Beasts of Beyond
Oh she wants me! Open; joining - Printable Version

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Oh she wants me! Open; joining - tikki - 04-25-2018

The raccoon dog was confused as to how he got where he was in the condition that he was in. He was sure with the dense territory of trees and the constant threat of someone attacking him for trespassing that there were very rare opportunities for someone to get to the camp without a scratch on them, so when Yoshi just so happened to get to the edge of the camp and turn around to make himself more presentable, he was surprised to find out that he didn't have any twigs in his fur, no leaves, and it seemed as though he had just appeared there out of thin air.

This would normally be ideal, but at the moment he wasn't too sure as to how he would be able to explain himself if someone asked.

Re: Oh she wants me! Open; joining - Nayru - 04-25-2018

[color=black]"What's your business here?" Came the soft lull of the tabby's voice, a metaphorical brow arching skeptically at the newcomer. She had encountered quite a few (if you counted two a few) canines in the last couple of days and wondered if perhaps there was some great dog migration she should research. It was probably an unlikely product of her imagination and never she'd question aloud but, staring at this unfamiliar being, she almost laughed a bit. [color=black]"And your name, I'll need that as well."

Re: Oh she wants me! Open; joining - tikki - 04-25-2018

Eyes would shift over to the other, head tilting slightly in response as she began to speak, though the male simply listened to the words, not offering any of his own before she was finished speaking, though as soon as she was finished, a small smirk came to his own features as words went through his own head, nodding once before finally answering, voice slightly monotone in response to her own questioning one. "My business is one of finding a home, I guess, as most do when they randomly show up these days, and my name is Yoshi." Not the best of names if he was to think so himself, but it was his own name and he chose not to change it despite the numerous occasions that he could have done so.

Re: Oh she wants me! Open; joining - Luciferr - 04-26-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
nobody was likely sure if fen counted as a canine - he looked more like some strange abomination of dragon and canine features in truth but hey, his dad was a dragon most of the time in his true self so no wonder really.

still, the hellion raised a brow as he padded over to the two, nodding to nayru and silently glad it wasn't his turn to ask the mundane questions this time "Yoshi hm? well unique but I've heard stranger - welcome to tanglewood" the rumbling voice intoned - eh fresh faces, always a good commodity even if he did tend to watch them all with scrutiny until he was sure, but most were true to their word in wanting a home, War was just naturally suspicious perhaps -  before a brief nod "Fenrisulfr Grimm - Would you like us to lead you back to camp? The murk is rather unfriendly to the new blood here if you don't know the land"

somebody had almost gotten eaten by an alligator after all.


Re: Oh she wants me! Open; joining - tikki - 04-28-2018

Head turned carefully towards the adult that had just shown up, head tilting slightly to the side as he did so, listening to the words that Fenrisulfr spoke, putting them away in the back of his mind before deciding to speak his own. "A guide back to the camp would be appreciated." Yoshi spoke at last, head nodding once as soon as he had done so, though it was a small gesture that might go unnoticed by those who were around him at the time. Though the words that came from the other's maw were a bit confusing - after all, Yoshi had shown up without any trouble, though that surprised himself as well - he decided it would be best to follow others that knew where they were going, as his luck could be running out.

Re: Oh she wants me! Open; joining - Luciferr - 05-04-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
/oof sorry this is late af and museless.

Fenris nodded to the other, shifting on long claws to turn and lead the way inwards towards the murk and darkness of the swamp - and at it's heart the encampment of the abandoned village where tanglewood received its name - the large beast effortlessly navigating the twists and turns like a long known route.


Re: Oh she wants me! Open; joining - tikki - 05-05-2018

Lifting himself up from his seated position, Yoshi would follow the larger creature with interest, head tilting slightly as he watched how effortlessly the other was able to move. He was surprised by just how often the other could come close to hitting something else only to miss it completely, and was glad for someone else to show him the way to the camp, as it was all too possible for Yoshi to have gotten lost now that he had made his way this deep into the territory.
