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OCEAN EYES • return - Printable Version

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OCEAN EYES • return - DELILAH. - 02-05-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood - ex-medic | 23 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"This whole 'disappearing' thing is going to be the end of us, Lilith."

Delilah had died once, then came back- courtesy of Lilith, of course. The succubus had taken place in her body and possessed her- It was an odd process, really.

Dark petals of cherry blossoms blew behind her in the wind, the lingering smell of sakura leaving her sniffling from it. She missed her best friend– Arrow was her closest and most trusted friend, and Morgan..? Oh, how she missed Morgan, her dearest older brother. When she was a medic, way back when, she had been looked up to by many. They had admired her, in a way, with how sister-like she was with everyone.

Now? She was a nobody.

"Hello? I'm back- Try not to jump on me too much, please. I scratched up my stump."

Her stump- as in the missing leg she had. Only those of the past knew what happened to her leg, poor Leroy himself had to amputate it. It was either her life, or her leg. He had chosen right with the amputation, but that didn't mean Leroy didn't feel bad for it. She knew he did, and it lingered in the back of his head constantly. A poor old man, but a good friend indeed.

"I hope this place is still standing. It would be a shame if it fell to pieces after so long."

Re: OCEAN EYES • return - arrow - 02-11-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
This place was getting a little stagnant, it'd be nice if the swamp coughed up something entertaining for the masses sooner or later, but Arrow didn't get her hopes up, mostly because life had a habit of favoring the bad luck over the good. At least, usually. Sometimes, good things happened.

Like now. Now was a Good Thing.

Something hit her directly in the face as she was digging around for a cool rock or a stick or something shiny to add to her small hoard of obscure shiny objects kept safely in her chosen room, the faint but sweet scent following it causing her to sneeze. It took her a few moments to identify what that scent was again, it had been so long that she wasn't quite sure at first. Or maybe it was her denial. No, no that couldn't have been what she thought. No way. No use in hoping.

But it was, and she decided to track it down to find out what sick bastard thought it would be just so funny to set that scent loose into the air for her to inhale and break her little grieving heart over. But she didn't find a bastard. No, she found something else. Again, denial assured her it was fake, she was either hallucinating under the effects of radiation or she had finally died and this was her gentle guardian angel taking her away.


Re: OCEAN EYES • return - DELILAH. - 02-11-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood - medic | 19 m/o | femme | dark faerie

Delilah echoed the female's name with a soft whisper, magenta hues widening in shocked happiness as she limped over way over to the other femme.

She had been gone for so long.. Arrow, her best friend- She had went through everything with her- she didn't know how she was going to make up for all of this lost time.

It was okay.

"I'm here now. I'm home."

Delilah was quick to reassure Arrow before she could begin to talk again, her right paw lifting up to press against Arrow's cheek softly.

"Do I get a hug?"

Re: OCEAN EYES • return - suvi. - 02-12-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
— kiira | tanglewood | medic —
Delilah.  Flower girl affectionately, if the petite vixen remembered correctly.  Soft snowy paws kneaded the ground absently before the youth materialized.  Fading ears and dancing mismatched hues.  While fondness existed in the small vulpine, if only for the other's kind nature in a world oft rather cold, Kiira lacked a close bond to the femme.  These choked emotions present around her only existed around her, not within.

"D-Delilah, wel-welcome home."
[color=#da1633]— N̶̶OW͟ [color=#c32452]WE͢͜͞'͜͟͞R̸̡E LO̷͟Ś͜͞T S[color=#ad3271]O̷UL̵̛S̵҉ AL̛͏[color=#9e3a85]L ST[color=#8f449a]U̶CK I͞͠N T҉̵HE͡ PA[color=#804cae]S̷̶͘T̕͟ —

Re: OCEAN EYES • return - Ignis ex Luna - 02-12-2019

As he had been swinging through the trees, trying to relax a bit Ignis had stumbled across Delilah and was about to drop down but decided not to when it seemed like this was a reunion best left untouched and was going to stay out and swing away when is foot clumsily got caught and he slipped, falling to the ground and winding himself. After catching his breath he looked up at Delilah and slowly began to try and get to his feet, not sure if he hurt something "i-im sorry i.. i didn't mean to interrupt i was just swinging around and slipped and ooohhh i'm so sorry for being a bother"

Re: OCEAN EYES • return - Crow Roux - 02-14-2019

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts

[div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #464C5A, #757f96, #464C5A); width: 500px; height: 2px;"]

Crow didn't know Delilah at all. To him, her name was just the name of another stranger that floated through his head. He could recall the way she looked—she was there when he made his arrival to Tanglewood—but after that moment, his mind was blank. Perhaps he'd seen her walking around, heard the rumours when she disappeared, but he paid them no mind. She was and possibly never would be important to him.

He hung toward the back, glancing with an awkwardness in the air around his figure, afraid if he stepped to close he would shatter the atmosphere as if the emotions were made of glass.

- ★ -

Re: OCEAN EYES • return - arrow - 02-15-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
"Do you get a hug, hell yeah you get a hug, Flower Girl!" A lopsided grin brightened up her face as Delilah touched her cheek, her tail swinging back and forth, not unlike a dog wagging their tail, but Arrow was not a dog and therefore was not about to wag her tail like one.

She sat back and raised her front paws, hoping she didn't fall backward and be the first injury since Delilah's return. Or it would end up being Ignis if he wasn't careful either. "Ey, be careful mate! At least wait a day to get all banged up, yeah?"

Re: OCEAN EYES • return - DELILAH. - 02-16-2019

Delilah Evergarden
tanglewood - medic | 19 m/o | femme | dark faerie

"Kiira! My dear- you look alright. How have you been?"

Of course, her personality influenced mainly by Lilith's confidence, Delilah wasn't as shy as she used to be. Forlorn lips, forsaken to speak her mind once- they were unhinged, wild- Delilah found herself in love with the freedom of confidence.

Her happiness extended into a large range when a familiar, but also not very familiar scent hit her nose. Lowering her head to Crow in a slight dip, the once known medic gave him a gentle smile of greeting before returning back to her main conversation with Arrow.

"You've gotten skinnier- is prey running low? Is Morgan okay? Vigenere? Renegadeanthems? You worry-"

Her worrisome bout was interrupted by the sound of something falling, the maine coon startling a bit at the sight of just who it was that fell upon her. It was an odd thing, but Delilah wasn't one to judge.

Dual tails entwined with each other happily as she lowered her head to help the child up, flowers of dandalions and daisies sprouted from the ground around her paws, a sign of happiness as she greeted the fallen creature.

"My name is Delilah Evergarden. I was once the medic here, a while back. What is your name?"

Re: OCEAN EYES • return - Ignis ex Luna - 02-16-2019

Ignis groans and begins getting back up, wincing as his back pops he smiles and looks up at Delilah"I-im sorry for interrupting your reunion I-i can just leave now oh uh i-im Ignis n-nice to meet you uh sorry again for falling i-i didnt meant to n-not that i was watching i-im not that creepy uuhhh i should just shut up should I? Yup im going to shut up now. His prehencile tail sways nervously and he essentially blushes, taking a few nervous steps back trying to get out of the way of the others.