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WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - Printable Version

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WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - gregory - 07-27-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"]hey! i’m greg and here’s where i keep my characters and all that~ you can post if you really really want but please don’t spam~

[ characters ]
- poetking
- draekon
- mike
- eldritchhorrors
- caesar
- kilius
- fern
- anubis
- bohannon

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - gregory - 07-27-2019

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"][ character name ideas ]
- poetking
- mandrake
- draekin / draekon
- testificate
- trapcard

[ templates ]

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - MERGED - 07-27-2019

— general
NAME. Poetking
NAME ORIGIN. sorta taken from the song "soldier, poet, king" by the oh hellos
GENDER. cisgender male
AGE. 5 years
GROUP. tanglewood
RANK. member
PARENTS. unknown
LITTERMATES. unnamed brother
— important notes
- he is based on Ferdia Walsh-Peelo's kind alfred the great, even sharing a voice with the man.
- him and his "father" had a very strained relationship, considering he was a bastard, and the man who raised him wasn't his biological father.
- his biological father died when he was still an infant, so he never knew him. however, he did have a very good relationship with his mother.
- #53A2A4
— appearance
CURRENT DESCRIPTION. poet was born a male lion, who was slightly smaller then his previous sibling, who is only older by a year. he has very sleek fur that he likes to keep groomed and nice. he has yet to grow a full mane, but he doesn't really know if he wants one or not. hes still quite slim but is slightly muscular, as he does train for battles quite often with (insert character here). his eyes, like many other lions eyes, are amber or gold depending on what type of lighting he has.
CURRENT SIZE. slightly short, slight muscle, very slim.
AILMENTS. tends to have random fainting spells brought with fevers and dizziness. he can often be unconscious or semi-conscious for up to three days.
— personality
ENFJ. Protagonists are natural-born leaders, full of passion and charisma. Forming around two percent of the population, they are oftentimes our politicians, our coaches and our teachers, reaching out and inspiring others to achieve and to do good in the world. With a natural confidence that begets influence, Protagonists take a great deal of pride and joy in guiding others to work together to improve themselves and their community. (via myers briggs official website)
— other
RELIGION. christian (possibly?)
FIGHTING. tries to avoid attacks and stay on his feet.
ALIGNMENT. lawful or neutral good
POTTERMORE PROFILE. ravenclaw? possibly
— history
- july 27th 2019, joined tanglewood
code by spacexual

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - MERGED - 07-27-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px #53A2A4 solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: black;"]GENERAL.
✧ poetking | poe, poet, king
physically hard-ish? , mentally very difficult | unknown birthdate | unknown zodiac
✧ cisgender male | he / him / his
✧ tanglewood | member | no titles
notes : he's very quick on his feet, but could easily be overpowered by someone bigger and stronger then him. however, he's fairly diplomatic and tries to avoid conflict where he can.

✧ african lion (ref.) | health: 100% | birth body
— poet was born a male lion, who was slightly smaller then his previous sibling, who is only older by a year. he has very sleek fur that he likes to keep groomed and nice. he has yet to grow a full mane, but he doesn't really know if he wants one or not. hes still quite slim but is slightly muscular, as he does train for battles quite often with (insert character here). his eyes, like many other lions eyes, are amber or gold depending on what type of lighting he has
— blood/tears/sweat color red blood, clear tears
— accesories n/a
— current injuries, etc no injuries, has fainting spells that can last up to 3 days

✧ (positives)
✧ (neutral)
✧ (negatives)
— full personality here

✧ npc x npx | unnamed brother (pm me for info if you want to play the brother!)
adopted by n/a
✧ no family name
✧ bisexual biromantic | single / not looking | no shipname :c
✧ friends : | best friends :

✧ physically hardish | mentally difficult | no powers | no weapons
✧ will not start fights, will try to end fights, hard provoke | will not kill if its possible
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | he's.. ok at fighting, very quick, and hard to catch, easily overpowered by someone more powerful then him.
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded #53A2A4 | mention @/gregory or THIS ACCOUNT when attacking

✧ human faceclaim:
ferdia walsh-peelo as king alfred the great
✧ voice claim
at the very start of the video

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - gregory - 07-29-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; height: auto; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px; border-bottom: 5px COLOR solid; padding-bottom: 5px; color: COLOR;"]GENERAL.
✧ DRAEKON | drae, kon, rae
✧ physically hard, mentally depends | unknown birthdate | assumed leo
✧ cisgender male | he / him / his
✧ the pitt | member | no titles

✧ Large dragon (ref.) | health: 100% | alt. body | other bodies : pseudo-melanistic tiger ( not used )
— draekon is an absolute beast of a dragon. he’s around 10 foot, which is around the size maximum of an african bush elephant, and very muscular, however. he had a habit of not eating on long journeys, as it often just makes him feel sick. his scales are grey and black, while his eyes are an icy blue with what seem to be veins of deep blue in the irises
— blood/tears/sweat color normal coloured blood / tears / sweat
— accesories n/a
— current injuries n/a
— scars / body modifications three claw marks over his snout

✧ (positives)
✧ (neutral)
✧ (negatives)
— dealing with his trauma and past causes this dragon to become a man of few words, his speech hardly going past a grunt or growl. if he actually trusts you enough to say even a single word to you, you ought to count yourself very lucky. his emotions can often easily overwhelm him, especially in new environments and situations he didn’t have to deal with at the circus. he tends to disassociate when he’s having trouble processing something, or when an emotion becomes too much to handle. you can often tell he is in a disassociative spell when he just stares at something in the distance or on the ground. generally, you shouldn’t bother him if he is, as he could snap at you, which wouldn’t be fun for either party.

✧ npc x npc | former circus tiger
adopted by n/a
✧ no family name
✧ demiromantic / graysexual | taken | 1/2 draeworm
✧ no friends | nonbest friends | dating wormwood

✧ physically hard | mentally difficulty depends | intanglement, fire elemental, pain transfer | no weapons
✧ will start/end fights, provoking difficulty depends | will kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | fairly good at fighting, he’s very ruthless
✧ powerplay peaceful actions isn’t a good idea with him | attack in bolded COLOR | mention @/gregory when attacking

✧ human faceclaim, voice claim, etc are undecided.

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - MERGED - 08-27-2019

✧ eldritchhorrors | eld, eldritch
✧ physically 8 years, mentally mature | september 19th| zodiac
✧ cisgender | he / him / his
✧ elysium | member | no title
notes maybe (optional)

✧ mutated doberman (ref.) | health: __% | birth body
— eldritch is a very big doberman, and very horribly mutated by the man he was raised by. due to the experiments their "father" did, his mutations caused him to hardly look like a doberman. he has a tentacle for a tail, tentacle's on his face in a davey jones-esc fashion, as well as in a hair like fashion. he has massive horns. he may have a very pearl like coat, being a shiny whitish colour, but the ink that runs from his tentacles paints his chest and front legs black. he has thorn-like spikes along his spine and shoulderblades. he can use his tail in a whip like fashion, of to constrict someone, or even grab items. his facial tentacles and the ones between his horns can mostly just move around and wiggle, or hold his prey while he kills it.
— blood/tears/sweat color black blood / tears, normal sweat
— accesories pirate captain hat
— current injuries n/a

— while eldritch may look and sound very scary, he's really quite nice. he's very sweet, especially to women and children, along with his brothers, and he cares about those he genuinely likes. he's very gentle with children, to the point that he would make a whole saddle for himself if they wanted to ride on his back, so there was no chance that they would get hurt on his spikes. however, that doesn't mean he has a darker, less happy side. if he doesn't like you, its obvious. if he really doesn't like you, it would be a good idea to run for your life. he can get violent if he needs, and isn't afraid to go for a killing blow. he doesn't sleep often, his dreams always being nightmares. he has PTSD, thanks to his father, and fairly bad anxiety, though he pushes through it for his little brothers, so they dont know that anything is wrong.

✧ npc x npc | brothers are [/url] and [url=http://][name]
adopted by abraxas
✧ no family name
✧ demiromantic pansexual | single, not looking / looking | no shipname
✧ no friends | no best friends | dating no one

✧ physically very hard | mentally medium | no powers | his tail is basically a weapon
✧ will not start fights will end fights, hard provoke | will kill under certain circumstances
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | fairly skilled at fighting
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded COLOR | mention @/gregory when attacking

voice claim

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - MERGED - 09-08-2019

name: answer here
gender : answer
pronouns : answer
clan : answer
rank : answer
✧ thomas barrow | mr. barrow, barrow, tom
✧ physically 2 years 4 months, mentally mature | 4th august | leo
✧ cisgender | male
✧ typhoon | member | no titles

✧ domestic cat (ref.) | health: 100% | birth body
— blood/tears/sweat color (optional) regularly coloured blood / sweat / teas
— accesories no accessories
— current injuries no injuries

✧ mental health: 80% | depression

✧ npc x npc
✧ barrow family
✧ homosexual homoromantic | closeted, single / not looking | no shipname
✧ no friends | no best friends | taken by no one

✧ physically hard | mentally depends | no powers | no weapons
✧ will start and end fights, kind of hard to provoke | will kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | fairly ok with fighting, can hold his own,
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions, with caution | attack in  bolded #4a3c3c | mention @/gregory when attacking / major interaction

✧ human faceclaim and character basis is thomas barrow from downton abbey
✧ voiceclaim is thomas barrow from downton abbey

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - MERGED - 09-09-2019

✧ mirror and image | mirrorimage ( when referring to both ), mir, immy
✧ physically 4 years, mentally maturing (mir) and mature (immy) | june 15th | gemini
✧ cisgender | they / them / theirs or he / him / his
✧ tanglewood | tangler | no titles
— [i]while mirror and image share a body, they're two "separate" people- conjoined twins

✧ mutated Siberian husky (ref.) | health: 100% & 10% | birth
— these two boys are actually one boy. born conjoined twins, each person having their own head and personality, however, mirror controlled the left side and most of the organs, while image controlled the right sideand a single kidney, oddly enough. after they turned 2 years old, image had his throat slit by a human, causing in the death of his side of his body, but his spirit wasn't allowed to leave. the right side of the body 'died', but his spirit stayed, meaning the right side continuously began to rot until it was a sickly greenish-brown colour. their back right leg is missing, and in some places you can see through image and see bone thanks to invisibility. image has a good bit of flesh missing, such as holes in his cheeks, ears, and most of his tail fur being gone. they do have two separate tails, however, image has no control over his and it stays limp. mirror's eyes are a bright, icy blue, much like any normal husky's eyes, while image's eyes are an odd milky color mixed with a bit of yellow. you can see many of the veins in image's eyes, and his pupils are completely fogged over.
— blood/tears/sweat color (optional) black blood
— accesories no accessories
— current injuries image is literally a zombie

✧ you may think that these brothers are quite simple, that mirror would be the friendly one, and image would be the horrible and evil brothers.. but its actually switched. mirror seems friendly, but in reality he's very manipulative. mirror will draw you in, seeming friendly and gentle at first, calling his brother the monster and making sure that you feel safe on his side, only to ruin you. he forced his brother's spirit to stay, simply so he could keep on living. image, however, is gentle, quiet, shy. he doesn't like speaking, knowing his brother will simply ridicule him if he does. he speaks so little that many believe that he's mute, or even believe he may just be brain dead- like the zombie he appears to be.

✧ npc x npc | conjoined twins
adopted by n/a
✧ no family name
✧ hetero ( m ), gay ( i ) | single, looking ( m ) / single, not looking ( i ) | no shipname / no shipname
✧ no friends | no best friends | each brother will try to make their own relationships, but it will eventually becomes very difficult.

✧ physically medium | mentally hard ( m ) / easy ( i ) | invisibility | no weapons
✧ will start fights ( m ) wont start fights ( i ), easy to provoke ( m ), hard to provoke ( i )| will kill ( both )
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | not at all skilled in fighting but can hold their own if coordinated
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions ( with discretion ) | attack in bolded | mention @/gregory when attacking or if needed

✧ mirror sounds like
✧ image sounds like [url=http://]this

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - gregory - 10-01-2019

[align=center][Image: PKLfujI.gif] [Image: CUKahDq.gif] [Image: zamEsvG.gif] [Image: KfezEut.gif]

Re: WHO CARRIED A MIGHTY SWORD / bios and dump - MERGED - 10-01-2019

✧ Caesar | " cae ", pronounced ' sea '.
✧ physically 18 years old, mentally mature | may 28th | gemini
✧ cisgender | he / him / his

✧ chimpanzee (ref.) | health: ??% | birth body
— caesar is what you would call "middle aged". his dark gray ( not quite black ) fur is starting to get lighter grey, especially around his face and shoulders. while he is getting up there in age, hes still in his physical prime, being strong and agile like any other chimp might be. he's slightly large for a chimp, being 3.2 feet long when on all fours, and if he were to stand straight, he would stand at around 5'7 feet, weighing in at around 135 lbs. it is uncommon to see caesar without white and red skull like war paint. he is also often carrying his son, who is still young and dependent on him.
— accesories sometimes wears a baby sling when his son is tired.
— current injuries healing bullet wound in shoulder

— wip

✧ npc x npc | has a son named " blue eyes ", or simple " blue "
✧ no known family name
✧ bisexual homoromantic | widower, not actively looking | shipname
✧ friends | best friends | extra info

✧ physically very heard | mentally fairly difficult | no powers | no weapons
✧ will start and end fights, kind of hard provoke | will kill if needed
✧ the only way to really provoke him into a fight is to threaten or hurt his son.
✧ peaceful actions may be powerplayed | attack in bolded RED | mention @/gregory when attacking