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Ida Storage + Hub - Printable Version

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Ida Storage + Hub - Ghost Gal - 03-17-2019

[Image: dd2cdx3-5b5ae670-99e9-443d-8fe3-43f24f80...Z9XM2AdNDA]
》 01. Bio -- spacexual
》 02. Posting template -- lexasperated
》 03. History
》 04. Art
》 05. Pintrest -- made by tricky

Re: Ida Storage + Hub - Ghost Gal - 03-17-2019

— general
NAME. Ida Applebroog
NAME ORIGIN. Germany, meaning "labor" or "hard work". Theres also a greek godess of deeds that shares the same name.  "In Germany, Ida is a female name derived from a Germanic word id, meaning "labor, work". Alternately, it may be related to the name of the Old Norse goddess Iðunn. Ida also occurs as an anglicisation of the Irish girl's given name Íde."
SEX. Gay
GENDER. Female
AGE. 13
GROUP. Snowbound
RELATIONSHIP STATUS. Open || is not aware, thinks she's straight
Issac -- tricky -- She sees him as somewhat of a big brother/father figure and wants to learn everything he has to teach.
— important notes
-She is a shy extrovert, and has some symptoms of general anxiety. These symptoms often hinder her want to introduce herself, though she will do it if it looks like the other person is in danger.
-Lowkey self-estem issues. Mainly just in her nature, but also the sickness left some open wounds on her face.
-Kinda clingy to Issac? She follows him everywhere and he's really the only person she feels like she can talk freely with. She loves telling him stories she's made up in her free time. 
-She's kind of an old grandma in a way, and by that I mean she believes in all the stereotypical 1800's think. She believes men should be in charge, that women should be at home, taking care of the kids or making things. She's very close minded about this. If she were to start a fight, this would be one of the things she would fight about.
— appearance
CURRENT BODY. Pale ginger kitten
INJURIES. Lesions on her face, left over from the sickness that killed her
AILMENTS. Died of pulmonary tuberculosis; she still is suffering from it, but it's not contagious.
Pumpkin Head -- she wears a black pumpkin over her head to hide the lesions on her face
Messanger Bag -- a small bag that she fills with herbs and things to finds/thinks will be helpful to Issac or others.
Cross Necklace -- a small golden necklace. Left over from her human life.
Pink Bow Tie -- Another thing left over from her human life.
DESCRIPTION. Small white kitten with soft ginger tabby markings and a light ginger tail. She clearly has
stopped growing prematurely, as her legs are slightly out of proportion with her body.
— personality
-- Quiet, very ghost like. She polietly lurks around camp
-- Likes to sing. It scares away most animals, but rabbits seem to like her vioce. She names them and hangs out with the rabbits sometimes.
FAVORITES. Star gazing | Swimming | Reading | Stories!! | Snails & Frogs
Even as a ghost, Ida refused to give up on her dreams. She longs for love and friendship, something a ghost normally would've forgotten about a few centuries ago. Ida is a very stubborn ghost. She is also loyal to a fault, one of the reasons she followed Issac through the threshold. She enjoys learning, mainly about how to help others, but also to learn about other's stories. She loves commiting their struggles to memory and hearing about their triumphs. She is hyper empathic, and often lives through other's stories sharing all of their emotions. She prides herself on her kindness and refuses to refuse anyone in need. She sees the best in people, and is often a magnet for people who don't treat her right, but she doesn't mind. She just wants to be a hero to someone and live on in their story.
+ Caring/Hyper empathic | Good listener | Imaginative | Motherly
= Stubborn | Passive |
- Low Self-Worth | Unobservant | Co-dependent | Close minded
7 sin: Envy
7 virtue: Charity
— other
POWERS. intangibilty + invisibility + fire manipulation
[sub]Need to buy all three[/sub]
RELIGION. Christan
INVENTORY. Full of herbs and a few books
HUMAN AU. Ravenclaw
— history
(she knows none of this); WARNING: mentions some heavy topics like suicide!
The jist of it is, she gives the sickness to her family and several others in her village after caring for her sick best friend in another village. Everyone but her father and youngest brother die. The whole village believes she was a witch because of her 'strange ways' and blamed her father and brother for lots of deaths.
code by spacexual

Re: Ida Storage + Hub - Ghost Gal - 03-17-2019


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Re: Ida Storage + Hub - Ghost Gal - 03-18-2019