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LIVE WITHOUT ME | human au!! - Printable Version

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LIVE WITHOUT ME | human au!! - DELILAH. - 07-30-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie
Outfit Reference!

Delilah was always one to enjoy company- she loved the heavy beat of music, the sound of people dancing, the smell of alcohol was welcomed, too. Everyone had been invited to the club that was popular as of late, and really.. Delilah could feel the happiness bubble up inside of her.

She was wearing something that was fancier than she meant for it to be- it was a lot. She was sure that Leroy would have a heart attack or something- it was rare that Delilah wore anything other than extremely loose, baggy clothing. Why? Because it was more comfortable.

And now? The pastel haired woman was sitting cross legged at the bar, sipping on a glass of cranberry vodka. Her glasses covered her eyes, the hazy silver of her eyes showing just that she couldn't see. Listening to her phone ping back text to voice, the time and everything, Delilah sighed softly.

Soon. Soon everyone would be here.


Re: LIVE WITHOUT ME | human au!! - wormwood. - 07-30-2019

outfit ref

Contrary to Delilah, Aethel – affectionately nicknamed Worm – was not an enormous fan of being around a lot of other people. He enjoyed the company of his brother and a few select members of their little group of acquaintances, but other than that he much preferred to just stay inside his house and not have to interact with anybody else. He could spend an entire night just reading and watching bad sitcoms and he'd be twenty times happier than when he went out for a night. Still, Delilah had invited all of them, and that included him, and he didn't want to make Delilah feel bad by just not showing up at all.

So, he had thrown on the best looking casual outfit he could think of, and had taken an uber to the very popular club that had popped up recently. Almost immediately he was filled with a sense of dread by just how many people he could see around, but he tried to keep a brave face, taking a deep breath and walking inside. It took several minutes of looking around before he finally managed to spot Delilah, and he made a soft surprise noise when he did. He hadn't known her very long, but he also hadn't known her to wear such extravagant or interesting outfits. Still, he supposed it might've been because this was supposed to be some sort of special group occasion.

Slowly making his way over to the bar, Aethel moved to sit down next to Delilah with a bit of space between them, mumbling softly as he looked her over, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Hey Del, it's Aethel. You... you look really nice. I actually feel sort of underdressed right now sitting next to you."[/glow] He chuckled weakly, shaking his head a bit and turning to the bartender to ask for a scotch. He didn't drink often, but when he did he preferred something very simple.

Re: LIVE WITHOUT ME | human au!! - MERGED - 07-30-2019

[div style="width: 480px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 13px;"]faceclaim
outfit ref

"i told you to dress up a little more!" alfred stated as he followed after his brother- yes, maybe he was a bit young to be at a bar, but that wasn't a problem. the most he ever drank was red wine, which wasn't exactly the most alcoholic beverage in the world in the first place. sure, he also dressed casual, but at least he put on some rings and some of his more expensive jewelry. he smiled brightly at delilah, rocking on his heals and running a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. "every time i see you, you just get more and more fancy! you look so nice, miss delilah~"

/me, sobbing in dead muse

Re: LIVE WITHOUT ME | human au!! - RED - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana;"]By the time a message pings in Red's back pocket he's already halfway up the street. These were particularly lonely times, out here. Tangle wasn't unwelcoming, not in the slightest, but there were things back home that couldn't be found this far out of town - including the people he'd known his whole life. Therefore, spending a night barhopping across town and looking vaguely upset in every dark corner he could sniff out wasn't a foreign pastime, these days. He just had a lot to think about.

Red squints down at a too-bright screen and tries to tap out a response. He's already half-past drunk and his hands are too fucking big so the most he can really say is:


- which is a miracle when he's using what is essentially a slab of beef to type on a tiny, cracked screen. He needs reading glasses, he thinks. Or two real hands - he could drive properly, then, and use his stupid phone. Having one flesh-hand and one stone-hand was immensely frustrating sometimes, especially when he wasn't using it to bend steel or tear the refrigerator door off its hinges because he opened it without calculating the perfect amount of force. Sometimes he wonders - not now, but sometimes - if it's another part of himself he could saw off and file down to a stump, too.

At this hour, one could blink from a distance and almost mistake him for human. Almost. When he isn't on the job he conceals as much of himself as possible: a massive overcoat obscures his figure and, if he tucks it away it just so, his tail as well. He wears combat boots because it makes more sense to wear than the modified leatherwork he was issued back at home. A sweatshirt under his coat, snug against his frame and hood pulled far over his head, covers the massive stumps of his horns that jut out from his temples. Tangle is used to him well enough, and there were others like him on the outskirts of town; he thinks of Beck's wandering soul, and the mutated animals that lived around the test site just out of town. But it was a busy place otherwise, supernatural and unnatural creatures aside, and he was tired of strangers' eyes following him down the road or gawking bystanders crossing the street when they saw him. Blending in wasn't easy, but he tried.

It's almost midnight, now, and the street corner on which the nightclub is situated is buzzing with activity. It's not the greatest place to hang - a little too upscale with just a little too much faux-sleaze, in his opinion - but Delilah wanted to meet here so he figures she's just in it for the sweet drinks and spritzers. (Not that those weren't fun on the right occasion.) There's a bouncer outside and Red wants to shove him in the alley dumpster on sight; he's too clean cut, too rude to the girls that are waiting for their friends and dates, and the look on his face when Red rolls past is one of unconcealed disgust. Red sneers, a show of blunted teeth.

It's an assault of light and movement that strikes him as soon as he enters the space. He's already too drunk for this, he thinks, and would rather settle out at some shitty dive in another town than waste his time here. (But he's doing it for Delilah. Maybe one day she'll hone her tastes.) Somebody knocks shoulders with him as he sidles around tables and groups of dancers, and for a moment he's seething - until the stranger sees his near-seven foot stature and shuffles off in a hurry. He considers telling Delilah that he couldn't come, just for the sake of scoping the place out from afar - but he barely makes it a few steps in before he spots the group, and he doubts his own presence has gone unnoticed.

"Delilah?" Eyes flit carefully across the crowd, seeking out familiar faces. It's just a few of them so far, Delilah, Aethel, and Alfred. In a vague gesture of kindness (really, he just doesn't feel like paying for fancy drinks) he picks up a pack of beer at the bar and tells them it's for a party. Hopefully nobody will like the taste of dry, shit beer and let him have it to himself - his tolerance was unreasonably high, considering he was something of a supernatural demon or whatever they wanted to label him, and it took a lot to knock him out. He tended to empty his pockets on this stuff at least once a week.

Not the king of gracefulness, he drops the pack on the table with a thud and leans to pull up a chair. "Hey. Brought beer."

Re: LIVE WITHOUT ME | human au!! - DELILAH. - 07-31-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Is that the brothers I hear? Coming to spend some quality time?"

Delilah chuckled softly, a soft smile on her face as she turned to gently pat the taller males heads at once. While she was much shorter than him, the.. Heels, or whatever these were, made her feel quite tall. Her hair fell over her shoulders, lightly curled and styled while she wore a soft colored lipstick- Delilah was never one for makeup, she couldn't really see it anyways. What was the point?

"It's an outfit that Ren picked out around the time we first met- it's a shame he's not here to see it. Thank you, though." Delilah chimed happily, jumping when another glass of vodka was sat down in front of her with a loud click. "I'm blind, not deaf." Delilah scolded the bartender, giving the grumpy old man a glare that wasn't at all intimidating before she huffed and turned back to the two brothers.

"What's he wearing?" Delilah asked with interest, tilting her head to the side as she sipped at her cup of vodka. Of course, the drop of the beers beside her made her jump again, nearly spilling her vodka onto her very white, and very clean pants. Red, darling, you scared me. Welcome! I'm not a fan of beer- but dancing is a favorite of mine, we could dance?"

Oookay, maybe she was slurring a little bit- Delilah had nearly no alcohol tolerance at all, and it was very easy to get her drunk if you tried. And Delilah was trying. She wanted to have fun, and drinking and dancing was her image of fun right now.
