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MISERABLE MONDAYS | cocoon - Printable Version

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MISERABLE MONDAYS | cocoon - DELILAH. - 10-14-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

Sleepy.. Ever so sleepy..

Delilah hadn't felt this warm in a while- she knew she had sleepwalked, that was something she could tell. Briefly conscious, yet her body moved on its own. Out to the edge of the forest, into a tangle of trees before silk-like threads pulled from her coat, enveloping her like a blanket.


Before she knew it, a cocoon had encased her body, black ichor dripping out as the substance that wrapped around her ate at the liquid. It smelled like her- the substance must have came out of her body. Soft purrs left her lips, sleep pulling her deeper into oblivion as the cocoon rocked side to side.

Maybe she'd wake up feeling well-rested for once. She hoped it wouldn't take long.

[so basically, delilah wrapped herself up in a cocoon for a long slumber to prepare her body for winter. feel free to try and talk to her and interact, but delilah herself won't respond. think of it as like.. a bear hiding away for hibernation, except delilah's will only last until i'm not busy anymore.]

Re: MISERABLE MONDAYS | cocoon - beatae - 10-14-2019

  once again indie's investigations had been proven fruitless, coming across nothing but dead ends one after the other. the library held something, though, she could feel it. his scent was strongest there but always... cut short. the shepherd had a physical body. she had felt it. he was able to touch her in her dreams. he couldn't just disappear along with his scent like typical apparitions could.

she felt like she was being toyed with. that was her thing, and it frustrated her to no end.

on one of her walks between her temporary home and the library, she had come across delilah. though, it wasnt really her, was it? "um..." indie's eyes narrowed as she gazed upon the pastel pink cocoon. it slowly moved in and out like a pair of lungs, indicated she was still breathing from inside. she could hear the tiniest, softest snores if she held up her ear to its side.

oh how cute!

though not cute, because she would rather see the pretty she-cats face. what was going on?

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Re: MISERABLE MONDAYS | cocoon - wormwood. - 10-14-2019

It wasn't often that the guardsman came across one of his clanmates wrapped up in a big peaceful cocoon, ready – or in Delilah's case, already – to be deep in sleep. The metaphorical cocoon, such as the huge blanket nest Moth had constructed in her house, he had seen before, but the literal one, like the one currently enveloping Del? He had never seen such a thing, and he found himself coming up beside Indie with a look of bewilderment on his face. He had been out looking for herbs for Selby and Moth when he had first caught the faintest of scents alerting him to both Delilah and Indie's presences. Figuring he could take a bit of time away from herb hunting, he turned and padded over to where the two were, and was rather embarrassed to find himself caught in a double take. He made a very similar "uhh" noise to the one that Indie had made, but he too pressed his ear up against the strange substance, hearing the faint sounds of sleep from inside. As the guardsman pulled away, he sniffed at the cocoon and pressed his paw against it, finding that there was definitely someone inside, and it definitely smelled of Delilah.

Turning to Indie, Worm tilted his head to one side before questioning the newer Tangler, a worry frown coming to his handsome muzzle, "Indie, did you see what happened to Delilah...? I've never seen anything like this before..." Most of his questioning was born out of worry for Del, since she was part of his little found family and a friend of his, but part of it was also born of his job as a guardsman. After all, he was supposed to make sure that nothing would end up threatening the group, and he really wasn't sure if this represented a threat to the group or not. Obviously Del was inside the cocoon, and she wasn't a threat to them on her own, but what had caused this, and what would happen when she emerged from it? Would she be some kind of horrible murder beast? Or would she be all aggressive, like she had been after Arrow's death? Every negative option made him fidget nervously, and he pressed a paw back up against the cocoon, calling into it softly, "Delilah? Can you hear me? What is this?"
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: MISERABLE MONDAYS | cocoon - toboggan - 10-16-2019

The male's heart began pounding vigorously at the sight of Delilah's unconscious figure. Further increasing his concern was the outlandish encasing which cloaked her body. He had seen her as motionless as this before; only that time, she was dead as a doornail. The thought of the pastel-pelted femme passing away once more was a hazard to his system. She stuck around the swamp since the early days of Morgan's reign, similar to he. The experiences they both shared - the laughs, the tears - brought the pair together in a family-like bond, in Leroy's mind. Having her immobile like this plagued him with sinister, pessimistic thoughts.

"What happened t' her?" he found himself asserting discernibly whilst arriving at the scene,  his amber luminaries flickering wildly betwixt Wormwood and Indie, "Who did this? Is she a-okay? What happened?"

Re: MISERABLE MONDAYS | cocoon - beatae - 10-16-2019

  "oh, lovely." indie sighed as she placed a paw on the cocoon before letting it slide down to the ground. something must have caused this. maybe it was some sort of defense mechanism? perhaps delilah was sick with something and the cocoon was a means to recooperate from it. or maybe she would actually sprout with wings in just a few short weeks.

seeing wormwood and leroy, the caracal would take a step back and allow them to view their friends new state. "she did it to herself." she stated, gesturing to the entire... thing. "i mean, it's pink. she's also pink. there's only two dots to connect here, dear. you can do it."

she gestured for leroy to listen inside, placing her own ear against it. "you can hear her sleeping inside. perhaps she caught a sickness and is dealing with it that way. although we shouldn't keep her out here. predators could disrupt or tear it apart. does she have a house we can bring her to? mister wormwood-" green gaze suddenly snapped to the lion, her voice turning into a more authoritative tone.

"you may be best for safest transportation." his wings offered a pleasant barrier should she slip. "if we lift her up onto your back, you will have to keep her upright. does she have anyone else we need to inform? friends, family? we can set up watches in shifts in case she comes back and needs help."

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Re: MISERABLE MONDAYS | cocoon - wormwood. - 10-17-2019

Wormwood wasn't used to hearing such a tone of... concern, in Leroy's voice. Sure, he knew that the proxy was far from some soulless bastard, but usually the other could control his own emotions. He usually proved himself to be a steadying force in the entire group, which was probably why Crow had decided to make him proxy in the first place, along with his seniority. So to see the canine in such a state...? It was unsettling, to say the least. Still, Wormwood was pretty sure he could understand. Both Delilah and Leroy had been here for far longer than he had, and they seemed like two of the few remaining members from the old days. Worm couldn't imagine if one of his now friends – or makeshift family, rather – ended up injured or dying or anything like that. Well, he could imagine, but... he didn't like to think about it. Thankfully, it didn't seem that anything extremely serious was going on with Delilah. Of course, he could've been wrong, since he had never seen anything like the cocoon she was currently cooped up inside, but it didn't seem like anything was... wrong. It seemed as though Del was just sleeping, if the sounds coming from inside were anything to go by. This was hopefully just a little temporary... nest. Sort of like a butterfly's cocoon. It made Worm wonder if, when Delilah emerged, she would be any different than before... he hoped if it did happen, it would be just a physical change, and not a personality one.

Nodding along with what Indie said to Leroy, the guardsman rumbled as he looked at the cocoon currently wrapped tightly around Delilah's bright form, "Yeah, what Indie said. Nobody did this to her, we just... found her like this. It seems like it just developed. I'm pretty sure I can hear a heartbeat, and I definitely hear snoring when I listen to it, so... she's just resting, I guess." He was then startled when he heard Indie's authoritative voice directed at him. He blinked in surprise for a moment, certainly not used to the use of "mister Wormwood" when addressing him. He blinked at Indie's request for a moment before chuckling and nodding, saying as he moved to gently press his nose against the cocoon and lowered himself down beside it, stretching his wings out to the sides, "That's some good thinking, Indie. I can probably carry her pretty easily, unless that cocoon weighs much more than Del or something. It's a good thing it isn't like a Caterpillar's cocoon and didn't latch onto the nearby trees... as for friends and family... well, there's Ren and Flint. Ren is her boyfriend, as far as I know, and Flint is her kid. I'd guess they were at her house way out in the woods... perhaps they know what this is." He then gently motioned to Indie and Leroy to help him get Delilah safely up onto his back, not wanting to pierce the cocoon with his teeth or claw it while trying to pick it up.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: MISERABLE MONDAYS | cocoon - beatae - 10-21-2019

  indie nodded her head, eyes closed as she was wrapped up in her thoughts. right, it shouldn't weigh much. yes, it's good she didn't latch. let alone be anything like a chrysalis at all, considering the insides turned to goo in it's process. yes, yes, all good things-


her eyes opened, pupils turned to slits as the words rang in her ears.

boyfriend... boyfriend... boyfriend... boyfriend...

she sat still, frozen. her fur stood out at all ends as she processed the... emotions toiling within her.

it took several moments before she realized wormwood was making gestures at her, snapping her back and quickly laying her fur flat. yes! yes..." she shook her head and, rather dazed looking, gently used her forehead to lift one end of the cocoon.

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