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DAMNED ARE THE MEEK ☆ pool - Printable Version

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DAMNED ARE THE MEEK ☆ pool - wormwood. - 06-29-2020

One thing that Aurum very much hadn't missed about Tanglewood was the heat. In the summertime it was sweltering, and the wet humidity of it all clung to his fur, dragging it down and making him feel more heavy than ever. He knew he wasn't alone in disliking the swamp's distinct heatwaves, considering he had seen several of his fellow thick-furred tanglers panting and scratching at themselves, as if they wished to rip the very fluff from their muscles. Even worse, it was difficult to take a nice refreshing dip, when the nearest water source was a muck-filled radioactive shore that had a 50/50 chance of actually being refreshing, or just making one feel so much worse. Just the thought of it made the angel wince, and he wondered how he had indulged so much at splashing around at the shore when he first joined. Perhaps it was just because everything about the group had been so new to him, and he hadn't been aware of the dangers that lurked within the waters. Either way, he knew that something needed to be done.

Thankfully, Aurum had something very useful on his side – earth elementals. That morning, while he was panting and wishing for some kind of escape from the blistering heat, he had suddenly remembered that little fact, and hatched an idea. An idea that wouldn't only help him, but would help everyone else suffering because of the warmth. With a sort of giddy excitement within him, the former proxy had gotten to work, finding an empty area near the edge of town and focusing. It was a bit of a slow process, using his elementals to scoop out giant mounds of the ground and push them aside, as if he was digging, just on a massive scale. However, with a few hours and a few lengthy breaks, he eventually had a decently sized crater that would be perfect for a pool. After that was done, he moved on to the really hard part – getting some clean water. It took significantly longer to move the fresh water from a nearby stream to the crater, even while using a large bucket and flying, but eventually he had it. A real, bonafide, fresh-looking pool, big enough for several large tanglers to sink into.

Grinning from ear to ear, the lion stretched a paw out to dip at the water, a refreshed sigh leaving him as he moved forward to sink into the pool fully. Instantly the overwhelmingly heated feeling faded away, and he felt much more at ease. He dipped his head beneath the water for a moment, coming back up and shaking out his now soaking wet mane. Turning his head, he let out a loud, cheerful roar, "Hey! If anybody would like to come and cool off in the pool that I made, you're more than welcome to!" Even though he was enjoying his cooled off time on his own, his original intent had been to help everyone in the heat, so calling for people only seemed right.

Re: DAMNED ARE THE MEEK ☆ pool - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-01-2020

The next few months were going to be awful for Tanglewood, and Vigenere knew this. Their swamp territory was not the best, given the humidity and heat, but that was just something that had to be accepted if you were living here. Not much could be done to change the weather; at least, not in Vigenere's mind at least. Sure, elementals were a thing, but he personally didn't like using them very much. That being said, he didn't judge anyone too harshly if they did use powers, but using them to manipulate the weather of all things was going a bit too far, in his opinion.

It wasn't hard to miss Aurum going back and forth between camp for hours, though Vigenere hadn't really had the time to ask what the hell the winged feline was up to, but when Aurum called out for his clanmates, obviously the General was going to come and see what was going on. A grin appeared on Vigenere's face as he saw the pool Aurum had made, before he rushed forward and jumped into the water - the heat temporarily forgotten as the water's coolness crashed over him. As he came up for air, he shook his head, before looking over at Aurum.

"Thanks for this." Vigenere chirped, still smiling - it's been a while since he's done so in such a genuine manner, but it felt good to actually show some happiness. Aurum was helping out Tanglewood a lot, just like he had done previously; Vigenere was glad to see the lion enjoying himself again. "It's a relief to get some cool water here!" Seriously - how the hell did Aurum manage to get all of this? Morgan probably could have done it himself, honestly, with his water elementals - and hell, Vigenere could himself, even if he didn't entirely agree with using them for such trival manners. Wouldn't it be 'essential', if it concerned the health of his clan?[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: DAMNED ARE THE MEEK ☆ pool - BLOODHOUND. - 07-01-2020

The heat was getting to them, slowly becoming unbearable. Even their home could not save them from how brightly the day burned, their thick fur soaking it all in. They had taken it upon themself to set a bowl of water by the window, pulling it back into the darkness of their home as it heated, and they could feel the  warmth of its vapors on their nose, their mask laid on a nearby table. The vapors, accompanied with the loss of their mask helped making breathing easier in this weather, even if the extra heat in their face was hard to deal with. They had spent so much of the day wheezing and panting at this point, barely able to breathe, they almost left their home in search of a medic. With the disappearances of three medically trained members whispered about the clan... one could only wonder what would happen if anything serious happened.

It was not long after Bloodhound finally got their breathing under control, when their ears perked up at the sound of Aurum's voice. A pool? Something cold... The arctic wolf was desperate at this point. They lapped up the warm water under their nose to keep hydrated, before heading out into the heat. The travelled between the buildings, seeking the shade. The wind in their fur wasn't exactly cold, but it definitely felt a little cooler than how the sun beat down upon their frame.

The wolf soon arrived to where all the racket was coming from, and they noticed Aurum and Vigenere already in the water. They wagged their tail in greeting, as they panted and stepped into the pool as well, laying down in it and sighing with the cool relief.

"Never have I felt refreshment like this. Thank you, Aurum." They say, before dipping their head in and feeling the water soak into the fur on their face. It was perfect. Their lungs still burned, itching and scratchy, but at the very least, they were cool.

Re: DAMNED ARE THE MEEK ☆ pool - wormwood. - 07-02-2020

Thankfully, it didn't seem as though Aurum's actions were in vain. Although the former proxy would've been perfectly happy all on his own beneath the water, since it relieved the heat sinking down deep into his bones, it was nicer to share his hard work with others. He wasn't sure why he had ever been worried, considering he had plenty of fellow long haired companions within the group that had to deal with the overwhelming humidity of the swamp. The first of these companions was Vigenere, the new general nearly overwhelmingly eager as he bolted forward and flopped into the water. Aurum found himself grinning at the other's almost childish actions, a rumbling laugh leaving his chest as he was splashed with water, hardly minding as a chill ran through him. He had only known Vig for a little while, and for the entire time that he had known the other, he had always thought of him as fairly straightforward. Not completely straightlaced and serious all the time, but he hadn't yet seen the demon like this. It was comforting, in a way, to know that the new leader was really human. With this in mind, Aurum let out a little chuff before speaking, his tail flicking back and forth, "It's really no problem. Getting the water for it took the longest, and even that wasn't too bad... it's certainly worth it for the relief, you know?"

The next to come over was Bloodhound, yet another surprise. Although they were hardly leaping over the moon or cannonballing into the water, the hunter did seem considerably more at ease and pleased than Aurum thought he had ever seen them. It was a little disorienting, but not in a bad way, and the angel felt his heart swell with satisfaction. He had always enjoyed helping others, and this action was no exception. Although the pool wasn't nearly as big as certain other things he had done in the past, that didn't mean that it was lesser, especially when seeing the looks on Vig and Bloodhound's faces. A little chuckle leaving his muzzle, the lion leaned down to dip his mane beneath the ripples of the cool water again, before he spoke, "Glad to hear it, Bloodhound... I felt like I was just about to collapse from the heat the other day, so I felt like I needed to do this. It might not be the kind of thing I can do all the time, but... it might be nice to do this every once in a while during the summer. Just so everybody can get a bit of relief." He wasn't looking forward to the hours of flying back and forth with fresh, cool water again, but he could deal if it meant he wouldn't be baking in his own body.

Re: DAMNED ARE THE MEEK ☆ pool - DELILAH. - 07-06-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah remembered the last time she had gone into a pool of water that wasn't the ocean. Morgan had rescued her. Memories, they always tended to arise when she least needed them to. She missed Morgan.

The little ghost danced alongside the pool, but only Delilah could see it. The little figure, smiling and laughing- she couldn't hear it, but she could see it. She could see the giggles..

"Yes, with the weather being so humid, I agree.. It is rather hot."

Delilah wasn't bothered by the heat since her scales warmed and it felt nice, but the moment the older woman slid into the pool, steam poured off of the hard scales and a long breath left the oldie. Little bubbles surfaced as the woman submerged her nose underwater, too big to put her body completely under. And if she did, she would surely turn this pool into a hot tub without meaning to.

"Much appreciated.."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
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