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no good xx disappearance - Printable Version

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no good xx disappearance - deimos - 07-31-2019

Something was wrong. Kind of like the wrong in your mouth when you wake up tasting bitter copper and iron. There's blood spread on your pillow, kind of wrong. Sam didn't wake up to it, rather, but fell asleep to it's taste. Just a moment before she had gone out on a trek- just to see if there was any more joiners again. Her eyes swept the swamp and the forest, where it seemed many people got stuck. Her breathing was labored from walking about, her asthma starting to act up-

A screech. Her ears flattened, natural instincts making her jump backwards. And jumping backwards got her right in the paws, or claws, of a tiger. "FUC-" It wasn't hard for Sam to be captured, the scent of the Pitt thick. Blood dotted the ground here and there, but the ground was relatively undisturbed. There was no path for anyone to follow, and the only hint was the Pitt's scent tangling with Sam's own.

Goldie wasn't going to like this.

// ooc note, guys, dw about trying to find sam instantly! she's either gonna be dropped back off relatively soon in ic time, or a rescue thread will be presented by yours truly, so stay tuned winkwonk


Re: no good xx disappearance - bubblegum - 07-31-2019

track >:0

Re: no good xx disappearance - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

Worm was on yet another one of his walks around the territory, this time trying to find some prey to get his fangs on, when suddenly two familiar scents mingled together and made him stop in his tracks: blood, and the Pitt. He felt his throat tighten, and he quickly dashed towards the scent, only to find blood spotted around, and another scent mingling in with the other two: Sam. One of the people that had helped defend him when Judith had arrived. Shit, shit, shit, no. She couldn't be gone. He looked around frantically, sniffing for which way the scents headed, but it seemed to be covered up. Letting out a roar of anguish, he turned and shouted, his voice hoarse, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Anyone?! Sam has been taken! She was taken, by the Pittt.."[/glow] The specific Pitt smell seemed vaguely familiar in his mind as well, but he was so panicked that he couldn't place it as Draekon.

Re: no good xx disappearance - RED - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]The smell of the Pitt, bitter and cruel even in its scent, reminds him of a Bad Place. That bad place, that hidden little memory that crawls out from the depths every once in a while - he won't let himself go there. It isn't worth thinking of, not right now. The demon's lip curls in anger and disgust. There was a struggle, minimal, but enough to leave blood spattered along the dirt. He thinks of possibilities he doesn't want to imagine.

"Motherfuckers. Fuck!" There's something in the air, and it's not the acrid hormones that stain the ground. It crackles, hot, flitting in the wind currents. It's hot like fire, like the desert sun. And for the briefest moment there is nothing behind Red's eyes, just blindness, a flash of something unholy as he drives the solid stone of his fist into the ground. The floor below him heaves a shudder; his ball-jointed wrist cracks. "You -" his growl cuts the silence as he turns to Wormwood, "Get the others. We're going. Now."

ooc. ok somebody needs to. stop him before he traipses over alone

Re: no good xx disappearance - Vathmos - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]"The Pitt? Who's the Pitt?" Vathmos asked, trodding over and sniffing the blood. "Are we going somewhere? Where are we going?"

// im so sorry this is a shit post, this is more to track

Re: no good xx disappearance - toboggan - 08-01-2019

Unkempt brows furrowed as the jungle fragrance met Leroy's sodden nostrils. He was very well aware that an attack was right up their alley after those back-to-back raids on the Pitt helmed by Crow. But the timing could not haven gotten any worse, could it? Arrow’s passing emptied up her previous high position slot, leaving the general with only two guardsmen and one medic at his disposal. Additionally, a recent influx of joiners, likely the largest in Tanglewood history, meaning a whole bunch of un-battle-trained babies now made up the group’s lower ranks.

He traces the scent to the bog’s outskirts, where a minuscule congregation of comrades had already formed. Those present had already taken up roles - the lion exclaiming about Sam's disappearance, the... creature seemingly calling the shots, and the hyena asking the questions. Luckily for the canine, she’d find out who the Pitt were soon enough.

"We ain't goin' anywhere," he mouths, gesturing to Vathmos with a subtle nod, before shifting his amber glance towards Wormwood and Red, "we don't even know if this is a part of their plan or not. Besides, you ain't in any position to make them decisions."

He inhales, personally confirming traces of Samantha in the atmosphere. Damn. They’ve got her and Kiira holed up in some cell, now. "Wait for Crow, at least," Leroy persisted, not wanting to be the bad guy or anything, "he'll think about what we should do, and then give us our orders. Just don't want nobody else getting hurt right now."

Re: no good xx disappearance - RED - 08-01-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]Again, that heat; a few stringy blades of grass around his feet shrivel and the muddy ground hardens some. He watches Leroy, expression falling somewhere between dismay and rage. He's right, but Red won't admit it, not now. They needed a solid plan - but, conversely, the Pitt was small enough that a few strong Tanglers could crush them.

He clenches his fist, the grind of stone against stone no different from nails on a chalkboard. Then, in a conscious effort, his expression eases. "Where is he, then?" Red murmurs evenly, looking beyond the few that had arrived at the scene. He measures every syllable on his tongue. "We still need to act fast."

Re: no good xx disappearance - DELILAH. - 08-02-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

The Pitt.

Delilah didn't want to deal with this- the memories of the torture she had been put under, losing her sight-

Lilith decided to take over instead, the weakened woman crawling back into the depths of their consciousness as Lilith poked her nose into business that she knew very little of.

A kidnapped member, huh?

"Bossman will be here eventually- I smell blood, though. She probably fought back- what a badass."

Lilith tilted her head to the side, humming softly as blind pink eyes moved over to Leroy, a frown taking its place on her face.

"Is this going to become a normal thing? People getting kidnapped like it's nothing."