Beasts of Beyond
bounding in the mud // joining - Printable Version

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bounding in the mud // joining - ▷killian◁ - 04-25-2018

Killian was exhausted and hopelessly lost. He had no idea how long he'd been walking, or how far, but he knew he'd been going for a long while. His paw pads were cracked and bleeding, his muscles were sore, and his short, once pale fur was caked in mud. The sun had just been rising when he'd left his safe, comfortable little den, hadn't it? Now it seemed like the sun was racing to fall below the horizon. The demon had no idea what he'd do once the sun completely set, but he liked to leave those things to his future self. He was confident in his abilities to fight. Maybe he didn't have the same nearly unlimited flexibility he'd once had, but his teeth were just as sharp as they had been, his legs just as long. Oh well. He'd have to keep trekking on, there had to be some sort of shelter he could find before the sun set. Killian lifted his head to take a look at his surroundings for the first time in a while.

Oh. That was a surprise, wasn't it? He'd managed to make it through the soggy wetlands that had stretched for what seemed like forever. He was lucky to have avoided major danger; it wasn't too difficult to run from something that had fairly stubby legs when your own legs appeared too long for your body, but he'd figured something larger would've attacked him by now. Now, though, he noticed trees of all kinds surrounding him, a few fallen trees covered with parasitic plants. He thought it was much nicer than the marsh had been. The noises coming from all around him were another story, his pointed ears were constantly moving as each new noise seemed to come from all directions. It was much different than the forest he was used to. But, then again, it was not his home forest, not at all. He could hardly expect it to be the same as that place was.

He had to be in someones territory by now, right? The doberman paused for a moment, lifting one paw at a time to give them some sort of rest as he took in his surroundings. Maybe this was some sort of empty territory? Killian could've sworn he'd smelled another animal earlier. Perhaps that wasn't a member of whatever group resided here? He shook his head, began walking again. It didn't matter. The sun was lowering faster and faster, and Killian needed to find somewhere safe. How would he be able to participate in the fights he so very much loved if he couldn't survive in unknown territory for a night?


Re: bounding in the mud // joining - Nayru - 04-25-2018

Nayru had decided very early on that she disliked the Tanglewood wetlands greatly. Within them was unspeakable danger, not only in the form of wicked, carnivorous creatures but in the bog itself- a sheer force of nature willing and capable of dragging an innocent victim into the ground. Though she knew that any death that befell her would be commanded by the goddesses themselves, she was still opposed to perishing by any means pertaining to this ghastly territory. And so, the pale tabby resorted to spending most of her time within the forest (dangerous still yes, but a terrain she was far more familiar with) and the town that she resided in. 

The last words of her evening prayer had just fallen from her lips and Nayru was slowly stretching out her cramped limps and returning to the world around her. It appeared to be about twilight or rapidly approaching so, and, not quite ready to return to her home quite yet, she decided to check on the borders one last time. What she discovered was no surprise and she blinked up at the newcomer - a canine of some sorts, though she was the last person to ask about breeds and such - with unreadable blue eyes. [color=black]"And who might you be?" She half-inquired, half-demanded. Since joining, there was no denying the fact that she had opened up considerably and, with that, came the introduction of her less than appealing personality traits. She had been raised a princess and a voice for the goddesses above, sometimes that tone of hers came a little too naturally.

Re: bounding in the mud // joining - ▷killian◁ - 04-25-2018

Killian had not heard the feline as she approached, too busy trying to make sense of where he was and where he could stay. Once she got close enough, Killian turned, his hazy gaze landing on her and seeming to stare straight through. His ears perked up as she spoke, his head tilted slightly.
"A pretty little lady like you wants to know who I am?" The dog seemed to leer at her, as much as a dog could, at least. "I'm Killian, of course. Woo-er of ladies and gentlemen alike, easily the handsomest guy around, amazing fighter."
The dogs chest puffed up as he spoke, his already confident body language becoming over-confident. His cloudy pupils moved as he took in every detail of the pale cat before him.
"I'm guessing you're a member of whichever group lives here? I knew I smelled somebody earlier.. Anyways, maybe I could stay there? I'm very lost and I won't be able to return home anyways."


Re: bounding in the mud // joining - Nayru - 04-25-2018

Was this stranger trying his hand at flirting with her?

She felt an odd, unwelcome feeling pass over her, one that made her cheeks burn with a strange combination of embarrassment and anger. Her entire life, she had been kept away from potential suitors, her father too set on protecting his delicate flower of a daughter and ensuring that no matter what, she discovered her clairvoyance. This comment, as slight as it was, was unfamiliar ground for the tabby and no amount of logical thought could exactly rationalize the turmoil of emotions bubbling beneath the surface of her skin.

So she did what she thought her mother would do and ignored the statement, forcing her mind to focus on the latter part of Killian's introduction. [color=black]"This is a place known as Tanglewood and," she paused, reluctance passing over her expression for a brief moment before she resumed her look of apathy, [color=black]"You may join. My name is Nayru."

Re: bounding in the mud // joining - ▷killian◁ - 04-25-2018

Killian's lips curled in some version of a crude smile, just barely missing the hesitance from the tabby that literally anyone smarter than him would've seen clear as day. His stump of a tail wagged a bit as he moved in a circle around the feline.
"Nayru, huh? Bit of a weird name. Oh well, thanks for letting me join! You guys live in a camp or do we just sleep in bushes and hope we don't get eaten? Could you teach me a bit about what it's like here? After we get somewhere safe of course. I'm way too sore to fight something off right now." The demon stopped his rambling when he ran out of things to say, pointed ears turning for a moment as he stared off into the distance before returning his attention to the cat.


Re: bounding in the mud // joining - Luciferr - 04-26-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Of course perhaps Nayru would be saved further leering now that a familiar face joined the two.

"We do indeed have a camp - which we can lead you to, though mind your step we wouldn't want another joiner attacked by an alligator" it had been a hassle to have to kill the last one even if it was easily done for someone of his height and abilities - but the amount of times he'd wished the new faces would just resist temptation to poke around and stay at the border, well if he had a coin for each he'd be swimming in treasure - much like amunet's cave.

the pendant gifted to him shifted against his chest as cool blue eyes stared down at Killian "hm, Fenrisulfr Grimm - welcome to tanglewood" his skeletal blade tipped tail shifted behind him and he nodded to Nayru in greeting - charmer of women and men alike ey? certainly was trying it seemed.

/o hey! welcome to tanglefam mate! c:


Re: bounding in the mud // joining - ▷killian◁ - 04-26-2018

Killian was in awe. He'd never seen such a creature before; scary, definitely strong, the huge animal staring down at him nearly had him weak in the knees. Nearly. For a long moment, the demon didn't speak, too busy taking in the new face before him. He glanced between the feline and the dangerous looking dragon... thing. His cloudy eyes stared at Fenris, taking in every detail possible, the silence stretching on before he spoke, voice pitched up slightly. " Wow... You're so cool..."
The dobie stood in silence for a few more seconds before he realised what he said, shook his head out and cleared his throat. " I mean! Do you all have weird names in this... Tanglewood? Nayru, now... Fenris... Fenri... I'm just going to call you Fenris, the rest doesn't make sense. What other weird names are there? Is the camp big?" His gaze drifted to focus on the pendant that Fenris was wearing before he looked away to see something else. " Let's go to this camp then! We can walk and talk, yeah? I'm sure you two aren't just good looks."
(hey!! thanks, its great to be here haha


Re: bounding in the mud // joining - Luciferr - 05-02-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
well this one was all charm wasn't he? War snorted smiling lightly "well thank you" for the compliment, before motioning with his head to follow "camp is this way - though it's more a village - and yes quite large considering the number of us"

He hummed lightly with amused grace "and Fenris is fine - as for the others, well, some of us have star her names than others" he shrugged lightly as he lead the way deeper in.


Re: bounding in the mud // joining - ▷killian◁ - 05-03-2018

Killian trotted eagerly after Fenris, tail wiggling as he stared up at him. "How many of you are there? Are you all dogs and cats? Well, you're not really a dog, but you kinda look like one, so I'm going to say you're a dog. Are the alligators part of Tanglewood? They're pretty mean." He let his questions fly out of his mouth, trying to not speak too fast or say too many questions at once. That'd been a problem he'd had at his old home.
