Beasts of Beyond
sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - Printable Version

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sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - deimos - 06-03-2019

bad girlfriend
Fuck him, it was hot. Hot like him, maybe not, but the sand burned his paw pads and caused his dark pelt to make him sweat, mouth open and panting. It wasn't nice out here, not at all. It was too bright, too hot, and too.. too quiet. The sound of sand swirling caused him a heartache. However, dotting the horizon, was a few settlements. His eyes blinked, and he continued on. Soon, the ground underfoot turned from swirling sands to hard, cracked yellow ground. He licked his lips, keeping up appearance- slobber couldn't continue to drip, even in this weather. He was going to need a bath, too, his fur was unkempt again.

Why did he come out here again? He wasn't sure. Maybe to get away from all the crazies back home. The strays in the city, those hookers? They just weren't the same anymore- and neither were the parties. They were getting boring. Boring, he thought, was that a word that described him? He sure as hell hoped not. Myhri loved being the center of attention, and if he was boring.. he couldn't do that anymore. He huffed. He reached into the pack on his side, pulling out a pair of sunglasses and fixing them overtop of his eyes.

"Is anyone out here in this forsaken of a land?" He finally called out, now that his purple hues were covered up.

code by spacexual

Re: sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - KLIMENT - 06-04-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
The ancient civilization was now a pile of rumble, everything had been destroyed by a giant beast that had suddenly erupted from the earth below. His ears twitched a bit, he wasn't distraught at all by this since the blistering heat wasn't exactly making things easy for him and his dark scales. Lashing his tail to the sides was he able to hear the voice of someone unfamiliar, he grew slightly tense as he trotted forward with pseudo eyes on the ground before they rose to look upon the skeletal structure of a dog. His snout scrunched up a bit at what was said though he parted his jaws to speak with a soft snort "WE AND ALONG WITH A FEW OTHERS RESIDE HERE." The brute towered over this canine yet he wasn't as competent as before, a little more at ease, he supposed that he needn't worry about the destruction of the current Rosebloods territory. He had made a bit if a plan of moving for the future but thanks to the beast whom rose from the earth itself, he could push this plan of his out and more easily. He would then say with his heavy accent "STATE YOUR NAME AND BUSINESS." He demanded with a slight show of his teeth.[glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - deimos - 06-04-2019

bad girlfriend
Woah, would you look at that? Someone else was here after all. Well, Something else, at least. Myhri gave a slight frown, his ears twitching, the floppy tips wagging gently as his head tilted, purple tinted sunglasses staying on his muzzle tightly. But damn, this something was cool. His eyes were one shade all the way across, and the mass of flesh inbetween his teeth? That thing looked huge. How the hell did this dude store it? Oh well, Myhri thought to himself, his fluffy tail wagging casually as he tilted his head back straight with a shit-eating grin.

Yes, this guy was tall, and yes, the buildings in the distance were.. ruined. That's cool he guessed, just makes for another good story. "Hey, Myhri, what was it like when you joined?" "Oh, you know babe, a fucking mess, like yours truly." He could see it now, winking to whoever he was talking too. Myhri looked up into the eyes of the beast. He find it really funny that he needed the teeth. Myhri was really small compared to Kliment. "Hey, names Myhri. I'm looking for a place to shore up for.. however long you guys keep people around." He said, raising a paw and flicking it towards the buildings on fire with raised eyebrows.

code by spacexual

Re: sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - Luciferr - 06-05-2019

[size=8pt]"hmm, fresh blood here already?" was the sibilant query from Akane-Orcus, the mandibles on the righter most head flaring briefly in contemplation as the three headed beast seemed to loom over them - having climbed a nearby rubble pile to peer down at the two, several red eyes curiously flitting between the two - almost amused at the thought (considering they had decimated quite a few wayward members, it did seem a morbid joke to them.

Akane had never cared much for inter politics (unless he was manipulating them n a rare occasion for a lark) so long as he got his sacrifices from his then 'worshippers' he'd let them fight and squabble amongst themselves over who -amusingly - had earned his 'favour'.

unsurprisingly it seemed this specific slice of life was rather dry.

Akane-Caedes' tongue flickered over a split bottom jaw as Akane all shifted, heads dipping down to rest across folded wings before them like some alien gargoyle perched untouched in the ruins of civilisation.

Re: sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - KLIMENT - 06-05-2019

[glow=#000,1,400]I WISH I COULD ESCAPE, I DON'T WANNA FAKE IT !。+゚.[/glow]
A place to stay? Well, there wasn't much of a place to stay within now that everything had been destroyed by the draconic beast that had erupted from the earth below. He growled at the thought even if the brute had originally intended to move the Rosebloods to a weather more suitable than the desert. His ears twitched lightly before he would speak with a low rumble coming from his throat "YOU MAY STAY BUT BE AWARE THAT WE WON'T BE STAYING HERE DUE TO DAMAGES... RECONSTRUCTION OF THIS ANCIENT CIVILIZATION WOULD BE A WASTE OF ENERGY, SO, WE WILL MOVE OUT ONCE A FEW OF THE SCOUTS HAVE FOUND A PLACE MORE SUITABLE FOR THE ROSEBLOODS. DON'T GET TOO COMFORTABLE," There was a brief pause before deciding to introduce himself to the canine, he snorted quietly "WE ARE KLIMENT. YOU ARE WELCOMED HERE ON MY BEHALF, MYHRI." They lift their head up quite a bit only to roll his shoulders, he slowly turned away only to indicate with a lash of his tail "WE'VE MADE TEMPORARY CAMP OVER THERE-" He stopped speaking seeing the said brute themselves feeling a low hiss escape from his jaws, Kliment wasn't exactly the most eager to see Akane especially after their whole squabble when the three headed beast had made their grand entrance.[glow=COLOR,1,400][/glow]

Re: sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - deimos - 06-09-2019

bad girlfriend
Myhri's eyes only seemed to sparkle at the next contestant, so to speak. Three giant heads hovered far above, only peaking over the rubble to stare at the pair of them. Myhri's face broke out in a shit-eating grin, licking his lips. Damn, all these hotties giving him attention. His ears flattened as he realized how gay that sounded, biting his tongue before answering. Keep it in your non-existant pants, Riri. The dog cleared his throat. "Fresh is a little.. hm. Untrue. My bloods all kinda jacked up, but yeah, I'm here. Bringing the party." He clicked his tongue, before looking back at Kliment.

He raised a paw, shaking his head. "No worries dude. Used to like, sleep on the streets. Nothing wrong with not getting comfy." He said, winking. His ears perked as he got a name, almost excited again. People were things Myhri had quite honestly missed after leaving home. Home. It wasn't home anymore, was it? This group would be his home. He would make sure of it. "Thanks Kli." Myhri was always taking liberties of people and shortening their names. He twitched an ear again, glancing around Kliment. However, as he stopped, he glanced between big dude and bigger dude. "Ah, yeah, fued here I'm guessing? On that note, I'm gonna head into camp- ah, wait, three headed dude who would be great at taking shots, whats your name?" Myhri questioned.

code by spacexual

Re: sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - spacexual - 06-10-2019

Truly, the lands now are problematic with their recent destruction. It was as if he was slaying beasts all over again, however, instead of killing them, or even exiling them to prison, they let the creature join? It was still quite strange to him, and he kept a wary step around the being, glowing eyes locked on him as they would pass. While he did not want to upset his leader, finding a joy in just the sight of him, he was not so afraid to make an enemy of this monster. However, for now, this would not be his focus, as he stumbled past the rubble and debris of what was. How disappointing - how could they even rebuild these lands with paws? Perhaps he should try on his own, though, to be honest, he did not know a whole lot about architecture, so maybe it would not be such a good idea. Not right now, anyway.

His green gaze glanced to Kliment, lingered upon the dragon, and then finally fell upon the stranger, apparently intending to join. The skinny jaguar would only offer a smile, rounded ears perked as he listened to the passing conversation. It sucked - he was almost completely out of his element. Everything he'd known was taken from him, and now he was thrown into this mute body he did not know how to take care of or communicate within, past the simple actions he made and hoped gave off the correct messages. He could not even introduce himself to this new individual, so he only raised his head as Myhri states he will be heading towards their camp, offering a nod and then backing up a few steps, in hopes of showing him he'd escort him there - once he was finished speaking to the..."three headed dude", as he had put it.

Re: sound of your heartbeat \\// joining - Luciferr - 06-12-2019

[size=9pt]the response from the newcomer brought a slight smirk to them and they tilted their heads in acknowledgement, six pairs of eyes glancing across to their 'leader' (a novel thought but they didn't mind - new experiences after all, made life exciting) and smiling a little wider acquiescing to the vague question of their newest incomer "something like that" they mused.

shifting the huge wings at their sides for better grip they answered "Akane is our name" and they hoped he lived up to his self made party bringer title - it got so terribly dull if a little chaos wasn't invoked.

eyes flickered to the one they had yet to know, Akane-Caedes jaws shifting at him given the lingering glare - they shifted their wings to unfold this time and tilting their heads hummed "We will see you there" before they would take off in its vague direction, the updraft kicked up by those wings ruffling the dust and debris left behind by their - prior appearance.