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the breaking downfall - costumes - fulzanin - 10-21-2019

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Feza's home was filled with all sorts of fun party materials. There was confetti, candies, boxes and bags, pencils, balloons: an endless supply. The snow leopard's home was a festive place, a place of parties and fun times for all and any that happened to pass while the feline was doing her multitude of festivities. Sure, not many people came to them. She kept on with them anyways, not deterred in the slightest. People would turn up, eventually, if she found the right formula for the perfect party. Besides, doing the same party over and over again would grow stale. If she didn't keep the variety coming, then no one would ever show up to any of her parties. That would be terrible, and awful, and it would be the exact opposite of what she wanted.

Today she had set aside from her festive activities to find something equally as fun and festive as a party. A large factor of Halloween rested on the shoulders of one core principle. Costumes. Dressing up as something else for a long night of frights and chills and fun had been something Feza was looking forward to. The snow leopard hadn't thought about what she would be going as beforehand. She had no plans, none at all, and it was a little startling. Halloween was almost here and she had absolutely no plans! That wouldn't be allowed! It couldn't be! She was frantically bumbling about her home, searching for where she had piled up all the packaged costumes. It was a frantic search, rooting through piles and making a mess of her already terrible sorting system to find what she was searching for. Feza was swiftly tired out from her search, huffing as she rested her head against the tiled floor of her home. "Ugh, I'm never gonna find the costume pile at this rate. Boxy," the feline turned her head to a nearby cardboard box. Her tail flicked over and turned it so that it was 'looking' at her, "have you seen the costume pile, my gracious god? I can't find them." It was only a box, and it didn't say a single word to her in response. Huffing, Feza again rose to her feet to continue her search.

The vibrant feline was running on the last of her energy when her paws met plastic underneath a pile of packaged corn. Her claws flexed forward to snag the bag, and a gleeful squeal parted her maw. Feza's blue eyes moved away the rest of the corn, revealing the pile of costumes. A shout of triumph sounded as she began spreading out the bags of costumes. Costumes came for two different kinds of 'things', Feza learned as she sorted through the pile. Ones that were useless and way too big, and those that were actually styled for animals. The prior category was swiftly tossed, Feza caring for them not a moment longer. It added on to the absolute mess of her home, but it was ignored by the vibrant feline.

Feza looked through the packages until she found one that she liked. She got first pick, didn't she? These were her materials, she was sharing them because she figured no one else would have the time in their busy lives to create their own costumes. The snow leopard grinned as she selected her costume, setting it aside in her High Priority Fun Time pile. She couldn't think of a name it deserved better than that. It summarized it efficiently, and equally as effectively. The snow leopard gathered up the spare costumes, and flung the door of her home open. She set down the costumes, spreading them out so all of them could be seen. The sheer numbers covered her porch, her fluffy head raised in delight. "Hey, if, if you don't have a Halloween costume already, I've got some here! And if you wanna, if you want to change them up I can get materials to make them more special!" Feza shouted, a happy wag of her fluffy tail following suit.

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Re: the breaking downfall - costumes - wormwood. - 10-21-2019

After what had happened the last time that Worm had approached Feza's certain brand of insane festivities, he was definitely... cautious when.he approached her call. He didn't want her flipping out on him again with rambling thoughts about how he wanted to kill her – he didn't – or how he hated her – he also didn't, she just annoyed him occasionally. Still, completely ignoring Feza for the rest of time would probably put her in a more depressive state than actually interacting with her, and it wasn't as if this time she was doing anything too crazy, just putting out costumes and supplies for everyone. Personally, he already had a costume in mind – a scarecrow, made from the fabric and hay he had left over from his training dummies – that was meant to be a bit ironic and funny, considering the recent trouble he had been having with crows and bats tearing apart his things. He also wanted to be able to make a joke about how he was going to go around terrorizing the leader of their little group. Sure, it was a stupid and cheesy joke about Crow's name, bordering on a Dad joke, but he had a right to make Dad jokes. After all, he was one now, right? Even if he had yet to get back his son yet.

Padding over slowly to the large pile of costumes that Feza had piled up in front of her home, he began to sniff at them, coughing a little at the dust that filled his lungs. The costumes had definitely gone unused for at least a year, if not more, so he found himself backing up a little and settling on his haunches, just so that he wouldn't have a sneezing fit. He hesitated for a moment before he looked up to meet Feza's gaze, saying softly as he shifted his wings upon his back, "Erm, I've already got a costume picked out for Halloween this year – a scarecrow – but do you have anything here that you think would make it more special?" He supposed that was a simple enough way to start the healing process of their relationship. After all, he wasn't too casual or too awkwardly forward and friendly, and he hadn't started off with any hostile words, just a simple question. Surely Feza wouldn't find any threat in that, right? If anybody could find a threat in that, it probably would be Feza, since Worm honestly couldn't understand how her brain worked, but he hoped that she wouldn't.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: the breaking downfall - costumes - arcy - 10-24-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Crowley .. hadn't made his mind up on the whole costumes thing yet. Crowley dressed up sometimes -- it was required for certain types of mischief without miracles, after all. But just for fun? Just for Halloween? ... ... Okay, actually, it was pretty neat. Fine. But Crowley didn't really have an idea of what he would want to dress up as, and he didn't feel like putting the effort into something silly. He's sure that he has enough stacked against him on that front.
Crowley isn't really sure what to do about Feza, honestly. By which he means -- well, seeing somebody break in front of you really affects your perception of them. But, well, nobody could be happy all day, forever. Still on wobbly ground, there.
"Not really my thing," Crowley admits, shrugging as he strolls up. Now, it would be stupid to approach just to not do anything, so of course that's not what the point really is. But I mean, dressing in animal costumes was gonna be kind of ... ridiculous. ".. Got any recommendations?" He struggles with himself, before grinning sharply at the brightly colored feline. Because, well, Crowley doesn't have any ideas that weren't wildly ironic, and it's not like he has to take her up on it if it's not to his tastes.

Re: the breaking downfall - costumes - fulzanin - 10-24-2019

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There was a short tensing moment that Feza found being put upon herself when Wormwood had approached. She took in a deep breath. The air made her feel a little bigger, and when the air had to be expelled she tried to imagine all of her terror being put into that one sharp huff. A paw raised and rubbed at her face, wiping away the expression of exhaustion. "Hi, Wormwood." She said, tone as pleasant as the sleep deprived snow leopard could manage. She gave her pelt a shake, small tufts of pink, blue, and yellow fluff being whisked away in the breeze. "Special? Hm." Her expression turned thoughtful, weight moving back on her haunches. The definition of a scarecrow was vague to her. A squint of her blue eyes suggested trying to mentally imagine such a thing, and what she could change. "Maybe some lint, for cobwebs? And some charcoal to add a little, y'know," the feline made a vague gesture with a paw, "yea? Y'know." Her tone turned awkward for a few seconds. For a moment, she had wanted to suggest some red paint. What was more spooky than a bloody scarecrow? Considering what had happened recently, though? She wasn't about to suggest such a thing. "Maybe some brown food coloring to, y'know. Make the scarecrow feeling a bit more authentic. They're out there in the rain and wind all the time. They could use some cake."

Feza's ears swiveled, and then her head followed when she noticed Crowley approach. Her front paws kneaded at the ground beneath her while her feathered wings pressed against her sides a little tighter. She hated how she had fallen apart in public like that. She should have strove to hid it, smiled harder, longer, hiding it underneath her pleasant smile and high voice. "Well, let's see. I've got them all sorted out here. Recommending something won't go well if I don't know what you're looking for- what about a pumpkin?" Feza suddenly cut off, blue eyes widening. There was a giddy look that flickered to life, one that had been hidden under fear and exhaustion for some time. "See, your tail could be a stem, yea? Of course, I've got other costumes here. A lot, actually. What would you wanna go as? A genre, I mean." She bounced, moving around one of the costumes to show another, her own fluffy tail rapidly flicking behind her.

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Re: the breaking downfall - costumes - arcy - 10-24-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Oh, there was some tension. Crowley's eyes track her wing moments almost immediately. Crowley resists a grimace. Must be stressful, to now have to be face to face with people present for that so often. Mercifully, he decides against pointing it out. Crowley would probably protest the contrary if pressed, but he did feel a bit ... bad ... about his part in the whole thing. Poking holes was not the most sensitive thing in the world, especially not in that scenario. But that was a demon, that was what he did. Most definitely. No guilt, all cruelty here!
"A pumpkin?" Can you imagine? A demon from hell, dressed as a cutesy pumpkin? Despite his incredulity, Crowley doesn't seem all that bothered, a certain sort of delight, really, grin widening as he slinks closer to get a glimpse at the packages. For one, he can't be bothered to look through the costumes. Crowley either puts in minimal effort, or he goes out of the park, and that seems like a bit too much of an inbetween. "Frankly, I'm surprised you have so many. Why'd I be asking if I had a proper idea, anyways? I've never dressed up for Halloween before," And, to be entirely honest, he doesn't even know where to start, usual aesthetic aside. And, anyways, She seems to liven up quickly, once she gets into the groove. Crowley, after a moment of debate*, does his best to roll with it. It couldn't hurt to let her have this. She was helping him, anyways. ".. Well. Big spooky fan, me. But not like ... Horror movie spooky, y'know?" He makes a vague motion with a paw, and indulgently leans over to look at the costumes she's showing off.
*Not much of one. Crowley could frequently be found trying to convince himself to be cruel, but he never really succeeded on that.

Re: the breaking downfall - costumes - DELILAH. - 10-24-2019

"The Gods have forsaken us."
Pastel, clawed feet carried the dragoness over to the sound of familiar voices, mentions of costumes causing the woman to chuckle softly. Last year, she and Renegades had matched up their costumes together- she was a flower, and he was a bee. It was cute, and Arrow and Stocking had both teased them for looking so cute together. Back then, Delilah hadn't even noticed her feelings for Ren then. They were just friends at the time- very close friends, with a cuddly relationship. Cuddling with friends is totally acceptable, after all.

"Did I hear costumes?" Delilah chimed from behind the group, forked tail sliding across the soft grass as a sharp gaze glanced over all of the fabrics and materials. "You're really going all out this year.. I'm a bit surprised that we haven't- OH! I need to bake pumpkin bread soon- Ah wait, I need my costume first.." She mumbled to herself, her wings twitching before she lifted her clawed hands up to her maw, tapping her bottom lip with a hum.

"What do you think everyone in my house should be? I was thinking something different from a flower and bee- me and Ren did that last year. And with a new child, I wonder.." She rambled on, blinking her gaze towards Wormwood and Crowley in greeting.

Man, was she talkative today.
tags - penned by [member=1260]ryuu-tan[/member]
template by orion

Re: the breaking downfall - costumes - wormwood. - 10-25-2019

Wormwood definitely didn't miss the way that Feza immediately tensed up at his presence, but he ignored it, just letting it roll over him and focusing more on her words than anything else. Lint and charcoal, huh? He supposed that it would make sense, for a scarecrow, yet he still found himself chuckling a little bit at her suggestions. Not because he thought they were ridiculous, but just because his own costume was so simple. There wasn't too much you could do with a scarecrow, unless you went full on evil, which hadn't exactly been his plan. When Feza mentioned food coloring, Worm felt his ears pin back a but worriedly, rumbling softly, "Does food coloring work on fabric? Or fur...? I'm not sure I want to be stained brown for weeks after Halloween. I'm not too self obsessed, but I do like my golden fur." He shifted his wings and flattened down some of his fur, as if demonstrating why he enjoyed the golden color, as opposed to it being stained a dull brown for some time. He then heard Delilah, who seemed to be a bit scatterbrained and talkative. He couldn't blame her – after all, she had been asleep for some time now. Turning to face her, the guardsman said with a warm smile, "Well... I don't know what to recommend for you and Ren, but for Flint you could always suggest a character from one of those old Disney movies. I mean, I'm not sure what Flint enjoys, but that would be very adorable..." Disney films seemed like a veritable treasure trove of extremely cute costume ideas, especially for the younger members of the group, so why not? Hell, perhaps Feza even had a character costume somewhere I'm that giant pile of hers.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: the breaking downfall - costumes - fulzanin - 10-26-2019

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An excitement solidified when Feza noticed another person coming to her little event. Thrilling. This was what she liked, what she wanted, it made her happy and joyful and the snow leopard could not keep a little bounce hidden. Her tail was swinging back and forth behind her, paws rummaging through the piles of costumes that she had to offer. Something spooky? Horror-like; not that Feza knew a lot about horror. Horror was too spooky nor was it joyful. That was in addition to the fact that Feza hadn't exactly had the opportunity to watch a horror movie before. "Are scorpions horror like? That's a pretty big phobia, if uh, if I remember right." Her eyes squinted for a few moments. "There isn't one in a package here, but I could make you one! Or maybe a spider. Spiders are another super duper scary creature." She rambled, mind tossing between one idea and then the next.

"If you wanna go for a theme then you could probably, you could, there's, you could be a pumpkin family." Feza's voice grew more sporadic, her wings unfurling a little from her sides. To her knowledge? This was someone entirely new, someone she had never met before. Setting a good example was a must, and her head lifted up a little bit higher. "Or rock paper scissors! That one, that's one that works really good for a trio!" A grin was present on her face, ears raised and a glint of delight in her icy blue eyes.

Feza turned to Wormwood next. The thrill of her festivity taking off seemed to entirely demolish her fear - buried under how swiftly her mind was turning over ideas. It was something her sporadic mind was good for. "Food coloring doesn't stain fur. You'll, you'll just have to take a really good bath afterwards and wash your clothes good. If you, if you even wanna keep 'em clean and not reuse them next year." Her stammer had faded, replaced with a giddy tone that absolutely overtook her high pitched voice. The snow leopard had absolutely no idea what Disney was, which was a surprise considering how she lived in a party store and all. She hadn't paid much attention to the brands, nor did she really comprehend the story behind them all. A festivity was a festivity, after all.

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