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TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - Printable Version

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TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - wormwood. - 07-28-2019

Somewhere in the back of his mind, Wormwood couldn't help but feel so angry and bitter that he was once again following after his brother's footsteps. Or over the fact that he needed to go and watch his brother's ass so that he didn't fall over and get himself killed in this godforsaken shithole of a swamp, despite the fact that Worm probably wouldn't mind that too much. Still, somewhere in the back of his mind, he did have a conscious, and that little bastard was saying that it would be wrong for him to just leave Poetking on his own to possibly get hurt. Besides, the group members here probably didn't know about his brother's ailments or what he really needed.

Despite having all of this in mind, nothing made Worm any less irritated at the mud and dirt caked over his paws and claws, getting up in his mane and sticking onto his wet nose. God, couldn't Poetking have come to somewhere less disgusting and confusing? He swore, despite the fact he was trying to leave himself marks to follow, and trying to make mental landmarks, he felt like he was walking in circles. Finally growing tired of the game he was playing with this awful jungle, Worm heaved his front legs up onto a nearby log, pulling his large and heavy body up onto it and out of the mud.

Once he didn't feel so damp, he cleared his throat before letting out an absolutely monumental roar into the air, trying to alert someone nearby so that they would come to him, rather the reverse. When he began to hear approaching footsteps, he pulled himself up to his full height, growling lowly as he looked around, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"I know you have my brother in this awful swamp of yours. I've come to either take him away from this place, or join. His choice, I suppose..."[/glow]

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - MERGED - 07-29-2019

[div style="width: 480px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 13px;"]poetking hadn't meant to settle down in a place like this. he would rather be somewhere nicer, colder.. but he wasn't able to go much further then here, given the fact he may be getting sick from his long journey. at least they had dry houses and soft beds he could claim as his own, but that roar made him realise.. they wouldn't just be his after this. he knew that roar, he knew it to be his brother's.

of course, he loved wormwood, he was his brother, he had to love him.. but he didn't miss him. all that roar made him do was pin his ears back. out of the two of them, he was the more.. gentle one. the one that didn't yell unless he truly needed. making his way to where he head the roar with his head lowered slightly in annoyance, he flicked his ears slightly.

"i couldn't leave even if i wanted to. i nearly had a spell last night, and i'd like to not be unconscious for another three days." he stated. thats why he needed his brother. he was his caretaker, in a way. he made sure he didn't die of starvation or dehydration when he couldn't eat or drink for himself. he hated that he needed to be taken care of, but he guessed that was as good as his life could get. "its good to see you again, brother."

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - wormwood. - 07-29-2019

Wormwood... well, he had somewhat missed Poetking, in the sense that you missed someone when you were worried about them. Sure, he didn't yet along with Poet always, and he even had some quite nasty feelings when things were really bad, but... he didn't hate Poet. If he hated the other, then he wouldn't have gone searching into the swamp after him, now would he?

When Poet approached, Wormwood let put something akin to a relieved sigh, and he slowly hopped down from the log, circling around his brother and looking him over for any injuries, or signs he had hurt himself during a spell. He was still slightly dazed by just how much he towered over the other, but he pushed that thought out of his mind, mumbling gruffly, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"You nearly had a spell last night? You better have been resting earlier, then! It's good to see you again too, but I was worried when you went and disappeared on me."[/glow] He flattened his ears and let out a huff through his nose, showing off his irritation.

He then said, letting his gaze wander around the swamp around them slowly, subconsciously shaking more of the mud off of his pelt and mane, [glow=#793B29,1,400][color=#793B29]"What is this place, anyways? A group... lives here?"

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - Vathmos - 07-29-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Vathmos had been exploring the territory not minutes before when she heard the lion's roar. Lions, by themselves, wasn't a huge threat. She had been alone at the time, and lions spelled death for any unlucky wandering hyena. She dove into the bushes, body pressed against the earth as she crawled forward to inspect the danger. Vathmos' eyes locked onto the pair of lions from the nearby undergrowth, tail against the ground. Maybe she should run back and tell the rest of the clan, in case this turned hostile. She remembered her hyena brethren being crushed, their spines being broken by lion jaws, ripped apart and- she let out a little growl.
It was fun though when they got to overpower the lions with sheer numbers and scare them away from the kill they worked so hard on. Her ears laid back as she watched them converse, waiting a few moments to pass before she finally revealed herself, standing up and padding out. She took a more confident posture, upright, ears forward, tail up. She looked at Poet, then at the other lion, and refused to take her eyes off the stranger.
"You know him? You are family?"

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - MERGED - 07-29-2019

[div style="width: 480px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 12pt; line-height: 13px;"]as his brother circled him, he made a point to sit himself down, sighing heavily. truly, he hadn't slept for long, if he did at all. the heat made him nervous that if he slept it wouldn't be sleep, but a fainting spell disguised as sleep. quite frankly, he was exhausted. lifting his head a little, he pressed a paw to his shoulder to get the other to stop circling him.

"i couldn't sleep. if i did it wasn't for more then five minutes.. the heat made things much worse." he grunted softly, twitching an ear in slight annoyance. "and yes, a group does live here.. tangleweed or something of the sorts.." he then turned, eyes slightly wide as he was practically snuck up on he hadn't heard the hyena coming, and that wasn't a great sign. "yes.. he's my brother."

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - wormwood. - 07-29-2019

Worm grunted softly as a paw was pressed into his shoulder, and he eventually did as he was silently told to do, sitting down but still looking over Poet slowly. His body was twitching in all sorts of ways as he took in his surroundings, listening and waiting, as he heard quiet footsteps. Turning his head to look at Vathmos, the lion's eyes narrowed slightly, tensed and ready for action as his tail curled slightly around his brother, protectively. When the hyena said nothing but a question, he relaxed just a bit, grumbling softly, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"As he said, I am his brother, Wormwood. I can only assume you are a member of the group here."[/glow] He had to hold himself back from adding "hyena" onto the end, not wanting to be horribly offensive to those that might be his fellow group members, depending on what Poet said.

Speaking of Poet, he turned back to the other male and rumbled, leaning forward a bit to press his nose against Poet's ear, aggravation moving up his spine at the fact that his brother hadn't slept, [glow=#793B29,1,400][color=#793B29]"You need to sleep, and recover, Poet. I could carry you away from here, get you away from the heat so you can sleep properly."

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - DELILAH. - 07-29-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Poet, you shouldn't be moving so much.."

Delilah had been gathering herbs when she heard the male speak from the distance, three legs shaky as they carried the pastel felidae through the swampy marsh and over to the crowd. Two people she didn't know- one smelled like Tanglewood, fresh, however- he must be new.

The other one smelt different.

"Who might this be? My name is Delilah Evergarden."

Delilah introduced herself with a curt bow, the blind feline not exactly looking at Poet anymore- now she was gazing at the massive lion's chest in front of her.

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - Vathmos - 07-29-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]"It's.... Tanglewood, Poet." Poet, what a weird name. Every one here had weird names to her. Beck's was kind of normal. Poetking and Wormwood? That was just silly- not very courageous names for either of them. The lions she knew of had names like Sefu and Abdu. That pair of brothers caused them a bit of trouble. She briefly wondered if this pair would be as troublesome. Keeping food from them and killing some of them. "Uh... I'm Vathmos."

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - wormwood. - 07-29-2019

Wormwood immediately tensed up when someone came over, concern in her voice for his brother, despite the fact that he hadn't been here very long. Who was she? He supposed he should be happy that this group had been taking care of Poetking in his absence, but it still unnerved him to think that already someone was speaking to the younger lion like she knew all about his long history of ailments. Pushing down the slight feeling of inadequacy and guilt that rose in his chest, the large lion made a little rumbling noise before saying gruffly, looking down at Delilah, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"Delilah, huh...? My name is Wormwood. I am Poet's brother. I'm... glad to hear you being sensible in helping with his health."[/glow]" It felt a bit odd talking down to the younger feline, since she seemed so... odd. She was pink, and she was missing a leg. The missing appendage on it's own wouldn't be too strange, but her unconventional hue made him curious about what had happened, or if she had just been born like that.

Then, turning his gaze back to Vathmos, he flicked his tail a bit, inspecting her similarly to how he had inspected Delilah. She looked like a rather normal hyena, but honestly, to him,
hyenas always had a sort of inherent oddness to them. They always seemed vaguely crooked in their movements, and their laughter was damn unnerving, but he tried not to let these judgements remain in his mind as he grunted softly, [glow=#793B29,1,400]"It is nice to meet you, Vathmos. I take it you've dealt with lions before...?[/glow]

Re: TIRED RAINY DAYS ☆ open, joining - toboggan - 07-29-2019


//im excited for some reason

Fashionably late, as per usual.

Yellowed chompers revealed themselves in a toothy grin. The canine’s broad torso pushed aside reeds whilst he trekked through the bog’s swampy terrain. One pawstep landed in a particularly sticky spot of mud, which caused him to stumble. Leroy made the scene in a toppling motion, his chin colliding with the ground at an acute speed.

Apart from the pain ringing within his jaw, the mongrel held his head high after readjusting his stance. With the population’s dwindling numbers, his propitious outlook on life had become soured. Along with the looming threat of Jervis’ cronies, things were looking grim for the swamp people. The sudden influx of joiners gave the impression that Tanglewood’s darker days were swiftly coming to a close. That was something to smile at. At least everybody present (barring him, of course) had joined within the last week alone. That made three new Tanglers, and the return of a particular individual who hadn’t shown her flowery face around here for quite the lengthy period of time. These factors only boosted his morale even further.

"There’s a buncha huts 'n houses near the town if ya wanna find shelter for Poet, Wormwood," he’d say in his gruff tone, elation somewhat fading as he realized the nature of the smaller lion’s condition. Both of whom were newer faces to the hound, as well as the hyena, who stood a few paces to the left of him. "Delilah used to be a medic," Leroy continued, "ya should follow whatever advice she gives."

Completely lacking any medical knowledge, the guardsman feared that there was nothing of value that he could offer to the discussion. Nothing at all.

Actually, there was one thing. A thing that he wished someone had told him to do when he joined Tanglewood almost a year ago.

"Try ta get used to the smell as fast as ya can. It gets nauseating."