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it's not over til it's over [ Ó Broin hub ] - Printable Version

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it's not over til it's over [ Ó Broin hub ] - aine. - 04-22-2019

[div style="width:100%;text-align:justify;overflow:auto;text-transform:lowercase;padding:20px;font-family:courier;font-size:8pt;"][align=center][Image: lC1uHqG.png]
Ó Broin Family
♛ Gael Ó Broin [ penned by lamby ]
Aine Ní Broin [ penned by misty ]
Alaire Antione Ó Broin [ penned by petrichor ]

Table of Contents
tags —  o1. / o2. / o4.
tv tropes — o3.
thread hubs — o5.
art galleries — o6.

Discord Server — all welcome !
Encylopedia — character encyclopedia for the WIP story the family originates from
Alaire — google doc bio

Re: it's not over til it's over [ Ó Broin hub ] - aine. - 04-22-2019

basics | You've got a big heart
aine charlotte ní broin [ awn-ya ] | lottie
female | she/her pronouns
resides in the Pitt | Fleshweaver | loyal to individuals
appears 8 moons | ages at roleplayer's discretion | faerie

physical | The way you see the world
red fox. petite.  soft-furred.  a little fluffy.
— bright, hazel eyes that seem to change in-between the colors gold, copper and green.
— on the small side, even for a child.  has a rounder build.  grown scrawnier following scarce food.
— prone to be found with flowers, grass and leaves stuck in her fur.

personality | It got you this far
hufflepuff | infp-t | erudite and amity
[<] friendly, honest, intuitive
[Ø] absentminded, private, soft
[>] erratic, impatient, naïve

interaction | You might have some bruises 
— generally very bubbly.  polite.  doesn't want to be a bother.
— prone to hide behind the most familiar face near her.
— possesses a surprisingly loud voice; good projection when she's willing to utilize it.
— books are life™
— gaelic, french, english

relationships | And a few of scars
Gael Ó Broin x Salmoné Boudier [ npc ]
demiromantic demisexual | single
— not looking [ practically taken - in development ]
friends with ;; Ikaia, Kydobi, Redvox, Salem, Trygve
enemies with ;; Aurum

combat | But you know you're gonna be okay
str: 10 | dex: 16 | con: 11 | int: 15 | wis: 13 | cha: 14 | [Image: HfnJZUK.png]
tries to avoid combat | can't take a hit | very fast
— physically;; easy to moderate | prone to dodge | quick and agile but moderately weak
— mentally;; moderate

powers | And even though you're scared, you're stronger than you know
earth elementals
— discovered
— primarily plant-based in use
enhanced senses
— undiscovered
— hearing and taste
— discovered; lacks control
mental bond
— Ikaia; discovered
— Alaire: undiscovered

Re: it's not over til it's over [ Ó Broin hub ] - gael - 04-23-2019

[align=center]GAEL Ó BROIN | HE/HIM | THE PITT | LAMBY
Gael Ó Broin.  gay-el
Male.  He/him.
Appears 24 moons.  Unknown age.  Immortal.  Faerie.
Ardent of The Pitt.  Loyal to Individuals.
There's a room where the light won't find you

A well-built vulpine with plush black and red fur; a red fox with the cross coloration.
His eyes are hazel, often appearing copper or gold.
Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down

the good alert, creative, independent, decisive, intelligent
the okay ambitious, private, reserved, smooth
the ugly overly analytical, aloof, blunt, vindictive
When they do, I'll be right behind you

NPC X NPC [ Liam Ó Riagáin x Eithne Ní Broin ].
● Father of two [ Alaire Antoine Ó Broin and Aine Charlotte Ní Broin ].
Family Tree [ courtesy of misty ].
Irish accent.  Fluent in Gaelic and English.
Single.  Not looking.  Demiromantic bisexual.
Will start and finish fights.  Will not show mercy.
Physically difficult.  Mentally extreme.
Air elementals.  Mental manipulation and communication.  Clairvoyance.
So glad we've almost made it

So sad they had to fade it
Everybody wants to rule the world

Re: it's not over til it's over [ Ó Broin hub ] - gael - 08-29-2019

Re: it's not over til it's over [ Ó Broin hub ] - alaire - 01-05-2020

G E N E R A L .
Alaire Antoine Ó Broin
Male [he/him]
Physically 6 Moons old | Faerie
Typhoon | Beta
Demiromantic | Single, Not looking

A P P E A R A N C E .
Red fox [ with cross coloration ].  Reference.

P E R S O N A L I T Y .
ENFP-T Campaigner | hufflepuff
amiable.  confident.  enthusiastic
absentminded.  competitive.  stubborn
impatient.  impulsive.  naive

P O W E R S .
mental bond: aine

I N T E R A C T I O N .
can powerplay non-violent actions.
easy physically.  hard mentally.
tries not to start fights, save for those he cares about.  finishes fights.

Re: it's not over til it's over [ Ó Broin hub ] - aine. - 04-02-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 530px; height: auto; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: courier; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 8pt;"]Thread Hub / History

The Year 2019
April 23. 2019 Following their home's destruction, Aine and Gael join the Pitt
May 21. 2019 First encounter with Goldenluxury and Crow -- the event instilling an association with them and fire
June 15. 2019 Aine remembers the house fire and displays her earth elementals for the first time
June 27. 2019 Upon wandering off, Aine befriends Ikaia
June 29. 2019 Lost, Aine meets her father's cousins for the first time
June 31. 2019 Aine is escorted home by her father's cousins in a trade for Suvi
August 11. 2019 First encounter with a full fledged raid by Tanglewood
August 22, 2019 Aine builds her garden
September 16, 2019 Aine successfully heals a wounded raven, watching it successfully take flight
October 7. 2019 Upon capture, Ikaia is tortured at the hands of Argus, unintentionally revealing a bond between him and Aine
October 31. 2019 Second encounter of a full fledged raid; this time by both the Typhoon and Tanglewood -- witnesses Kydobi's death at the hands of Aurum
November 30. 2019 Aine founds the Ravens and Crows alongside Ikaia and Salem
December 17. 2019 Kydobi returns to life

The Year 2020
January 1. 2020 Aine attempts to practice her earth elementals
January 31. 2020 Aine hosts her first event -- a bonfire for the Ravens and Crows
February 1. 2020 Aine conducts her first herbal lesson
March 23. 2020 First encounter with Trygve (and Caesar)
March 25. 2020 Aine travels to the Typhoon to check on Trygve
March 29. 2020 First encounter with her cousin, Roan
April 4. 2020 Discovery of shapeshifting [ 100th post! ]
April 6. 2020 Aine's trust in Kydobi sees a fracture during Raymond's visit
April 7. 2020 Trygve returns, inciting violence from Caesar and others + leading to a distrust in her clanmates
April 16. 2020 Aine's father is promoted to Vicar of the Pitt
July 16. 2020 Witnesses Silent's takeover of the Pitt
July 27. 2020 Promoted to Fleshweaver

Re: it's not over til it's over [ Ó Broin hub ] - aine. - 04-04-2020

[align=center][div style="width: 530px; height: auto; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: courier; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 8pt;"]art gallery
