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OCEAN EYES / o, joining - Printable Version

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OCEAN EYES / o, joining - Ilivi, - 04-26-2018

In the past, Ilivi had been a figure of power. One that would be worshiped by her own creations. She was the Goddess of Creation. With one swipe of her paw (or a single wave of her hands), she could create something. The day she created Byui, she had thought she had made the perfect creature. She had trusted him- yet in the end, he back-stabbed her and with a slice of his blade, the world she made was split into eight pieces. Ilivi had banished him but she was unable to heal her world's wounds and it was left split into eight pieces.

It had been centuries since the female last opened her eyes- for she had gone into a deep hibernation and Byui did the same. The female had lost her powers of creation the moment she went into hibernation so she felt helpless. Ilivi was now a lion. She had a big, fluffy mane and her pelt was a gorgeous golden color. Her eyes were almond-shaped and piercing ivory, making the female appear blind, except she can see perfectly out of both eyes. Lost and somewhat confused, the female would wander around the outskirts of Tanglewood's territory.

Re: OCEAN EYES / o, joining - roman - 04-27-2018

imagine being able to create things with a wave of a paw... fish does this all the time. playing god is one of her preferred pastimes when she isn't following people around in camouflage or trying to make friends. yes, fish has created massive towns at the bottom of the swampy waters, outfitted with markets and residential areas created from trash and debris all for the entertainment of her fishy (and reptilian) friends. several hundred years have passed since fish's soul was trapped in the body of a terrifying water spirit, which means that her largest underwater town has been under intense construction. she has recruited some of the local crocodiles to assist in protecting her creation from outsiders in return for not eating them and their family. crocodile tastes a lot like chicken. but this is all fake--a long, drawn out game of building sandcastles. fish is not a god. she is just a restless soul with an affinity for mud and water.

tainted water spills off of fish's muscular, stream-lined figure in miniature streams, her double eyelids blinking away any debris from around her eyes as she emerges from the muck and the gloom. a massive catfish is clamped between her powerful jaws, squirming momentarily before she increases the pressure and a sickening squelch can be heard as she delivers the fatal wound. the fish is nearly as large as fish's skull, and yet the beast seems to scarf it down in two to three bites. mentally, she is still a child, but her body continues to grow. now, she is the size of a large timber wolf. it will not be much longer before she surpasses a bear, and perhaps even a draft horse. growing monsters require a lot of food and exercise. with the food problem covered for the next couple hours, fish now decides to get some exercise. and by exercise, she means patrolling the border and harassing newcomers.

in spite of her large size, the scaly water beast maneuvers the tangled vines and muddy terrain with ease. sometimes, when she is too lazy to walk around something, she become intangible and ghosts right through a copse of trees. several minutes (or possibly hours--she does not possess a good understanding of time) pass before the scent of a stranger tickles her olfactory senses. nostrils (and gills) flare with excitement, and soon the giant monster puppy is moving at breakneck speed through the swamp to greet the unknown person. fish skids to a halt just before barreling into the lioness, her scales dancing in a dizzying flurry of colors as her natural camouflage attempts to keep up with her wild pace. eventually, the browns and the greens and the golds fade to an iridescent black; like a personified pool of oil. "hello, hello," she greets with a smile, flashing impossibly sharp teeth--some sort of mixture between a crocodile, shark, and a terrifying hell beast. "what brings you to my swamp, friend?"

Re: OCEAN EYES / o, joining - Nayru - 04-27-2018

Nayru had once been the embodiment of wisdom itself- a goddess both loved and feared for her unmatched knowledge. She and her sisters were worshiped until their names faded from existence, remembered only by a select few who still praised them within their humble (albeit small) forest to this day. She had grown up studying the trio of goddesses, devoting her life and her time to praying to them, begging and pleading that they grant her the divine powers her family had been promised at birth. Her words, her dedication, were never answered though and she was quickly losing hope. Perhaps her issues stemmed back to the fact that she knew not of being a goddess and that, in her mind, she simply was an ordinary girl who had next to no redeeming qualities that could protect her people. She was a flawed princess and a disappointment to her family. Even the possibility of being divine was lost on her.

And that was why she was here, a haunted remnant of a once powerful figure. She was patrolling the borders now, her mind occupied by forlorn thoughts of her absolute failures. It was the sound of a voice that drew the melancholy girl from the depths of her head and back to reality and, with a quickening pace, Nayru found herself at the scene. Looking between Fish and Ilivi, she hesitated a moment before parting pale lips and speaking: [color=black]"And what might your name be?"

Re: OCEAN EYES / o, joining - beck. - 04-28-2018

    For once, Beck was setting out to welcome someone like a normal person. No stalking, no traps, no foul play. He wasn't even going to insult anyone or threaten to feed a newcomer to one of their resident alligators, or maybe even Fish -- well, he couldn't make any promises. Stepping over cypress roots and sloshing through ankle-deep mud, Beck slowly but surely hobbled up after Fish and Nayru. With his bandaged paw drenched in dark blood and sludge despite his efforts to keep it off the ground, the poltergeist wobbled uneasily for a few moments, wiping away the blue chemicals dripping off the side of his chin with a shackled wrist as he stared Ilivi down. A twinge of disappointment made his scarred snout twitch into a pout at yet another creature joining that was undeniably taller than him, and also a girl. Not that he had anything against females, it was simply that they scared him. Always gossiping and judging and -- he didn't want to get into forgotten heartaches.

    Violently shaking his head to snap out of his memories, the boy retreated back into his typical slouch, ducking his face in order to stare at the earth with a cold flush spreading under his freckles. He was content with allowing the first two to ask all the questions, and yet he couldn't help but mutter beneath his waterlogged breath at his fellow spirit's comment, "She ain't a friend, Fish." At least, as long as the lioness kept her trap shut, that is.

Re: OCEAN EYES / o, joining - Ilivi, - 04-28-2018

Noticing the odd-looking, larger female approach- Ilivi would shrink back a few steps, a look of puzzlement on her face as she studied Fish. She was quite the interesting creature, or whatever she was. Clearing her face of puzzlement, the lioness would offer a smile in the other's direction. "Hello." Came her soft mew. "These are your swamps? My apologizes if I've trespassed. Would it be alright if I joined your, er, group? There is nowhere I can go aside from here."

Noticing the other Goddess approach, Ilivi would stare in her direction, ears perked up. This female, there was something strange about her- something almost divine. "I am Ilivi. A pleasure." The unworldly feline said, making eye contact with Nayru, offering her a smile like she did with Fish.

Than Beck came. When she had caught sight of him, sudden memories ran through her head. Like Byui had been, he was heavily scarred. Even though that was the only matching thing about Beck and Byui, she had been reminded of the one who had betrayed her. The female decided to not look in Beck's direction and she would focus her ivory gaze on the ground.

Re: OCEAN EYES / o, joining - Nayru - 04-28-2018

[glow=black,2,300] NAYRU (SILENTPRINCESS) - tags - TANGLEWOOD - SHE/HER- FELINE [/glow]
Trespassing in a swamp as dangerous as theirs could be a death sentence had she befallen the wrong creature. Luckily, she hadn't, and Nayru could only rear back upon pale haunches slightly impressed. [color=#6b7e99]"There's nothing saying you can't join," She offered matter-of-factly, a metaphorical brow arching only slightly. It was clear that she was adjusting within Tanglewood, growing more familiar with the simple way it worked. Had her loyalty to her home in Akala not been so deeply ingrained in her, she'd almost confess that she liked the place more.

[color=#667e99]"My name is Nayru, it's nice to meet your acquaintance." She would have offered a tour had she not been ill-versed in the territory. She knew the forest okay, yes, but she perceived the swamp as an uncharted wasteland that she halfway didn't want to know. Somebody else, somebody older and more capable of giving a tour would step up, she decided, and so Nayru remained quiet after that, stealing a quick glance at Fish and Beck to see if they had anything to add.

Re: OCEAN EYES / o, joining - Luciferr - 04-30-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
/God squad takin over tanglefam lmao

It really seemed that Tanglewood drew the divine like a flame drew moths these last few days if the sudden number of gods and godly beings was anything to go by - idly War wondered if the added number of them gathering here also caused some kind of in built signature or sign that basically read 'God party over here, come join us!'

Either way it perhaps meant Tanglewood would simply garner much more in the way of powerful fighters and defenders - and beck no matter how much he might disapprove of anything godly couldn't argue against that as a trade off.

The draconic wolf like creature made his way over at a least tell pace, all nine foot of the War God still proving to dwarf near all the other swamp's inhabitants and he inclined his head to her "well, if you're going to be joining us - Fenrisulfr Grimm, a pleasure"


Re: OCEAN EYES / o, joining - COSMIIX - 04-30-2018

[b]ageless female jaguar a golden, pupiless jaguaress. she has a pair of feathery wings and unlike most jaguars has most of a luscious coat. she has a pair of front talons made for ripping into skin and a pair of horns.
She found it amusing. How she had been the first Goddess to be here in Tanglewood and then came Fenrisulfr, her brother, and Belladonna. It was odd how more and more godly entities seemed to be migrating over here yet Victory didn't seem all that bothered by it as she walked over with her curved ears angled forward letting her body press into Fen's side unable to hold back a smile feeling that familiar warmth pulsating off of the draconic lupine, her pupilless gaze would soon move towards Ilivi's direction with a brief twitch of her whiskers would she proceed to introduce herself "A pleasure, Ilivi," She rumbled quietly soon adding with a light dip of her cranium "I am Amunet Ghana," Victory would blink her golden pools towards the lioness noting that she was quite the spectacle to gaze upon but Victory being a bit of a golden girl herself thought she was better but only by a little, it was no competition, of course, and she thought of it more in a fun way than something that an ordinary fool would think.

Re: OCEAN EYES / o, joining - Ilivi, - 04-30-2018

Offering a bright smile in Nayru's direction, Ilivi would reply to her introduction. "A pleasure to meet you- Nayru." Nayru was quite a lovely feline, yet it appeared she had flaws about her, at least that's what the Goddess of Creation thought. "Are you alright? You seem to be feeling a tad bit blue, if my thoughts are correct?" Then the dragonic wolf showed up. Slightly staring in awe and wonder, the lioness would study the male. He was quite the interesting canine, with his spiky pelt and glowing eyes and large claws. "S'pleasure to meet you, Fenrisulfr."

Noticing the other golden girl, she blinked in Amunet's direction before giving a smile. "Same to you, miss Amunet." Ilivi did not care much about how her pelt looked. Beauty was not one of her favorite things. Instead, she took an interest in other's personalities.