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LIAR, LIAR | cocoon expanding, development. - Printable Version

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LIAR, LIAR | cocoon expanding, development. - DELILAH. - 10-22-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

It was warm- the feeling of being carried while comfortably wrapped in the casing of her cocoon. Renegadeanthem had been thankful that she had been found, and now that she was home, it was quiet again minus the sound and feeling of something small pushing against her side ever so softly. Kneading the soft threads of her cocoon; it must have been Flint watching for his mother, kneading her and worrying over her.

It took a few long days for Delilah to finally start to move in the shell that was her cocoon, but the stretching of her legs wasn't all that shifted her cocoon. It seemed to stretch to accommodate her form, legs growing longer only to curl again. Her shell shook, growing larger until her body curled in once more. It'd gotten bigger, and it was taking up porch which she had been laid on for sunlight. She always had enjoyed laying out for sunlight, maybe this was everyones way of taking care of her.

The black goo that had previous seeped out of her cocoon was now dried up and crusted, closing the gaps which were previously so thin. Soft snores and purrs left the safety of her confines, but nothing broke.

It seemed Delilah wasn't ready to come out, but the newly expanded cocoon gave hint that it wouldn't be much longer for the faerie to hatch.

It was a confusing sight, watching her cocoon stretch and push every once in a while.

I wonder what will become of Tanglewood's own Delilah?

Re: LIAR, LIAR | cocoon expanding, development. - wormwood. - 10-22-2019

Ever since Delilah had disappeared within the strange cocoon made of the black goop that formed her wings, Wormwood had taken to visiting her house more and more often. At first it was just to check on Delilah's condition to see if it changed at all, but then it also became a sort of usual visit in order to check on both Ren and Flint as well, since he was sure that they were worried about what had happened to their girlfriend and mother, respectively. Usually all a visit entailed was Worm flying around in his lion form, landing with a bit of prey or something else to help out, giving it over to Ren and chatting with him for a bit, before he went to go and inspect the cocoon that sometimes shifted places around the house, since sometimes they would shift the cocoon about if Ren needed to get somewhere specific, or if they wanted to make sure Del was comfortable within her goopy confines. Worm still felt more worry with every passing day that she remained within the strange wrapping, but at the very least it seemed as thought she was was still just resting and breathing, snoring occasionally. It was strange, but it didn't seem dangerous at all. Worm could only assume that something was... changing in there. If not, what was the purpose of it?

Today was one of his several visiting days, and he had brought along several little mice for both Ren and Flint, dropping the food off before heading out to the porch, where he had last seen Delilah's cocoon. He stepped out onto the wooden porch and was startled when he saw that the cocoon had expanded, dried up and seemed even more like a tough shell than it had been before. It occasionally shifted as Del did, and Worm wanted to call out to the former medic to try and wake her up. Even if they weren't the closest, Worm still enjoyed Del's company, and he was worried about her, terribly so. He sighed as he pressed his paw up against the side of the cocoon, rumbling softly as he sat back on his haunches, his head tilting to one side, "Del... I really hope that you wake up soon. I'm not sure what this is, but everybody is really worried about you right now, and I'm hoping that it isn't anything bad... hell, I doubt that you even know what it is. But still... I hope to see you in person soon." He took a deep breath before pulling his paw back and resting it back against the ground, glancing over the cocoon and watching it rhythmically move. He really wished he knew what the hell was going on in there, but he knew it was just a pipe dream, and he and everybody else would probably just be waiting, until Delilah was ready to emerge again.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: LIAR, LIAR | cocoon expanding, development. - beatae - 10-28-2019

  indie had not visited delilah much at all after transporting her back to her family. out of respect of her heart and the pink cats family, she kept her distance and allowed herself the chance to recoup from her... unfortunate turnout. what a scandal, she would think. how messy that had turned.

after spending some time alone, some with a mysterious gentleman from the outside, and some alone once more, she had found herself back in the swing of things. her focus turned onto her mission once again. this time she could visit the cocoon and not think of the embarrassment she had felt when wormwood revealed she had a lover and child. now she could look on it as a small hiccup. a lesson.

indie padded in close to wormwoods side, sighing softly. "do you believe it's changing her in there?" the caracal commented. "at first i theorized it was some form of self-protection; a method of healing herself. though now i don't believe that's the case. her containment is changing, slowly, but it's noticeable compared to when we first brought her back."

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Re: LIAR, LIAR | cocoon expanding, development. - wormwood. - 10-28-2019

Wormwood blinked and looked up when he heard Indie's footsteps approaching his side, and his attention was pulled away from the shifting cocoon in front of him. He was snapped out of his moody reverie by Indie asking him questions that he... honestly wasn't sure of the answers to. He supposed that Indie's first assumption made sense – after all, a large protective shell seems like the ideal place for someone to heal – but what Indie said afterwards was true. When the shell had initially started shifting, Worm had figured that it was just Delilah shifting in her sleep, or breathing, or snoring, or something along those lines, but... now it truly seemed like the whole shape of the shell was changing, permanently. Looking back at the cocoon, Worm pressed his paw back against it, wondering idly if he could feel the shifting or growing of Delilah's body. It was probably a silly thought, considering that when a Caterpillar was growing into a butterfly, it wasn't as if you could feel each individual change. Of course, caterpillars turned to goo when they were growing... and he very much hoped that Del wasn't goo right now. Shaking his head firmly, Worm rumbled after his long moment of thought, "...You could be right. I mean, this is just like a caterpillar's cocoon when they're shifting into a butterfly. Perhaps this is just some strange type of shapeshifting that requires more time to do? All of my transformations have been pretty immediate, but things could be different for Delilah. Especially considering this is made out of the same goop as her wings." Every time the guardsman had changed forms in the past, it had taken only a few seconds for his entire body to shift from massive lion to something else, but maybe this was just... different. New.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]