Beasts of Beyond
i've got that fire in my soul [open/joining] - Printable Version

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i've got that fire in my soul [open/joining] - Crackers - 07-11-2019

It was hard to draw lines sometimes. After all, things were seldom as black and white as people likes to paint them out to be. In life there were a lot of gray areas, and sometimes the only thing you could do to get what you wanted was to compromise. Such was the situation Damian found himself in. To be clear, Damian had never been close to his family. His mother had raised him early on in life, and as much of a brutal bitch as she'd been she'd taught him to be strong and capable. There were very few that got the best of him, and those that did only inspired a rage to do better. His father he had met only recently, a figure that was both similar and different to his mother all at once. He wasn't sure how they'd even ended up together since both seemed to have such strikingly different ideals when it came to life. As extreme as his fathers methods were though, Damian could see the good intent behind them- hell, he could even see the logic in them. The plans weren't bad, but he had no reason to comply with someone he didn't know. So, why was he here then? Because plans had changed and deals had been struck, and now he was playing soldier for a man he hardly knew. A man who, despite being his father, wasn't all that much older than him due to his fathers soul having chose a younger, stronger body.

The details were nothing he was willing to get into though, not even in the safety of his own mind. There was no point in putting energy into something that was practically irrelevant anyways- he wouldn't even get his prize until he completed his work here, and it was a long road he was staring down. His mission was what could be considered 'deep cover', where he wouldn't be away for days or weeks, but likely months, maybe even years. However long it took. So there was no point planning for something that might not even come to fruition. All he could really do now was focus and get things done. So, there he sat on the Tanglewood borders, large paws covered in mud up to the knees. He probably looked even stranger now- when clean he had the deep gold coloring of a jaguar with the black striping of a tiger, only his stripes were much thicker and more prominent due to his psuedo melanism, giving him far more black in his coat than he should have, generally along the back and sides where the striping was. But now his lower half was covered in mud from the long trek inward through the swamps, and the part of him that should have been bright was now also smeared and flecks with dark mud. Once accepted he would be eager to get a bath in, and that moment couldn't come soon enough.



Re: i've got that fire in my soul [open/joining] - Crow Roux - 07-13-2019

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Crow considered himself on the normal end of things when placed against each of his groupmates and their mannerisms, namely Beck and his infamous ability to create a chaotic scene out of nothingness at the bat of an eye, and this happened to be the situation with the past couple of unfortunate souls to trod into the marsh—they were promptly met with malign tricks as their official welcome into the rugged swamp, as was it almost a guarantee they had not seen the last of such tricks. It was a common knowledge that the poltergeist had a penchant for causing mischief, so the feline had affirmed to himself that the next would be different from the last two, that a good first impression would be left on the new face in contrast to the last pair of bad impressions left by Beck, and to do this he made a note to himself to keep Beck away from the new faces, at the very least until some trust was had.

He noticed a disheveled stranger while out on his first lengthy walk since he attained a substantial injury that left him weakened during his last excursion to the Pitt, and he would approach with care, pawsteps light but not as if he were trying to hide. He kept a bit of a distance between himself and the foreigner so he had plenty of space to run should the encounter turn sour, then called out, "A-are you lookin' for somethin'?"

Re: i've got that fire in my soul [open/joining] - Crackers - 07-13-2019


To be blunt, Damian had never belonged to a clan before- not a real one, at least. He considered his former home to be more of a school than anything, it's students housed there and groomed for perfection. Too bad nobody could ever really claim that title, though Damian had admittedly come close in some areas. Among his peers and superiors he'd been among the best at what they'd trained him for, his own mother the teacher that had bestowed upon him the skills. Her methods, some would say, were harsh and cruel, unbefitting of the title of 'parent', but no matter what Damian could never deny that she'd made him strong. Had made him a weapon- one that had refused to let her or anyone else wield him. That was how he'd ended up with daddy dearest. In their world, Malakai Dimera was a name that had been around for lifetimes. No matter what grudges he might hold against the man, there'd been no denying that the soldier was the best chance he had.

Despite all of this though, Damian was not discouraged by his lack of experience. His education had been very detailed and he knew how things worked in theory even if he'd never had the chance to practice them himself, and he was confident enough that he could force himself to fit in. These were the thoughts that were lingering in his calculating mind as he spotted movement in the trees ahead. His sharp green eyes would shift to lock on the approaching feline immediately, taking in all the information there was to gather as the oriental made their way over and paused a cautious distance away, calling out to him.

"Yeah." he'd reply, holding his position near the border. "I'm here to join Tanglewood." his tone was completely neutral, as was his stance- though it was clear he was not relaxed. Damian was always alert and noting the details of his situation and surroundings, he just knew there was no point in coming off as hostile to a group he planned on trying to join. If they needed a show of force for some reason he wouldn't deny them one, but he wasn't going to go beating down the front doors of his new home. Ugh. That word. To even think it made him want to cringe. He had no home, and this was just temporary. For some reason, repeating that seamed to work. It was just temporary...



Re: i've got that fire in my soul [open/joining] - Crow Roux - 07-16-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 55%; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]
He let out a gentle sigh as it appeared he and the newcomer were on the same page, each standing wary of the other. It was comforting in a strange way to know that the larger feline shared his feelings of unease, and as he began to speak, his shoulders relaxed as it seemed there was no threat there. Another joiner, eh? "I-in that case," he stuttered, kicking his feet in the dirt, "t-the name's Crow. And you?"

Crow hoped that he was being friendly enough to the stranger; it seemed it was a trend that he came off as rude and impudent and... He flinched at the memory. Egotistic? No. Stryker was a liar.

Re: i've got that fire in my soul [open/joining] - Crackers - 07-31-2019


The other seemed to visibly relax after Damaian spoke of wanting to join, and he wondered if there'd been trouble here recently. It would explain this guys cauution, after all. "My name's Damian, nice to meet you." he'd syay, lips pulling into a tight smile as he offered them a nod- clearly smiling and being polite weren't something the Liguar practiced often.



Re: i've got that fire in my soul [open/joining] - DELILAH. - 07-31-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Is it a newcomer?"

Delilah's voice spoke up idly as she padded out of a bush nearby, cherry blossoms falling and sinking into the mud below her. The soft purring that came from her wasn't something she could control, the rumble making itself known when she was happy or satisfied after a meal- one may never know which, however.

"Welcome to Tanglewood, then. My name is Delilah."