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SWING ME AROUND • reading. - Printable Version

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SWING ME AROUND • reading. - DELILAH. - 06-29-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah had read thousands of books in many languages in her days- many moons spent with her muzzle tucked into a book, whether in braille when she was blind, or having Renegadeanthems read them to her. The memory of her lost love made her old heart ache, but she merely pushed those feelings down. She could barely remember him, anyways. Her child, Flint- hard to remember as well. It was lonely.

Very, very lonely.

When she was alone with her thoughts, what else were she to do other than read?

And so she did, with books she had found on her journey- settled next to a pile of metal scraps with the knowledge of books scattered around her messily. Telekinesis held the book open, tail twitching as the woman squinted.

Maybe her vision was getting bad.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: SWING ME AROUND • reading. - wormwood. - 06-29-2020

Reading had always been a comfort to Aurum, in his darkest times. Particularly when he was but a cub, he had often found himself lost in dusty, scavenged tomes, losing himself in stories so that he didn't have to worry about the wars raging around him. He no longer had to think about his mother's cruel and cold voice, reminding him of why he would never be enough. Instead, he could just pretend that he was a grave knight, off on a quest to save the prince. Or a lone adventurer, discovering lands that had only ever been dreamt about. Books had always offered him so many better worlds, that were more warm and welcoming than the harsh, unfair one most of them were often stuck with. The same could be said of his relationship to stories even now, although he had a tendency to indulge in them less these days, since he was often much more busy than in his childhood.

Delilah's presence after he had returned from his month-long absence had been... shocking, to say the least. However, it was far from a negative, and Aurum found himself eager to spend more time with his old friend, especially given how out of it she seemed as of late. He could only imagine how she must've been feeling, considering the absence of her child and Ren, and the new stinging feeling of Leroy's absence – she hadn't even been able to enjoy having him alive again, before he had left with Crow. With all of this in mind, Aurum found himself drawn over when he caught scent of Delilah, heavy pawsteps carrying him over to where the reptile was reading. Clearing his throat, the former proxy questioned softly, "Hey, Del... what are you reading about?" He could see books of all different kinds scattered around her, and he couldn't help but wonder what her favorite genre was.

Re: SWING ME AROUND • reading. - DELILAH. - 07-06-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah had been staring at a single page, pondering on it. She wondered how Edgar Allen Poe felt while he was writing the Raven.


It was a single word, holding so much pain and sorrow- Delilah found herself rereading it over and over again until finally, a voice caught her attention- snapping her out of her daze.

"It's poetry. I do find Edgar to be quite the troubled man.. You feel his pain in his many books. His pages.."

Troubled was an understatement- Delilah seemed to obsessed with her books, yet she still held a small smile for Aurum. Always for Aurum, her dearest friend.

"I hope he's happy, Leroy. I wish him the best in his life, you know? And Renegade.. I wish the best for my beloved, as well. Even though he'll never come back. Flint will never.. Come back."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: SWING ME AROUND • reading. - wormwood. - 07-08-2020

Aurum couldn't say that he exactly blamed Delilah for being sad about the hand she had been dealt in the unfortunate card game that was life. For a brief time there, it had seemed as though the dragoness had finally acquired true happiness, only to have it yanked away when one of her closest friends died. The feeling was achingly familiar to the lion, who found himself nodding along when Delilah spoke. Settling back on his haunches, the angel let his tail fall lightly over his own paws before he spoke, "Poe... I can't say that I've read a lot of his works, mostly because they were usually too grim for me." He laughed lightly, his voice slightly dry and tired. It was odd, feeling as though something was too grim when he knew just how unforgiving life could be, "I think I understand some of his stories more nowadays, though..." He managed a small smile in response to Delilah's own, although it felt strangely forced, considering the circumstances and the words that left her, "I wish them the best too, but... it's also good to not give up hope, right? Hope is one of the only things that keeps me going, some days..." He wasn't exactly sure what had come of Ren or of Flint, but he could at least believe that perhaps one day they would come back, right? For Delilah?