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THEY WORK IN THEIR SMILES / finding bell - Printable Version

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THEY WORK IN THEIR SMILES / finding bell - spacexual - 06-11-2019

i lost my wallet and i'm lost, dear — tags
Now that they've reached this new territory, the skinny jaguar found plenty of reason to explore. He was not used to this sort of environment and was curious to see what he could find. What more could he do, anyway, seeing as he'd no idea how to communicate with others in this state? He might as well check out his new home. Maybe he could find the best places to find food, so he could give some to their leader. Maybe he ought to find himself a proper home, too, while he's at it. Or he could simply indulge his curiosity and learn some more about the tundra. It was certainly a pretty place, but he was not so used to such harsh colds. He wished he could wear a coat, or something, but he wouldn't know where to find any, and he certainly wouldn't know how to ask. For now, he would just have to deal with it all. There wasn't anything else he could do about it.

So, he only focuses on the lands he travels now, glowing eyes trailing over each thing he finds, taking his time throughout. His rounded ears prick as he hears a small jingle - clearly a bell. Possibly one of the ones attached to the trees. He did not find it to be particularly windy at the moment, though, and none of the others rung with it, so he pushes himself towards it out of curiosity. His green gaze peers down to find that it was, indeed, a bell, but one that had fallen out of place, now on the ground. The male bent down and decided to pick it up with one of his paws, observing it quietly. He looks up, wondering which tree it fell from.

Re: THEY WORK IN THEIR SMILES / finding bell - tricky - 06-13-2019

    The faint jingle of the fallen bell could be heard across the veil, stirring the one who had lost the ornament so long ago. A remnant of the celebrations and the horrors alongside it, the bell must have torn off during its owner's final struggle. Decades passed, then centuries, until the little bell was forgotten in the frozen landscape, its tarnished gleam buried beneath thousands of winter snowstorms.

    Foreign touch disturbed the archaic bell, stringing it along with modern cousins. Although pointedly distinct from the other bells, larger in size and silver in color, the golden bell swayed and tittered in the wind all the same. Fate broke it from its threads once more, discarding it at the feet of a curious creature.

    Scooping the bell up into his paws, however, was a tragic mistake. Tragic for its old owner, at least.

    A sharp burning gripped the spirit's chest, piercing all the way through his being until the sensation was unbearable. The bell's song beckoned him, dragging him -- he followed, a loyal mutt to the master's whistle. One set of claws outstretched and reached for escape, groping the air for something to grasp onto before sinking deep into the powdery cold surface. A second paw followed, similarly scratching at the snow for leverage as the specter wrenched himself from his grave; a scrawny beast shrouded in motley garb. The void that so familiarly engulfed him was replaced by the harsh light and shadows, abruptly stripped away and leaving him blind. His head bent towards the heavens above, and through a porcelain face, he breathlessly gasped. Fresh air -- the mangy canine sputtered behind the pristine mask thankfully still secured around his face, collapsing into the snow with all the grace of a newborn fawn.

    He wasn't quite dead, evident by his slight panting, but he wasn't alive either. No heartbeat guided his movements as he regained himself, pushing himself to confront the one who summoned him. A darkened eye glared daggers underneath his mask and a sharpened dirk was whisked out from its sheath on his belt, its blade pointed at the strange feline's throat. The anger obscuring his vision subsided after a moment and the knife is stowed away. His attention abandoned the jaguar's face, moving to admire his surroundings in silent awe.

    "I must've missed a lot, haven't I?" the outlandishly-dressed coyote murmured to himself, plopping himself back on bony haunches with a chorus of jingling emphasizing his shift. In his stillness, one could gain a good look at him... or rather, his costume. Red and violet lined with gold stood glaringly out against the tundra scenery. The only features free from the faded cloth -- two battered ears and a bristly tail -- were a mousy brown. The peculiar entity seemed to forget entirely about Damianos, wagging his scruffy tail in childlike glee as he absorbed every inch of the living world he found himself in once again.

Re: THEY WORK IN THEIR SMILES / finding bell - beatae - 06-13-2019

  indie herself was adjusting to the cold and bitter winds herself, though had a bit of an easier time considering where she grew up. the main difference was there being almost no break between freezing temperatures. at least in the city it would reach the fifties and sixties during the spring and summer times, but the tundra was just a constant frozen wasteland. her blood would thicken a bit more eventually, she knew. along with her fur growing denser and an thicker undercoat to pair by the next few seasons. for now of course she would just have to endure while it lasted.

the caracal was quick to notice damianos within the flurried landscape. their colors weren't quite capable of blending in very easily, but she was happy to see another person out here. so far only a handful had been met, but she scented so much more when she passed by main trails. her steps hurried, looking to meet the jaguar when she noticed another figure by him. her eyes squinted against the wind, trying to make sense of what exactly was across from damianos but... she couldn't. the mask and garb, paired with the fact it held no scent was strange to her.

"hello you two, is everything alright?" indie looked back to damianos, now able to see him up close. he looked... famished, but there was not craving hunger in his gaze. "do you two need something to eat? i have a place with a nice kitchen nearby if you want to get out of the cold." she then offered politely, wrapping her shawl tighter around her shoulders.

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Re: THEY WORK IN THEIR SMILES / finding bell - KLIMENT - 06-17-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
Hearing the voices from afar, the large brute would walk forward with both of his long ears perking forward. He could see Damianos and Indie then there was another form with a scent he didn't recognize, he found a frown on his maw approaching Indie from behind with a lash of his tail. He bared his teeth as his snout scrunched up, he spoke with his accent thick "WHO ARE YOU." He would sit down slowly curling his tail around his forepaws, his ears laying against the back of his head and brushing against his spine. He would await a respond snorting rather loudly at Indie's kindness towards this stranger though he supposed it was acceptable if this coyote was going to join the group. [glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: THEY WORK IN THEIR SMILES / finding bell - Luciferr - 06-19-2019

[size=9pt]their shadow fell across the group but the beast wasn't particularly enthused - merely curious as to what drew the attention of Kliment and the various others that resided amongst them.

Akane-orcus' mandibles flared idly when the head caught sight of the same one that had temporarily thrown fire in their eyes but otherwise betrayed no outwards reaction as the three heads loomed from behind Kliment and watched the stranger idly - wings coming to curl around them like an overlarge cape.

Re: THEY WORK IN THEIR SMILES / finding bell - spacexual - 06-21-2019

Well, whatever he had been expecting, it'd most certainly not been this. His jaws quite literally part in surprise, glowing eyes watching as a creature emerges from the bell he'd picked up. An innocent curiosity lead to some sort of creature making its way into the world. The jaguar watches, frozen, as the stranger takes in his own situation. Where the fuck did he even come from? The bell? What the fuck? As the jackal speaks, Damian's eyes squint, gaze fluttering down to the bell and then back to the male. If he had a voice, he'd have nothing to say.

His shock and bewilderment would be interrupted by another voice, one he did not recognize yet. The fur on his neck stands up, his attention shifting towards the female. He could only look back to the stranger as the caracal asked how they were fairing. However, when she would bring up food, something occurred to him. Did he need to eat now? Dammit, now he's even more confused. The male closes his mouth, offering a simple shrug in response as more come towards them. He wants to focus on one thing at a time, and luckily Kliment asks what he wishes to know.

Re: THEY WORK IN THEIR SMILES / finding bell - deimos - 06-28-2019

bad girlfriend
"Wow, oh man. There's a whole buncha people over here, isn't there?" Myhri muses as he pads up, probably the loudest of the bunch- against Indie, maybe not, but there would be a lot to say. Myhri had a shiteating grin on his face again, the rottsky's mouth spread wide as his glasses shined light back. His eyes flicked from the weird bell, to Sar, then back to Damian who looked utterly confused. He hadn't heard what Indie or Kli said yet, so he scooched closer to Dami, putting on a defensive look.

"Do you have any idea whats going on either?" He said to Dami quietly, still looking at the situation at which people kept piling up. He looked at the bell again, frowning.

code by spacexual