Beasts of Beyond
WITH THIS, I SWEAR | Returning. - Printable Version

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WITH THIS, I SWEAR | Returning. - DELILAH. - 07-27-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Never would have believed that I'd be returning to this place.."

Delilah's soft voice rang out as the pastel feline pawed at the boundary lines, those same borders that she had remembered the scent of- It was different. Everything was. Like things had moved, changed, switched around until they weren't the same anymore. Maybe it was fate, for such things to happen. Delilah would never know, truly.

The blind feline huffed a breath out, scratching at the horns atop her head that framed her face like a crown now. She was different- she had died once, came back, left- it was all an exhausted process, one that she would prefer not to go through again. It was a bit odd, however, how the forest always called her back. Always sang sweet melodies in her ears about the thrill of having her family back somehow.

As if her leaving originally wasn't a big deal.\

Shaking her head a little, the pastel felidae merely raised her head, a newfound sense of confidence in her small body despite the fact that she had once been such a softspoken, shy, androphobic little girl. She feared just what might happen when she was discovered- Would they remember her? Or would they continue on their way, shut her out, for she wasn't the same person whom she used to be.

Their lovely, worrisome little medic that had to depend on everyone else.


"Hello? My name is Delilah Evergarden, I.. I'm a returning member- this is Tanglewood, correct?"

Re: WITH THIS, I SWEAR | Returning. - Crow Roux - 07-28-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
Even though the feline had only met Delilah once, it was still hard to mistake her. Crow did a double take when he spotted the rose coloured female waiting patiently for someone to notice her presence because he had assumed she was dead. That's what everyone seemed to believe, anyway. Typically when someone disappeared for long periods of time, it meant they were probably gone for good. That was why he was quite shocked at the sight of someone such as the cat in front of him. "W-woah, Delilah," he spoke as he approached, unable to contain the subtle bewilderment in his tone. "Yeah, you're in the right place."

Re: WITH THIS, I SWEAR | Returning. - selby roux ! - 07-28-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby has been young when he joined Tanglewood. He did not remember much about the ordeal, but two things stuck out in his mind. He remembered that he had been afraid, and he remembered the cherry blossoms coming off of Delilah’s fur. He hadn’t seen the feline since, but he had never forgotten the flowers. Surprise was written plainly across his features as he approached, coming to a stop next to his father. "Oh, hello! I’m Selby. You probably don’t remember me, since we only met once when I was little, but I’m glad to see you again. Welcome back!" he greeted warmly.

Re: WITH THIS, I SWEAR | Returning. - beatae - 07-30-2019

mikolaj did not have the experience to meet delilah, seeing as he had only been here for a short amount of time. he had been carefully keeping track of the time to himself. in two weeks it would be three months of his residency in tanglewood. not that he appeared much for many to notice. the shepherd was content remaining in the background of things. watching. keeping himself at a distance.

jesteś głodna

he scoffed at himself. seeing delilah had reminded him of his oncoming hunger pangs. "trzymaj to razem." he quietly scolded himself, keeping afar from the small reunion. he would not participate in this return today.


Re: WITH THIS, I SWEAR | Returning. - toboggan - 07-30-2019

"Who did this to ya?".

Not even a "I'll miss you". Not even an "I love you". Delilah Evergarden was laying at his paws, mortally wounded, blood seeping through the pink tufts of her pastel pelt. The poor femme was scarcely breathing, barely holding on, and hardly capable of speech. As she cried out for help, the mongrel simply glared into her blind eyes and inquired about her assailants - he had cared more for identifying the attackers than the medic’s wellbeing. The grisly recollection frequently came crawling back into his mind,  despite the plentiful efforts made to prevent it; for, every time that the image of Delilah’s ruptured body arose within him, all the smells, sights, and noises from the fateful day surged through the hound’s veins. And the guilt. Oh, the guilt. Nothing was hurt more than the feeling of remorse in the hours following her demise - he should have done more, should have said more. She had returned a couple of times after her apparent "death", Delilah had. And both times, Leroy lacked the ability to show his face in her presence - only amplifying the levels of remorse pumped by his heart.

Upon witnessing her flowery figure, his jaw dropped in a way comparable to a ship dropping anchor. The unkempt hairs dangling from the mongrel’s chin gently swayed in the summer breeze, as intermittent twitches of utter shock shook his lower jaw. A trembling forelimb reaches forward, the coolness of mud meeting his paw as it met the Earth’s floor. "D... Delilah?" Leroy huffed as he took another rocky step.

He’d coo "I've missed ya, Delilah," as his figure brushed past Mikolaj’s. Eventually, he found himself placed to the left of the general’s son, Selby. That’s as far as he currently wished to go, though, for he knew not if his old friend retained memories of him. 

Re: WITH THIS, I SWEAR | Returning. - DELILAH. - 07-30-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

It was strange, being welcomed back to the place where she had been so terrified of returning to for so long. Normally, in her religion, spirits returned to the Earth Mother, where they would be reincarnated. Some were stuck in limbo. Delilah hadn't been so lucky, the grave she had been buried in.. It did something, and the demoness that had given her a second chance at life made sure it wasn't a good something.

Lilith enjoyed the chaos, after all.

The first person arrived, a familiar figure, someone she had known for a bit before she had passed. Crow Roux. He was larger than her, she knew- Maybe it was because of how high he spoke from, or something. Maybe it was just her imagination. Blind, pale eyes blinked for a moment as she listened to Crow speak, welcoming her back- he was shocked, she could hear it in his voice.

She couldn't help but smile a little when he said her name- it felt nice to be called by her name, to be called at all.

"I'm happy to see you're still alive and well- how is everything? Morgan, Vigenere? What about Arrow?" She asked softly, her fluffy tail curling around her paws, before tapping on the ground to check for any rocks or such that could trip her up. The girl chuckled softly, her head tilting a little before her ears twitched and flipped up when she heard another familiar voice.

"My, My! Your voice has gotten a bit deeper- you must've grown a lot, too, Selby." Delilah chimed happily, the three legged felidae nearly toppling over when she heard his voice. It had been many months since she had last seen him- was he taller than her now? She was always quite tiny for a maine coon.

A soft purr rumbled in her throat as a new scent invaded her nose, the felidae flicking her head over to the direction where there was someone new that smelled of Tanglewood nearby. She wouldn't say much, just nod her head blindly in the direct the other male was at, before turning her gaze back to the group of people gathering.

Her heart stopped when she heard a voice, though. Deep, gruff.


"Leroy-" Delilah gasped out softly, taking a step forward before halting. She remembered, the feeling of choking on her own blood, the pain- It made her figure quiver for a moment before the sound of Lilith speaking in her head making her snap back to reality.  The pastel feline darted forward, slipping between Leroy's long legs to brush her fluffy body against his legs in greeting, a loud purr escaping her throat.

She didn't blame anyone for her death- it was her fault that she was too weak to defend herself.

"It's so good to see all of you- I missed you guys so much! You sound so tired, Leroy- have you been sleeping? eating? Don't tell me you dropped another boombox on yourself-"


Re: WITH THIS, I SWEAR | Returning. - selby roux ! - 07-31-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Selby at this point had, in fact, grown quite a bit taller than Delilah, standing only a little bit shorter than his father. His face soured immediately after she asked about old friends, and he said timidly, "Ah, Morgan left a while ago. Crow’s the leader now. Not sure about Vigener."

He paused, swallowing thickly. Though he knew in his mind that Arrow’s death hadn’t been his fault, the guilt still clawed at him viciously. What if’s ran through his mind on repeat, and the feline had been losing sleep. "I’m sorry to say that Arrow passed away very recently," he said slowly, not quite knowing how to say the words. "She— she got  sick. Really sick. I’m sorry."