Beasts of Beyond
A SALE IS HERE | traveling merchant. - Printable Version

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A SALE IS HERE | traveling merchant. - miss ririchiyo - 07-31-2019

Travelling was his preference when it came to Chat- having a loyalty to one clan, staying away from so many for so long. After seeing Jerisdie, Adrien didn't want Chat to be more upset than he already was. He could feel the sinking pit in his stomach, but in reality, it was Chat trying to convince himself that he needed to move on. It was time to stop hanging over Jikai, he'd only get himself hurt.

Why was he pacing the Tanglewood borders? He'd never know. He'd seen a rather large gator a few seconds ago- despite how large of a black panther Chat is, Chat didn't think he'd survive a chomp from those jaws. Definitely not. His neon eyes focused on the murky mud from a distance, before taking a seat right at the borders.

"Yo! My name's Chat, I'm here to sell some wares, I'm a bit of a traveling merchant." Chat shouted, grinning a little from excitement as he settled his massive bag onto the ground, ears flicking as he organized everything. Rare rocks, to nice jewelry he had found, along with scraps of machines, books, and even a few empty journals.

He just hoped he wouldn't get kicked out.

Re: A SALE IS HERE | traveling merchant. - wormwood. - 07-31-2019

Wormwood was stirred slightly from where he was resting at the edge of his porch by Chat's call, and he couldn't help but have his interest piqued. A traveling merchant, huh? That could be interesting, but Worm honestly wasn't sure if that was allowed here or not. Tanglewood didn't seem like the place to run a merchant out of the swamp just because they dared to try and sell stuff, but he had only been here a little while, so he wasn't quite sure. Still, he slowly pushed himself up to his feet and walked off of the porch, making his way to the group border where Chat was. He eyed the wares the other had curiously, wondering if perhaps he could get something for Poet. Or maybe for Draekon? Although, honestly the tiger didn't seem like the type for extravagant gifts. Or really, gifts of any kind. Still, Draekon had liked his necklace, so perhaps he was wrong. Tilting his head to one side, the lion rumbled softly at Chat, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I think this should be fine, but I mean, I'm not exactly a senior member here, so I hope you can stay and sell stuff... what exactly are you looking to get in exchange for these things?"[/glow]

Re: A SALE IS HERE | traveling merchant. - Vathmos - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]More outsiders, they came every day it seemed. Vathmos didn't really like it. Hyenas tended to stay in the clan and... she got to push all the other males around. They were supposed to be equals here, and there was plenty of food, and... she sighed, coming out of the underbrush, dirty and uttering the little laugh from her throat. "Do you have.... armor." She kept her distance from wormwood and the stranger, looking at the lion out of the corner of her eye.

Re: A SALE IS HERE | traveling merchant. - Crackers - 08-01-2019


Patrols were a concept that Damian had taken to rather easily. He was a worker by nature,  the kind of guy that was always training in his spare time and looking for something physical to challenge himself with, and patrolling borders wasn't a concept he was unfamiliar with. Where he'd been raised there had been pleanty of things like this to do, and he had to admit that it was a bit of a comfort to be able to do them now, to know that not every aspect from his old life had to be abandoned. Another thing he was familiar with was the concept of a Merchant. His mothers group had dealt with them often regarding wares and rare items that came from other parts of the land, and so when he approached the group and overheard what was being said, the liguar found his interest captivated.

The seller was a jaguar like himself, but fully melanistic rather than psuedo. Damian was still that golden bronze that most of his kind were, his spots were just bigger with more black, giving him a unique appearence of having less gold than most of his kind. His differences lay in the fact that he was only part jaguar. The other half of him was lion blood, a fact made prominent by the fact that he was much larger than he should have been, and sported a short, thick bronze mane. His gray eyes met the electric green of the other wildcat, and he offered a brief nod as he drew up alongside the other curious onlookers. "Do you have weapons?" he'd ask, his bored drawl broken by a note of curiosity and a brow raising expectantly as he waited for an answer.

Things had been easy but boring since arriving, and he was greatful for this momentary allowance of something new.



Re: A SALE IS HERE | traveling merchant. - miss ririchiyo - 08-01-2019

"Ah, well, if your boss says I can't, then i'll take off, but I've got a few things I feel like you'd all enjoy."

Chat chuckled softly, black tail flicking as he pulled another bag off of the side of his body. He settled it down gently, unrolling it so the armor and swords and daggers could be seen perfectly. He was quite the hoarder when it came to wares like this.

"I take food, odd metals, and jewelry as payment! Maybe even medical supplies, since I'm a traveling merchant. Times are hard, man."

Chat raised his head with a grin when the second person arrived- a Hyena. How cute. Tapping his paw down at the leather and chainmail armor he had, Chat shrugged a bit. I've got more weapons than armor, but I could give you some iron anklets- they protect your legs?" Chat stated with a chuckle, his tail flicking behind him.

The third person that came was unusual- a male, he could see that. Beautifully colored, bored-looking. Chat found himself staring too long. Shit.

"Oh, yeah- I have.. A few daggers and swords, and a whip- probably a few knives as well- What's your name?" Chat asked suddenly, interested in the hybrid in front of him. Such a beautiful color..

Re: A SALE IS HERE | traveling merchant. - wormwood. - 08-01-2019

Wormwood blinked as Chat explained what he took as payment, and he gave a little bit of a nod of understanding. He knew he had some food stowed away that he had hunted, in case that Poet passed out and didn't eat for a day or so. Still, he could probably spare a bit of food so that he could buy something, and could always go hunting again on his own later to restock his supply. Sitting down, the lion flicked his tail and said with a small smile to Chat, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Do you have any jewelry I could get from you? I've got food to give in exchange, but it's gotta have a long chain, like big enough to go around the neck of somebody like me..."[/glow] Draekon really did like his necklace when they had first met, so maybe Worm could get him one of his own that he liked...

Re: A SALE IS HERE | traveling merchant. - Vathmos - 08-01-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"] Vathmos didn't have much to offer besides food, and the notion of giving up her food was silly to her. Hyenas didn't trade, they took and stole. She upturned her lip, until she saw a flash of brown and black spots out of the other corner of her other eye, and she turned around, ears back and mouth agape in an open snarl.
Oh. It was one of her clanmates. Okay. Vathmos seemed to relax, shoulders slumping and looking the jaguar up and down. She hadn't met this creature yet. She thought it was a leopard. Not a big deal. She was safe. Vathmos turned back to Chat, looking at his wares and stepping forward. "Let me see these anklets."