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ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - Printable Version

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ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - Starrynight ! - 04-26-2018

//ughh i didn't intend to take so long to make this

It had been his intention to speak to Tanglewood after the meeting. A nap had been in order, in hopes to replenish the energy he'd expended by charging the generator, but the thoughts of the meeting to come had occupied his thoughts, and he found sleep difficult. Regardless, the rest and inactivity had been enough. He was still a little tired, but it was more mental than physical. Still Starrynight set out, using the early morning light to shed visibility on his way in hopes he would reach the swampy woods by noon. He might have been using the time as an excuse to get out of his room and the observatory for a while- but that was fine, right?

Eventually the patches of plains faded away into dense woodland, closing off the sky overhead. There was something unnerving about it, with the dark, ivy-covered trunks pressing in around him, but he pressed on regardless. Had he passed the Tanglewood border? Where did it start? Finding it on his last visit had been difficult. Would they be mad if-?

Something sharp stabbed into his ankle, gouging a long cut down his paw as he tripped over it before falling face-flat on the soggy earth. "OW!" he cried out. Twisting around, Starrynight sat up. Tears pricked at his eyes as he glanced behind him. What was that? There was a taut strip of spiky wire stretched between two bushes, now specked with his pink blood. Why was that there? He didn’t like it much. With a sidelong glance, he licked at his throbbing paw.

Eventually he got up, determined to press forward, but there was a faint limp in his step as he continued. ”Hey, is anyone out there? I need to talk to Beck.” Starrynight looked around him at his boggy surroundings. Mud covered his paws, leaving an uncomfortable feeling settling in his chest. The aura coming from his paws was blocked, but an aura was slowly forming around his tail-tip as the excess energy re-routed itself.


Re: ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - Luciferr - 04-26-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
hm, an unfamiliar scent but similar to the one that came by before and the trespasser.

if he was so inclined he might've sighed - he'd seen this coming a mile away, he wouldn't be a very good war god if he didn't at least sense some kind of conflict - violent or not - so it was that the nine foot hellion emerged from the undergrowth without much ceremony save for the rustling as leaves scrapped past the numerous spines and spikes that littered his form.

cool blue-white eyes landed on the stranger, noting the slight limp - mm, there home wasn't kind to strangers - before his gaze snapped back "You've business with our illustrious leader stranger?" mm, this one was likely higher ranking in whatever other group Becky boy had decided to piss off by torturing that random trespasser for no gain. as if they didn't have enough worries fighting one clan one on one.

he inclined his head "He should be here soon enough" indeed the spirit had a knack for when undesirables turned up on the border so it seemed - still manners he supposed "Fenrisulfr Grimm" no need to go without naming himself at least.

//I'll delete if beck is sposed to reply first :0


Re: ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - beck. - 04-26-2018

    It would be a stretch to say Beck had a sixth sense that set off an alarm in his head when a single paw stepped even an inch over their border; it was more realistic to assume that the poltergeist obsessively stalked throughout the territory's edges, sniffing out unfamiliar creatures, hunting them down, and subtly herding them into one of his traps with intentional wig snaps and other subliminal warnings. The same method used to track Lunafreya, and eventually bash her senseless with a rock. Starrynight was clueless about hiding his trail -- mainly because the cat was practically a beacon from miles away through the dense undergrowth. Not to mention, limping never did help someone's stealth. Yet the other leader wasn't the only one limping. Beck himself had resorted to hobbling around, poorly-bandaged paw tucked up against his chest and stained with black blood. His harmful fun had turned quite sour when Morgan got the bright idea to impale his wrist with ice, of all things. A meeker, sensible part of him accepted the consequence, but the other parts watched the samoyed much more closely now with narrowed eyes and a restrained sneer. His gait hampered by his inability to put weight on a repairing limb, Beck was slow in his pursuit, but steady nonetheless.

      Despite Fenrisulfr dwarfing him like an elephant to a mouse, he still skulked from the bracken with whatever dignity he had left -- if he even had any in the first place -- and a malice-filled giggle at Starry's shredded ankle. Grimy chin tilted upwards to glare Starry in the eyes, scarred lips curled to offer a snarling grin and to bare his sharkish teeth. Threatening mannerisms were probably lost on the otherworldly feline, so he would have to resort back to more sophisticated techniques to get it through his head that he wasn't welcomed. "What d'ya freaks want now?" The mangy feline spat in contempt, hooked claws kneading the damp earth in anxiety. First the girl, then that one prick, and now the dullest knife in the drawer. Lantern-like eyes glanced back up at Fenrisulfr, his muddied hackles twitching as he considered the possibility of assassination and where to hide a body, never once considering that the entire affair was his fault.

Re: ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - Starrynight ! - 04-27-2018

//you’re fine luci!! also for all the lurkers out there, this thread is open!

Eventually, Starrynight had decided to take a seat and stay still. He didn’t want to run the risk of falling into another wire. Or anything else. Were those new? Or had he been lucky enough not to have an unfortunate encounter the last time?

The purple-dusted cat was seemingly on edge. The shadow-ensnared forest continued to close in on all sides. His heart was pounding in his chest, sending blood seeping out of the scratches on his ankle and through the mud caked onto his milky fur. As the hellish canine-like creature slipped out of the undergrowth, the Astral Seraph’s eyes turned up to meet his. Starrynight stood up, injured paw lifted slightly off the ground. ”I have... business with him,” he answered uncertainly. After a pause, he added, ”Starrynight.”

Once the dark, dirty Commander exposed himself, the leader of the Ascendants stood taller. He placed his paw flat on the ground, despite the spike of pain it shot up his leg. Formality, he reminded himself. Bastillepaw said that he was certain that Beck had Luna- Starrynight had to believe him. This wasn’t a time to be friendly. Not anymore. He’d tried to keep their two groups on good terms, but Beck had brushed him off.

The Astral Seraph’s face fell at the insult wedged into the Commander’s insult. His hopes for a peaceful outcome were steadily decreasing. Beck was intent on a fight. Warbound, he thought. ”You know why I’m here,” he murmured. He stared into the ghost’s hatred filled eyes. His voice hardened. ”I’m here to bring Lunafreya home. Where is she?”


Re: ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - ▷killian◁ - 04-27-2018

Killian seemed to have a knack for stumbling into places he didn't belong without intending to. As he pushed his way through a bush, the demon could feel tension thick in the air, slow brain not yet processing whatever was happening here. His cloudy eyes drifted from each of the animals to the next, settling on the.. glowing cat.

That was weird. He'd thought Fenris looked weird, what with all the spikes and scales, but a cat with a tail that was glowing? And were those antlers? He shook his head, he'd probably see weirder. He was new to this, unused to seeing so many people, so maybe it was common for animals to look so odd. The dobie had no idea who this Lunafreya was, but he saw how his leader didn't want the other feline there.

Maybe this meant a fight? He was already getting excited just at the thought. A real fight already! Oh, he hoped it happened.


Re: ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - Belladonna - 04-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna stared at Starrynight quietly as she arrived, moving to take a place near Beck; if anything, this wasn't going to go well. Belladonna honestly wished Beck hadn't screwed around with Lunafreya like she was some pretty doll, but it wasn't going to change anything now. Morgan's outburst had stopped the pain, for now, but this was likely to get a whole lot worse.

Re: ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - beck. - 04-28-2018

    His plans of solving all his problems with a simple, clean homicide where cut short as Starrynight attempted to look professional. But that's so bo-o-oring, His thoughts whined in vain, as his grimy apparition gave a ripple of acceptance. The added presences of Belladonna and the overzealous fellow who he assumed was the Killian overheard in passing conversations managed to restrain him from shoving Starry down and rubbing his nose in the mud, but if the moment would last was unlikely. A repressed part of his mind reminded him that he was supposed to be taking care of all the pathetic creatures in his group and earning their trust, not leading them to their demises so soon. Teeth visibly gritting with a snap of enamel, Beck flattened his ears against his cranium as Starry spoke. He did know, which was why he had been dodging the question since Bastille trampled past their border. Disfigured maw cracking into a sharkish sneer, a tone of oozing mockery wormed into his drawling wheeze, shrill voice rising an octave as he bitterly giggled, "Well wouldja look at that -- we've got ourselves quite the l'il detective here! Caught me red-handed." He lurched forward to take a step with his uninjured paw, attempting to stand right on top of Starry's bloody foot to pin him in place. Even if the other leader yanked his paw away, Beck was awfully close to invading his personal bubble, breathing down his neck with ragged puffs of bone-chilling air. "I've got an idea -- why don'tcha teach your hippies to, ya know, mind their own damn business, and then maybe you'd still have --" Wait, what was her name again? "-- her."

    Even with all his jabs and insults, he still had to address Starry's demands. Twitching his notched ear in thought, the poltergeist paused for a nonexistent heartbeat, licking away the blue slobber dripping down the left side of his chin from his missing cheek. He was an opportunistic bastard; a bloodhound for finding himself chances to benefit, and he just scented out his next trail. Freckled features warping into a wry smirk, and Beck unexpectedly offered, "How 'bout we make a deal? I'll give ya back the gal, and..." His auburn eyes flitted upwards to stare at the swamp's canopy, carefully choosing his bargain before wheezing, "And ya gotta give us somethin' in return. And! I get to go to your l'il camp to take whatever I want."

Re: ESCORT // ascendants leader; beck needed - Morgan - 04-28-2018

Morgan appeared next, having been tracking Belladonna through the forest when it came across the scene. Noting many familiar faces, it attempted to catch some meaning out of what the others were saying. From what it gathered, some ally of the antlered animal was missing.

The samoyed recognized the foreigner, who had come to their territory once before. It knew for a fact that the strange animal meant no harm so it mumbled, "Hi. Lost?"

Morgan stepped forward, noting that Beck was still injured from their encounter some time before. It continued to walk until it stood just a step or two to the side of the leaders, facing both. Its gaze rested on the apparition, the canine's mask hiding its stare.

Its supply of water was at the ready as a set of bracelets and pointed armor. With how unpredictable the others were, the cream samoyed stood prepared for whatever should arise. It growled for a moment as Beck tried stepping down on the outlander's paw, but it took no action yet.