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SWEET TOOTH | pumpkin bread. - Printable Version

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SWEET TOOTH | pumpkin bread. - DELILAH. - 10-25-2019

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Delilah was a wreck, to put it lightly. If she still had fur, she was sure she would be the most disheveled cat ever.

However, there was a reason why she was such a mess. She had traveled all the way to the town from her house with three large pumpkins floating in the air behind her as she marched her large body into a bakery shop that she had taken Renegades to on trips when she was Sawbone.

Back then, she had more time to herself. Now, she had too much time to herself.

"If I have to sit still for one more moment, I'm going to go crazy.." She mumbled softly to herself, getting to work gutting and baking the pumpkins to chop them up. She wasn't going to make some crappy pumpkin bread; unlike Leroy, ability to bake was something that ran through her veins. If it was fruits, Delilah was on it. She wasn't much of a meat eater unless it had absolutely no blood in it (meaning, cooked completely). Even then, Delilah was anxious eating it unless she gave thanks to the animal beforehand.

About an hour and a half later, Delilah glanced over to the windows across the store, opening them to let the smell of pumpkin bread through the windows. It was that time of the year. Pumpkin bread.

Covered in sugar and pumpkin, Delilah stepped out from behind the counter, lowering her head in thanks to the woman whom had lended her the kitchen. With a promise to clean up later, Delilah made way to set the plates of pumpkin bread onto a large gathering table.

Times had been rough. Nothing better than pumpkin bread to get back together, right?

She idly wished Stocking, Malphas, Ophelia, Morgan, and Arrow were here to share with her.

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: SWEET TOOTH | pumpkin bread. - wormwood. - 10-25-2019

When the scent of pumpkin bread reached Wormwood's nose, the guardsman felt himself pause in his step, his tail flicking from side to side as he searched for the source of the scent. Worm wasn't really the type for cooking or baking, so the majority of the time, the only way that he enjoyed any sort of cooked food was when somebody else made it. Sometimes that led to horrible consequences, since he ate pretty much anything that was offered to him by a clanmates. Occasionally, this led to him eating something absolutely awful, and regretting it afterwards. Thankfully, it didn't seem like this time would be one of those scenarios, considering the fact that the pumpkin bread smelled delicious, and as he got closer to the scent of the smell, he realized that it had been made by Delilah. He was quite sure Delilah was pretty excellent at baking, and he immediately felt himself speed up his pace, his paws eagerly pushing him forward towards the gathering table that Del had put the pumpkin bread on. Moving up in front of the table, Wormwood took in a deep breath of the amazing scent of pumpkin, and half of him wanted to scoop up as much bread as he could possibly eat, but he held himself back, not wanting to be rude to the newly awakened dragoness. He rumbled softly as he reached out to grab a piece of the pumpkin bread, pulling it close and popping a bit into his mouth, before a warm and happy chuff left him. He then said to Delilah, shifting his wings up and down happily as he spoke, "This is delicious, Delilah! I'm assuming that you made it... it really is amazing. How long have you been baking, Del?" He was very, very glad that Delilah was out and about again, not stuck inside that worrying cocoon that he had been anxiously watching over for the last few days. He wanted to become closer to her now that she was alright, considering how worried he had been about her while she had been wrapped up in the cocoon.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: SWEET TOOTH | pumpkin bread. - DELILAH. - 10-25-2019

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Friendships were something that Delilah could enjoy far more than she admitted. She used to have plenty of friends before she had died; the thought of Arrow, her best friend, dying before she could come back and save her. Despite everyone seemingly have moved on from Arrow's death, Delilah still pondered that very news she had heard so long ago. It had been weeks, months? since then. She needed to move on, but Delilah was always one to mourn the ones she got close to.

Death was a harsh thing for someone like Delilah, yet she could only blame the Earth Mother for her terrible decisions.

The pastel dragon was staring off into space when Wormwood had came in, snapped out of her sad daze by the cheerful voice of her fellow Tangler. Wormwood. They were friends, weren't they? He supported her through some tough times, through the times where she didn't know what to do with herself. She was supposed to be reliable, and he-

He saved her. Without even meaning to.

A kind smile graced the draconic being's face, magenta eyes squinted in a tender smile as well. A signature Delilah perk, her motherly atmosphere and kind gestures. She was glad that something she baked had finally come out right. Before, it was her telling Ren how to make everything since she couldn't see.

"Before I went blind, I baked since I was a child. Fire was forbidden in my lands, so we had to use sunlight and a few scientific things to somehow bake things. It was hard, but using fire is so much easier." She muttered softly, head tilting to the side as she glanced at the pan of pumpkin bread that Wormwood had taken from. She gently packed the pumpkin bread into a box neatly, the box floating over to the lion. "There's enough for everyone, so take a loaf, Wormwood."

Large, scaley wings flapped behind her happily before settling down calmly at her sides, folding in comfortably. "Renny and Arrow liked my pumpkin bread, so I kept making a bunch of loaves without thinking.."

tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: SWEET TOOTH | pumpkin bread. - wormwood. - 10-25-2019

Friendship was something that Worm was practically desperate and greedy for these days. It was mostly because of what his childhood had been like. As a cub, he had already been so cut off from and despised by others for reasons that he could never even understand. So, when he had arrived at Tanglewood and had found a home where he could actually be happy and really interact with other people? It had been an incredible feeling, and ever since then he had welcomed practically everyone with a warm smile, and had gotten along with practically everyone that joined. Sure, he and Feza had definitely been having their issues lately, but he didn't hate her, and the two of them were probably more similar than he would ever admit. All in all, he loved making friends with everyone who ended up in Tanglewood, as well as with everyone who had been here before him. Delilah had been one of those people who had been here before him, and he had always respected her and enjoyed her company, just because she was so warm and motherly. She reminded him of V, although a little bit less closed off from everyone. He definitely didn't know about how he had saved her, even though he had spent quite a while with her while she had been in her vulnerable cocoon state. When he had first met the female, he had even met her now boyfriend, Ren, beforehand, so there had been a connection between them from the very beginning. He had always wanted to be closer to her, but the two of them had always either been busy or away from each other for different tasks. Now, however, felt like a turning point. And Wormwood definitely needed someone else to lean on, particularly with the events that were happening lately.

When Del spoke about how she had started baking when she was just a child, Worm dipped his head and rumbled as he gladly took the loaf floated over to him, his wings resting against the ground as he settled, "That does sound like it would be difficult. I much preferred cooking things with my fire elementals when some people asked me to. I wasn't very good at it at first, but I got better... when I was a cub, we never had any cooked food. A pride full of lions isn't exactly very picky about what we eat. I didn't even learn about cooking until well after I had left, sort of like reading." He had learned so much after he had left the pride to go after Poet, and while he now hated his brother a lot for what he had done, but at the very least, the other lion had led him to Tanglewood. He could feel himself drifting into his own thoughts, when Delilah spoke up again, piping up about Renny and Arrow. Just the name Arrow seemed to punch the air out of his lungs, and he looked down at the ground for a long moment before a smile came to his muzzle, somewhat forced, "Well, they were very right to tell you that it was good. I'm glad to benefit by getting to eat delicious pumpkin bread." His tail flicked lazily from side to side as he tried to get his mind off of Arrow. Despite the fact that he had never known the female well, she had been the first one to die when he had first arrived, and he had been on the scene to see the life drain from her eyes... it still haunted him, and he felt such guilt and grief for those who had been close to her, unable to imagine the pain that they had felt.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]