Beasts of Beyond
you take the moon - open, joining - Printable Version

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you take the moon - open, joining - fulzanin - 07-29-2019

Had her sense of direction always been this bad? She really didn’t think so. The sun was right overhead and therefore trying to figure out where East was and West wasn’t was contributing to her confusion. For all she knew, she had been going in circles for a few hours now. There had been some familiar bugs a few times- yet, in her opinion, bugs looked similar no matter how you looked at them. Now, did she also think every last one of them was alive and sentient and capable? Of course! If she had party hats on hand and then sized right for those bugs then she would gladly throw them a party. She didn’t, so she couldn’t. Sad, really.

Feza was not about to touch the boggy ground if she could help it. The water was not clear, and even she knew better than to try to lean down and drink some of it. (Not to mention it would get her fur wet. Imagine wet fur! It was the opposite of pep in her book, and wet made cardboard boxes not as fun and therefore wetness truly was the source of all evils.) What she was looking for had been buried in her confusion of stumbling about from whatever trees she could find. Being small helped, meant she could stay on less than sturdy tree limbs. Where she was going was lost in the where she was currently. No clue, no idea, just wandering around in the moment.

She squinted up at some branches above her, finally having come to take a rest. Did this swamp ever end? Was there dry land anywhere? Why was she pink and blue? All good questions and frankly Feza did not have a single ‘uh’ to utter as an answer. Her bushy tail curled around the branch she was perched on, claws unsheathing to knead at the bark in an uncertain manner. “I feel like I’ve passed that bush at least twice now,” Feza muttered, her ears curling back a little. Was her ‘mutter’  quiet? No, she truly never was, the kazoo that she had gently resting under a paw could be considered a symbol of such a thing. Truly lost, a small grumble accompanying her self directed complaint.  A noisy, brightly colored and winged snow leopard that could not use an inside voice no matter the circumstance. Or navigate. Both of those things were far beyond her capabilities.

Re: you take the moon - open, joining - deimos - 07-29-2019

"You have. Probably."

Sam's voice came almost out of nowhere, the deep toned doecat's gaunt figure seemingly popping up out of the swamp. Of course, Sam had just walked there. She looked dull in the eye, and to be frank, Sam hardly came out into the swamp or forest anymore. But spotting something this vibrating just padding around in circles all day was easy. She leaned up against a tree. She started to hack, before pushing a paw against her chest with a wince.

"Welcome t' Tanglewood. What's your name and business?"


Re: you take the moon - open, joining - wormwood. - 07-29-2019

Worm had had a similar problem with finding a sense of direction in the swamp when he had first arrived here just a couple of days ago, but rather than co tinuing to try and figure out his way around, he had just chosen to plop down and roar to gather the attention of those nearby. And from how this new person just looked, Wormwood was pretty sure that she was plenty capable of being loud enough to attract attention. In fact, she had, when her voice had caught his ears, causing him to pause in his exploration of the swamp. He had been looking around to map it all out, when he heard someone complaining about the very problem he was still having.

Slowly making his way through the undergrowth to Sam's side, the huge and brightly colored lion blinked slowly at Feza, as if he was struggling to take in what the hell she was. First the pink former medicine cat here, now... this? Why did she look like that? She looked like a birthday cake had vomited on her, and honestly he was surprised she hadn't been taken out by some larger predator tracking her when she was so obvious here. He guessed that the crocs here just weren't extremely smart, or she was somehow very very quiet, which he doubted.

Clearing his throat slowly, he shoved the many many questions he had to the back of his mind before speaking, his tail flicking lazily behind him as he tilted his head to one side,  [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I'm sure you have too. This place is a hell to navigate, trust me. It's even worse when you have a lot of fur... You're on a group's territory, you know. As hard as that is to believe..."[/glow]

Re: you take the moon - open, joining - fulzanin - 07-29-2019

Feza's ears took a moment to swivel over in the direction of the two that had spoke. Her head followed after a moment, and another movement of her ears could be considered a curious twitch. She hadn't even seen those two there before speaking! Sneaky, very sneaky. She could never be sneaky herself: a vibrant pink pelt did not camouflage in any environment. One could hope, though. Maybe if she ever had to she would work up the courage to roll in the mud. Or some of that swampy water, a small shudder passing through at the thought. She'd reek for days!

"It's a very nice bush, I'll give it that," Feza mused as her attention again returned to the bush. Bushes were exciting. Perhaps she was being repeatedly brought to this bush for a reason? What reason, well, she couldn't put her paw on it. She absently fidgeted with the kazoo that rested under a paw, claws aiding her in curling around the plastic musical toy. Her wings, which could almost hide entirely away in her fluffy coat, hung a little by her sides. "Oh, wait, Tanglewood? Never been. Don't really know where I am, actually. In a swamp clearly. That's a given. It's a very lovely swamp though! Very nice, sturdy trees. Lovely and nice, yes." Her tail swished off the branch it had been resting on, now hanging below her and twitching like some sort of clock. "My name's Feza. And business, None, at the moment, I think. I'm lost. I don't actually know where I was going. Or where I came from. It's- it's kinda confusing. I think running into the same bush a few times over scrambled me."

Her expression barely hardened as she tried to shoot a glare at the tree. In addition to being unstealthy, and loud, and bright, she could hardly manage any form of a negative expression. Even her glares towards bushes seemed joyful. Feza's gaze swiftly returned to the two that had seemingly materialized from the murky swamp, eyes squinting a little. Well, one she could tell was a lion. She hadn't seen many of those before, had she? Or at all? Her mind was quite the muddled mess, gaze then moving to the first one to address her trespassing. Were those antlers? Feza couldn't say that she had seen a feline with antlers before. How thrilling! Her hind feet kneaded in excitement, a smile stretching across her face that smeared over her previous 'glare'.

Re: you take the moon - open, joining - DELILAH. - 07-30-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"It is a bit of an odd place, isn't it?"

Delilah's voice chimed out as the pastel felidae padded up behind Sam, a dead, two headed mouse in her jaws as she sat down. She dropped her food, mud staining her pristine pink pelt- but she didn't seem to mind. She could wash off later, when the alligators were out of the small pond nearby.

"Welcome, my name's Delilah, just in case you'd like to know. A pleasure to meet you.~"