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OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - tristitia - 03-16-2019

It starts off with a tale of love. The two were both enraptured by darkness of their respective powers, but still were somewhat good people. Upon meeting, it was like love at first sight. They were secretly married and enjoyed their lives as loners. Ilussionarycrown stayed in darkness, to access the powers it gives Keyblade wielders. However, given time, Sekai was starting to return to the Light Side of the Force. She always wanted to be a Jedi, but when things went wrong, she could not. And she was ready to try again. Upon finding out, Illusionarycrown confronted her, feeling betrayed that she would be so weak to return. He wanted their first litter knowing true power. After a long fight, he cursed Sekai to die upon giving birth.

Now, that they are three months, Illusionarycrown feels nothing for his cubs. He dumps and abandons them on the Elysium border, in order for them to defend for themselves.

☆ Please be active with your little cub! If you are inactive, please leave an inactivity notice. After [u]two weeks of no activity [u]without an inactivity notice, they will be rehomed.
☆ The following names are mandatory: Amidala-Skywalker, Arcanium-Break, Daremo-Uenm, Pathfinder. The following names are optional: Luciano, Harbinger, Stormus, Cipher.
☆ They are Generation 4, at least. Illusionarycrown is the son of Vanitas and Hayliel, and Sekai is the daughter of Anakin and Padme. Sekai has held a sHP position in the Typhoon before.

☆ The cubs will be lions! Specifically, they will be 25% Barbary/Atlas lion, 25% Masai lion, and 50% Southwestern African lion.
☆  There will be [u]two male
and two female cubs. Slots will be added or subtracted based on interest.
☆ They will have at least semi-realistic appearances (things such as markings are fine, as long as they’re not like a tiger’s stripes or rosettes). Using this chart, the following colors are allowed: Batina, Constantine, Parakou, Alexandria, Zuwarah and Kassala.
☆ For cub look-alikes, Sekai is a Kassala lion with lingering cub spots with blue eyes. Illusionarycrown is a Batina lion with yellow eyes. He is a carrier for melanism.
☆ The cubs can either have green, blue, hazel, or brown eyes. Yellow/Golden eyes are allowed, however, they cannot be fully golden or yellow, as they both symbolize falling to darkness in both series. A good idea would be some form of heterochromia or oddly colored pupils.
☆ Realistic mutations (albinism, leucism, melanism, piebald, etc.) are allowed.
☆ At least [u]one male cub must be melanistic with golden eyes.
☆ This kids can inherit being Force-Sensitive from their mother, and being able to use Keyblades from their father. They do not have to inherit either of these, but if they do, they will be extremely powerful.
☆ Things/Accessories that can be inherited are as follows from Sekai: A maroon cloak, a seashell necklace, a flower crown made of blue flowers. From Illusionarycrown, they can inherit a black special cloak (there are multiple of these, typically used to 'protect' against darkness), a green cloak, a black and silver helmet, and laurel bracelets.

The naming theme is African names! If you need help, let me know. I will be happy to help.

The Form is FFA. It can be a simple form, with only the necessary details, but feel free to make it fancier and add more stuff!

001. Kamaria - Female
002. name - gender
003. name - gender
004. name - gender

Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - Owlie - 03-16-2019


Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - Keeekeeey - 03-16-2019

Track! Looks intresting

Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - Elumina - 03-16-2019

WIP: Monifa, Female:

Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - tristitia - 03-18-2019

Looking awesome!

Also: updated the eyes a bit more and showed what accessories can be inherited!

Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - Una. - 03-21-2019

[div style="width:110%;font-family: timesnewroman;font-size: 25px;color: black;line-height: 100%;text-align: center;margin-left:200px;"]YOU'RE A KING AND I'M A LIONHEART.
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: georgia;font-size: 14px;color: #C0C0C0;line-height: 110%;text-align: justify;"]NAME. Haraka "Prompto" Amidala-Skywalker-Arcanium-Break-Daremo-Uenm-Pathfinder
SEX. Cis male
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: georgia;font-size: 14px;color: #C0C0C0;line-height: 110%;text-align: justify;"]CURRENT BODY. Lion
DESCRIPTION. Haraka is the runt of the litter. He's smaller then the rest of his siblings, in height and weight. His pelt is a pale cream color, the color of his pelt often referred to as "Constantine." He was born with heterochromia-colored eyes, one eye is golden with a black sclera and the other eye is blue with a normal sclera. He isn't very scarred, though a small bruise can be seen on his right forepaw and he has a couple of scratches on his cheek. Another noticeable thing about his appearance, is the crimson flannel bandana around his left foreleg, with the name "Prompto" written on it.
[div style="padding-right:5px;padding-left:5px;font-family: georgia;font-size: 14px;color: black;line-height: 110%;text-align: justify;"]Haraka is a very bubbly person. He's extremely friendly and will try to talk to anyone that he comes across. He's also outgoing and he likes to carry a camera around with him most of the time, often taking pictures of whatever catches his eye. Though he seems very happy on the outside, he's very insecure of the fact that his father, heartlessly, dumped him and his siblings on the border of Elysium for someone to find them.
code by spacexual

Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - Keeekeeey - 03-25-2019

Just a quick bio cos i'm on mobile. If he's selected, i'll buff it up some more!
Name: Nuru Amidala-Skywalker, Arcanium-Break, Daremo-Uenm, Pathfinder
Gender: Male
Name origin: African
Orintation: Bi
Looks: Nuru is a lanky male whose legs are just a tad too long for his body, with his ears being too small. His pelt is a sleek jet black, which draws a striking contrast to his golden eyes. He has a few scrapes and brusies, but in terms of scars he only has the long scar running the lenght of his spine.
If Nuru were to give anyone any advice, it would be this: Move on.
Though Nuru has been through alot, he won't complain. He fashions himself as a strong person for his siblings, and stides to make sure they are safe. He sees himself as the knight in shining armor, the diplomat that can see the good in everyone and can negate the use of claws. Behind it all, Nuru is tired. He often jokes to himself that his long, obtuse legs where only meant for one thing - running from his problems. And he does so, very quickly.
He is an obsessive people-pleaser and loathes confrontation. He often bottles any overly negative feeling or any overly positive feeling. He has to keep a straight face. He has to be the one to end conflicts. It's him.
His name might as well be Atlas at this point.
He is hyper empathic and is often very good at reading people - knowing that he knows which side of him to play up to please them. Nuru is very rarely himself. He just doesn't feel comfortable being the Nuru that is hurt over the events of his birth and how he was powerless to stop anything - not only that, but he was the one trying his best to please their father any way he could. He sees this as encouraging what his father was doing. He still hasn't apologized yet. He probably never will.
TLDR: Nuru just wants to move on from what happened and wants to encourage his siblings to as well, he's just doing it all wrong.

Hyper empathic | Friendly | Diplomat | Forgiving
People pleaser | Unintentionally Manipulative | Insecure | Dismissive of issues | Afraid of any kind of confrontation | Dishonest

Possible plots::

-- finding out how their mother died (im assuming the cubs don't know? If they do, nvm this plot)
Nuru is baffled, and scared. He skips right over the whole 'i killed my mom' thing because - whats that kids? You gotta move on! - and so he vows never to touch a girl that isn't his sisters because he doesn't want to be responsible for that. He also becomes extremely protective of his sisters, because hey, one death like that is too many. He also becomes noticeably awkward around mothers or people that are pregnant in general. 

-- Realationships
Nuru will be overly excited to get into relationships, but will find out that he doesn't like the kissing thing sometimes?? and the cutie nick names??? nah. He will take a break, thinking that something wrong with him. He'll get very lonley during this time and try a multitude of things to try and fill that gap a close and health relationship creates.

-- Friends
With Nuru's personality, it's not a question of if he has friends, it's how many. And how many are actually friends. Not many. After making many friends (hopefully from diff groups) Nuru gets betrayed and becomes paranoid, thinking all of his friends are in on some sort of prank to make him look bad. He'll stop hanging out with all of them and try to make more friends where he is. ( + Paranoid and anxious personality traits, but also a bit more self-respect)

-- Heart to heart
After some more real friends and lots of hanging out with his siblings, Nuru begins to open up about his dad with his friends and closest sib. He begins to show small bits of his real personality.

-- I'm sorry
Eventually, Nuru will be a bit more secure in himself, he tells his siblings about his whole 'i wanted to please dad,' thing, and how he was really sorry he never really listened to any of their problems, just found solutions. He won't be 'perfect' personality wise, but he'll realis he can change, and starts to make efforts to better himself.

Rest is TBD. And the plot isn't set in stone, it's more or less the path i want to take with him, i'll prolly add more in there lol

Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - beatae - 03-30-2019

[td][div style="border: 4px solid black; height: 200px; width: 200px; background:url(; background-size: 100% 100%;"]space[/td]
[div style="text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; font-family: andale mono; font-size: 36pt; color: gray; margin-top: -16px;"]Asali Amidala-Skywalker-



Pathfinder !
[div style="width: 401px; text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; color: gray;"]
full name. asali
origin. swahili for 'honey'
nicknames. tba

sex. amab
gender. female

physical age. three months
mental age. n/a
spiritual age. n/a

group. elysium
rank. newcomer
titles. tba

species. lion
appearance. asali's name comes from the dark shade of her pelt, kassala. she has signs of leucism in her chest and inner parts of her legs. like her mother, she will not outgrow her cub spots and they will remain at her legs, forehead, and under her chin in a fading light gold. asali will grow to have unusual high amounts of testosterone due to an issue with her ovaries, causing a mane to grow and possibly become sterile. otherwise this will cause no other health concerns.
modifications, scars, permanent injuries, etc. none now, but sure to be plentiful as she grows up

discovered powers. tba
mastered powers. tba
future powers. clairvoyance. mental bond with her siblings (if applicable/agreed upon). force sensitivity

deep inside.
personality type. INFP-T
positive traits. dreamer. contemplative. dedicated.
neutral traits. passionate. seeking. flexible.
negative traits. impractical. extremely empathetic. reserved.
personality description. asali is most comfortable with her siblings, normally keeping close to them and not straying far at all. she can come off as quite shy and private, giving very little information about herself to strangers. she looks up to them to take care of her and protect her, and finds herself lost in her own thoughts too often to pay attention to her surroundings. she has formed the habit of reaching to her older littermates for support and care in the absence of their parents, and has difficulty sleeping without them beside her. when she is comfortable with someone she comes off as much more expressive and babbly. she can appear as too idealistic and altruistic, but all with good intentions. asali has a hard time accepting negativity against her propositions and seeing reality much harsher than she wants it to be.

mental disorders. n/a
emotional disorders. n/a
quirks. germaphobe. terrible liar. can recite very weird, useless facts but cannot remember where she last placed something important. ambidextrous.

goals/dreams. many. she dreams for her family reunited. for her siblings to know stability. most goals are for environmental/societal progress
fears. loneliness. abandonment.

generation. fourth
parents. sekai x illusionarycrown
siblings. tba

romantic orientation. not yet known
sexual orientation. not yet known
crushes. tba
love interests. tba

romantic partner. tba
children. n/a
best friend. tba
mentor. tba
apprentice. tba
enemies. tba

Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - tristitia - 04-11-2019

Everyone is accepted, they will also have another sister named Kamaria.

However, [member=197]Kai[/member] please pick a different name, such as using silver in Swahili, Zulu, etc.

Re: OCEAN EYES || ELYSIUM PLOT LITTER - Una. - 04-11-2019

Done! [member=42]muddymutt[/member]