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RHYTHM OF THE NIGHT && ANNOUNCEMENT - beatae - 10-28-2019

  this had come as... a complete surprise. who would have ever thought such an impossible event... was possible? when indie had come to the suspicion that what had happened between her and kydobi had sprung something, she had of course denied it. it should not have been evolutionarily possible between the two. she was sure of it. her cravings and increasing appetite had to have been from instinctual causes to prepare for the cold. her sudden moods from upbeat to irrational were from stress. right?

she had gone to selby for some advice at first, but as she explained her symptoms it became increasingly clear. both of them knew it. after describing her one-time lover he had been revealed as one of the pitts high ranks. wonderful. of course she fooled with their one enemy's children. still, she needed physical confirmation. she would not go on just... very specific details. she was grateful for the medics willingness to help her when they had barely known each other. the process had made her grown increasing respect for the tom, finding his professionalism a wonderful aspect to have.

when she heard her results she was... unsure of what to do. what to say. she had been offered several routes to go about this, all taken into careful thought. anonymity and confidentiality was promised between the two while she decided what to do.

indie ultimately decided to keep her... children. why was that such a strange thought? perhaps because she imagined herself being formally settled down with a caring, tender lover at her side before whelping out kittens. even if this wasn't quite a result her mother would one hundred percent approve, she knew even the wonderful lilac bells would support her decision.

the caracal stood within the center of town, atop the marble slab that crow normally used. she took in a deep breath, closing her eyes for several moments before opening them again. some had already taken notice to her position and lingered, curious as to what she had to say.

"tanglewood, i have come forward with news." she began, curling her tail tightly over her paws in a nervous habit. "you all have been kind and warm to me while i have stayed and participated in my business; but that is not what this announcement is about. i have decided to be transparent with you all in respect for showing me such hospitality." butter them up before dropping the piano on their heads.

"i have recently discovered... i am pregnant." her breath caught in her throat. indie felt watery tears form in her eyes, but she blinked them away. hormones. she blamed, always unable to admit she could ever possibly be weak by her own fault. "unbeknownst to me, i met one of the pitt's marauders, kydobi. i did not know he belonged to them, before you jump to any irrational conclusions. he did not carry their scent, as he was far from their homeland. he never revealed this information to me, either."

"still, i have decided to keep them. raise them. i have not yet decided if kydobi will be apart of their lives, even if i do decide to allow him to participate, i only wish that you respect my decision as a mother." the weight seemed to only crush her further. wasn't something supposed to lift form her shoulders? wasn't she supposed to be relieved? for some reason the anxiety simply stormed stronger in her chest as she gazed across the crowd.

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Re: RHYTHM OF THE NIGHT && ANNOUNCEMENT - wormwood. - 10-28-2019

Several months ago – it felt so much closer than that still, but Worm knew that was just his mind, still reeling in depression over what had happened – Wormwopd had his own issues with having a lover from the Pitt. Draekon had his problems, of course, particularly when he ended up being the cause of Sam's kidnapping, but... Worm had loved him so much. Now the thought of the tiger just made the guardsman's heart ache, remembering in stark detail the morning where he had woken up, and Draekon had just been gone, abandoning Tanglewood and abandoning Worm as well. That had colored Worm's interactions with the Pitt quite darkly for quite a while now – not to mention the multiple heinous things they had done since then – but it was also what had made it so that Worm knew that not everyone who resided within the Pitt was a bastard... just most of them. Needless to say, however, he wouldn't be putting the blame on Indie for this one. For one thing, she hadn't even known that Kydobi was a Pittian, unlike himself, and it didn't seem as though her and Kydobi had any sort of fledgling romantic relationship. It just seemed as though it had been a fling, although it had a few unexpected consequences. He tried to remember what Kydobi was, from what Draekon had mumbled about his clanmates back during their relationship, but the only thing he could remember was a "large black feline." It sounded like apanther, or a jaguar, but surely that couldn't be right. Indie wouldn't be pregnant then... would she? He didn't think so, but perhaps he was wrong, and it was just something that he hadn't read about in any of his books. Still, his thought process was getting off track, and the lion realized with a start that he had been sitting in front of the slab Indie was on silently for several minutes. That couldn't have felt good for her, as she was obviously waiting for some sort of response from the crowd, preferably a good one. He could sense a few npcs who were shifting around him beginning to get ready to speak, but he decided to preempt them all, for Indie's sake.

Getting up to his large golden paws, the winged lion moved to climb up onto the slab beside Indie, gently touching his nose to her ear and rumbling softly, "Congratulations, Indie. I know this isn't the most ideal of conditions, but children really are wonderful things, and if you ever need any help, feel free to come to me. Or Selby, of course. He's better in the medical area." He smiled softly down at the other before he turned to face the crowd, his tail lashing from side to side beside him as he rumbled, his voice firm and intimidating as he addressed everyone before him, "I wholeheartedly support Indie and her decisions, and it's pretty clear from what she's told us that she had no idea that Kydobi was in any way a Pittian, so truthfully she has done nothing wrong. She deserves to have and raise her children peacefully, and if Kydpbi chooses to be in these children's life, it will hopefully be after our raid of the Pitt, and after Goldie sets them straight, with Jervis dead in the ground. And if anybody decides to be rude or cruel to her over this, I would like you all to know that you will have to answer to me, got it? Indie's my friend, and even if she wasn't, I won't stand for disrespecting a clanmate, here for business or not." He had been warn out lately, exhausted by bad event after bad event, not to mention his own problems with his missing child, but this was the first good news he had heard in weeks, maybe months. Sure, these weren't the best conditions for children to be conceived in, but still. Children were good, and they deserved to have happy lives, without they problems their mother being harassed.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: RHYTHM OF THE NIGHT && ANNOUNCEMENT - arcy - 10-29-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Crowley never really .. understood, the intricacies of pregnancy and parenthood. And it seems he was being reminded of this now. The serval frowns, bewildered, from where he watches. This was a big deal? On one hand, if she'd done it knowingly, or done anything to help him, maybe it'd matter. But it was a real accident, and Crowley isn't sure there's any fucking birth control when you're an animal. It was out of her hands, aside from, well, deciding to sleep with a stranger.
"Don't think it really matters anyways," Crowley says to Indie with a shrug, creeping up to stand alongside Wormwood and join the crowd properly. He doesn't really get the big deal about any of this, but that might just be because Crowley has been doing far, far worse for his entire life as a demon. This was small potatoes in comparison. "So .. congrats, I guess," He shrugs. He doesn't really feel qualified to express any opinions on this subject -- like, why would Kyodobi be allowed rights to the kittens? He didn't do anything. He wouldn't even know, if it wasn't brought up. He's genuinely a bit puzzled about this whole thing, but it was probably a human* thing, and .. well. Again, not qualified. As long as she knew what she was doing, he supposes.
*not human, but human terminology got complicated when you were an animal.


"The Gods have forsaken us."
Stryker had told her she was a ‘pretty little thing’ right before he had slashed her eyes. The Pitt was never a thing Delilah had agreed with, especially with the trauma they had put her and Arrow and many, many others under.

She just happened to be in the town when the caracal announced her very.. Surprising news. Pastel eyes glanced up at the woman, not lacking the usual shine of gentleness, naiveness. Deep inside she could feel the bubble of doubt inside of her- however, Delilah knew that one shouldn’t judge a child based on who their parents were.

Delilah’s wings outstretched, folding in at her sides as she walked over to stand before the three of her clanmates, amongst the crowds.

”I agree as well.. However, what if problems with the father were to arise? It isn’t unusual for corrupt rulers to start wars over children. If that comes to it, the children of Tanglewood’s safety should come first. I’d like to frequently check on Indie’s progress alongside Selby if that is possible.” She spoke clearly, her tail moving to gently brush against her stomach.


It seemed impossible. It couldn’t be possible for her to biologically bear children, anyways..

Flint was her child, however- even though she hadn’t been able to pull him out of the house for a while..

”Pregnancy is beautiful. I’d love to be by your side every step of the way.”

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
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