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MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Printable Version

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Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - beck. - 04-08-2018

    Well, this was spiraling out of control. That was fine, everything was fine. So much for your lousy plan, Becky. Now was not the time to bicker with his own thoughts, as multiple creatures stepped from the shadowed foliage and readied themselves behind him. It was enough to snap the boy from his horrid shrieking, claws still hooked around the bell's cord as panic swelled in his burning chest. He bit back a hiss, wanting to tell them that it was supposed to be an ambush, that his killers did a better job at surprising the enemy then they did. When Argus and Guru slipped up like the eels they are, Beck offered a defeated smirk towards everyone present and yanked his claws form the bell. Despite their early failures, they weren't the main threat. Unlike Pincher and his selfishness, he wasn't willing to send his followers to their demises. No, Beck fully anticipated a retreat, and as soon as they provided a long enough time slot for others to retrieve Vlad, he would back down from the pitiful distraction. It was a functional strategy, and it would have worked, too, if it weren't for the unknown fact that Vladimir was dead.

    He squinted at the two females as if attempting to pinpoint their reason for existence. Just to be annoying, he supposed. "An example? Thought that the mighty bad-ass pirates would've already had that handled. Or are y'all yellow-bellied?" the poltergeist hoarsely giggled in his infamous deranged manner, vocal chords akin to crickets rubbing their scratchy wings together. All the yelling had taken a toll on him; his unnecessary breathing was ragged and gasping, accompanied by worsening coughs. By the time, Guru spoke down from her imaginary throne, Beck's matted flanks shuddered with his struggle to regain air. He couldn't have a coughing fit right in the middle of a fight, that was just stupid. They must have thought he had asthma or something. He hardly noticed the suggestion of her words, nor even answered. Instead, he hunched despite his efforts not to make a scene of his coughing, hacking and wheezing and eventually retching, as disgusting as it was. All the screaming had irritated his feeble lungs, sloshing around with a centuries-old mixture of inhaled river water and tar-like blood. So his recreated system reverted to the primitive instinct of forcing the fluids out, resulting in his awful gagging. Before Guru could recoil from the coughing poltergeist, he sputtered up the diluted blood from his lungs. Swishing the solution as well as he could in his half-exposed mouth, Beck crudely spat at her feet, presumably spattering her dainty paws. The blood writhed as if its own entity, and with globs of antifreeze joining the chemical cocktail, the faintly blue spit staining the earth and Guru's paws. He himself seemed disgusted by the blood-and-toxin-tinged phlegm, but he supposed his mind just had to roll with it and catch up to his impulsive actions. Stumbling back, he smeared away the residue dripping from scarred lips with the back of his arms and twisting his features into a particularly nasty grin, he rasped with a fading rattle, "Hope ya like that, too, ya sicko."

    Then the man of the hour arrived, the notorious bitch of the high seas. Or at least Pincher wanted to be well-known, apparent by his snobbish demeanor and rambling words. He could tell that Pincher was lying. He hadn't seen Vlad or assisted in his apparent beating because of one small detail: Vlad didn't have any eyes -- a fact Beck was keen to notice the first time he glanced at the cougar. The way the fabric lay on his face revealed to subtle folds where eyelids should have been lifting it up. It'd be difficult to mistake a gouged socket for a nose unless you were that intoxicated by rum or a poor liar. As soon as Pincher waltzed into nearsighted view, Beck nearly lunged at him on sight, saving any challenging words for when he was standing over the doberman's corpse. But really? Monologuing? The commander's face screwed up into an expression of disgust and confusion, electricity bristling down his form as if itching for punches to be thrown and not just pointless jargon. "Do ya even hear yourself when ya talk?" he mumbled, to more himself then anything, but immediately forgot the conversation when an opening appeared. Girls' night out! Go wild! As soon as [member=66]PINCHER[/member] uttered his typical nonsense, the poltergeist lurched forward, apparition gladly molting its feline disguise to take on the shape of a coyote. A rather practical trick up his sleeve, to not own a body and instead have free reign over his form. Jaws lined with razor-blade teeth posed to clamp down on Pincher's throat just beneath his chin where he would hang, the shapeshifting entity would not only just bite down hard enough to feel his own teeth through the tissue, but he would also violently shake his head with fangs hooked into flesh in order to tear, shred, and sever. He was aiming for arteries, and he wanted to see the captain gush crimson from his jugular. By the time Pincher managed to throw Beck off, his neck would look like it had been mangled by a chainsaw.

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - KHAOL CORATIO - 04-09-2018

khaol was entirely against capturing others, he hated it with every fiber in his body, and yet, he showed none of that hatred upon his approach. in fact, it was amusement that brandished the black panthers bright hues. pinch-bitch? a goofy grin slipped across the panthers maw, what a funny name to call their captain. although it wasn't all that smart, or original, and if they were seriously going to just stroll up here like they owned the place, well, they really must have death wishes. "pinch-bitch," it was murmured amusedly beneath the panthers breath. the way his lips remained curled into a grin was almost sickening, then again, that's what they were right? sick fucks. he may as well look the part. he didn't know where these guys came from, and, nor did he particularly care in that current moment.

no, in that current moment, he was more focused on the idea of a fight. he hadn't fought in ages, and yet, he found his skin crawling with excitement at the prospect. it seemed they were going to go straight for the captain, to khaol, that was a stupid idea. to take someone out you were better off taking away their protection first, focus on those with them and then go after the leader, after that, everything was likely to fall into place. they were stupid and irrational, and they had also rather clearly either underestimated the typhoon or overestimated themselves. the weird cat to whatever the fuck he was thing had shifted and then he was charging at pincher, and without thought, the panther was suddenly in motion. [member=67]beck.[/member] he was launching himself forwards, shoulder aimed to knock the ghost thing out of the way, the panthers build up of muscle hopefully enough to send him a good distance and allow for the panther to balance himself. if succesful, he'd try to launch himself at the creature and tear his hooked claws across its throat.

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - roman - 04-09-2018

there’s too much talking—fish does not follow. first some crazy lady with weird eyes shows up and tries to tell her she shouldn’t be here (of course she should! beck said to come, of course). ”don’t tell me what to do!” she barks indignantly. next, another strange fish guy arrives—the one and only pinch—and shoots icicles at her! ”yikes!” she squeaks, dancing out of the way in a less than graceful roll and engages her camouflage. though her eyes and teeth are visible, it is difficult to discern the rest of her form from the surrounding. swamp beasts don’t need grace and poise. just fun. ”that would have hurt,” comments fish with a chuckle, her gills flaring in amusement. at this point, there are far too many people and voices that fish cannot even hope to keep up. good thing that the girl does not care to. fish came to fight, and by the swamp, that’s what she’s gonna do. it’s been several decades since her last mud brawl.

maybe if fish took the time to care about battle tactics, she could have argued that taking out the leader first will demoralize and confuse the troops. but the fact of the matter is that she doesn’t care. fish is fish, not a military strategist. like most predators, when she sees movement, she attacks. and the moment [member=331]KHAOL CORATIO[/member]  rushed towards beck, the water spirit responded in kind. ”no touch!” barks the girl as she aims to tackle the panther by latching her long claws into his hide and rolling him away before he could continue his attack.

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Kian. - 04-09-2018

hold fast, tides are turning
"Hell yes." If he was entirely honest, Kian had been itching for a fight.  Not for any other reason truly, other than just to fight.  The rusty spotted cat was small.  Incrediably so, on some account, but he was a soldier.  A pirate.  He could and would deal whatever damage he could.  He had a crew to protect.  A daughter to protect.  Grinning, the pirate takes advantage of [member=323]fish[/member]  's concentration on Khaol, who was off to attack Beck.

Narrowing his eyes, the faerie aimed a harsh shove to the water spirit through a sharp gust of wind.
code by spacexual

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Verdigris - 04-10-2018

  The raid so far was six on four in the Typhoon's favor right now, but it was probably safe to say that more Tanglewood fighters would be arriving soon. They needed to press their advantage now, before the enemy forces could congregate together again.

  Luckily, here he was to make it seven on four... albeit a bit late. Still, no one was dead or horribly injured yet, so he considered himself punctual enough. Seeing that the skirmish was congregating around the two fighting leaders, the jackal raced towards them, his mismatched eyes taking in the scene in an effort to figure out who was attacking who. Locking onto the strange fish creature that was attacking Khaol and the Typhoon crewmate that was trying to push her away, Paper charged towards [member=323]fish[/member] and aimed to land a sharp blow to her head, in hopes of stunning her.


Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Luciferr - 04-14-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
/Luci won't be in this raid since Fenris is here, I'll have to rotate  em or smthn for each raid.

well six on five now, slightly more even odds it seemed.

Fenrisulfr did not roar or bellow or howl his way onto the scene as one might expect a war deity might - no he simply strode after Amunet's own impact, the nine foot canine-draconic like creature appearing out of the smoke hurled up from the fire and fighting in a quiet menace, eyes hidden behind the mask gained from beck's little flight of fancy, glanced around - he did not care for being recognised but an intimidation tactic was an intimidation tactic whether it worked or not, despite it he was found of the idea - little sister Lillith had done such a thing once wearing the skulls of her enemies - the fire light caught on his obsidian grinning mask, the lone glowing 'eye' flickering as the metallic indent caught the light.

he did spare a thought that fighting beside Amunet and her more draconic form was reminescant of days gone by fighting beside his brother or his father - both in their chosen skins a dragon - but it passed, his eyes instead finding another about to attack another of his fellows he yet to have a name to place for.

Fenrisulfr's eyes narrowed and the much larger beast aimed a swift swipe [member=83]Papercutter[/member] in hopes to intercept the jackal from attacking and maybe cause the other to stumble back from the force behind it, the other already had their own opponent to deal with and another aiming for them - if the war wolf could lessen the dogpile, he'd settle for that.

/bleh I haven't raid posted in ages aha


Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - ARGUS - 04-14-2018

Argus watched as the battle unfold with bearly amused glee. Watched each side crash against eachother, snarling faces sending shivers down her spine in familiarity. Argus has lived for warfare, and feeling the blood of battle seep into the air was like breathing clearly for the first time. Gasping for air after diving too deep in emotions that Argus never wanted to surface. It was too easy to push them away here- a beast made for war finally slipping out of it's cage.

Argus crept along the entirety of the battlefield. Dull red eyes watching the two opposing forces with interest- trying to spot anyone who needed help. Anyone who looked interesting to fight. khol went to attack becky, the spirit backing up the other- and the rest of her clanmates were quick to attack the spirit creature. Argus guessed that meant she would have to protect the backside of her own clanmates. Letting out a snarl as she watched the hunger touched dragon-hybrid go for paper.

Argus dropped on [member=234]FENRISULFR G.[/member] 's back, aiming to rip her iron-clad claws deep into the other's hide. Ripping apart scales and fur where they dipped. There was no poison coating her claws at this moment, but they were dulled to the point of causing more pain- making them hurt worse when she dug them into his back.
if you find this u are awesome

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Belladonna - 04-15-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]It wasn't until Belladonna stepped onto the war zone did people know what happened to Vladimir. Identifiable by the golden locket down her neck and the satchel she kept close, Belladonna was now a golden tiger, and on her back was the limp, cold body of Vlad.

He'd already bled out by the time the rescue raid had found him, and Belladonna shifted the body on her back, the heavy weight getting to her. Shaking her head, she swung her head around to find Beck - and as she spotted him, she yelled out as loud as she could, "I have Vlad! he's... we've got to get out of here!"


Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - Guru - 04-15-2018

Guru's teeth bared as soon as Belladonna's words reached her ears. The caracal's head whipped around furiously. "HELL NO YOU AREN'T!" she roared in anger, then began to charge into the battle with her sights aimed at the female. No one had attacked her yet, luckily, so she had the perfect opportunity to go after her and get Vladimir back. With that in mind, she made sure no one had spotted her just yet and continued to run in that direction. When gaining closer, the smaller feline aimed to jump onto the female's back, knock Vladimir's body off in the process, and scrape her claws across Belladonna's back. [member=87]Belladonna[/member]

Re: MAKE 'EM BLEED / o, raid - COSMIIX - 04-15-2018

"I have Vlad!"

The moment she heard the name, she would twist his neck enough to get a glimpse of Belladonna in a different form carrying Vladimir but she suddenly felt her insides growing cold. He wasn't moving. Why wasn't he moving? It suddenly came to her, the dragoness standing there completely stiff as she could hear her own heart slowly thumping within her own chest. Her pupils eventually narrowed into dangerous slits catching the sight of movement being made toward Belladonna realizing that it was Guru, her wings lifted off her sides and she'd flap them a few times blowing a bit of sand into the air. She then lunged forward aiming to trap Guru underneath her talons, if this proved successful she would lift the caracal up towards her face aiming to lightly squeeze her. Her once determined gaze now full of burning fires of hatred, she parted her jaws as a growl starting to form in her throat, fire starting lapping at the sides of Amunet's mouth wanting to desperately set the caracal aflame and watch her burn in her talons. An eye for an eye. No. She wasn't like these so called 'pirates', she glared at the caracal once more before she aimed to slam her into the ground and hopefully knock her out if successful then it'd leave a few scratches or bruises. She then removed herself from the caracal protectively hovering over the rescue party with her tail poised and ready to strike anyone that got near Belladonna or Vladimir.