was a kryptonite to be had for him, Amunet was his - he was still struck dumb that she loved him so much, that she picked him

Luckiest man alive, he was,

And damnit but he could feel himself dopily grinning at her for the proclamation - instead shifting to butt heads with her gently and if he were so enabled he might’ve purred, alas he was far more canine than feline - but a distinctly draconic rumble threaded from his chest.

He’d have responded with something equally as sappy no doubt - something along the lines of ‘no home would be greater than you are to me’ or such but then another arrived - and one he didn’t know or recognise but he moved to stand up straighter with one last nuzzle to Amunet.

”Fenris and this is my wife Amunet - we’re returning members, it’s ah been awhile since we were last home - we’d heard about the meteor though, I hope the lot of you are alright?”

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - BLOODHOUND. - 07-13-2020

Drifting. It's all they felt like they did these days, between homes and across town, through the woods, pacing along the borders. For what? What were they hoping for? Expecting?

What was it that they feared? Losing more Tanglers? Losing themself? The arctic wolf did not travel far without one of their crow companions, flying above them. Circling, keeping an eye out. It's caw was easily heard, just as they notice two figures emerge from he swamp. They walk on over, eyes centered on the pair, a jaguar and a wolflike creature. Delilah approaching them. She did not seem to be alarmed, and they trusted her judgement.

Bloodhound approaches just in time to hear their names, and that they have returned home after being away. The name of the male is what draws them; Fenris.

The God-Wolf of their beliefs, the one that come Ragnarök, would kill Odin, and be killed himself, ushering in a new era. The God-Wolf that even all of Valhalla's warriors could not stop. Was it symbolic? A sign, from the Allfather?

The show of affection between the two warms their heart. With word of marriage in the Typhoon, Tanglewood had felt... lacking, in terms of love. After the loss of Moth, after the loss of their felagí, they wondered if perhaps romance here had died.

"Heill! I am Bloodhound. Many good returns, Fenris, and Amunet." They said, their voice kind. Their crow companion lands upon their shoulder, as they sit next to Delilah.

"We have recovered well, from the tremors. We lost two, that I know of; Moth, and another, that I was unable to save." They pause, ears lowering a bit in the collie's memory. "Our numbers have suffered, in the space between then and now, but we are finding more at our border every day, seeking a home among our felagí people."

There was no use pretending otherwise, if they really were seeking to return.

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-13-2020

Vigenere still had the gift Fenris had given him two years ago; the golden paw armor with claws. He didn't wear them outside of battle, but he still had them nonetheless. He remember Amunet and Fenris both being there for him when he was vague about his past and breaking down over the memory of Athena; how would they have reacted when he revealed what happened when Caesar was attempting to join?

Delilah was right in her words about joiners being more frequently lately, and while Vigenere liked having Tanglewood's numbers grow, it was rather exhausting trying to keep up with everyone. He was going to need some help sooner or later, that was for sure. The General followed after Bloodhound, slower and his paws dragging but as soon as the name Fenris and Amunet reached his ears, he perked up.

"Fenris, Amunet!" Vigenere's voice came in a happy chirp. "It's so good to see you guys again, welcome back." There was a little purr rising in his throat - which felt so weird after not doing it for so long. "Like Bloodhound said, we've recovered for the most part, thankfully. Are you two here to stay?" He was hopeful that they were, if he was honest; but of course, if they were only here for a visit, that would be fine, too.[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - wormwood. - 07-14-2020

Although Aurum had become so synonymous with Tanglewood over the nearly a year that he had lived within the group, it wasn't difficult to remember that there had been a time before he had joined. A time that Vigenere was from, in fact. Although Aurum now considered the new general to be at the very least a tentative friend of his, it had been rather surprising when the other had first shown up once again with his son, after hearing so many whispers of the name. He supposed it would be the same way with Fenris and Amunet, although the lion hadn't really heard nearly as much about them before. Perhaps it was just about connections. After all, Aurum had known Crow for a long while, and Crow had loved Morgan, so it was only natural that the angel had heard about both Morgan and Vigenere. Amunet and Fenris? While they had connections with Vig, it was harder to find many members nowadays who remembered or spoke of them, even when Aurum had, on occasion, gone searching for information on the older members of the group. He mainly did it out of curiosity, wondering if perhaps one day Tanglewood would have a history book like the human ones that he read in the library.

Prior knowledge or not, it wasn't too long before Aurum came up beside Vigenere, his ears perked with interest as he looked both Fenris and Amunet over. They certainly made one interesting picture of a couple, and it honestly made the male's heart ache a bit to hear the tail end of their loving exchange. He wished that he could still have a relationship such as that... still, at least he could be happy for others, like them. Brushing a large wing against Vig's side in a silent greeting, Aurum offered both Amunet and Fenris a smile, his voice its usual deep rumble as he spoke, "Hello there. Fenris and Amunet, I believe I heard? I think I've heard of the pair of you... I'm Aurum, I've been a tangler here awhile. It's nice to see people returning... particularly those that even I have never met." He then tilted his head to one side, flicking an ear as he continued curiously, "Ah, I suppose Vig is right in asking... are the two of you returning? Or just here for a visit?" He was getting a bit ahead of himself, just assuming that the pair of them were here to return to the group. He supposed he was just overly hopeful, after all of the losses that they had suffered as of late.

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - COSMIIX - 07-14-2020

A small growly purr of her own would leave her slightly parted maw though when someone finally arrived to greet them, she would adjust her position slightly and nod slowly to the dragon, she would let Fenris speak for the both of them though would find a warm smile on her maw at the mention of wife. Ah, she wouldn't have been anyone else's wife for Fenris was someone that she had loved dearly, he had been there for her for so long and they've been together for quite some time now. Her wings would shift slightly, she would offer a nod as she was introduced. Victory would notice another Tanglewood member making their way over, her ears twitching briefly though the smile didn't cease from her maw though it faltered slightly at the sound of Tanglewood's loss of a few members. Amunet obviously didn't know who Moth was but she was certain that she was lovely, a soft breath would leave her lips only to dip her head for a moment "I'm sorry for your loss," She knew how it felt to lose those close and dear to her, her mind beginning to linger on her adoptive children that she hadn't seen for years. Victory would push those thoughts to the side for now listening that people were joining Tanglewood "That is very pleasant news," A soft rumble would leave her causing her chest to vibrate slightly though her tail lashed to the sides for a subtle moment.

Finally, Vigenere had arrived at the scene and Amunet perked up immediately very happy to see a familiar face and found a bigger smile on her maw as she would say with delight in her voice "Vigenere!" Though upon hearing his next inquiry, her gaze would shift over to Fenris only to find her smile growing slowly as she would speak glancing back over in the direction of the Tanglewood general "Well, I'm uncertain of where else we'd go... We have roots here and I'm sure you'll need all the support while leading Tanglewood. My husband and me are definitely planning on staying," Her smile widened slightly though her attention turned over in the direction of a winged lion, she twitched her whiskers briefly with curiosity. The Goddess would try her best in remembering all of their names, Bloodhound, Delilah, and finally Aurum. They all had such lovely and unique names, she was certain it wouldn't be hard to forget. "A visit would've been nice... But we missed Tanglewood and it's atmosphere," There was a brief pause before she would finish with a curt nod "It's good to be back. But it is a pleasure to meet all of you," [glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: A WALK IN THE WOODS | Double Return - Luciferr - 07-14-2020

if he knew the others thoughts, he could largely put them to rest that they were only a name sharing between the two god creatures

Though he’d never put down the vast similarities - both wolves or wolf like and both often harbingers of not necessarily good things,

But he was the embodiment of war, including that of peacetime - it was more his elder brother’s purview to be that endbringer, though Death did naturally follow after War, so one and the same were often interlinked.

But no, this was merely a return home, return to familiarity - with hopefully nothing quite as dramatic as inspiring ragnarok to fall down on their heads (or again, if you were Fenris and who had lived through the last one)

The Arctic wolf’s loud greeting gets a wider smile on the toothy maw, happy to see that Tanglewood has so many unfamiliar faces - he did enjoy getting to know new brothers in arms after all - war bred comradely as much as it did horrors though the latter held little appeal

So the massive wolf beast nodded ”Hail Bloodhound, good to meet you” although the next news was tinged in both good and the bad and the large beast rumbled low ”I’m sorry for your losses” indeed it was tragedy and it had been too much to hope they came out entirely unscathed.

And yet more joined them, unfamiliar and very familiar - and Fenris nodded in concert to what his lovely wife was saying - they had indeed come to stay and help where they may - in fact

”we did indeed come to stay and indeed it’s been too long Vig - in fact we have something for you here” and now Fenris carefully reached behind his shoulders and unwrapped the package - lifting something shining and golden and intending to gently place it upon [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] ”it seemed fitting a kingly gift for a king - and a dear friend” even a brother, went unsaid but thought of at least.

Fenris inclined his head to Aurum, momentarily sensing the otherworldliness in the other but not bothered by it at all - he’d be a hypocrite if so and well, he’d seen many and befriended just the same amount, if anything it was somewhat easing to know he and Amunet were not quite so alone in that department ”Well met Aurum”

He leaned back quietly, half leaning into his wife’s Side as was their way - barely even noticing he was doing so whilst awaiting what Vig’s reaction was ”it took some forging - and you may thank my dear wife for finding the right jewel - but we wanted to gift you something”