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CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - Printable Version

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Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - selby roux ! - 09-15-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]While Selby was attempting to fuss over Red, a flash of movement caught his eye and his attention turned to find the cause of the distraction. Beck was fussing about near the still figure of the fallen Pittian, and the sawbone’s eyes narrowed in frustration. Had all of his patients lost their minds? Was this an elaborate attempt to put him out of his misery via cardiac arrest? Was Sam going to appear over the ridge next? Clearing these thoughts from his mind in an attempt to calm down, he began to speak. "Beck? You shouldn’t be up... Get away from th—"

The abrupt cut in his speech was caused by the realization of what the ghost was doing near the Pittian to begin with. His head flopped to the side at a sickening, unnatural angle, and Selby found that he could not look away. He hadn’t wanted Kiira to heal the person who attacked Moth (especially without consulting with Crow first), but he hadn’t wanted to see him killed. Selby’s eyes drifted back to Beck, expression slack with shock. "What the fuck? Why...? What? I don’t... what? Why? I don’t understand... why you’d..." The thoughts tumbled out of his mouth, the sawbone incapable of stemming their flow.

He wanted to approach, but his mind also screamed for him to run away. His body struck a compromise between the two without his permission, and Selby found himself frozen in place. Is this how it’s supposed to work?

Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - Kamara Jilani - 09-17-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

So much occurred, she kept calm, but it was chaotic to say the least. It was quiet and then suddenly everyone started talking. She flicked her ear and lashed her tail. Ice and violet danced around, trying to see what was happening.

Next thing she knew, Wormwood was gone. That was fine, but he didn't leave before throwing the feline's body a little more. Terrible. All mortals were like children to her. You tell them, warn them, advise them, to not do the wrong thing because you know. Because you've experienced. And yet, like children, they reject, rebel, and retaliate because they insist you're wrong. Or worse, they know you're right and they couldn't care less.

And that is how the bad in the world continued on.

Another burst of chaos. Suddenly before her the canine's neck was jerked in a unholy fashion. Before she could stop herself, a deep snarl escaped her in anger.

"What the- you are monsters.", not all of them she recognized those trying to help...

Eyes moved to [member=2344]suvi k.[/member] watching her slump down. Eyes furled in sympathy, softly she walked over. Moving to touch her nose to the canine's forehead. Kamara had come to the decision, in her brief time here, that this place was not for her.

"I'm sorry darling. Just know you're not wrong, in fact... more often than not the true and righteous way is often the least supported. Follow your heart, stay strong."

never will she bow


Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - DELILAH. - 09-17-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 32 m/o | femme | dark faerie


She heard it- the snap of bones, the nasty twist. She hated having enhanced senses in moments like these. Everything seemed to slow down, yet Delilah merely closed her eyes and continued to work. It wasn't until the word monster was brought up that she opened her eyes, blind gaze scornfully glancing over to the one responsible for such words.

"You know nothing of the people of this place! You aren't doing anything but preaching to people who don't need it. It causes chaos. What you're doing is bringing chaos where chaos isn't needed." Delilah spoke with a sharp tone, but still somehow managed to maintain the calm around her despite the increased amounts of cherry blossoms falling from her pelt thanks to the anxiety bubbling up to the surface. Her eyes soon moved to the form of [member=2072]selby roux ![/member] , telepathy reaching out and attempting to connect with the male's inner voice. If it was successful, the female would speak briefly to him.

"We need to get rid of that body. I need Beck and the others out of here, I'll do it."

It was an odd thing for Delilah to say, but the verbal words she spoke next seemed to be her own will- maybe with bits of Lilith's opinion as well.

"Anyone who is just going to sit and stare like a bunch of squatting, gawking ducks and not help, needs to leave. You're just in the way."

Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - Kamara Jilani - 09-18-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual

Kamara pulled away from Suvi, two toned eyes narrowing at the rosy cat.

"I know nothing of this place? That is false. I may be a guest but I have eyes, ears, and most of all a mind. Now I may not know the intimate details of the monstrosities that the Pitt is responsible for here. But I have seen what you all have allowed to occur.

She took a step forward teeth bared and ears pinned, "You seem to lack the ability to take responsibility for your actions, to acknowledge them for what they are. Instead you use the ugly crimes committed upon you as an reason to excuse your equally ugly actions."

Her tail was whipping and lashing, curling to uncurl sharply, "Chaos is already here young one. Do not act like I am the one bringing it when you're the ones stirring it upon yourselves and throwing it out into the world to spread like a parasite!"

Kamara snorted, gathering herself just as quickly as her rage came.

Her tone died down and returned to its former pitch, "Yes get rid of the body. Throw it away as if it wasn't a life with value. Thank you all for showing me the true nature of Tanglewood. I will be leaving shortly."

never will she bow


Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - trojan g. - 09-19-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]The first voice that was heard by the female when she woke up was Selby’s, and as she lay there the leopard would turn her head towards the sawbone, listening to the words her mentor spoke to her in response to her questions, head swirling with the information that she was given, a slow nod coming from her in understanding, stopping as soon as the movement made her realize the pain that she was in. When she woke up, she hadn’t noticed the pain in her jaw from speaking, but now that the adrenaline was finished coursing its way through her body from the sudden pain she had felt that jolted her awake, it was now dawning on her that she was hurt, and it seemed as though some of the ones here were helping to get her better. Helping to get things straightened out and going once again. It only confirmed her theory when Selby told her what had happened. Her arm was dislocated. When did that happen? She hadn’t fallen weird, and she knew that it wasn’t dislocated before she was out, so it must have been some time after that. Yeah… some time after that.

Other voices reached her ears, and Moth would absentmindedly flick her ear, half-listening to what was going on, her focus mainly on that of Selby, listening to the words he was speaking to her. Not only in the hopes of learning things that would further her education and knowledge of herbs and medicine in general, but to keep her mind off the Pittian that had attacked her - she’d rather not think about him right now. If she had, she knew fear would course through her body, and she didn’t want that right now. Even if he was unconscious, he was still in the territory, and that already terrified her enough without focusing more on him. From what she gathered, there was enough members of Tanglewood focussing on the other already, whether it be them there just to make sure he didn’t do anything if he woke up, or those that were there to heal him. She couldn’t care less if he had gotten healed or not, something that was quite out of character for the female, but in her time here, she already saw the things that the Pitt could do, and she wanted justice not only for herself but for Beck, Sam, Red, Selby and Crow. She knew that they were still unwell mentally after what had happened in the junkyard when they had found the body that Jervis had left there. She still didn’t know who it was that had died, but she wasn’t blind or an idiot, and knew that it had been someone that was close to the leader and the sawbone.

The appearance of Roy went unnoticed to the female, ears flicking to turn to her friend as he spoke, brows furrowing slightly. Worm was talking about the Pittian, talking about what had happened, and he seemed to be in some sort of argument with someone. So there were some there trying to heal him, trying to help him, and her ears would soon pin to her head, eyes closing tight as she tried to focus on something else, breath hitching for a second before Worm’s voice reached her ears once more, drifting away quickly as he left, and she’d open her eyes, confused. Why was he leaving? What was going on? But Red was there too, she didn’t know Red too well, but she knew Worm seemed to like him, and she trusted him. She didn’t know why she trusted the male despite not knowing him too well, but she did. Her mind switched gears when Red left, chasing after Roy, and she’d focus once again on Selby and Delilah, listening to the words that they spoke in regards to her, head nodding in response to Selby’s explanation of what was about to happen, though she hadn’t expected it to hurt as much as it had, and a sharp yelp came from the female’s throat, maw opening in response, causing more pain to shoot through her jaw, tears finally forming in her eyes as she listened to his words - she’d need to stay off her feet for a couple of weeks. She was going to be so bored, and she was going to feel so useless.

Is there still stuff I can do to he-” She cut off as the air shifted around them, sudden silence washing over the group before Selby began to stutter out his words, and she finally managed to make herself sit up, careful in how much she moved her hurt arm, head lifting up and shifting so that she could see more things around her, and her eyes landed on Roman, the Mexican Wolf laying there dead, head shifted at an odd angle, and her eyes would widen as she looked over towards Beck, the newest one there, the only one that hadn’t been talking and arguing over what should happen to the male that had come across the border uninvited. Beck took the task to himself and decided on what would be best without consulting others, and, in this case, Moth wasn’t sure how she should feel about that, her mind too clogged with different things swirling around it to think about it. Her attention turned towards Selby and she began to speak his name, trying to get him grounded to something, before the words from Kamara and Delilah washed over her. She didn’t know Kamara, only recognized the voice as someone who was pushing for things to go differently than the majority, and the final words that came from the other was the tipping point for the timid female, and, finally, Moth spoke not to Selby but to the other leopard, ears pinned to her head as anger bubbled over into her words, protecting the place that she had grown to love and consider home from false words no matter how much pain it brought to her to speak.

You’re wrong.” she would speak, eyes narrowing as she glared at the feline before her, her own teeth baring in response to the threatening pose that Kamara took when responding to Delilah’s words. “Eyes, ears, and mind don’t mean shit when you don’t have the experience the majority of those here have. When you are dealing with something as wrong as the things that the Pitt do, every once in a while someone dies, no matter how hard to try to keep it from happening. It may be a cycle, but it’s not one that will simply halt if we roll onto our backs and plea for them to stop as we sit there and do nothing.” Her tail lashed behind her as Moth began to sit herself up, putting all her pressure onto the arm that wasn’t dislocated to save her from more pain, the feathers around her neck beginning to rise in frustration, wings outstretching slightly for a moment before she shook her head, and they all lowered, wings pressing close to her body. “You admit that you have seen nothing of what the Pitt has done to our group, which likely means you have no idea what they’ve done to other groups as well. One member of theirs dying is nothing compared to those they’ve killed, tortured to the point where they wished they were dead, enslaved. You think it, they’ve done it. And I can assure you that anywhere you go to find a place to call home, it will be the same. If you want a place that is the ideal of perfection with no violence at all, then go find a book and figure out a way to become part of it.

Re: CUMBERSOME AND HEAVY BODY && Attack - Kamara Jilani - 09-21-2019

even strength must bow to wisdom sometimes
code by spacexual


Here came Kamara's flaws. The condescending complex.

She looked at Moth, blinking slowly and even tilting her head in faux contemplation.

"Clearly you guys lack the ability to stop the cycle then, considering you're the one on the ground broken."

Kamara yawned, now very much so bored with this place. Time to move on.

"Eyes, ears, and mind mean very much if they've kept me whole and alive all this time darling. If you can't defend yourself from monsters then I doubt you'll live very long. Use your mind and don't wander alone anymore, especially if you had prior knowledge of the Pitt and knew they had a habit of harming regardless of location."

Flicking her tail she turned her tail to leave the Tanglewood for good, having seen enough.

"I bid you all farewell." she walked away muttering, "Roll on our backs and plea.... puh. Tell what you just did now? Allowing them to harm you. Little girl would be dead if it wasn't for Wormwood."

never will she bow