Beasts of Beyond
typhoon visitor ✦ here comes the sun - Printable Version

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typhoon visitor ✦ here comes the sun - raziel - 06-18-2020

The massive canine found recent events to be of major concern.  The moments following the meteor crash had been dizziying.  All the faerie could do was shift and attempt to rescue his crewmates in the moment.  Now, as rebuilding began in full swing and he could confirm his brothers, niece and nephew were all recovering, Raziel set off to the swamp.

The distance between himself and his family never mattered to him.  Raziel would always think of them with care and love.  His youngest daughter, in particular, did not live far, which meant he could dedicate a day to visit. Especially upon word Tanglewood had seen tremors and damage of their own.

The dire wolf felt the humidity sink into his fur but Raziel had grown more than accustomed to the Typhoon's similarily tropical climate.  Curious, the faerie took a respectful seat on the border, head inclined towards the swamp in thought.  While he had resided with the pirates for more than two years now, he had yet to visit their neighbors' territory in person.  He wished the visit had came with better circumstances and fewer worries.

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ here comes the sun - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-19-2020

Familial ties were something Vigenere both loathed and understood. On one hand, he missed his sister, Atbash, and wished that she was around. She didn't deserve to be chased off by him back when they first arrived at the Beyond, and Vigenere partially blamed himself for what Atbash had gone through with her leadership in Snowbound. But on the other hand, there was Caesar. Caesar was a disgrace to Vigenere and truth be told, the savannah wanted to murder his brother in cold blood. But that would be sinking to his level. Would it not? Or would it seem like justice, considering everything Caesar had caused.

Thoughts aside, the ocean tang in the air made Vigenere's lips curl. He didn't like the sharp scent and he always associated them with his brother, even if he wasn't there anymore. It was a personal gripe more than anything else, but he didn't like (nor appreciate) how they let Caesar into their ranks so easily - but Vigenere had to remember that The Typhoon didn't know about the past, and it was likely Caesar would lie to them if asked. "Hey there." Vigenere greeted Raziel as he approached the fae, his dark eyes narrowed. "What brings you to Tanglewood?"[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ here comes the sun - raziel - 07-06-2020

The sight of yellow fur is often an uneasy one.  The faerie did not enjoy the idea of hating anyone but Caesar had pushed the limits of his compassion and patience.  To be mean and cruel and posess blind ambition, with no regard to others.  Raziel could not forgive Caesar as easily as he could his cousin, who still possessed kindness and care for his own.

The wolf found his head tilting as he failed to recognize the feline despite the unusual colored fur.  It was a relief to know his daughter did not have Caesar to deal with.  He did wonder, if for a moment if the exile had family, having never heard mention of such.  A question for another time, the faerie decides.

Politely, he dipped his head.  "Family.  My name is Raziel;  I'd like to visit Suvi... Or ah, Kiira, I believe she's called here."  A pause, brows creasing for just a moment.  "I would also like to discuss a duel membership.  I know I would have to do my best to divide my time, but I am willing to make the effort.  If that would be permitted, of course."

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ here comes the sun - DELILAH. - 07-06-2020

"The Gods have forsaken us."
It's been said in many folklore of many descents that fae were people of the forest, or winged tricksters, or monsters that played pranks. Some were as beautiful as the setting sun, some were furry and ugly.

Delilah was formed from lies, a fae who was destined for pain the moment she was born. So of course, when the old woman sauntered over to follow Vigenere, she lowered her head in greeting.

"I can go retrieve her..?"

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ here comes the sun - wormwood. - 07-08-2020

Aurum was fairly sure that he knew of Raziel, even if he didn't necessarily know him. Although he had never been particularly close to Kiira – despite making his best attempts to be a comforting force in the poor girl's life – it was hard not to know at least know something of her family, considering how they stretched far and wide. Hell, the group of them would almost be as widespread as the Roux family, if it wasn't for the fact that the Roux family kept repopulating. So, the angel knew he had definitely heard the name Raziel before, even if he wasn't 100% sure that they had formally met in the past. Coming up beside Delilah and flicking his tail to her in greeting, the lion found himself rumbling, "Like Del said, she can go and retrieve Kiira... although none of us have seen her in quite a while, so I'm not sure how much luck she'll really have." It was a shame, but he couldn't deny that the former medic hadn't been seen in quite a while – something he deeply hoped wasn't a sign of a disappearance, or death.

Continuing on, Aurum spared a glance towards Vigenere before speaking, "As for a dual alliance... I don't see why there would be a problem with that, particularly since you're from The Typhoon, and we're allies. I, myself, actually have a dual alliance with Elysium." His ears then flattened for a moment, mainly in embarrassment. He was beginning to fall into a role of authority again, even without any actual authority to back it. Hastily, he followed it up, correcting himself, "Of course... Vigenere has the ultimate decision of whether or not it's alright." It still felt a bit odd, to be referring to Vigenere, rather than Leroy.

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ here comes the sun - suvi. - 07-09-2020

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: palatino; color: #c48d85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
The petite vixen knew she was a rare sight.  Knew... And struggled to bother.  She wanted to try.  She didn't want to disappear... Not really.  Even if her body seemed to to share the opposite sentiment thanks to those glitches.

Tired.  Wary.  Lonely.  She locked herself away in her temporary home, Torren's old house, trying to keep herself together, trying to keep the place homey for whenever he returned.  She hid inside with her books more often than not.

She only came out when it became too much.  The cabin fever or the reminders of another missing friend.  She was more than surprised to catch her name on the wind, near the border.  A phasing ear twitched as she paused, teeth catching the inside of her cheek.  What could someone want with her?

Slow, snow white paws follow the voices, head down until she reached her clanmates, a voiceless question lingering on her tongue.  Maybe she was finally losing her voice.  D̤̆i̙͌d̳̂ s̰͂h͕͞ȅ͍ ͈̃hav͇̆e one̟̿ ͛ͅto ͔̔beg̮̃in ͉͂wit̩͞ẖ̕?  It's almost in a daze she recognizes the gray fur, the sea-green eyes.  D̲̮̟̗͔̾͑̓͌͝a̯͑?̛̟̺̱̝̂̆̈

Duel joining?  Her father?

She can't work through any words but her eyes mist.  Kiira S̢̑u̩̓v̭͋i̺͡ moves forward to bury her face in her father's chest, sniffing softly.  Was he really?

Re: typhoon visitor ✦ here comes the sun - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-10-2020

[i[Family...[/i] The word caused Vigenere's heart to ache; he wished he could go and see his family whenever he wanted, but he had no idea where Atbash was at the moment, and Caesar was... Caesar. Vigenere glanced at Aurum when the winged lion mentioned his own duel-alliance with Elysium, surprised to hear such a thing. When did this happen?

Eh, not something really to be concerned over, even if Vigenere was a little offended that Aurum had never brought this up before. Vigenere looked back over at Raziel as Kiir-... Suvi? came over. "I see no issue with a duel alliance." The savannah agreed. "Welcome to Tanglewood, Raziel. I'm Vigenere, in case you haven't figured that out already. I'm the General here."[glow=COLOR,1,400]✧*:・゚[/glow]