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CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - Printable Version

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CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - trojan g. - 09-11-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"] [[ before any confusion starts, I want to mention that Moth is also my character, so I gave myself permission to powerplay lmao ]]

Roman didn't have control over his actions, and hadn't for a while now. The souls in his body had been fighting for control ever sense he had joined the Pitt, and, eventually, there was one that started to show his head every now and then, having fought Warpaint and won, it continued to try and attack the two souls that had once been one, now severed in half due to the actions that Roman had done when he was younger. The weaker half had been silenced for a while now, Tunnelkit dormant, his own little soul trying to heal and get stronger to no avail, so lastly it was Trojan, the victor of the two other souls, trying to take command of the vessel that they all shared, ready to fight the shard of soul that was Roman's. Even though it was only a shard, however, it was still stronger than the three others, but it was getting tired, and Roman was starting to become more and more drained the longer he fought, and there were many times where he slipped and Trojan took over, this being one of those times.

Although he was a Pittian, Roman didn't like to harm others. He'd sit and watch, sure, but he very rarely participated in things such as torture or fighting. Of course, the exception being if he had been attacked first, then he would attack in retaliation - and he was a strong fighter too, despite his missing limb. Trojan, however, had come from a long line of war-bound lineage, each member fighting more and more to keep strong, to make sure they could be the best there was, and didn't care about who it was they were attacking and killing. They simply liked to do so. Trojan in and of himself, however, was a kiss-ass, and would do anything to get on the good side of whatever leader they were under, so, of course, when the soul had taken over, he decided to try and take revenge on Tanglewood for Jervis. He didn't care if he had been told to or not - he was going to do it in hopes that he'd be able to wiggle his way into the rankings and gain the trust of the vulpine leader. Even if he didn't respect the other, he still held the power, and it was best to not get on his bad side.

Padding into the swamp of Tanglewood, and annoyed hiss could be heard coming from the male's maw. The territory here was not the best for a three legged feline, especially not one used to the body that he was currently in, unsure how, exactly, to shift into another form at this point in time. But he couldn't complain too much. Roman was usually in a form of a domestic feline, but currently the male was the form of a Mexican Wolf, large enough to take on most of the creatures here, he was sure.

He had been keeping close to the border, jaws open as he drank in the rank scent of the swamp and those who resided here, nose wrinkling in disgust as the scent of a tangler drew closer, though ears would prick, keeping watch of the sound to make sure he was ready when they neared, a smirk on his maw as he saw a small glimpse of golden fur and ruffled feathers walking slowly. He'd creep forward, making sure to keep down wind and watch where his paws went, making sure to keep her in sight before realizing what she was doing - collecting herbs. That made this better. If he was able to take out one of their medics there'd be less in the group to heal those that were harmed by their own rankings, and while she was distracted, that's when he pounced.

Muscles bunched up and the one controlling Roman's body would use his back leg to propel himself forward, front paws outstretched before he made contact, landing hard onto Moth's body, knocking her over, causing a loud yell for "help" to come from her before he slammed his front paws onto her face, pushing it into the mud to muffle her yell. Moth closed her eyes tightly before she felt pain wash over the left side of her face, and a growl came from Roman's throat. "Shut up, and I'll make this easy for you." He'd bark out, pushing her face further into the mud, a small whimper coming from Moth's throat in fear, causing the canine to push harder, causing a small popping noise to come from Moth's jaw and paw would move to her throat as he began to push, hard enough for her to only be able to breathe slightly. "I said quiet, but I guess you can't follow orders." He'd growl, finally pushing down hard enough for her to pass out, before he lifted the paw.

Padding to the side of the unconscious leopard, he would sink his teeth into her front leg, breaking the skin before beginning to pull, hard, in an attempt to begin dragging her out of this territory so that he would have enough room to drape her over his back and begin his trek home. Too bad he didn't know there was someone else nearby.

Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && P; Wormwood - trojan g. - 09-11-2019

tracking on Moth's account

Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && P; Wormwood - wormwood. - 09-11-2019

If someone looked closer at Wormwood, truly closer, it probably wouldn't be that hard for them to see that there was a lot of anger simmering beneath the surface of Worm's calm and warm exterior. In general, that anger didn't come out blazing in full force, at least ever since he had arrived in Tanglewood. His rage had been a lot more free to shine and erupt back when he had been in the pride, uncared for and ignored by everyone, mostly ridiculed and treated as an outcast in a place that he had been born into, a place that he had expected to be his home. At that time, he had been much more likely to lash out, screaming and crying and hurting others for selfish reasons, to the point where at that time he had even tried to kill his own brother out of that anger. He had seen Poet as one of the people that had caused his anger and his despair, and he had thought that Poetking had been unfairly raised above him in every aspect for no reason. He still regretted that, even now that he felt fresh rage running through his veins, spurred on not only by Poet betraying him yet again, and leaving him in a great deal of pain, but also because of what the Pitt had been doing to them as of late. Not only had they hurt Sam, Beck, and Red, in addition to Crow and Selby through the death of Pastel, but they had also lured his brother over to their side, no doubt manipulating him and telling him that the Pitt would be better for him... at least that's what Wormwood hoped. If Poet had just left them to go to the Pitt all on his own... well, that only added on to the hatred and anguish that was plaguing him so often as of late.

It was pretty often that Worm ended up going for walks around the territory, sometimes because he actually had something that he needed to do, and sometimes because he just needed an outlet for the anxious energy that fueled his body forward. Generally he tried to stay away from his clanmates when he was out on these walks, just so that he didn't interrupt something like them hunting, or because he just needed a bit of time alone. However, when he caught the scent of Moth nearby, he blinked in surprise andifted his head up, a small smile curling onto his muzzle as he moved towards her scent. Ever since Poetking had left, Wormwood had become closer and closer to Moth, and had started to see her as closer family, almost like a little sister that he yearned to protect. He didn't want to acknowledge that fact, since it reminded him far too much of what his relationship with Poet had been like, just with Moth, but it still lingered in the back of his mind. Moth was deeply close to his heart now, and if he found out anybody was hurting her, then they would be in for a very very bad time. Hell, Poet had hurt Moth inadvertently with his leaving, but he still felt fury about the fact that the other lion had done such a thing. He still wasn't sure of the fact that if he saw Poetking again... he wouldn't just attack him outright because of what had happened.

In fact, as he got closer to where Moth's scent was, and he realized that a Pittian scent was mixing in with it as well, he realized he might have to face the question of what he would do if Poet showed up much sooner than he thought. However, it wasn't actually Ppet, as Worm had suspected. Instead, it was some unknown Pittian that Wormwood didn't know about, having never been told about him by Draekon or seen him during the raid, but Worm still felt frenzy fill him as soon as the scent reached his nose, and suddenly lay his footsteps were more urgent and less calculated, leaves and swamp life being trampled beneath his bone claws as he raced forward, drool filling his mouth and a sick gleam coming to his golden eyes. He didn't know why he felt such excitement inside of him at the prospect of attacking a Pittian, but it was definitely there, and soon enough every coherent thought was gone from his head, replaced by nothing but base emotions and desire. Desire to chase, desire to fight, desire to kill. The feelings only got worse when he finally reached the area Moth was in, her body collapsed in unconsciousness as the Pittian trying to drag her out of the territory by the leg. The drool in his mouth spilled out between his teeth, the cruel grin on his face widening before he barked out, his voice sounding wrong and warped as his back legs launched him off forward and out of the thick clumped trees, heading straight for Roman with both enthusiasm and madness, "Die, die, DIE! You're just another one of them! I'm going to kill you all! I'm going to END YOU ALL!" He sounded unchained and manic, glee in his voice as he charged into battle, flames consuming his entire front half, filling the gaps between his teeth and covering his claws as his fire elementals activated with his fury.

His shoulder slammed first into Roman, knocking the other male over onto the muddy earth and cackling with resentment at the surprised grunt Roman let out. It took only a moment for the wolf to scramble back up to his paws, but Wormwood was already stepping over Moth's collapsed body, launching himself forward and digging his fire covered fangs into the male's shoulder, a noise of satisfaction leaving him as Roman – Trojan, actually, which was unknown to Wormwood – shouted in pain, thrashing about and scratching at Worm's front legs and back. Worm just ignored the pain that blossomed throughout his front half, too spurred on at this point to even think about stopping, even if he could actually think in his current state. He kept his teeth sunk into Trojan's shoulder, thrashing his head from side to side to tear away chunks of flesh as he let his flames envelop the side of the wolf's face. Roman was still shouting, and at this point it was closer to screaming, and his actions got more erratic as he slammed his paws against the hellhound's face, Trojan's flesh burning as the smell of smoke mixed with the smell of blood and torn flesh, and the hellhound finally released his hold.

Trojan fell back, still shouting in pain over the flames still clinging to him, but his leg thrashed out at Worm's front, trying to kick him away. Wormwood was too far gone to be pushed away, however, and he sank his teeth into the remaining one of Trojan's legs, dragging the wolf closer to sink his front bone claws just beneath where the Mexican wolf's ribs were. There was another shout of agony as Trojan's movements began to slow, his energy draining as his blood did as well, not enough to kill him, but certainly enough to effectively slow him. Wormwood grinned down at Trojan – his enemy, his capture, his prey – and sank his teeth into the wolf's chest, lifting him up and slamming him down so that his head careened off of the earth, hard enough to knock the wolf out. There was a noise of pain that was cut off as Trojan went limp, and the flames that had enveloped Wormwood died down, although he still wasn't in his right mind. He picked the Mexican wolf up roughly by the scruff of the neck, dangerously close to the top of his spine and oh so close to just giving in to his desire and crunching down on vulnerable bone and muscle. As it stood though, he just dragged the Mexican wolf over to the trees that he had emerged from, tossing him to the ground to remain there before he moved over to where Moth was still collapsed.

He more carefully picked the medic up by the scruff, still gentle and protective of her even in his animalistic state. He then lifted the large creature up onto his back, grunting before moving off towards camp, grabbing Trojan again along the way. Soon enough he had arrived back at the camp, and he gently tipped over, letting Moth gently drop to the ground before he tossed Trojan to the ground as well. Blood and drool his still dripping from his jaws as he looked at Trojan's body, his eyes glimmering faintly with a desire to just lean down and end the Pittian's life, but he didn't want to do that yet. He wanted to make sure that Trojan suffered, and then he would partake in his feast of the food he so desperately craved.

( permission given to power play, things just highlighted so tikki can keep track of what has happened to Trojan/Roman lmao )
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Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - Kamara Jilani - 09-12-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

Now what was this. A rather atrocious sight. One on his back and the other was in his maw. The manner in which he dropped them both off was contrasting and she quickly assessed the situation. The mangled body of the wolf and the blood dripping off Wormwood's lips.The look in his eyes.

She had seen it so many times over the years. Wherever it came from was far from a good place. A sight to make anyone wince, but she had seen worse.

"What do you intend on doing with that boy Wormwood?", her voice was flat and straight, not raising in tone nor lowering. She took a step forward, tail lashing in irritation. One thing mortals never understood was that hate bred hate and violence let to only more violence.

"Because from what I can see, you've done enough.", perhaps it wasn't her position. And if Wormwood insisted on doing worse to the canine she was unsure whether she would attempt to stop him or let him be. Somethings you can't change, but perhaps she could influence.

Eyes would shift over to the girl, she was of her kind except for some major unique additions. Quickly her gaze returned to Wormwood. She inhaled the scents, noting the wolf's was not of Tanglewood. A more crimson scent to them.

Violence was something she didn't want, it was something she tried to avoid. So common was it in the world. Ears flicked as she looked at Wormwood, questioning his authenticity with this.
never will she bow


Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - DELILAH. - 09-12-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"What's happening? I can smell blood!" Delilah's panicked voice rang out as the sightless felidae hopped through the bushes that separated her from the group of people that were slowly gathering. The smell of anger, of fear- it was something that Delilah knew all too well.

Let me take over, pinkie.
Absolutely not. It's fine. We're fine.

The pastel felidae grimaced a bit as she listened to everything going on, her body moving over to press up against a tree that was a bit away from the trespasser, trying to estimate how close the male was depending on how far away the scent was. Maybe then, she'd be able to corner him with some kind of earth wall.. There's enough mud and dirt to manipulate around her. This could work.

"Give her back, and everything will be just fine." It was an honest warning- not so much of a threat, since Delilah wasn't one to make threats herself. She was more worried about Moth, and making sure Wormwood got her back.

Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - wormwood. - 09-12-2019

The first one to arrive was Kamara, someone that Worm had become quite well acquainted with when she had first arrived. He found that he liked her and her honesty and her storied past as an immortal being, and had easily integrated her into his center group of well liked acquaintances. However, now, when she was speaking in such a disapproving tone to him, he found anger and vile raising in his throat, along with his hackles. His golden gave narrowed at Kamara for a moment, and he snarled, not at her, but at the male beneath his claws, his pae resting on Trojan's shoulders and his claws gently pressing down at the male's shoulder to draw some more blood. He didn't say anything beyond this undefined snarl, his tail lashing back and forth as he moved to nudge Moth's limp body forward, as if saying "worry about the girl, not this bastard". His head lowered to sniff at the blood still running from Trojan's wounds, and he felt more drool dripping from his mouth, an overwhelming desire to just go to town and start ripping further chunks out of the Pittian. Still, Kamara's disapproving tone played once again in his head, and his ears pinned back as he reluctantly pulled his head back, drool still dripping to the ground mixed with the blood splattered across his front.

The second one to arrive was Delilah, and it seemed that the blind female didn't realize that the situation had already been forcibly resolved. Still, that seemed to be enough to vaguely snap him out of it, and his golden gaze faded a bit as lucidity began to return to him. He blinked a couple of times, a sort of groggy haze coming over his head as he returned to his usual state. Shaking his head from side to side, he let out a pained little grunt before turning his attention back to Delilah. When he remembered what she had said, a dry chuckle left him and he rasped softly, his voice utterly wrecked as he spoke gruffly, "Del... Del, Moth and I are fine. Well... Moth isn't. She needs Selby to look her over, but the Pittian won't be an issue. He's passed out."The smell of the Pittian's blood still curled tantalizingly around his muzzle, tempting him considerably, but he steadfastly ignored it in favor of looking over at Kamara. He hesitated for a moment before barking out slowly, his head throbbing, "He... I... I don't know. And he isn't just some "boy", he's a filthy Pittian. Part of the group that's been nothing but trouble, and he attacked Moth. I dont regret what I did..." Even if I can't remember most of it... His mind helpfully added on, a frown coming to the hellhound's face as he rolled Trojan further away from Moth.

He then said as he turned back to the small audience, feeling the blood in his fur already beginning to dry over his front, "One of you... Delilah, Kamara, get Selby so he can see to Moth's injuries. I don't know what will happen to the Pittian... I guess that'll be up to Crow to decide." He knew what his still foggy mind wanted him to do. It wanted him to kill Trojan, tear him limb from limb, and then maybe invite Vathmos to partake with him in eating the bastard's flesh, but... that would be wrong. It was awful, and violent, and something he never would've thought of before, even when faced with the very worst of the worst. He didn't know why he was so damn eager to just cause Trojan as much suffering as he could inflict right now, but the urge was running through his veins, and he desperately needed somebody else to come and sort this all out before he was forced to give in.
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Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - DELILAH. - 09-12-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie

Delilah listened to Wormwood's words carefully, nodding along with everything he said yet the look of calm worry on her face never went away. Moth was hurt? A Pittian was the one who tried to take her? Ah.. This was happening too much- to much was happening, and Delilah felt anger bubble up inside of her.

"Move, please. Let me create a chain to keep him there until I come back with Selby. Just in case he wakes back up." Delilah spoke softly, already patting the ground to test how soft the mud was currently before she tapped the ground, hesitating soon after and pulling her paw back. As if regretting the words she spoke. Giving a small smile to Wormwood, the pastel felidae backed up, dipping her head to the taller male.

"..Actually, I'll be right back with Selby, if he's not busy." She mewed, turning tail and leaving without another word. She hoped Selby felt well enough to help..

[member=2072]selby roux ![/member]

Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - selby roux ! - 09-14-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby’s walk home from Beck’s boat was often a peaceful one, but this time it was interrupted by a shout from a familiar voice. Delilah’s call would not have usually been an unwelcome one, but when her somewhat worried tone betrayed the prospect of more work, it quickly became detested. However, when she came closer and explained the situation, he quickly came to regret his apprehension. Moth was attacked? How could that be? She hardly left Tanglewood! Still, she had been hurt, and duty calls. He hoisted his bag up and followed Delilah without complaint.

When the sawbone arrived on the scene, he was immediately hit with the strong stench of blood. Switching into doctor mode, Selby’s disgust at the acrid aroma was quickly shoved aside in favor of deducing what was going on. Three people injured: Moth, Wormwood, and who he assumed to be Moth’s attacker. The stranger carried the scent of the group he had come to loathe, so his attention focused on his clanmates. Moth appeared to be unconscious, so he swiveled his focus onto the fellow medic. Selby approached and set his bag down, retrieving the necessary supplies.

First things first, he attended to the bites on her foreleg, carefully cleaning the wounds and then dressing them and bandaged the leg, doing the same to the scratch on her eye. Noticing that her leg looked a bit askew, Selby probed her shoulder, almost groaning with frustration as he found it was dislocated. His yellow eyes flickered to her jaw, and found it in a similar fashion. Moth was much bigger than him in this form and he would be unable to reposition the limb by himself, but he could fix the jaw well enough. Selby seized her maw and taking careful aim, gave it a precise shove back into the socket. Now for the hard part.

He knew he would have to ask for help for the leg, and he pondered for a moment who might be better for the job. Wormwood was the obvious first choice, but his injured state and questionable mental stability also made him an undesirable one. Delilah was a harder choice given her size and capabilities, but after deliberating on the subject Selby decided that she was the right one. "Delilah," he called gently, turning to face her. "Could you lend me a hand with this last bit? Her arm’s been dislocated and I need someone to help me brace her. Are you up to it?"

Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - Kamara Jilani - 09-14-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

She listened whole heartedly understanding. The leopardess learned to accept people's logic for their logic. But she never allowed that to sway her attention to the truth.

"I understand that in your mind the group he belongs to is more than enough justification to murder him. But in reality that is nothing but an excuse, Wormwood.", she watched him push on the shoulder. Her heart sped up a beat or two in disappointment, "But have you ever thought that the poor boy was brought into a lifestyle and knew no other way? And even if it was a choice to be so cruel, you do not want to stoop to their level. Because you terrorizing and torturing and killing him when he has already lost... is that not the premise of the Pitt? You would be no better than them."

She flicked his tail, walking forward, "I doubt you all will give him the healing he will desperately need. He will most likely die from the wounds you inflicted upon him. And if what you all say is true of the Pitt... then they won't nurture him to health either."

She looked at Delilah, watching her and another feline take the winged big cat and analyze her wounds. Kamara sighed, looking at the ground while shaking her head. So many people. Wasted their lives in futile revenge. In anger. And most likely died by the hands of another in the same state.

"Wormwood, I do not like that look in your eyes. But I know you to be a kind being. Let that person shine through. I know you can be a bigger man than them.", eyes flickered back up to him, looking at the blood across his maw and splattered on the paws. A troubled soul did troubling things when the fire was fueled.

"You are better than that my friend.", she smiled softly and moved to touch her nose to his shoulder in support.
never will she bow


Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - suvi. - 09-14-2019

[align=center][Image: Uo6QexN.png?1]
— s͢uv̷i͡ ̷k̛iir͜a ó f͞a҉olá҉in | t̢àn̢glewo̧o̷̢d̷͢, t̶h̨e̵ ҉ty͝p̵ho͞on͞ | medic —
Perhaps fate felt merciful.  The petite vixen arrived on scene later, allowing others to first respond where she may have... Frozen.  For the scent of blood, mixing with the Pitt brought her to a nearly paralyzed halt.  Voices overlapping.  Barely registering.  Something hurt and angry and pained flashed in her unmatched hues, something broken from her time simply left in confinement.  The Pitt's hands.

Yet the anger dissipated suddenly, like a soft breeze.  Kamara perhaps.  But very quietly, words tumbled out of her mouth, a whirlwind of broken feelings. "I-I remember... Kinder faces i-in the Pitt." For four moons she lingered in a cell.  Alone.  Malnourished.  Dehydrated.  Yet someone had snuck her provisions on occasion.  She felt... Certain it was the same fox who burned her later, with a strike of lightning, yet he had done it.

"An' children... M-my cousin..." Strange thoughts.  Kiira possessed no family.  She remembered no family.  But I'm Suvi too and my cousin is... Aine.  Right.  "M-My uncle..." A sharp memory.  A sudden fire in her heart, rage unfurling wide wings.  "G-Gael only re-resulted to violence [i]after T-Tanglewood did![/i]'... to send a message...'  "A-all this violence... J-just fuels this st-stupid cycle."

Only after did she hear of the fire, but she saw the aftermath of it.  Whenever she followed Embry, the kind or not kind fox, she saw the charred ashes left in the blaze's wake.  T͝h̴̕e͜ỳ̢ ̶d͏ì͞d͞͞ń̨'t ̷̢c͟ar̀e̶҉ ̴abò̢͜u̴̴t ͠m҉e̵.

Her eyes brim, vision blurring.  "I-if you stoop..." She fumbled, digging her claws into the ground.  Her tail disappears behind her.  Unnoticed.  "I-if we stoop... T-to that level... Then we're just as bad as them."

Well.  She didn't know what Crow would decide to do with the boy, but she was beginning to feel shaky.  The look in Wormwood's eyes... Reminded her of the righteous rage in Gael's.  All of her legs seemed to tremble, barely withstanding her weight.  Why did everyone result to violence?  Wouldn't it have been enough to simply rescue Moth without nearly killing someone?

She tries to focus on something.  The Pittian of all things.  "… S-someone in the Pitt... Helped me... A-as I was growing ill." Embry, his name was Embry.  "An' I-I'm not letting so-someone die on m-my watch, ally or en-enemy."

"" Ẁ͢h̴y ̷͢bo͘͟͠th͘e͜r͢?͟  Chewing the inside of her cheek, the fae crept closer to the unconscious Pittian, eyes dark as she examined his state.  This is really bad.  Her stomach felt all kinds of twisted.  Marigold... Aloe vera maybe... The former would help both the burns and bleeding.  "… L-let me work on him." Almost a demand, more than a request.  No one dies today.

[ [member=5538]romanempire[/member] ; can kiira help him? ]