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Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Atbash Cipher
AGE. Physically and mentally 8 years; spiritually over 1 trillion years old
— Birthdate: September 10 (Virgo)
GENDER. Female (she/her)
GROUP & RANK. Shadow Reaper [HP; Deputy] of Tanglewood
Former Groups & Ranks:
Former Titles:
ORIENTATION. Homoromantic, Homosexual. Atbash is currently open to relationships, but she is currently crushing on Merlin.

FAMILY. Atbash is apart of the Cipher family. She is the daughter of BEAUFORT and AFFINE CIPHER and is the middle sister of VIGENERE and CAESAR CIPHER. She has no biological kids of her own, but has adopted Coriander.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: F1 Savannah (Reference/Art
— Description: Atbash is an gold-orange F1 Savannah Dream Demon with black markings. She has a short tail and has only one black-colored eye. Her left ear tip is burned off, and she has a triangle brand on her left shoulder. The right side of her face has deep claw marks from where Stryker had ripped out her eye. On her forehead, there is a brand of an eye. On her throat is a large scar from where Caesar attempted to kill her. Any body she possesses has a lavender and burning sulfur scent to them.
— Current injuries: None at the moment.

Coyote ()
— Description: Atbash is your average coyote with black eyes, but with black ear tips, black paws, and some black spots on her fur.
— Current injuries: None at the moment.

ACCESSORIES. Atbash wears a [url=]moon pendant
that glows in the dark on her left arm, which was given to her by Izuku. She also wears a purple bracelet on her right arm, which was given to her by Wendell.

INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally easy. Unlike her littermates, Atbash isn't well versed in mental abilities or physical strength. She is really easy to take down and won't try to fight unless the need arises. Powerplaying peaceful actions is allowed. Tag account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: Air & Water Elementals, Mental Manipulation & Communication, Conjuration, Possession, Enhanced Senses, Clairvoyance, and Teleportation
PERSONALITY. Atbash is a friendly and caring individual, quite the contrast in comparison to most demons. She is thoughtful and understanding, often choosing to listen to both sides of the story before making a decision. However, she is quick to flee and can be seen as a coward, as she will choose not to fight if she can help it. Atbash can be dependent and clingy, especially when it comes to her family. She is compassionate and likes to help out her clanmates. The best way to describe Atbash is ENFP-T.
— Disorders: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

BELIEFS. In regards to religion, Atbash isn't much of a believer in anything but does enjoy listening to mythology and stories. She won't judge anyone for their religious beliefs and won't hurt anyone if she can help it. She believes that everyone is good and mean people are only misunderstood and lashing out, but is slowly learning that this isn't as true as she originally thought.

BEHAVIOR. Atbash isn't as hard-working as her brother Vigenere, though she isn't as lazy as Caesar. She enjoys helping out her clanmates as much as she can but also enjoys spending time relaxing. She prefers to spend time around her friends and is friendly to everyone. She can be quiet, however, especially when she's feeling down or stressed out about something.
HISTORY (Updated 05/31/2021)
Atbash was born in the Seventh Tier of Dimension FiveX, along with her brothers, Vigenere, and Caesar. She had a very normal life - or about as much as you could in the Seventh Tier. She was loved by her parents and was very well taken care of, although her family was starving. Atbash was happy living in the Seventh Tier, despite knowing how women were treated there. Females of the Seventh Tier were considered the lowest of the low outside of being exiled, and were very mistreated often. They were often sold off to get married to a random male in the Tier, and many females are unhappy with their marriage. Luckily, however, her parents were happily married and loved each other from the start. She always wanted to be a Shaman, although she knew that was highly unlikely. But when Vigenere had been selected by the King's Guard, Atbash had been happy for him, but noticed how upset and jealous Caesar was. She tried to comfort and support him, but she knew that Caesar would do anything for attention, and it didn't surprise her when she found out that he snuck into a Court Meeting. What did shock her, however, was Caesar's assassination attempt of the Shaman. Because of his attempt, the Cipher System (family) had been exiled.

Atbash had joined Caesar when he was first talking about raiding the Kingdom and killing the King, swayed by both of her brothers' feelings of rage and revenge. However, when Vigenere told her that their family (other than Caesar) could return to normal, her feelings changed. She wanted to go back to the Seventh Tier, even if she was going to be treated just as harshly there as she could being Exiled. At least she knew in the Seventh Tier that she would be taken care of, even if she had to forcibly marry a male. On the day of the attack, Vigenere and Atbash tried to convince Caesar to stop, however they didn't succeed. Caesar murdered the King and soon lit the Dimension on flames. Vigenere and Atbash thought Caesar left them to rot and fled to their home, finding their parents trapped. Atbash had leapt through the flames and tried to convince them to leave, but they refused to leave, and Vigenere had to drag her out of their home. Eventually Caesar dragged her and Vigenere out of the Dimension, just in time before it collapsed in on itself. He tried to manipulate them on the outskirts of their former Dimension, though she and Vigenere wouldn't budge. She couldn't go with somebody who didn't feel remorse for their actions, let alone kill their own parents.

So she and Vigenere eventually ended up on Earth, completely unaware that Caesar was here as well. Vigenere and Atbash traveled together for a while, until Vigenere snapped at her one day and chased her off, telling her that he needed some time to himself to think. So Atbash walked off in an unknown direction. She had been guided by a couple of nice NPCs towards Snowbound, where she joined them on May 3, 2018. Soon after joining, on May 6, 2018, Atbash had her Marking Ceremony, which is a customary tradition of Snowbound. On May 11, 2018, she was promoted to Flurryhost and recieved the title of Duckling (now renamed 'Snowflake'), which is a title given to joiners who show promise. On June 3, 2018, she discovered that Caesar was on Earth and decided to avoid The Typhoon, despite Snowbound being attacked by humans. On May 29, 2018 she had a panic attack over seeing her brother. On June 15, she was given some gifts by Izuku, and on June 19, 2018, she was attacked by Caesar. On June 24, 2018, she had a nightmare about the attack, and was promoted to Arcticplayer on June 25, 2018. On July 5, 2018, she was OOCly promoted to Chief, and made the IC announcement here. On July 11, 2018 Atbash announced some changes to Snowbound, including the name of her current rank being changed to Hailcaller.

On July 23, 2018, Atbash saw Vigenere for the first time since she joined Snowbound, where he warned her about Caesar. However, a couple hours later, Caesar ended up attacking her for the second time. On July 24, 2018, she started to recover from Caesar's second attack. On August 6, 2018, she recovered fully from that attack. On August 9, 2018, She received a purple bracelet from Wendell. On the same day, albeit a couple hours later, Dimitri tries asking her out, to which she rejects.

On August 13, 2018, Atbash was attacked by Stryker when she went to visit The Pitt and on the same day, Stryker soon took over Snowbound. On August 14, 2018, Atbash lost her left eye due to Stryker pulling it out. The next day, Atbash finds herself in the medic den, very slowly healing from Stryker's attack. On August 20, 2018, she tries to walk for the first time after Stryker’s attack.

On September 3, 2018, Snowbound started to rebel against The Pitt and Stryker. On September 12, 2018, Atbash fully recovered from Stryker's attack. On October 7, 2018, .

However, on November 3, 2018, [url=]Snowbound was set to flame
, destroying the place she had made home and try to make better. She fled, finding her way towards The Ascendants. Through a timeskip to a couple of days later, Atbash decided to talk to Pincher about the event. She finally settled into The Ascendants on November 8, 2018, and got a room in their observatory. On November 14, 2018, she adopted Coriander. On November 16, 2018, she visited Tanglewood as an Ambassador; this is her first time visiting her brother's clan since joining The Ascendants.

On November 18, 2018, she was promoted to Starstruck Guardian. On November 25, 2018, she was promoted to Lunar Lieutenant. On a forgotten date, she stepped down from her position and left The Ascendants.

On June 25, 2020, Atbash joined The Elysium and swore her allegiance to The Elysium on July 9, 2020. On September 2, 2020, Atbash decided to leave Elysium after a shady two-headed feline took over the group after Warringkingdom's disappearance. On September 9, 2020, as she left Elysium, Atbash visited the remains of Snowbound.

On October 21, 2020, She was betrayed by Caesar for the third time and was attacked and captured by Stryker once more. After escaping her capture, on January 24, 2021, she joined Tanglewood. On February 16, 2021, Atbash was promoted to Shaderunner. On March 4, 2021, Elsweyr announced that Aurum, the Luminary of Tanglewood, was missing and soon, a hunting party was sent out for him, only to end up finding him and Siborno dead. Soon after this, Atbash was there when Merlin was captured.

On March 16, 2021, Atbash was once again attacked by Caesar. On March 20, 2021, she started to recover from Caesar's attack. On March 28, 2021, she gets a coyote body. The next day, Vigenere returned to Tanglewood. On April 9, 2021, Atbash returned to her savannah cat body. Later on that day, she was promoted to Vassal. On April 11, 2021, Atbash confessed to Vigenere that she loved Merlin. On April 6, 2021, Atbash was there to experience Tanglewood's Heatwave, which ended on May 10, 2021.

On May 27, 2021, Atbash was promoted to Shadow Reaper. On May 31, 2021, Merlin returned to Tanglewood after her capture.
- Named after the atbash cipher in real life.
- Used to have a hibiscus flower and a pastel teddy bear in her room in Snowbound, though this was lost in the fire started by The Pitt. These gifts were given to her by Izuku.
- Used to wear a duck pendant, to show her title in Snowbound; this was lost in the fire started by The Pitt.
"Inside I’ve been shaken, my sanity taken.
Our broken halves, they intertwine; from once was yours and once was mine.
I’m breakable, unbreakable.
I’m shakable, unshakable.
I won’t let you contaminate me!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Aphra Cipher
AGE. Physically and mentally 5 years old
— Birthdate: February 14 (Aquarius)
GENDER. Female (she/her)
GROUP & RANK. Kingpin [HP; Leader] of Coalition of the Condemned
Former Groups & Ranks:
ORIENTATION. Panromantic, pansexual. Open to one-night stands and relationships, although be warned that Aphra isn't faithful nor is she a good partner.

FAMILY. Aphra considers herself the "heir" of the Cipher family. She is the daughter of CAESAR CIPHER and an NPC. She is the twin sister of Fakhira, and is the half-sister of Horizon, Gordon, Billiam, and Lumia. Aphra is the biological mother of Kathrine, Cleo, Silus, Sylvina, Vayne, Inferno, Alia, Drayden, Hydrostatic, Angelembrace, Asmodeus, Astraea, Katsuki, Khrisma, Oleander, Lethe, and Dario.
Extended Family & Relations:
— Description: Aphra is a long-bodied and lithe pure white Oriental Longhair Succubus with ice-blue eyes and a long, pluming, kinked tail. She has a beauty mark on her muzzle and her left ear has multiple tears in it, which was torn by Roxanne. Aphra has multiple scars on her face and two scars on her neck: one is a scratch-wound scar given to her by Mariana, while the other is a bite-wound scar from Lumia.
— Current injuries: N/A

JAGUAR: (Reference) Light golden-brown jaguar with ice-blue eyes and black rosette spots. She has a white muzzle and white underside, as well as a beauty mark on her muzzle.
— Current injuries: N/A

DRAGONESS: (Reference / [b]Art) / (image credit: FlightRising) A white dragoness with a rose-pink colored underbelly. Her body is covered in feathers, and in the middle of her head is a light pink pearl-like adornment. Her wings are half-feathered and half-leather, and she has ice-blue eyes. Any body she possesses has a scent of roses and the ocean.
— Current injuries: N/A

ACCESSORIES. Wears a black hoop earring in her undamaged ear, and a black lip ring. Also wears a white maned wolf fur cloak.

INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally easy. Aphra relies on her powers whenever she fights, having little to no combat training. If given the chance, however, she would prefer to flee rather than fight. Peaceful powerplay allowed. Tag account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: Possession, Mental Manipulation & Communication, Telekinesis, Conjuration, and Clairvoyance
PERSONALITY. Aphra is delicate and arrogant, and can be quite possessive towards things or people she wants. like her father, Aphra can be a little bit of a hot-head and prone to outbursts whenever she doesn't get her way. She is very much a "daddy's girl" and can act like a spoiled brat. Aphra is domineering and tends to believe she can get what she wants whenever she wants. Very self-conscious and thinks of herself very highly. The best way to describe Aphra is ESTP-T.
— Disorders: None

BELIEFS. In regards to religion, Aphra does not believe in anything and feels that those believing in religion and mythology are idiotic. She sees people as beneath her and isn't above capturing and torturing those she heavily dislikes.

BEHAVIOR. Aphra is a lazy person, preferring to lay around and have others do her work. She thinks highly of herself and almost acts like people need to bow down to her and if given the opportunity, she will lash out at those who 'disobey' her. She is not a fighter, however, and most likely will not defend herself, claiming that fighting ruins her fur.
HISTORY (Updated 06/02/2021)
TRIGGER WARNING: this post briefly mentions suicide in the 10th paragraph

Aphra was born on the outskirts of The Typhoon on neutral territory, along with her sister, Fakhira. She lived a fairly normal life and was loved by her mother, but one day, when she was six months old, Aphra and Fakhira found their mother dead. Caesar visited them occasionally and clearly favored Aphra, but after the death of their mother, he stopped visiting. The two sisters were now living on their own and Aphra grew to resent Fakhira as her sister never seemed to get over their mother's death. They grew distant from one another after Aphra attacked Fakhira and scarred her, partially for not being 'strong enough' and partially for Fakhira being 'lazy'. Eventually, the sisters parted ways and Aphra was on her own.

At two years, she met Pincher Roux, who invited her to a place known as The Tavern in his group, The Typhoon. Aphra shifted to a bengal cat body to better suit him and the two of them got drunk, resulting in Aphra getting pregnant. She left The Typhoon the next morning, however, not originally knowing that she was expecting Pincher's children. Once she discovered she was pregnant, Aphra grew to resent Pincher, but reminded herself that it wasn't entirely his fault. No, she should've been a bit more cautious; regardless, what happened has happened and now she had to carry his kits. As the time grew near to give birth, Aphra joined The Typhoon on July 2, 2018. On July 20, 2018, she gave birth to four kits, naming them Kathrine, Cleo, Silus, and Sylvina, but had already decided that after they were weaned, she was going to leave The Typhoon. She held no bond towards them and felt it were better to leave them to their father. Before she left, she stole Caesar's crown.

On January 7, 2020, Aphra returned to The Typhoon. On March 22, 2020, she was scarred by Marina and Roxanne broke her necklace after she made an insensitive comment towards Goldenluxury. After hearing about Roxanne's son, Trygve, getting attacked by Caesar, Aphra decided she wanted to investigate. Despite Roxanne breaking the necklace that meant a lot to her, Aphra couldn't help but feel in love with the she-cat, so she wanted to prove that Caesar had attacked Trygve in defense, rather than maliciously.

On May 1, 2020, Aphra did the Entrance Ritual, a tradition known throughout The Typhoon. On May 5, 2020, she almost drowned during a meteor crash, though was saved by Goldenluxury.

On May 10, 2020, Aphra was by herself on Mother's Day, a hurtful fact due to her mother being dead and the fact that her children were no longer around. On a forgotten date, she recovered from her temporary blindness. On June 30, 2020, she attended Goldenluxury and Sam's Wedding Ceremony. On August 14, 2020, Roxanne attacked her, giving her a kinked tail and tearing her left ear after Aphra made a rather untasteful comment upon discovering Sam's death.

On August 23, 2020, Aphra discovered she is pregnant with a Pittian's kits and gave birth to the kittens on August 26, 2020. On January 30, 2021, after Vayne had disappeared, Aphra decided to fetch her and bring her "home", but was quickly declared that she was no longer welcome in The Typhoon.

On February 14, 2021, Aphra spent her birthday by herself in the Neutral Lands. On February 18, 2021, Aphra decided to join the Coalition of the Condemned. On February 22, 2021, her daughter, Inferno, collapsed half-dead in the Coalition's territory. The next day, she possessed the body of a jaguar, which would become another spare body for her. On March 1, 2021, Aphra announced her pregnancy to the Coalition. On March 15, 2021, she gave birth to Jormungand's cubs.

On March 15, 2021, Aphra was promoted to Espionage, as well as given her fur cloak from Sojourn. The next day, Aphra was there when the Coalition of the Condemned had a mudslide. On April 16, 2021, Sojourn announced that the Coalition would return to camp after the effects of the mudslide. On April 22, 2021, Aphra started showing signs of pregnancy in her dragoness body and laid her eggs on April 27, 2021.

On April 29, 2021, One of her eggs hatched, with her naming the hatchling Oleander. The next day, Dario and Lethe hatched from their eggs. This left one egg unhatched and Aphra soon realized it was a dud egg and threw it away. On May 4, 2021, Aphra was promoted to Warlord. The next day, she was there when Arvid captured Vayne.

On Mother's Day, Oleander gave Aphra a foxglove as a gift. On May 20, 2021, Roxanne Roux ripped her bengal body in half; Aphra soon regained consciousness in her main body. Soon after, Sojourn went into a crazed frenzy and attacked her daughter, before attempting to off herself and in the end, got killed by Maude. After these events, Aphra stepped up to Kingpin. On June 2, 2021, Inferno died due to poisoning.
- Used to have a black crown that was given to Caesar by Goldenluxury, however this has since been lost
"They don't know what they're missing, they call it lonely diggin'!
Let's end your time to lay low.
Your knees are bending and so,
It's time to get up and let go!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Dante Northwest
AGE. Physically and mentally 9 years old
— Birthdate: August 18 (Leo)
GENDER. Male (he/him)
GROUP & RANK. Ardent [HP, Leader]
Former Groups & Ranks:
TITLES. Primoris (earned by those who participated in the Blood Hunt + Harvest)
ORIENTATION. Panromantic, pansexual. Open to one-night stands and relationships.

FAMILY. Dante is a member of the Northwest family. He is the son of two NPCs, though he has never met his parents. He is the father of Kasper Northwest, though is not aware of his existence.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Shark/Cat Hybrid (Reference/Art)
— Description: Dante is a large and muscular shark-cat hybrid with an orange pelt littered with white spots. There is a fin-like appendage on the back of his neck and he has a long tail that ends like a shark's. He has white, eagle-like wings and four long fangs that protrude out of his mouth. Dante has green eyes and his body is tattered with scars; the most notable ones are a bite-wound scar on his neck, and three scars over his left eye. His right ear is torn. Dante is the size of an adult cougar which stems from his shark genes, as well as his extra set of teeth (although his fangs do not count in his extra row). Near his fin, he has a set of gills that enable him to breathe underwater. Any body that Dante takes smells strongly of cigarette smoke. He was given new scars during his fight with Elsweyr: a bite-wound scar on his face and a scar on his side from where Elsweyr swiped at him, as well as a scar on his side from where Elsweyr burned him.
— Current injuries: Small wound on his face from where Sweeney attacked him

— RACCOON: (Reference) A white-furred raccoon with orange markings and green eyes. His body is littered with scars, with the most notable being: a bite-wound scar on his neck, three scars over his left eye, a bite-wound scar on his face from his fight with Elsweyr, a scar on his side from where Elsweyr swiped at him, and a burn-wound scar on his side given to him from Elsweyr. His right ear is torn.
— Current injuries: n/a

ACCESSORIES. Dante carries a small pouch-necklace that holds a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He also wears a chain necklace which has a lion's tooth as a charm, stained to appear to be blood-red to signify his rank as a Pittian. This necklace also has a blood-red stained claw as another charm, signifying his title of Primoris.

INTERACTIONS. Physically medium, mentally easy. Due to being born solely to be put in a fighting ring, Dante is skilled in fighting and is ready to defend himself at a moment's notice. He uses his large size to his advantage and will typically use his wings as an intimidation factor. He is easily provoked and won't hesitate to snap at those who irritate him. Peaceful powerplay is allowed. Tag account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: Conjuration, Enhanced Senses, Jump Boost, Shapeshifting
PERSONALITY. Dante is typically high or drunk on some sort of substance, so his mood can range depending on what he is on at the moment - most of the time, however, he is a pretty chilled and relaxed person. He keeps to himself for the most part and doesn't care for others (other than ones who have "proven themselves" one way or another). He likes to mess with his clanmates and try to get on their nerves, finding it funny how they react to things. when angered or frustrated, he can be a bit aggressive and doesn't think before he acts. The best way to describe Dante is INTJ-A.
— Disorders: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Possibly may have some sort of addictive disorder.

BELIEFS. Dante is not one to believe in religion and doesn't really care for those that do. He won't disrespect anyone's religion on purpose, but he won't actively support it. He will hurt those who irritate him and would willingly capture and torture his enemies.

BEHAVIOR. Dante is an extremely lazy individual and most of the time, he is high or drunk on some sort of substance. He can't walk straight and often stumbles about if he chooses to move at all. He tends to be very aggressive or very laid back depending on what he is on at the moment, but if the need arises, he is able to defend himself and those he respects.
HISTORY (Updated 05/26/2021)
Dante was born in a science lab far away from the lands of the Beyond, where he lived for the majority of his life before escaping. During his time in the lab, he was experimented on and pitted against other creatures in the lab, which is where he got his scars. One day he just had enough, and upon careful planning, he set the lab on fire and escaped. After months of traveling, he came upon a group known as The Pitt and joined them on July 11, 2018. On July 31, 2018, he was OOCly promoted to Strong Arm. August 11, 2018 marks his official IC promotion to Strong Arm.

On September 7, 2018, the rank of Strong Arm was changed to Crusader. However, on September 20, 2018, he OOCly stepped down from the rank. He eventually returned to The Pitt on May 3, 2020. On May 23, 2020, The Pitt suffered tremors due to The Typhoon's meteor strike.

On July 1, 2020, Dante had his Nights of Solitude, and was accepted as a Pittian on July 15, 2020. On August 16, 2020, Dante participated in the Blood Hunt Festival, hunting for it, and received the title of Primoris on August 19, 2020.

After his disappearance, Dante once again returned to The Pitt on January 4, 2021. After attacking a Tanglewood visitor on February 11, 2021, Dante was threatened with exile. On February 26, 2021, Dante discovered he had the ability to shapeshift, gaining his raccoon body as a result.

On May 3, 2021, Dante came across a youngster named Fragglerock, a member of small group called The Golden Eye - though he had no idea that the group existed. He captured the trespassing cub pretty soon after. Upon discovering this and The Golden Eye visiting on May 8, 2021, Gael demoted Dante to Pale Blood on May 11, 2021. On May 13, 2021, Dante took Hydrostatic to the Ashen City and told him about The Pitt's history.

On May 22, 2021, Dante completed his second Blooding and Nights of Solitude. On May 26, 2021, after discovering Gael had left The Pitt, Dante took over the group.
- Can breathe underwater, thanks to his gills.
- Can't fly, however; can only glide a few feet.
- Somewhat cold-blooded thanks to his shark genes.
- Has a lion skull in his room, a trophy he obtained during his Nights of Solitude.
- His home tends to be very disorganized and littered with empty or half-empty alcohol bottles, cigarette butts, and other drugs.
"Dipped up in that mosh pit, elbows up, let's bust some lips!
Acting like I give a shit, roll it up, take a hit.
Smellin' like that Mary J, hands on the champagne, maintain a bad habit like the cocaine."

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Vayne Cipher-Folie-Mikaelson-Roux-Vantas
GOES BY. Vayne Cipher-Folie-Roux
AGE. Physically and mentally 1 year old
— Birthdate: August 26 (Virgo)
GENDER. Female (she/her)
GROUP & RANK. Dealer of The Typhoon
Former Groups & Ranks:
DIVISIONS. The Blackjack Rats (primary) and The Grim Rays (secondary)
ORIENTATION. Biromantic, bisexual

FAMILY. Vayne is the daughter of APHRA CIPHER and QUILL HARBRINGER-VANTAS and is the littermate of ALIA and INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS. She is the niece of FAKHIRA CIPHER, the half-sister of Sylvina, Cleo, Silas, and Kathrine Cipher-Roux (Aphra xx Pincher Roux), the half-sister of Drayden Cipher (Aphra xx NPC), the half-sister of Hydrostatic, Asmodeus, and Angelembrace Cipher-D'Angelo (Aphra xx Jormungand D'Angelo), the half-sister of Khrisma Cipher (Aphra xx NPC), the half-sister of Astraea Cipher-Lingré and Katsuki Lingré-Cipher (Aphra xx Devraj Lingré), and the half-sister of Oleander Cipher-Eld, Lethe and Dario Eld-Cipher (Aphra xx Lutum Eld). She is adopted by DIYA FOLIE-MIKAELSON and ROXANNE ROUX, making her the adopted sister of Suitekit, Alexandre, Tortse, Raoul, Finnegan, and Aveline on Diya's side, and the adopted sister of Roan, Natyli, Aceto, Jameson, Eulia, and Trygve through Roxanne.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Bengal/Ragdoll mix (Reference/Art)
— Description: Vayne is a flame-point Bengal/Ragdoll mix with long fur and orange Bengal spots. She has amber/ice sectoral eyes, and scars on her face. Any body that Vayne has smells like roses and the ocean. Her right ear has a tear in it.
— Current injuries: N/A


ACCESSORIES. Wears a golden hoop earring on her left ear. On her earring, there is an emerald-gem charm that shows her membership with The Blackjack Rats and an obsidian gem for The Grim Rays.

INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally easy. Vayne is unable to defend herself, as she is still young and learning, and her mother has not taught her how to defend herself both mentally and physically. Powerplaying peaceful actions is allowed. Tag account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: Mental Manipulation & Communication
PERSONALITY. Vayne is a curious and cautious child, and her personality will develop as she gets older. She likes hanging around her siblings and other people, but is wary of them mostly due to her mother's upbringing. Vayne is very much conditioned to obey Aphra and is afraid of disobeying her mother. She is friendly and outgoing, trying her best to seem friendly despite her mother's reputation and upbringing. The best way to describe Vayne is ENFP-T.
— Disorders: None known

BELIEFS. Due to her mother's upbringing, Vayne doesn't really have any religion herself but does find mythology interesting and will listen to anyone willing to talk about their beliefs. She believes that others have a right to believe in whatever they want, so long as it isn't hurting anybody.

BEHAVIOR. Vayne is extremely outgoing and energetic, and is always willing to help out her crewmates. She likes spending time with her crewmates and is rarely by herself unless upset. She has yet to really work on anything yet, so it's unknown if she is a hard-worker or just enjoys doing work.
HISTORY (Updated 05/28/2021)
Vayne was born on August 26, 2020 to Aphra Cipher, along with her sisters, Inferno and Alia. However, shortly after getting used to life in The Typhoon, her mother took her away. On December 29, 2020, Vayne returned to The Typhoon after escaping her mother's grasp.

However, on January 30, 2021, Aphra stopped by The Typhoon to retrieve her, though was quickly chased off by Vayne's crewmates. That same day, Diya declared Vayne as her own daughter. Soon after, Vayne had a mental breakdown over what happened. On February 17, 2021, Danny gave her a conch shell that looks like her. On February 28, 2021, Vayne's adoptive parents, Roxanne and Diya, got married.

On March 2, 2021, Michael gave Vayne a baby rat to keep as a pet, to which she named Silv. On March 5, 2021, Vayne finally got her Charm Earring. On March 8, 2021, Vayne met Lumia Cipher, her aunt and a member of the Cipher family that wasn't her mother or her littermates - the first time ever meeting someone like that. On March 9, 2021, Vayne joined The Blackjack Rats Division and, the morning after, she completed her Blood Division ceremony, earning her the two charms on her earring: an emerald for The Blackjack Rats and an obsidian for The Grim Rays. During this ceremony, Michael praised her, telling her that he was proud of her, the very first time she had ever heard that coming from someone genuinely.

On March 11, 2021, Vayne was there when Danny discovered the dead body of his mother. On March 19, 2021, Vayne met a Coalition member for the first time. On March 21, 2021, she discovered her Mental Manipulation & Communication power. On March 25, 2021, Vayne was promoted to Privateer. On March 29, 2021, Vayne announced that she would be known as Cipher-Folie-Roux instead of Cipher-Vantas and later on that day, she discovered Danny unconscious on the beach. On April 1, 2021, Danny woke up from his attack. On April 11, 2021, Vayne completed her Entrance Ritual.

On April 27, 2021, Vayne celebrated her one-year birthday and moved out of Diya and Roxanne's home. On May 4, 2021, Vayne discovered that Alexandre had disappeared. On May 5, 2021, Vayne met Arvid, who soon paralyzed her and brought her back to the Coalition as a capture, where Aphra scarred her. On May 11, 2021 (set prior to her capture), Vayne gave Roxanne and Diya a Mother's Day gift. On May 15, 2021, Roxanne led a Rescue Raid to rescue Vayne and Danny from the Coalition.

On May 21, 2021 (set a couple days after the rescue raid), Vayne asked Danny out, to which he accepted. On May 27, 2021, Vayne was promoted to Dealer.
- Vayne is a seashell collector, so she keeps a bunch of shells in her home. In her room is a bucket which she uses to collect shells.
- Has a big, white conch streaked with orange in her bedroom, that was given to her by Danny.
- Has a pet black-and-grey rat named Silv.
"Don't say I'm out of touch!
With this rampant chaos, your reality!
I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge!
The nightmare I build my own world to escape!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021


[Image: quill_jr.png]
Art by @/BossTaurus! ^

[Image: VayneHeadshot.png]
Art by me! ^

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Horizon Cipher
AGE. Physically and mentally 5 years
— Birthdate: October 18 (Libra)
GENDER. Transmale (he/him)
GROUP & RANK. Greenhorn of The Frostblown
Former Groups & Ranks:
ORIENTATION. Biromantic, bisexual. Open to relationships

FAMILY. Horizon is apart of the Cipher family and is the son of CAESAR CIPHER and an NPC. He is the half-brother of Aphra, Fakhira, Gordon, Billiam, and Lumia Cipher.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Tasmanian Devil (Reference/Art)
— Description: Horizon is a short and stocky Tasmanian Devil with venomous fangs and red eyes. He has a white marking on his chest and a white spot near the base of his tail. Any body that Horizon takes has a foul, rubbery, pineapple-like scent.
— Current injuries: None


ACCESSORIES. Has a red-and-white jackal mask (reference) that he wears during fights and sacrifices.

INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally medium. Horizon doesn't have much combat training and often uses his weight and fangs as defense, which can make him easy to target if someone knows how he fights. Due to being Caesar's son, in contrast, he has a little bit of mental training and can detect if someone is trying to get into his mind and try to block them out. Peaceful powerplay is allowed. Tag his account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: None
PERSONALITY. Horizon can be described as a stereotypical teenager; he is sarcastic and blunt, unafraid of speaking his mind. He is headstrong and doesn't like to admit when he is in the wrong, but is a loyal friend to those he trusts. Those that betray his trust usually end up shut out by him. He is dramatic and likes drama, often sticking his nose into his clanmates' business. The best way to describe Horizon is INFJ-T.
— Disorders: None known

BELIEFS. Horizon is a very religious person, despite his father's upbringings, and is extremely devoted to whatever religion he sets his mind to. He may try to convert others, but won't force his beliefs among anyone if they truly don't want to. He sees life as valuable, though believes that people can often have bad intentions.

BEHAVIOR. Horizon is a lazy person and doesn't like to do any work unless it involves doing something to appease his god(s) or is something he is personally interested in. With things that he is interested in doing, Horizon is very determined and will do what he can to achieve his goal.
HISTORY (Updated 05/07/2021)
TRIGGER WARNING: brief mentions of abuse in the first paragraph

Horizon was born on the outskirts of The Typhoon. His father is Caesar Cipher, an outlaw in the lands of the Beyond, and is mother was an unknown Tasmanian devil. However, Horizon never joined The Typhoon and only lived on the outskirts with his father occasionally visiting him. Caesar mistreated Horizon often and belittled him as well as lashing out whenever he got angry, however Horizon had gotten used to the treatment and believed it was normal for a long time. When Horizon got tired of Caesar's abuse, he fled from The Typhoon's outer territories.

On August 12, 2018, he joined The Rosebloods, though left at an unknown date.

On July 20, 2020, Horizon joined the Cardinal Sect, however he eventually left them at an unknown date. On February 12, 2021, he joined The Frostblown. On March 11, 2021, Horizon was accepted as a full member of The Frostblown and as such, was promoted to Greenhorn. On April 9, 2021, The Frostblown experienced a flash flood, where Horizon almost drowned. He finally came back to consciousness on April 11, 2021.

On May 7, 2021, Horizon made himself a dagger.
"I'm just a would've been, could've been, should've been, never was and never ever will be!"

"Did you catch your own reflection
In the knife my mother held?
Or the hell in my father's eyes?"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Gordon Cipher
AGE. Physically and mentally 4 years old
— Birthdate: August 16 (Leo)
GENDER. Female (she/her)
GROUP & RANK. Spirit of the Tribe of The Molten Spirits
Former Groups & Ranks:
Former Titles:
ORIENTATION. Panromantic, asexual. Open to relationships

FAMILY. Gordon is apart of the Cipher family and is the daughter of CAESAR CIPHER and an NPC and is the twin sister of Billiam. She is the half-sister of Aphra, Fakhira, Horizon, and Lumia Cipher.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Abyssinnian-Munchkin mix (Reference/Art)
— Description: Gordon is a small, short-legged golden she-cat with a black stripe going down her back. She has green eyes and there is a long, curving scar on her stomach. Any body that Gordon takes often smells of flowers.
— Current injuries: None


ACCESSORIES. Often wears a flower pinned to her ear; can be of any type of color.

INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally easy. Gordon is not much of a fighter and would much rather be peaceful if she can help it, or flee when in danger. Because of this, she has no combat or mental training and can easily be overtaken. Peaceful powerplay is fine. Tag account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: Mental Bond (with Billiam), Clairvoyance
PERSONALITY. Gordon is a shy person and extremely clingy to those she trusts; she has trust issues, however, and many have to prove to her that they mean no harm in order for her to truly trust them. She is alert and tense, always appearing to be on the defensive. Gordon is friendly and gentle, not usually the one to instigate a fight - but she will verbally fight for what she believes in. The best way to describe Gordon is INFP-T.
— Disorders: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Separation Anxiety

BELIEFS. Gordon doesn't have any religious beliefs but won't judge anybody who does. She is a strong believer that no one deserves to be hurt and will verbally fight for what she believes in. She wants the world to be a better, more peaceful place and strives to encourage that as much as possible.

BEHAVIOR. Gordon likes to hang around flower gardens, as they ease her worries and calms her, but she does like to do busy work that enables her to distract herself from things that are stressing. She is very clingy and tends to hang closely around those she trusts, usually just pressing against them as it gives her a sense of security and relaxation.
HISTORY (Updated 04/26/2021)
TRIGGER WARNING: brief mentions of abuse in first paragraph

Gordon was born to Caesar Cipher along with her twin brother, Billiam, outside of The Typhoon. Their mother was killed soon after they were weaned and open their eyes, and Caesar refused to talk about her; therefore, they never met their mother. Which left Caesar as their only parent, and he raised them by himself. However, despite him being their father, he constantly belittled and yelled at them, bossing them around. He called them many names and eventually started to lash out at them as they got older. Eventually, one night when Gordon and Billiam were trying to escape, Caesar caught them and attacked them both, leaving them both scarred. Gordon ended up with a scar on her stomach, and her brother ended up with a scar on his lip. Caesar then locked them in their rooms, only occasionally allowing an NPC to visit and tend to their wounds.

A couple weeks went by and eventually Gordon and Billiam were well enough to move on their own and once again attempted to escape Caesar, though this time they enlisted the help of the NPC that took care of them while they were healing. Gordon and Billiam ran, although once again Caesar caught them, but they split up in order to disorient them. Gordon headed towards a group named The Ascendants, although she had no idea where Billiam went off to.

On May 29, 2018, Gordon joined The Ascendants and soon received her pendant on June 3, 2018, which is a customary tradition that The Ascendants have. Billiam joined soon after on June 5, 2018, using their mental bond to locate where Gordon was. Gordon temporarily disappeared, though she returned to activity on June 19, 2018. On July 2, 2018, Gordon was promoted to Starstruck Guardian. On July 15, 2018, she stepped down from the position OOCly.

On an unknown date, Gordon left The Ascendants and joined Sunhaven on August 12, 2018. On August 15, 2018, she joined the Art Guild, automatically gaining the title of Impressionist in doing so. On August 19, 2018, she was promoted to Hearthkeeper. On August 26, 2018, she was promoted to Dawnguard. On September 22, 2018, she was promoted to Goldenblood.

On October 4, 2018, Gordon saw ghosts for the first time. On October 25, 2018, she had a panic attack over seeing Vigenere for the first time, thinking he is her father.

On November 11, 2018, Sunhaven was caught in a flash flood, where Gordon drowned and blacked out. After this event, she disappeared from Sunhaven.

On May 7, 2020, Gordon joined the Knights of Concord. On June 10, 2020, she found and saved a sugar glider, which became a companion. She has since left the Knights of Concord, however.

On April 20, 2021, Gordon joined the Tribe of Molten Spirits. On April 25, 2021, she went house searching in her new group.
- Named after James Gordon from the DC Universe, but that is where the similarities end.
- Has a pet sugar glider named Velvet.
- Has a rose pendant crafted from a meteorite (meaning it is not colored as it is in the reference) in which she keeps in her room. The string of her pendant looks like this, and she has a purple bead, representing her former rank as an Observer, and a light blue bead, representing her former rank as Starstruck Guardian in The Ascendants.
"I think, I think too much
I'm a little bit paranoid, I think I'm breaking...
Maybe it's in my blood.
Got a pain that I can't avoid, I think I'm breaking down..."

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Fakhira Cipher
AGE. Physically and mentally 5 years old
— Birthdate: February 14 (Aquarius)
GENDER. Female (she/her)
GROUP & RANK. Loner, no group
Former Groups & Ranks:
ORIENTATION. Biromantic, asexual. Open to relationships

FAMILY. Fakhira is apart of the Cipher family and is the daughter of CAESAR CIPHER and an NPC and is the twin sister of Aphra. She is the half-sister of Horizon, Gordon, Billiam, and Lumia Cipher.
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Oriental Longhair (Reference/Art)
— Description: Fakhira is a long, thin grey Oriental Longhair with blue eyes and shredded ears. She has a long, pluming tail, and has scars covering her face, given to her by Aphra. Any body Fakhira takes has a rose-tinted scent.
— Current injuries: None



INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally easy. Fakhira has not been trained in physical or mental combat and is very much a pushover; she will not fight back. Powerplaying peaceful actions is allowed. Tag account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: None
PERSONALITY. Fakhira is a quiet she-cat, a stark contrast to her twin sister. She is submissive and observant, as well as kind and understanding. She acts almost as if she were a shadow, preferring to hide behind her clanmates rather than be in the front lines and acting out. She tends to get close to certain individuals, and this is when her happy-go-lucky side shows. The best way to describe Fakhira is INFP-T.
— Disorders: None known

BELIEFS. Fakhira doesn't personally believe in any religion, but she won't shame or harm another person who does. She believes that all life is precious and nobody deserves to be hurt. She won't fight for what she believes in, however, and often goes along with the majority.

BEHAVIOR. Due to being the personification of Sloth, Fakhira isn't a very hard worker. She won't actively look out for tasks to do, unless it is something she is interested in, and prefers to relax and hang around her friends. She is very much a puppet, however, and will often go along with what her friends and family are doing, even if it makes her uncomfortable.
HISTORY (Updated 02/14/2021)
Fakhira was born on the outskirts of The Typhoon on neutral territory, along with her sister, Aphra. She lived a fairly normal life and was loved by her mother, but one day, when she was six months old, Aphra and Fakhira found their mother dead. Caesar visited them occasionally and clearly favored Aphra, but after the death of their mother, he stopped visiting. The two sisters were now living on their own and Aphra grew to resent Fakhira as her sister and never seemed to get over their mother's death. They grew distant from one another after Aphra attacked Fakhira and scarred her, partially for not being 'strong enough' and partially due to her sister having the name that meant "beautiful" (Aphra's name means "dust"). Eventually, the sisters parted ways and Aphra was on her own.

On June 1, 2020, Fakhira decided to visit Aphra in The Typhoon and was accused to have killed her and her sister's mother on June 4, 2020, by Aphra. On August 30, 2020, Fakhira joined Alithís Evgenis, however the group soon disbanded, leaving her groupless.

On February 14, 2021, Fakhira celebrated her birthday in the Neutral Grounds. On April 27, 2021 (set before Alithís Evgenis disbanded), Bai Shi revealed that they saw Aphra when they visited The Typhoon, soon promising Fakhira that they would be there for her no matter what - something she had never heard before in her life.

This will be updated as events happen.
- Personification of the sin Sloth.
"I’ve fallen in a wicked trap, but still, you reach for me!
So close your eyes and say goodbye, before I’m history!
But if you must see, look through your memory,
Because that’s where I’ll live on!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021

NAME. Drayden Cipher
AGE. Physically and mentally 1 year old
— Birthdate: September 9 (Virgo)
GENDER. Male (he/him)
GROUP & RANK. Immune of The Palm Glades
Former Groups & Ranks:
TITLES. Plighted Soul (earned for completing Warriors Plight)
ORIENTATION. Biromantic, bisexual. Open to relationships

FAMILY. Drayden is apart of the Cipher family, being the son of APHRA CIPHER and an NPC. He is the half-brother of Sylvina, Kathrine, Cleo, and Silus Cipher-Roux [i](Aphra xx Pincher Roux), the half-brother of Vayne, Inferno, and Alia Cipher-Vantas (Aphra xx Quill Harbringer-Vantas), the half-brother of Hydrostatic, Asmodeus, and Angelembrace Cipher-D'Angelo (Aphra xx Jormungand D'Angelo), the half-brother of Khrisma Cipher (Aphra xx NPC), the half-brother of Astraea Cipher-Lingré and Katsuki Lingré-Cipher (Aphra xx Devraj Lingré), and the half-brother of Oleander Cipher-Eld, Lethe and Dario Eld-Cipher (Aphra xx Lutum Eld)
Extended Family & Relations:
CURRENT BODY: Snow Leopard (Reference/Art)
— Description: Drayden is a silver-grey Snow Leopard with hazel eyes, black rosette spots, a beauty spot on his muzzle, and a twisted, right forepaw. Any body that Drayden has smells like the ocean.
— Current injuries: None


ACCESSORIES. Wears a navy blue collar, and a rope necklace slightly above that. The necklace has a yellow seashell on it, representing his former rank as a Gladiator, as well as a dark blue seashell, representing his rank as Keeper, and a pale blue seashell, representing his title of Plighted Soul.

INTERACTIONS. Physically easy, mentally easy. Due to being cast away from his mother, Drayden has not received any mental or combat training. His twisted forepaw can also be a weakness for him. Peaceful powerplay is allowed. Tag his account when attacking and/or attack in BOLD.
— Powers: None
PERSONALITY. Drayden's personality will develop as roleplay goes on, but he is wary and cautious, and insecure about his disfigurement. He is extremely self-conscious and belittles himself a lot, but he is friendly and supportive of others. Drayden is energetic and outgoing despite his thoughts about himself, choosing to be there for his friends and clanmates. The best way to describe Drayden is INFP-T.
— Disorders: None known

BELIEFS. Will develop during roleplay.

BEHAVIOR. Drayden likes to work and help his clanmates out, even if his disfigurement hinders him. He always tries his best and is hoping to make his clanmates proud. More will develop during roleplay.
HISTORY (Updated 06/04/2021)
Sometime before Aphra was kicked from The Typhoon, Drayden was born - however, he was quickly cast away from his mother due to him being born with a twisted paw. He was the only one of his litter and grew to resent Aphra for not taking care of him as she should have.

On February 11, 2021, after running away from The Typhoon, Drayden joined The Palm Glades. On March 1, 2021, he was promoted to Gladiator and got his Seashell Necklace on March 5, 2021. The next day, he tried to hunt for himself the first time, but failed. On March 20, 2021, Drayden started his Warrior's Plight. On April 5, 2021, he was promoted to Keeper. On April 11, 2021, Drayden completed the second part of his Warrior's Plight, and finally completed his Plight on May 9, 2021 and received his title of Plighted Soul. OOCly, Drayden stepped down from Keeper on a forgotten date.

This will be updated as events happen.
- Drayden's name was given to him by his adoptive mother (an NPC); had Aphra named him, he would have been named "Mahli" which means "weak" or "sick".
"I say I wanna be healthy but I turn up the noise,
And the IV drips a steady stream of poison,
I think I’m just in love with the feeling.
Break my bones so I can feel them healing!"

Re: DON'T TURN AWAY NOW || Maple's Character Storage 2.0 - MysteriouslyMaple - 02-06-2021


[Image: image1.png]
Art by @/Orion! ^

[Image: DraydenHeadshot.png]
Art by me! ^