Beasts of Beyond
[ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - Printable Version

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[ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - gregory - 07-31-2019

judith was going to to kill someone, she swore on that. probably her sons. both had left their cozy little pride for a terrible, hot, muddy, disgusting swamp. she was going to kill them if it was the last thing she did- wormwood mostly. she’d never hurt poetking- not physically. the mud was caking her fur and it took everything she had not to explode into angered shouting. she was going to kill them, she was-

she stopped when she finally got on mostly solid ground, her claws digging into the damp dirt. she would not sit down in the dirt. that was disgusting.


it wasn’t actually a question. more a way to announce her presence and draw the two boys in.

"somethings you can’t tell your brother" —-- judith / tanglewood / misc. / @ gregory

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - deimos - 07-31-2019

Woah, okay, angry lady incoming. Sam's eyes were narrowed. The sudden influx of people was indeed bound to bring some angry people, and yknow, Red- that was normal for him. But this lady? She seemed a little more ruffled. The doecat stepped closer, a frown on her muzzle and her ears flattened. Scared, anxious? Yes. Backing down? Absolutely not.

"Are you talkin' about Wormwood and.. Poetking?" Sam said. She didn't sit, this time, her eyes narrowed carefully towards the very angry lady. "M' Sam. I'm a guardsman here in the Tanglewood, and I'm gonna have to ask you to take a chill pill lady. It's up to them if they want to go or not, not you."

Yes, Sam. Piss off the bigger lady. Good Sam. You're not dumb at all, Sam.



Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

( adjgjgjsj tracking for now I'll have worm come in all scared after a couple of replies )

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - Ubbe - 07-31-2019

The angry shouting is what drew the wolf over to the swamps. An angry woman shouting about her sons. When the wolf laid eyes on her, he could only assume she meant Wormwood and Poet judging on her appearance. And she didn't sound very friendly. Not in the slightest. Ubbe glanced over towards Sam before back at Judith. Ubbe felt his lips draw back, baring his fangs as a low growl rumbled in his throat. He wouldn't attack unless given a reason to. But he certainly didn't trust her.

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - Vathmos - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"] Those brothers did bring them trouble, but not in the way Vathmos thought. She thought they were going to cause a ruckus, not that this lioness was going to show up screaming for them. She came out of the underbrush, teeth bared and growling. The hideous hyena laughter ruptured from her throat, growling and laughing at the female.

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

Wormwood had been resting comfortably on the porch of his house after the long walk back from his most recent visit to the border near the Pitt, when he heard screaming. The terrible thing was that he recognized the voice that was screaming, and he recognized it as his Mother. His horrible, horrible Mother, who had destroyed his self esteem and threatened to kill him viciously just because of his life desires. She couldn't be here. She couldn't hurt him, and she couldn't hurt Poet, oh God. He was freaking out already, his legs trembling almost violently as he slowly got to his paws, moving down from the porch with his ears pinned down against his skull. He very slowly made his way over to where Judith was, making sure to stay behind the wall of his other groupmates.

Despite the fact that everybody else was snarling at her or threatening her, Wormwood was trembling and staying close to the ground, practically hiding behind Vathmos as he spoke softly, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Don't... D-Don't hurt anyone here, Mother. None of these people deserve to deal with you. Please just leave. Poet and I aren't leaving."[/glow] He felt bad speaking for his brother, but he doubted that Poet would want to go home either, since he had been the one to leave first. Worm just wanted her to turn around and go right back to where the pride was, and not bug him or anybody here ever again.

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - DELILAH. - 07-31-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"You're on Tanglewood lands. I'd watch your tone, please."

Delilah spoke up calmly from behind Wormwood as the blind, three legged felidae walked up beside the lion, a small frown working its way onto her face as she readied her earth elementals if needed- a fight at the borders wasn't needed, and Delilah was sure she wouldn't be much use, but she could run and find Crow if needed.

"Sam, shall I go get Crow?" Delilah asked the femme, pale pink eyes blinking as she pondered over just might happen. If a fight broke out, that wouldn't be good- She needed to keep Wormwood and Poetking safe, however.

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - gregory - 07-31-2019

a scoff left the woman and she rolled her eyes, tail lashing. “i have every right to be angry! you all took my son and caused my other to go chasing after him!” she snapped, glaring at each member. she had no need to fight then, none at all, but as worm finally showed himself, she only narrowed her eyes. “wheres your brother? don’t tell me they’ve killed him!” she hissed, glaring at all the others. “i won’t have a reason to hurt anyone if poetking is still alive and well. and i never said anything about taking my sons back! if they like it here then i have every right to visit for a while and make sure they’re being treated well.

"somethings you can’t tell your brother" —-- judith / tanglewood / misc. / @ gregory

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - trojan g. - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="bgcolor= black; width: 500px; font-family: georgia;font-size:12px;text-align:justify"]Moth knew from the moment she heard the yelling at the border that she did not like this woman. Padding over to the border, Moth's ears would pin to her head, looking at those around her before deciding to sit and listen for a moment. "Visit yes, th-though maybe not come t-to the border y-yelling?" She would offer, head tilting to the side slightly as soon as she had done so. "Doesn't really b-bring good attention to y-yourself does it? Besides, no one took a-anyone." Most anyone was free to join, and everyone was free to leave whenever they wanted.

Re: [ YOU NEED TO CALM DOWN ] joining - Ubbe - 07-31-2019

Ubbe kept his eyes on Judith, glaring slightly. He pinned his ears back. He still didn't trust her. Not one bit. He took a step closer. "Poet is fine." Ubbe muttered, looking her over. Maybe he would have trusted her more if she didn't wander in yelling up a storm.