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POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - Printable Version

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POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - candorosa - 06-28-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Joining Elysium had been a stupid mistake. An even bigger mistake was sticking around for as long as he did. Seriously - what had he been thinking? 'Ah, yes, my place of residence is being bombarded with god attacks, better hunker down for the ride!' It had been completely idiotic.

It was fine though. He left before any real damage could be done. Position or not - supernatural entanglement was something he had to avoid. Sucked to be Rin but he couldn't be bothered to give more than he already did. Because that was how it always went, right? One would keep giving and giving and giving until they had nothing left for themselves. And for what? Some measly self-satisfaction? Pathetic.

He finds himself at the border of Tanglewood. He pastes a smile on his maw - ever present, youthful, cheery. He's been alive for so long, gone through several lifetimes, enough to master the craft of a cheery facade. Smile with your eyes - show teeth, but not too much. Gentle smiles, friendly smiles, nervous smiles - they were all the same in the end.

"Guessssss who's baaaack!" It's a sentence that he exclaims at the top of his lungs. Because if there is one thing he's good at, it's catching attention. His tail lazily curls up beside him as he runs his eyes over the group. "Oh, and I'm not here for a vacation, I'm gonna be a full time member! Yaaaay!" Lemy cheered, sitting on his haunches and beginning to clap.

Re: POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - wormwood. - 06-28-2020

Lemy was not someone that Aurum had thought much about in the last several months, mainly because the other had never really been a permanent member of Tanglewood. It was easier to forget a face when the other wasn't around all the time, after all. However, the angel had always sympathized with the other, especially since other tanglers had a habit of dogpiling on him for his rather... interesting personality. With the exception of maybe Feza, the lion wasn't sure he had ever seen someone so upbeat. Although honestly, Lemy's brand of joy came with a sort of sarcastic undercut that Aurum knew had never been present in Feza's very genuine celebrations. Still, the male had nothing against Lemy, and certainly wasn't going to be upset about someone else joining them, given their current state. Things were getting a bit stagnant, and while Vig was trying his best to make sure that things would be in working order soon enough, Aurum knew that nothing could truly be done unless the new general had a group of members behind him to help him out.

The sound of Lemy's loud and slightly startling voice broke Aurum from his concentration, his large form straightening back up from the hunting stance had had been in. There was no point to not going over, considering the rabbit he had been after had bolted at the first sign of another presence, with Lemy's voice being none too subtle. Mthe mother wasn't too bitter, however, knowing he could get another catch later. Moving over to where the other male was sitting back and clapping, the lion found himself snorting softly before he spoke, "Hey Lemy... welcome back. Or I guess, welcome back permanently, I should say. It's good to have you." He then said, tilting his head curiously to one side, "Did Elysium get too boring for you?" Aurum highly doubted that was the case, considering the massive boss battle he had been present for around a month ago. He was curious though, especially considering his recent dual membership with the mountain dwelling group.

Re: POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - Blazic - 06-28-2020

Re: POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - candorosa - 06-28-2020

[align=center][div style="width:70%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px; font-family: helvetica;"]Two familiar faces are the first to arrive. The first one is more distinct that the second, her spotted form hazy in his mind. Lemy supposes he never got to interact with whoever she is, but his first impression of her is interesting.

And Aurum - ever so polite, friendly, nice. He indulges Lemy whenever he does something, the same way Rin indulged him before. It's interesting as well, but for entirely different reasons. How much, he wonders, how much can I push until he says 'no?' Is he the same as Rin? Does the lion mimic her selfish, self-sacrificial attitude?

Others would be happy to be recognized but all Lemy feels is a deep sense of unease that sends his stomach churning. Why? Why did Aurum remember him? "Yep! You got it right, Aurie! Gold! Sticker! For You!" He delivers his exclamations like a punch to the chest, jubilant tone betraying the familiar paranoia that crawls over him.

White pupils slide over to the hyena and he pouts at her. "Jeez, you're so mean, what's your name, huh? Huh?" Lemy makes a poking motion towards her. Then, he dramatically sighs as he looks to the side. "Name's Lemy Abelard! Former deputy of Elysium," a lie, but how would they know? They weren't in Elysium before he left. "And jeez, ya really wanna know who I know? Okie-dokie! SO, there's my dad, my mom, my sister, my brother, my uncle, my cousin, my next den neighbor, Lucas the senile old man, Tom, Deborah, Bramble, Murua, Nir -" he would continue rambling, until someone stopped him.

Re: POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - wormwood. - 06-28-2020

Perhaps, back when Aurum had been in a more vulnerable state, Lemy would've been able to take advantage of his kindness. However, these days, while Aurum still strived to look after and help his clanmates, he had no intention of being pushed around. It was part of the reason that he hadn't allowed Snarl to intimidate him when he first got back. He wasn't going to hurt or demean others, obviously, but he also wasn't going to allow them to demean him. So, if Lemy decided to press his luck, the unfortunate male would probably learn what it was like to be pinned beneath an angel's large, clawed paw. For the moment, however, Lemy hadn't done anything wrong, so Aurum just flicked his tail from side to side, chuckling once again at the former Elysite's enthusiasm, "Yeah, well, hopefully Tanglewood is a little more exciting for you. Although I'm sure Elysium will miss you." He wasn't really 100% sure of that, considering the other's loud persona, but it seemed like the polite thing to say.

When Lemy began to lay into Snarl with his inane rambling, the former proxy couldn't help the soft snicker that left him, his head shaking from side to side. He didn't truly feel had for the hyena, considering she had brought this upon herself. Shooting a look in Snarl's direction, he rumbled, "Well... you asked for it. Maybe next time you should change up those questions of yours, eh?" He then glanced back at Lemy, raising his voice a little to be heard over his rambling off of family members and friends, "I don't suppose you've been gone long enough to need a refresher on where everything is, do you? Cause I'll be happy to provide if you do." He didn't have much else to do at the moment, considering the possible catch that he had lost recently.

Re: POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - BLOODHOUND. - 06-28-2020

The rambling was quick to catch the arctic wolf's attention, and they made their way to the border. This miklimunr seemed to rival even Mirage, and it was making their head spin. Their tail swished as they drew near, catching Aurum's snickering. It seemed, that Snarl had prompted... this.

Bloodohund waited until Aurum was done speaking, all of the noises were getting a little stressful for the wolf. Their enhanced hearing was not making this any more bearable to them.

"You have made your point, gestr." They add to the rambling, raising their voice so they may be heard. Their ears flick, and they feel.... overstimulated, even moreso with the heat. They take care, with their voiceand their mood, so that they do not grow unkind, or lose patience with the newcomer for simply speaking when told.

"Many great returns, Lemy. We have not met. I am Bloodhound." They say, bowing their head to the pale cat.

Re: POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - Blazic - 06-28-2020

Re: POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-28-2020

Noise coming from the borders typically only meant visitors or joiners, but good god, Vigenere had never heard quite the ruckus than what was going on right now. Ears pricked, the General followed the sounds of everyone's voices, arriving just as Snarl stalked off elsewhere. Vigenere couldn't help the smirk that was on his face as he approached Lemy, Bloodhound, and Aurum. "Damn, someone finally scared Snarl off, huh?" He mused, tail flicking as his spoke.

"You are returning, is that what I'm understanding?" Vigenere was speaking to Lemy now, his dark gaze flickering over to the former Elysium. "Welcome back. I'm Vigenere Cipher, the General here."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: POISON ON ITS LIPS / o, joining - DELILAH. - 06-29-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah loved new members, towered above them and let them wonder how she would deal with them, sometimes. Pink scales shifted against the dirt and grass, the dragoness making her way over after hearing Snarl gripe once more- Snarl certainly did seem to attract her attention, maybe it was because Snarl reminded her of Renegade? Who knew. It was a different change of atmosphere compared to everything else.

"Lemy, right? It's a pleasure. My name's Delilah." Delilah cooed with a smile, tail waving at the other before she settled down beside Bloodhound, lowering her head in greeting before she turned to the newcomer. Wonderful.

"If you need help with finding any books or herbs in the forest, I'm here."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
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