Beasts of Beyond
MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - Printable Version

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MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - beatae - 10-10-2019

  something had woken her with a jolt that morning. a gasp tore itself from her chest when she shot up to her paws, standing on shaky legs. what was that? she had thought, looking down at the dark wooden floors she stood upon. her dreams had been awfully vivid. something pulling at her core.

never ending, open fields. the daisies have begun to wither, and the grass has begun to brown. the air is still, stagnant, yet the dying vegetation still moves back and forth to some unfelt breeze. she lifts her head to see a tall, wolfish figure with its back turned to her. was he calling to her?

she moves forward, holding her head high and stepping boldly closer to it. it was only when the stench of death hit her nose did she falter. indie took the shawl around her shoulders and covered her mouth and nose with it, hobbling around to come face to face with her dream-intruder.

he looked just as surprised to see her as she was. did he not mean to come to her? "hello." she greeted, gaze turning over his body slowly. she was no stranger to gore, as she had lived and seen some unspeakable things since leaving her mother's side. still, it was sad to see the state his natural body had been left in. beneath all that fur was practically nothing but rot and... flesh. was he still living? normally her visitors were unable to take on the form of their apparitions, only their physical looks from under the ground.

when there was no response she continued to speak, coaxing something out of him. "have you called to me? is that why you are here?" unsurprisingly, silence. "well if you are not here to use my services i'll be on my-" as she turned to leave, she is suddenly grabbed for at her hind leg. indie holds down a nasty retort about touching an unsuspecting lady. these were old ghouls, after all.

"come." his voice spoke, demanding.

and then they were both gone.

go... her permission had been granted by the unseen tenants of her inn.

in a dash the caracal had prepared quickly, being sure to leave a few gifts as a thank you to her ghostly companions. she felt the pull come stronger and stronger as she followed its direction, eventually coming across that same field within her dream. this time, she could feel the gentle breeze, carrying the scent of autumn with it. and there he was, still in the same place as her dream.

this time the wall of death did not encase him. he was littered with scars and injuries, but they seemed to have been healing or taken care of. "hello." she greeted him again, a familiar smile on her face. his shocked expression did not come, more so expectancy. "so, dear, where do we-" oh...?

the grimy old shepherd left. just... turned tail and left? "hey! wait!" he was gone, melted into the shadows of a treeline without looking back. well now what? she was left here in a field alone. how... unflattering.

//she's in the field of peace beyond the farm ^^

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Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - wormwood. - 10-11-2019

Wormwood was no stranger to odd dreams. Perhaps he didn't have dreams that connected him to the spirits of beyond like Indie's did – although his dreams did connect him in a way to those beyond the grave, but his connections were more heavenly than dead – but he had certainly been having weirded and weirder dreams lately. Some of them so upsetting that he had taken to hiding himself away and not sleeping for days at a time just so that he wouldn't have to experience them again. It had been a hard process, and had even led to him once or twice hallucinating from sleep deprivation, but still, he had believed it better than having to experience the dark and twisted dreams with visions of blinding light and drowning tears that had haunted him even as he had wandered around during the day. It seemed as though Indie also let dreams control her life, but in a very different way to how Wormwood's had corrupted and changed his as of late. Her dreams guided her, while his sabotaged his waking hours. He wouldn't have really been sure what was better or worse – having visions of heaven and your dead and forgotten family screaming at you over your failures, or being confronted by old spirits that lured you off to unfamiliar places and then just disappeared off into nowhere. It wouldn't exactly be an easy choice to make, since both sounded pretty shitty.

The male had been out on one of his many patrols to keep himself awake as of late, when he heard soft voices nearby, ones that he didn't recognize. His ears perked up for a moment, before he headed towards the field that Indie now resided in, his large paws carrying him along before he found himself in front of the female. He didn't want to scare her, since he was in his winged lion form, by far his largest and most intimidating body. Well... his rotted hellhound body was also pretty damn intimidating and unpleasant to look at, but he didn't really want to welcome someone new in with his most hideous and scary form. Of course, that was if Indie actually was a new person, or somebody that was intending to join. At the moment she just seemed sort of... confused. She didn't seem aware of where she was or why she was there, and he wasn't even sure if she was aware that she had crossed any borders in her chase to hunt down the rotted male she had seen  in her dreams. Settling down in front of her, the male cleared his throat before rumbling softly to her, his head tilting to one side as he took all of her in, taking a deep breath to make sure that she didn't smell of the Pitt or anything like that, "Hello there, miss. Can I help you? You're on the territory of Tanglewood right now, in case you didn't know, and I was wondering if you had a specific purpose for being here." She really did just seem overwhelmingly frustrated and confused by what had just happened, with her canine subject turning tail and running off, which was why he felt the need to ask.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - beatae - 10-11-2019

  she tried hard not to go bitter after that abrupt interaction. how rude... calling her all this way and not even giving her a hint as to what was going on? maybe this one liked to play chase... but she didn't feel any childish vibe from the dog. it was more avoidant, if anything. "dogs." she mumbled under her breath, smoothing out the shawl around her shoulders and sitting in thought. she would let her little ghost(?) friend play his game for now.

it appeared she had someone else to entertain.

a magnificent creature, something much the opposite of what she had just seen. angelic... it then came to her attention that she may have been somewhere she wasn't allowed. it seemed like only the  weird creatures lurked in groups like the blackguard. wormwood's introduction only confirmed her suspicions.

"i apologize, the nights rain must have swept away your scent boundaries." she began, stepping closer to the angelic beast. "though, i assume thats why you came all the way out here. i was here with-" well, she wasn't exactly... she would have to remain subtle about this evasive case. "i came here looking for someone, but they do not want to be found. i found myself lost in your land but... i am awfully afraid i cannot leave until i settle this."

the caracal hummed quietly, looking around them to see if maybe it had lingered. to no such luck. "oh, but it would be no trouble. i am rather low maintenance and can handle myself just fine; it will be like i'm not even here!" she reassured, her tail curling over her back as she looked up at wormwood.

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Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - wormwood. - 10-11-2019

Huh. It seemed as though there was now yet another person at their border, looking for somebody else. It seemed to be a common theme lately, first with Redsteel looking for his mysterious "witch", and now with Indie as well. However, it seemed as though Indie had gotten closer than Redsteel had gotten with his search, given how enthusiastically she was insisting that she had to finish up her business here. Wormwood blinked at the female for a moment, the angel's tail flicking back and forth slowly behind him, and he rumbled after a long moment, glancing towards camp, "Well... if you cannot leave, then I suppose that you can visit here for a while until you find however you're looking for, if that's what your goal is. I'm sure people would be happy to help you try to find whoever you are looking for if we had a few more details... my name is Wormwood, and I'm a guardsman around here, which means that I know a lot of the people around here, so I would be happy to help out if you told me about whoever it is you're here for... it would also be appreciated if I could have your name, just so that I don't need to call you "somebody." He wasn't sure how much he could actually help Indie out, but he could at least try, right? Cause she seemed very much at a loss about how to move forward.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - beatae - 10-12-2019

  oh what a gentleman! not much of those around these days. for a moment she expected to be turned away, which would have resulted in more... insistent persuasion, but she was glad it didn't have to go down that route. instead, the caracal looked up warmly and gave him a polite smile. she expected the offered help, but would have to refuse.

"i am terribly sorry, dear, but i simply cannot. you see, i don't know this person's name. we never met before. i would tell you a description but... i would rather it all come together naturally. i fear if there is external interference it could put others in danger." who knows what could happen with an avoidant. they could lash out after realizing that their fate is coming quicker from the help of their peers. she looked through wormwood's legs, seeing where he came from.

"i can tell you what you can help me with, though." she purred, rubbing her tail against his leg. "maybe bring me somewhere to rest? i am awfully exhausted from my trip here."

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Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - wormwood. - 10-13-2019

External interference could cause danger? A soft frown came to his muzzle as he heard this, feeling a bit of worry bubble in his chest at the thought. Hopefully whatever Indie was dealing with here wouldn't end up with any of his clanmates getting hurt in any way. Tanglewood already had enough on their plate right now, with the Pitt and everything else. They didn't need some ghost(?) going around and harassing others – that was what they had Beck for, after all. Even though the ghost boy wasn't actually out and about that much as of late... his thoughts were cut off all of a sudden, however, when Indie rubbed her tail against his leg, a flirtatious smile gracing her pretty face. Wormwood found himself blinking in confusion almost immediately at this, more than a little bit caught off guard. He didn't exactly flirt with a lot of people, and the last person that he could think of that he had flirted with was... Draekon, maybe? Although, what they had done hadn't exactly been flirting, since Drae had been far from the flirting type. So he actually supposed he had never really flirted with anybody in the past. It was a bit sad, when he really thought about it too much, but he shrugged it off, a soft sigh leaving him. He had more important things to be worrying about than flirting, even if there were some people he wished that he could flirt with.

He looked down at Indie for a moment before clearing his throat awkwardly and rumbling as he moved to step around her, leading her towards the main camp area of Tanglewood, "Erm... you're a very sweet little lady, miss – especially if you're here to deal with some sort of threat to us and others – and I'll be happy to show you to our main camp where you can find a place to rest, but I'm afraid that you're, uh... barking up the wrong tree." He felt a faint hearted blush come up beneath his fur, a sheepish look on his face as he padded ahead of her into the little town that made up the main Tanglewood area. He had never exactly had to... come out to anybody in the past, with the only instance of "coming out" that he could really think of being when his Mother had found out about his old boyfriend, but that had been a mistake, and had ended in his boyfriend's death. Needless to say, he had never actually had to turn a woman away because of his sexuality and very real attraction to men only, but he supposed that there was a first time for everything, awkward as it was.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - DELILAH. - 10-14-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Worm.. I heard yelling, is everything alright?"

Delilah's soft, worried voice sounded ever so gently through the whispers of the forest around them, the peaceful atmosphere something Delilah had long grown accompanied to. It was an odd feeling, peace. For so long, Tanglewood went without peace. Unable to settle down due to the Pitt's lingering influence, forever traumatized by the terror they caused.

She understood the meaning of peace- a word that meant everyone lived quietly, without trouble. What would the world be without trouble, however? Surely a lonely world.

Twitching nose tilted upwards, blind pale eyes remaining closed against the pollen that surfaced. Delilah took a few steps over to her fellow Tangler, before she noticed the presence of a newcomer.

"Oh my- I'm so sorry.. My name is Delilah, I couldn't smell you since the wind is away from me today." She meowed softly, lowering her head in greeting to the female. "Shall I walk with you two? It would be pleasant to get to know this young lady."

Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - beatae - 10-14-2019

  his retraction was adorable to the caracal, her gaze following him innocently. she followed after him in a swift trot, gasping as she placed a paw over her lips. oh! how foolish of her. she couldn't help but giggle, nodding her head understandably. "oh yes! understand, dear. you can't blame me, though, you are rather handsome." it was most likel the wings. my how they enraptured, no, demanded the attention for those around. she would not be surprised to find him in the same boat as her with suitors far and wide.

the arrival of another cat had caused her ears to swivel in delilah's direction before she looked to her. soft green eyes went wide, jaw drpping. wow. a jump from wormwood to delilah, but this time indie looked genuine in her admiration. a shame she was blind, indie thought she was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen.

unlike her playful banter and toying, she kept quiet. for several moments. get a hold of yourself. she heard her mother's voice demand. just as if madam lilac bells was standing over her shoulder, she did as such. snapping her jaw shut and quickly reclaiming her form.

"yes! we're all fine. our friend wormwood is bringing me to camp to rest and recoup." she purred, leading Delilah closer to the pair with a gentle brush between their pelts. "i would love the company! is there anything you could tell me about this place? i have never heard of tanglewood before."

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Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - wormwood. - 10-14-2019

Worm jumped a little bit when he heard Delilah's soft voice, having been frozen in nervousness after speaking to Indie. As he looked over at her, he chuckled and said with a little smile, "Ah, everything's alright, Del. Miss Indie here was just looking for someone, so she was calling out." He then heard Indie's comment about him being handsome, and found that he wanted to hide his burning fur beneath his paws. As a result of the way his cubhood had been, he was far from used to getting so highly complimented, and he found his wings twitching along his back as a result, itching to cover his cheeks. Instead, however, he just smiled a bit and said as he nodded, feeling father flattered that Indie thought he was handsome – after all, he may not have been interested in her that way, but he would have been an idiot to think that she wasn't very beautiful, "Thank you, very much... I can only hope that some others feel the same way about how I look." He laughed at his own little comment, although there was a faint sad lilt to it, mainly due to the fact that there was really only one person that Worm found he wanted to notice how handsome he was... someone who he doubted that would ever happen with. His tail twitched anxiously at the thought, and he quickly shook his head of those depressing thoughts, instead focusing on Delilah.

When the other feline mentioned coming with them – along with after Wormwood saw Indie's very entertaining reaction to Delilah arriving on the scene – the guardsman dipped his head to Del and said as he touched one of his wings to her back, "As Indie said, you're perfectly free to come with us, Del. More people to welcome in new members or guests are always welcome, of course." He knew that Indie would be barking up the wrong tree if she expressed her interest in Delilah, but that didn't mean it wasn't cute. Plus, it wasn't as if he knew Del's sexuality, given that he had never delved much into that line of questioning – however, he did know just how smitten Delilah was with Ren, and them having a kid now had only succeeded in deepening that love. Still, it wasn't his business to get in the middle of, so instead he just turned and began to lead the two towards the main town, moving towards the steadily getting stronger scent of Tanglewood, gently putting his tail against Delilah's tail to tell her that he was trotting along. The trees slowly began to thin as they grew closer to the square of buildings that made up their main camp, and he found himself smiling as they got closer, feeling safer by the minute.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: MAKE ME FEEL HELPLESS && joining...? - cortexx - 10-14-2019

Tanglewood felt like a small place whenever Worm was near.

That wasn't to say she felt any malice towards the larger male - quite the opposite, as he was overall one of the two people she actually knew in this clan, and one of the very few who knew her name. Indeed, she very much liked the man, though admittedly not in the way that Indie did - but that was getting ahead of herself. Worm made the world of Tanglewood feel small because he was simply everywhere. No matter what she did, no matter where she went, he was always there - and as a lady of the sea, someone who was used to her environment being somewhat fluid in terms of who was around, she wasn't used to it. Everything up on land was so locked in place. Sure, there was the geography of the ocean, the hills and the reefs (reeves?), the forests of kelp, the crab shells and eel dens. But overall, most sapient, or not specifically communicating, life tended to move around a lot, to where she rarely saw the same face twice... excepting her family, of course. They were always there, no matter what.

Not like she could do much if separated from them.

Wormwood - she still disliked that name for him, such a putrid name for a being such as he, who was large and bold, even though his mannerisms were more sheepish than lion - made the world feel small, but the good thing about a small world was that it was easier to navigate. Easier to learn, to figure out. Most of all it was easier to learn all the people in a small world.

Perhaps her metaphor was getting off course.

Magnetically, she was drawn to the winged lion, the color of fire and sunset, following his scent through the clan (it wasn't stalking if she was far enough away, right?) though it was intertwined with two others. She should have known, really, given that his whole job seemed to be talking to people, but still. Every time the thought of meeting someone breached her brainspace she began to take water, to sink into the deep seas of dread, because new people could be seconds away from ripping her throat out, or worse - whatever worse could be.

Tentatively, the small turquoise femme crept around the golden lion, looking out with eyes the color of a chlorine pool at the new person. New people, rather - one a weird-looking cat (which she would later discover was called a caracal, and in fact a lot of cats looked like that) that talked with honeyed words that made Echo blush, and the other was a strange pink cat, who was - blind? Maybe? She couldn't tell, she didn't really know. Blind fish didn't swim very far unless they were in the Depths, after all.

Coming to walk alongside the trio, Echo made to poke at Wormwood, hoping he wouldn't mind introducing her. I cannot talk, but I want to meet these new people, she wanted to say, and oh, there were so many questions she wanted to ask, and the massive scar and her throat began to ache, and -
She stopped herself before she could spiral any further, and waited for Worm to react. And if he didn't, she could wait for someone to say something that she could echo back in response. This would be fine, she tried to tell herself. Some questions could go unanswered, she failed to tell herself.
tags - "speech"