Beasts of Beyond
you remind me of a few of my famous friends;; open - drunk - Printable Version

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you remind me of a few of my famous friends;; open - drunk - trojan g. - 07-05-2020

Normally, Ryder didn't drink, at least not in public. If he was to drink it'd be at night, with water nearby and a bed so that he wouldn't embarrass himself by doing something due to the influence of the depressant on his mind. Today, however, Ryder had decided drinking was okay, and he had decided that it'd be okay to drink since about an hour after he'd woken up.

Thoughts swirled in his mind all morning, though he found the more he drank the quieter they got, and he just wanted them to be silent, just for today. His father had left without a word to him, and now there was a new leader in charge of the group, someone he didn't know. Not to mention he didn't know if either of his parents, at this point, were alive, and it was the same with his siblings. Ryder had been able to live with it while he'd been on his own for so long, traveling to Tanglewood for a while, but he'd started to bond with someone and make a home for himself in the swamp, and now it felt bare.

Afterall, Leroy was the only one he had really talked to so far in his time here, so it felt like he'd been abandoned. He liked having known his father and liked the beginnings of the bonding, though he couldn't help but wish there had been more bonding done. So he'd gone into the old house of the previous general in an attempt to know him a little better, and had instead found the locked up alcohol, and had decided to honor the decisions of his parents by drinking.

He'd been doing so all day thus far, empty bottles scattered around the tree trunk that the large canine lie underneath, gruff maw turned down in a frown and his brows furrowed in frustration.

How could he not be frustrated, when it seemed as though the drinks were all gone?


Re: you remind me of a few of my famous friends;; open - drunk - wormwood. - 07-06-2020

Aurum didn't really... drink alchohol. At least not these days. Even after Moth's death, he hadn't pushed himself to the point where he needed to get drunk to cope. Mainly because he knew how stupid he got when he was drunk. He could still remember the utter heated embarrassment of his drunken love confession to Crowley, and the horrible consequences that had come with it. Ever since then, he had pretty much entirely sworn off drinking, even in the worst of times. He only ever ended up enjoying a drink these days when he was hanging out with others at the tavern, and even then, only one or two cups of whatever was shoved at him. He was fairly sure that these days he wouldn't have another horrible repeat of the whole Crowley incident – since he no longer had anyone around who he had an extremely obvious but also hilariously painful crush on – but he was sure that, in a drunken state, he would find some other way to ruin his somewhat respected image.

He couldn't even really begin to imagine what Ryder was going through, if he was being honest. Yes, the angel had ended up losing both of his parents, but at least he had known both of them beforehand. He had a relationship with both of them, even if those relationships weren't wholly positive – or positive at all, really. Ryder, meanwhile, hadn't gotten to have that. After all, evidently he had known his mother, but he had only just begun to learn more about his father, only for the older canine to disappear off into the sunset with Crow, leaving nothing but a group to lead behind. The pain of it all must've been insufferable for the still rather new member of the group. However, this didn't stop Aurum from being slightly disappointed when he came upon Ryder in his current state, a frown pulling at his muzzle as he padded up in front of the other. He had followed the hound's scent – now mixed heavily with the scent of booze – all the way to where he currently lay, and it was far from a pretty sight. Long tail flicking back and forth, the former proxy rumbled with a sigh, "Ryder, right...? Did you... drink all of this by yourself? Cause that's dangerous. You could end up poisoning yourself." Aurum's worried tone began to take on a slightly fatherly edge, almost as if he were speaking to one of his own children. Although honestly, he had a habit of doing that with everyone.

Re: you remind me of a few of my famous friends;; open - drunk - suvi. - 07-06-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Alcohol was nearly entirely foreign in all but name to the petite vixen.  Mostly because she stayed away from it.  She was... Older than she looked.  But still.  It had never appealed to her, or really occurred to her, to drink in the first place.  Even in bouts of... Unhappy days.

Since the tremors, she'd been... Tired.  Uneasy.  Lingering in a house that didn't belong to her.  Waiting for the owner to come back to her.  For once... She was determined to wait.  Not give up this time.  Not on him.  Not when he had spent nights awake, regaling her with stories to help her sleep, to fight her glitches, to fight the insomnia.  To just... Be there.  A friend.

And it was easier to lock herself inside that house, bury herself in a book, then to try facing the outside.  Especially after being demoted.  She just felt... Ashamed.  Cabin fever was beginning to sink in however and slowly, almost methodically, Kiira padded outside.  Then promptly beelined for the trees, head down, though that was hardly anything new for anyone who noticed her.  She had always been... Quiet.

She knew something of parents.  Or... S̻̟̓͘uv̢̐i knew something of parents.  Of saying goodbye to a mother long before she was ready, before she could even run even.  Of waiting for letters over the ocean from her father.  K̳̎ii̩̰̎͝ṙ̲a͎̥̍͆ knew ṋ̀o̩͝t͗ͅhį͌n̍͢g̹̓.  She was just a fractured soul.  A piece someone didn't want of themself.

She heard of Ryder.  She knew Leroy had left.  It couldn't be easy.  Still, the concern Aurum felt almost immediately spread.  That was a lot of empty bottles.  Rather than speak, the arctic fox just plopped down.  Everything felt heavy.  Her right ear began phasing away and she tilted her head thoughtfully.  The hangover wouldn't be fun.  But Ryder didn't look like he was having much fun in the first place.

"... D-do you wanna talk?" Stars.  Her voice was softer than she remembered.  But it'd been a while since she spoke.  Still.  She couldn't think of much else to say.  What was there to say?

Re: you remind me of a few of my famous friends;; open - drunk - DELILAH. - 07-06-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Leroy was really bad about his drinking habits, Delilah could admit. That dirty, ugly rug- his house was a mess, and Leroy was absolutely terrible at interior design. It always made her smile, especially knowing that Leroy had been around and by her side for so long. He was there when she died, and he blamed himself for her death- or so she could feel from him. She remembered him apologizing, him hugging her and the soft moments..

That happened, right..? Delilah had a hard time deciding if it did.

Still, with Aurum being worried about the younger male drinking too much, Delilah left a soft chuckle leave her lips, the woman leaning down to gently touch Kiira's cheek in greeting. She remembered seeing the glitching female when she was a medic here, and Kiira was still learning. She loved that child. She still did.

"He's going to have a pretty bad hangover tomorrow, but this is alright. As long as he doesn't ruin his liver."

Delilah cooed out to Aurum, the worried little angel. She knew something was on the child's mind, but it wasn't her business. She knew the male would speak about it if he wanted to. After all, people drank to make their feelings go away.

She wasn't allowed to drink after the first time.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: you remind me of a few of my famous friends;; open - drunk - trojan g. - 07-12-2020

The first member he expected to see hadn't been the lion with a missing eye. He wasn't sure who he expected to see first, but it wasn't Aurum. "Yeah, sorta no... I mean they weren't all, uh, full." Most of them were full, but he wouldn't admit that. "Someone else drank 'em before me, but s'all gone now, I did that I guess..." He'd simply made a grunt at the poisoning himself thing. He'd survived through a lot, and his first time binge drinking he'd poison himself? He didn't think so. He didn't have that much.

Next was a small creature with invisible pieces, someone he'd never met before this time. Wonderful first impression, wasn't it? "Sorry, but I'd rather not." he'd offer, a quick smile before shaking his head. "Nothin' to talk about anyway."

Lastly, Delilah came over, and Ryder would listen to her words as well, a small snort leaving his maw as soon as she was done speaking. "I'll go drink, lotsa water. No more hangover. That's how that works I think. I'll go swim in it if I need ta." Words began to slur together at last, the effects of the depressor kicking in.


Re: you remind me of a few of my famous friends;; open - drunk - wormwood. - 07-12-2020

Excuses and denial poured forth from Ryder in a waterfall, and Aurim couldn't exactly say that he was surprised to hear them. It was obvious that the younger canine was in a bad place, and the angel found it hard to deny that he knew the reason why. The lion had been around for Ryder's joining, and had seen the moment of collective realization between the other and Leroy, and to regain something like that, only to have it torn away from you just as quickly? He couldn't imagine the pain that it would bring. He had used alcohol in the past to get over his own pain, but it had always been as an avenue to get rid of romantic troubles, rather than searing disappointment over one's own father disappearing on them. He winced a little as he thought of his own disappearing act from his children – but at least he had come back, and he had left them behind for a reason. It didn't really seem as though Leroy and Crow had any reason not to at least say boo to their families before they disappeared together, and the thought of it made Aurum's claws dig into the earth below him. He pushed those thoughts away for the moment, knowing that his anger wasn't needed right now. He could ponder such things later.

For now, the former proxy just nodded at Delilah's words, moving forward to start pulling together the empty bottles that surrounded Ryder, "This much alcohol still isn't good for you. Haven't you ever heard of taking things in moderation?" He frowned a bit as he pushed the bottles aside, making a mental note to gather them all up and dispose of them when he left. He then turned his one eyed gaze back to Ryder, the blue gleam of his eye gaining a worried and familial look. He and Leroy might not've truly been family, but he considered everyone within Tanglewood to be family, and that extended to the former leader's son as well. With this in mind, he nudged the other's side with his large muzzle, muttering in a gentle and persuasive tone, "C'mon. Even if you don't feel like talking, I can tell you're getting tired. And you should get some sleep in a proper bed, not out here propped up against a tree." He was fairly sure waking up in a bed wouldn't make the other's inevitable future headache any better, but it certainly couldn't make it worse.