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TEN CENT PISTOL && idyllfields - Printable Version

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TEN CENT PISTOL && idyllfields - idyllfields - 03-28-2019

This thread is under a constant wip! it will contain:

- a biography here

- posting template here

- aesthetic page here

- plotting thread (linkhere)

- misc (playlist) here

- extended biography here

- and anything else tba!

Re: TEN CENT PISTOL && idyllfields - idyllfields - 03-28-2019

reserved post. biography

NAME. idyllfields
NAME ORIGIN. idyll - extremely happy; picturesque. latin for 'form picture'. fields - area of open land. germanic/dutch for 'large track of land'.
— nickname(s) dilly, dill, ide, idyll
SEX. amab
GENDER. nonbinary
ORIENTATION. questioning
APPEARANCE dill is an eastern coyote. they have a thick ruddy brown coat over their body with black fur covering the tip of their tail, both ears, and around both eyes. their build is lean and meant for agility in tracking food for days at a time, giving them good endurance as well. their body type allows good flexibility as well. their eyes are a honey hued gold with black speck around the iris. their left eye has a "leaking" iris. to cover this 'flaw' they wear a ceramic mask over their face that stops short just above the curve of their snout.
CURRENT BODY. eastern coyote
REFERENCES / ART. <-- click here!
detailed description:
— organized. expressive. extroverted. curious. polite.
BEHAVIORS. perfectionism. hydrophobic. philosophic.
— idyll was reared by a strict nanny as a young pup, giving them habits and behaviors they have been unsuccessful in kicking. they are very well aware of these as well, but have come to accept them. their nanny would always make them clean their room after finishing house chores. if one thing was out of place, she would tear the entire room apart and make them start over again. this has caused them to make every single item they own have their own special place neatly tucked away, and also live a minimalist lifestyle.

once she took them to the creek to swim and a current caught them. at first she thought they were playing, and refused to help them out of the creek until they began to behave. after they eventually submerged underwater, the nanny saw it was serious and dove in to get them out. they were unconscious for several minutes and since then has feared any body of water, and feels uncomfortable in rain.

their philosophical trait came from their father. ye ol' jamison was a philosopher and made a living off of traveling with his teachings. when he would return home he would sit idyll in front of the fireplace and reteach to idyll what he had to his students across the country. this has caused idyll to question gender, sexuality, and existence.
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: georgia;font-size: 10px;color: #hexcode;line-height: 110%;text-align: justify;"]TEXT HERE - i usually use this for extra notes
code by spacexual

Re: TEN CENT PISTOL && idyllfields - idyllfields - 03-28-2019

stars did fall
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sed feugiat sapien. Proin rhoncus vestibulum eros, ac pharetra massa eleifend vel. Donec ac iaculis lorem. "Aenean eget justo eget risus gravida pretium sed non augue," sed sem tortor, rhoncus vel interdum nec, consequat vitae mauris. Sed nec nisi nec libero semper finibus et sed nulla. Donec a vehicula odio, in malesuada ligula. Proin et magna nec nunc sollicitudin elementum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In a ligula eget magna dapibus euismod vitae sed tortor. Donec ac semper neque. In eleifend justo purus, eu iaculis ante efficitur a. Ut placerat ultrices lacus ut aliquam.

Re: TEN CENT PISTOL && idyllfields - idyllfields - 03-28-2019

∘ ∘ ∘

caelum jamison photographer. philosopher.

21 posts ————— 3K followers ————— 520 following


made by [member=1886]guppy[/member]

Re: TEN CENT PISTOL && idyllfields - idyllfields - 03-28-2019


I. Everlasting Light - The Black Keys
I wanted love, I needed love

II. The Go Getter - The Black Keys
The go-getter. I'll be the go-getter

III. Ten Cent Pistol - The Black Keys
Well he ran around, late at night

IV. Howlin' For You - The Black Keys
Well now, I must admit. I can't explain. Any of these thoughts racin' through my brain.

V. These Days - The Black Keys
My hand to God, I didn't mean to

VI. Never Gonna Give You Up - The Black Keys
Never gonna give you up. No matter how you treat me

Re: TEN CENT PISTOL && idyllfields - idyllfields - 03-30-2019

always in progress

there she was behind the door
idyllfields | idyll, ide | nonbinary [they/them]
three years | october thirtieth | march second, 2019
sage of the typhoon
  — no former allegiances
  — netherlands
  — no former titles
constantly questioning
  — monogamous/polygamous
  — single | no ship names yet
  — crushes on bai shi | "maybe" crushes on luca and crow
  — no previous relationships
abraham jamison x madelaine jamison
  — children: n/a
  — siblings: n/a
  — distantly related to multiple greek painters
loyalty to individuals
  — friends/trusted individuals : dovedeparture, celestialrobbery, keona, lucifer, tanteri, selby, etherealgate
  — best friend : bai shi, goldenluxury
  — mentor - goldenluxury | apprentice - n/a
  — rivals
  — fear individuals : kydobi, jervis

entj-a | lawful neutral | mental health: 95/100
the wannabe index | seeker | pupil/protégé | eternal sexual freedom
  — positive traits
  — neutral traits
  — negative traits
  — quirks | habits
  — addictions
  — treatments (if applicable)
overall personality description
canis latrans | easter coyote| health: 100/100
  — dutch
  — reddish/brown
  — gold eyes
  — height | weight
dutch accent
  — manner of speech
permanent injuries
  — "bleeding" pupil
  — ceramic mask that covers the left eye. multiple small possessions from home such as a collection of butterflies and mason jars of seaglass and seashells.
overall appearance description
physically easy | mentally hard | attack in #CCCCFF
training style — battle dynamics
  — [power] is undiscovered/learned/mastered
starts fights? — ends fights?
overall skill
  — strength [4/10]
  — speed [8/10]
  — agility [9/10]
  — intelligence [8/10]
  — endurance [8/10]
  — perception [6/10]
can/cannot maim/kill/capture
  — nonviolent/peaceful actions can/cannot be powerplayed
  — bio
  — plotting