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CHEAPO + M&G - Printable Version

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CHEAPO + M&G - toboggan - 10-07-2019

Tanglewood's Proxy stood at the timeworn statue's base, gently swaying to and fro. His noggin held high, his tail hung low, and his amber gaze descended upon the town expectantly. Over the duration of the last week alone, the group saw an influx of joiners - none of whom Leroy had met personally. Nevermore did he meet fresh faces at the border; his state of health simply forbade it. Because of this, the hound felt eternal gratitude to prominent individuals such as Wormwood, Moth, and Crowley, who displayed an adequacy for showing unseasoned Tanglers the ropes. If it weren't for them, as well as a few other notable faces, the responsibility of introducing newbies to the tribe's way of life would fall upon the likes of him. And, as mentioned before, bearing such a burden was physically impossible for the male.

With the territory's outer reaches being beyond capacity these days, Leroy's livelihood had become confined to the town's limits. As a result, only brief glimpses of the group's recent additions could be caught. Nothing telling of their character, nothing telling of their history. As second-in-command, knowing the inhabitants of the group he co-led was vital to his position. Hence, today the male found himself hosting an event that hadn't occurred for a while. A meet and greet.

"Meet 'n greet time! If ya can hear my call, you're obligated t' come out here and participate!" He pauses after his half-satirical closing statement, waiting for a small crowd to materialize.

"All ya gotta do here is say your name, and some general info about'cha. Or you can give your entire life story, I don't care - just make it snazzy."

Re: CHEAPO + M&G - wormwood. - 10-07-2019

It had definitely been... some time since Wormwood had last seen the proxy of Tanglewood out and about anywhere other than just cooped up in a house, avoiding the world. It wasn't that he couldn't understand why the male hid himself away – especially now that he knew the news that it seemed as though he had so recently gotten, even though it had been a while now – but it was still depressing to see so little of the second in command these days. Even if he and Leroy had butted heads in the past, he respected the hell out of the canine, and often found himself interacting amicably with him when it was just the two of them, so it wasn't as if he had any desire to see the other male's grey face not somewhere around the group. This was why, when he first heard the sound of Leroy's gruff voice just a bit away from the library, where he was sitting and reading, he perked up with interest. The chaser hesitated for a moment, glancing back down at the story he was reading, before he just shrugged and closed the book, making a mental note of what page he had been on. He then went out the door and descended the steps, making his way over to the statue that Leroy was sitting almost regally in front of. Even though Worm hadn't seen him in a while, he still seemed his usual snarky and amused self, albeit a bit more tired, and that brought a small smile to his face as he settled back into a sitting position nearby, offering the proxy a small nod of his head and a shift of his golden and red wings. There honestly weren't many here who didn't know him, since his workaholic nature made it so that he was often one of the first ones to show up at the border to every new joining, but that still didn't mean he couldn't introduce himself to the ones that he had missed, right?

Turning towards the faces of the approaching others who had responded to Leroy's call, Wormwood wrapped his tail around his paws before rumbling softly, his strong voice cutting through the air sharply, "I'm pretty sure most of you here know me, but just in case you don't, my name is Wormwood. Most people just call me Worm though, since it's easier. I'm a chaser here, which is basically a position that just helps out the group a little bit more than your average member, nothing too special. I've been here a little while now, not nearly as long as some..." He smirked a bit as he gestured a wing over at Leroy teasingly, wanting to remind the canine that he had been here for quite a while, and would hopefully be here for many more months to come afterwards as well, "...But still a decent amount of time, to say the least. He's not here right now, unfortunately, because of the Pitt, but I'm also Roy's father. Startling resemblance, I know. If you have any questions about anything and you can't find Crow or Leroy, you can always come to either me or Feza. Or, er, Sam as well, but I haven't seen her in a little while." A small frown came to his face as he thought of the female, wondering where exactly she had ended up disappearing off to. It would he reasonable to suspect that she was still recovering from her wounds from the Pitt, but it had been a while now and last he had heard she was feeling at least a little bit better. It disappointed him to see how many faces had dropped off the map recently, like Vathmos, Sam, and Percy, but he could only hope they showed back up again soon... maybe at this very event, he hoped.
[glow=black,2,300]THE FREEDOM OF FALLING[/glow]

Re: CHEAPO + M&G - suvi. - 10-08-2019

[align=center]T͏O̴G͠ETH͏ER̕ ÁT̴ ̸T̕H̶E ST͏ART̶ O͏F̀ ̵TI̡M͏E
Kiira liked Leroy.  An older, familiar face.  She had never known a Tanglewood without him.  As such, she felt more inclined to pad towards the sound of his call, before thinking too much on what the event was.  A meet and greet.  Oh.  She barely felt the relief of not appearing first, for she could have been last and disliked the idea of anyone paying attention to her in any moment of time.

Regardless, Wormwood finished speaking, which meant someone had to raise their voice.  Who else was there?  Her.  How was she supposed to talk about herself when she felt confused about herself these days?  The petite vixen found her teeth digging into the inside of her cheek, just enough to pinch.  Her pinned back ears flickered, dematerializing for a few seconds.

A beat of silence.  The medic cleared her throat, softly, shuffling her paws as eyes landed on her.  Soft, gray and white fur pricked under the weight, hopeful someone quickly took the spotlight from her when she was done.  "… I-I'm Kiira." Maybe she could stop there... But that went against directions...  "'m a... M-medic 'ere.  I-I've been a member of the medical t-team for a r-really long time so... D-don't hesitate to ask me f-for help or anythin'..."
✯ — suvi kiira ní faoláin. female. medic of tanglewood. beta of the typhoon. arctic fox.  ref. bio.

Re: CHEAPO + M&G - arcy - 10-08-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]all you've ever done is been a noose to hang on to — 。+゚.[/glow]
[div style="width: 480px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 13px;"]Crowley is gonna be honest, he has no idea who the fuck Leroy is. He'd heard of the guy, obviously. Crowley was, against his better judgement, trying to keep up on the members of the group. But he hadn't seen the guy, he'd just been some unknown high position.
But, well, he was here now. Crowley regards the canine. A meet and greet -- he scowls. He'd been showing up to events, so most people probably knew him in passing at least. He shouldn't have to -- Crowley rather liked being somewhat mysterious*. But, well ... He huffs, ears twitching as Kiira finishes speaking.
*crowley was not mysterious in any way, and might, in fact, be ridiculously transparent. not that he realizes this.
"'m Crowley," He introduces, tail curling around his paws in something like irritation, but is also, in fact, some mild panic. Who the fuck is he? He doesn't have a cover story, and he doesn't want to, but he also doesn't want to say i'm a fucking demon, straight out, and he doesn't know what general info even means. "Came here to get away from some stuff -- no regrets, so far," Aha, something vague and ominous without revealing anything. Pleased with himself, he grins sharply, and leans back not only to be less obvious, but also to simply watch.

Re: CHEAPO + M&G - fulzanin - 10-08-2019

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

The snow leopard's bounds were long as she came over. Of course they would be. This was a type of event she could get behind! It wasn't as festive as she liked, and there weren't enough streamers (any, for that matter) or glitter glue (again, any). Such a thing didn't matter, because there was a conversation at hand! Feza could not say that she had ever turned down an opportunity to talk. Maybe she had. She wasn't sure. She was all too thrilled for this meet and greet! Had she attended one of these when she first joined? She didn't think so. "Wormwood, silly, we're Guardsmen now. It's very recent so I don't blame you for forgetting." Feza said with a tip of her head. She settled down, wrapping her tail around her paws. It was, by far, probably the most calm of movements that she had done in a while. "I'm Feza! I'm the self appointed party thrower around here. If you want fun, or help like Wormwood said, but mostly fun, I'm always happy to do so!" Her sporadic speaking swiftly took hold, messing up her sentence into an absolute abomination of thoughts. A grin spread across the feline's face, a delighted twitch spreading through her wings. Being able to call herself what she had always desired to be? It felt great, it felt wonderful. It made her feel nice and warm, and her smile was wide.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

Re: CHEAPO + M&G - DELILAH. - 10-13-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

A meet and greet.. Maybe it would have been better if she hadn't been a bit late to the calling, but with how contagious she could be when under stress, she decided that keeping her distance was easier. Way, way easier.

Soft, mud-covered pastel paws carried the being from the safety of her home to the looming figure of a statue that she couldn't see. She'd spent enough time around this place- it was familiar, the sound of other beings surrounding her. Gifting her a chance to communicate with them for once.

Delilah was never one to miss meeting newcomers in the past, but things had changed with due time. Settling beside Crowley, the blind femme lifted pale magenta eyes up to the direction in which she heard Feza speak.

"My name's Delilah- I'm not one to speak much about myself unless the topic comes up, but if you have any questions about how things work, or medicine, then I'd love to help you out.. Other than that, I'm just another face to see around here." She meowed softly, lowering her head before she curled her tail around her paws.

Just another day, she supposed.

Re: CHEAPO + M&G - selby roux ! - 10-13-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Leroy’s call for a meet and greet came as a surprise, especially since it had been such a long time since one had been held. Selby couldn’t even remember when the last one has been, much less if he had participated in it. Nonetheless, here he was, prepared to both meet and greet his fellow tanglers.

He took his seat, carefully taking note of everyone who had arrived so far. No new faces, so that was good. "I’m Selby Roux, and I’m the sawbone here," he began. "As for what you should know about me... erm... I like to read. I’m pretty boring, so there’s not that much to know."

Re: CHEAPO + M&G - beatae - 10-14-2019

  oh how adorable! a little meet and greet between friends and acquaintances. they were all strangers to indie, so she preferred to arrive with a little treat. the caracal had quickly made friends with a sweet gentleman on her way, taking her dish of hors d'oeuvres. heart-shaped flatbreads with a vegetable dip in the center for everyone to partake. she directed for it to be placed down in the center for everyone to see in case they were hungry.

she adjusted her shawl, clearing her throat and listening to everyone with a nod. she looked at feza particularly with a smile. "party thrower, huh? i am a hostess myself. we should collaborate later~!" her feathered ears twitched, looking over each and every one with a sweet smile. "my name is indiana bells, though i prefer to go by indie. i run an inn far from here, being taken care of by some friends while i settle things here. like feza, i love to host! baking and general cooking are my favorite pastimes, so if you would like a tasty treat don't be afraid to stop by." she purred, flicking her tail over her paws politely.

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Re: CHEAPO + M&G - torren - 10-15-2019

S u l i t . adj.
The phrase had touched his ears in the past, but without implementation.  The young scottish wildcat allowed himself to be drawn towards the group, listening quietly with rapt attention.  Despite his royal heritage, Torren refrained from demanding the spotlight.  His young sister, Kiia, lived in a similar fashion.  Naturally, the feline had worked on his public speaking, as properly expected of him, but he never sought it out directly.

The case presented to him however made simple sense.  If he planned on continually residing in this place, it was only decent of him to know everyone and to ensure everyone recognized him as well.  Decided, the youth stepped forward as Indiana finished speaking.  Before speaking, he inclined his head respectfully for those gathered.

"My name is Torren Winther.  I come from a far off kingdom from here," he smiled politely, eyes bright and thoughtful.  "My sister and I love to travel, and traveling is how I ended up here.  I am a rather large bookworm.  If you ever have questions on history or philosophy, I might be able to offer some assistance. Aside from that I also cook in my free time."

Re: CHEAPO + M&G - trojan g. - 10-30-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]She didn't know many others anymore, and that was, well, odd for Moth. She didn't know who was who or what they did here or if there was anything that was off with someone that she cared about. Ears pricked as she heard the call from Leroy for a meet and greet, and she would look over to those already there, picking and choosing who she should sit next to, ultimately deciding to pick a seat next to Selby.

Listening in on the things that were being said by each and every member that was there, finally Moth would open her maw to speak about herself. "Um, my name is Moth." She would speak looking down for a moment to gather her thoughts before looking back up towards others, "I'm a medic here, and I like to draw and am currently learning how to read better."