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THERE'S NO ESCAPIN | RK515 BIO - Printable Version

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THERE'S NO ESCAPIN | RK515 BIO - | RK515 | - 06-20-2019

NAME ORIGIN. Designated unit number given upon creation
— nickname(s) RK
GENDER. It,They,Them,He,Him pronouns
ORIENTATION. Data Not Available
CURRENT BODY. Android Eurasian Timber Wolf
Right eye reference
[color=#A8CCD4]Body color reference

Police Vest reference
Leg reference
Teeth reference

DESCRIPTION. Despite being one of the largest wolf species that exist in the world, RK515 is relatively small. Only weighing around 95lbs and standing 31inches at the should, he is roughly the size of a medium-large dog. RK515 sports a silver and black hues spreading across the entirety of his body. A large collection of silver is located around his face, chest, stomach, legs, and portions of his back in comparison to the black coloration of his body. Since the android is not incredibly large, it means that he is mostly built for speed, although his mechanical parts give him some extra strength when it comes to battle. Looking back toward his face, his left eye looks to be a natural dark brown, while his right eye seems to be completely mechanical. The light the emits from the eye changes color depending on what RK515 is doing, going between blue (normal), yellow (processing/thinking/concern), and red(distress/errors/severe confusion).

The main aspect of his body that is the most noticeable are his four metal legs that had replaced his organic ones. His original legs were removed in the human lab that he was created in, and were made from lightweight titanium plating. His legs work similarly in a way that a prosthetic would work for a human. This also gives him the use of metal claws, that are close to the length of a regular canine's claws, but are sharp as knives and can slice through thick materials. Another portion of his body that again was made out of metal are his teeth, as he now has titanium teeth instead of regular teeth, this allows some improvement in attacks but not an extreme improvement.

Another part of his look is that he wears a K9 vest for when he worked with humans in the Detroit Police Force. The K9 vest reads: Detroit K9 Police. The vest itself is made out of black kevlar and helps RK515 in the protection of sharp objects and smaller animals that may attack him. However, this does not mean he cannot be touched in the areas where the vest protects him as there are several other areas he can be attacked. The vest also has several pockets, in case his owner needed to store anything while they were in the field, the contents of these pockets include: Handcuffs, Unit RK515 guide, and a small maintenance kit. RK515 is almost never seen without the K9 vest on him, as he is used to wearing it all hours of the day, the only time he does have it off is when he is performing self-maintenance.
INTP, The Logician
detailed description:
Robotic, No emotions, Cruel, Cold, Protective, Prone to aggression in face of threat/uncertainty, Uses lots of human terms when explaining things, Calculative, Logical, Analytical, Only believes in logic and will refuse to believe in anything but facts.

BEHAVIORS. - He commonly talks like that of a cop, and uses cop procedures when dealing with situations
- Refers to Hal as Lieutenant. Maybe sometimes owner
- He is extremely bad with social cues and his smile/expression are very robotic and don't look right.
- He does not immediately trust those that he comes across in these strange areas and can mentally "tag" someone as a threat.
- He knows quite a deal about technology and how everything works.
- He will refuse to hold most things out of fear of breaking something as he is a tool for police to use to control criminals, and has only ever known to destroy instead of creating/care for things
- RK will make no movements to protect anyone other than Hal. In his mind with the information that he was trained on, he was only created to protect humans and not animals and does not feel obligated to do so as it is 'natural selection'.

- Bleeds blue blood.
- Cannot feel pain in current state (due to neurological issues)
- Refers to self as 'It'.
- Currently incapable of independent thoughts.
- RK515 shifts his weight from one paw to the next, and sometimes he messes with the mechanical components of his legs when there is nothing going on and when he's recalibrating his legs.
- Weaknesses: Physically weak to the following - large surges of electricity, intense flames melt metal components, earth elementals can bend metal components, prone to rusty in wet environments, and hard blunt force to certain areas can break legs.
- Current powers: All Elementals, Clairvoyance, Conjuration, Elasticity, Enhansed senses, Health Transfer, Intangibility, Invisibility, Jump Boost, Mental Manipulation & Communication, Mental Bond, Odd Organs, Possession, Shape Shifting, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Wall Walker, and X-ray Vision.
- Faceclaim: Connor from Detroit: Become Human
- Very loosely based from Connor
code by spacexual

Re: THERE'S NO ESCAPIN | RK515 BIO - | RK515 | - 06-21-2019

✧ RK515 | RK
✧ physically hard/extreme, mentally medium | June 2
✧ It | It, They, Them, He, Him
✧ no clan/group | no rank | Former K9 unit
Does not hold loyalties to groups, instead holds loyalties to individuals

✧ Small android eurasian timber wolf (Right eye reference,Body color reference, Police Vest reference, Leg reference, Teeth reference) | health: 73% | birth/current body
— Small black/silver eurasian timber wolf around the size of a medium to large dog, weighing 95lbs. Right eye is mechanical, left eye is naturally dark brown. All four legs are made out of metal and have metal claws around the same sharpness as knives. His teeth have also been replaced with titanium. Used to have a simple AI chip attached to his brain and other chips for different functions.
— Bleeds blue blood
— Wears kevlar K9 vest
— current injuries Bent metal plating on the right leg

✧ Protective, Motivated, Hard worker, Analytical, Investigative, Intent on learning,
✧ Logical, Calculative
✧ Cold, Cruel, Prone to aggression, Robotic, Does not believe in self-preservation, No morals, and no sense of personal space
— Like machines that have been produced in recent years, with simple responses and programmed responses, RK515 is exactly that. He is nothing more than a machine that was created in order to prevent the loss of K9 units in police departments, and his creation was the first of its kind. RK515 has a basic understanding of human emotions specifically, although he does not feel them. He does not feel anything. While he worked with the police force, he was able to learn a lot about humans and how they worked, having been created to appease humans and make their lives more convenient. Ingrained in his head, he had received training over and over again to correlate appropriate responses to appease those around him and improve the situation, and can even be seen as someone that is the peacemaker of a situation as long as it is in regard to his mission. RK515 is always adamant of following his mission and will not stray for them unless its a means to help progress the mission faster, retrieving orders that contradict his current mission objective are quickly ignored and will not be carried out. Through most of his lifetime, RK515 simply has dealt with aggressive humans and rarely has any contact with other animals as he was not taught how to interact with them. He was given videos and other media of animal behavior, but he has never had to use that knowledge before. Thanks to those that created him, they blocked out his ability to feel any instincts whatsoever, and instead follow the protocols that he was taught and nothing else. By experience alone, he acts like a perfect K9 unit. There are a couple of instances where RK515 may ask someone a strange question, but it is simply so that he can memorize their response for future use.

✧ Data not available | any extra info
adopted by Data not available
✧ no family name
✧  no romantic orientation/sexual orientation | not looking | shipname
✧ no friends | no best friends | Current companion: Hal

✧ physically hard/extreme | mentally medium | All Elementals, Clairvoyance, Conjuration, Elasticity, Enhanced senses, Health Transfer, Intangibility, Invisibility, Jump Boost, Mental Manipulation & Communication, Mental Bond, Odd Organs, Possession, Shape Shifting, Telekinesis, Teleportation, Wall Walker, and X-ray Vision. | No weapons | Physical weaknesses: Physically weak to the following - large surges of electricity, intense flames melt metal components, earth elementals can bend metal components, prone to rust in wet environments, and hard blunt force to certain areas can break legs.
✧ will end fights, easy to provoke | will not kill
✧ No mentor | No apprentice | Highly skilled in fighting
✧ Not allowed to powerplay peaceful actions | attack in bolded #1D3550 | mention [member=184]Sorrel[/member] 

✧ extra info here, such as face claims, voice claims, bits of their history, links, etc.
— Voice claim: Connor from Detroit: Become Human
— Does not feel pain
— No independent thought