Beasts of Beyond
OVER AND OVER ∞ joining - Printable Version

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OVER AND OVER ∞ joining - arcy - 04-25-2018

Liria had never been one to enjoy the company of other people. Byui had been created to keep Ilivi company, but with a shifting mane of stars and an ever-draining hourglass on her paw, Liria had only ever been created to embody space and time. There were, of course, other things Liria invested her time into than her patronage -- she'd taken on quite a few charges in her long life, but their stories had, regrettably, never ended well. Liria, even over the hisses of the council over her 'meddling', had been the first to admit that her only regret had been her inability to allow them more time, or a smoother passage. It was ironic, that she couldn't have given them more time, but she knew that meddling with their stories anymore would only make things worse. Nebula, frail and snappish yet still so caring, had been an exception, as Liria did it over again and again and again. It didn't matter in the end, though, as Liria watched the feline fall to Uuvi's glowing paws.
Liria had payed the price for her meddling -- they couldn't strip her of her title or her powers, not at the price of the stability she provided. Ilivi was too kind to do such a thing, anyways -- Liria had seen the look of sadness in her superior's eyes, the complete understanding of Liria's entire person. That hadn't stopped the lioness from shipping her off, from taking away the excess. Liria trusted Ilivi's judgement, of course, but she simply didn't understand. There was nothing for her to learn by doing this, by sending her off from a culture so wildly different from Taoa's. This world had gods of their own, perhaps less widely known as she'd been in her own home, but they were certainly there. There was nothing to be gained from this venture except for a new, wild disregard for the council. (not that she'd cared much for her council, anyways -- the only other gods Liria could bring herself to respect were Liria and Byui, but the rest -- well, they'd hurt her charges, indirect as it may be, was there much else she could say?)
Even so -- Liria had a mission. A sentence, a punishment. Whatever it may be, Liria was determined to see it through, if only for her own honor, and by extension, her charges'. One paw after another, the massive lioness wades through the marsh water with all the grace and pride she still has intact. Nebula's death left her soul feeling drained and tired, seeing the little feline torn from her care so soon. It only happened yesterday, and under normal circumstances, Liria would allow herself time to grieve for her charge and her sister, so young and so brave, yet taken so soon. She does, however, have things to do. Liria is certain there is someone nearby to hear her, and she merely hopes she doesn't appear presumptuous when she stops at the border proper, and tilts her chin up.
"Greetings," Liria calls with a voice smooth as honey, though her tone is just enough to make her seem almost -- pretentious. She'd never been seen as anything more than a goddess, kind as she was to her charges, and so Liria had never really grown out of that way of speaking. Anything less would just let her charges down and give them a bad impression of the council, after all. "I am Liria, and I am here to ... ah, join, perhaps." Liria is not entirely sure what this place of nature and creatures is called, having merely been guided without a word. The lioness merely hopes that she doesn't end up offending any of the members by accident -- however familiar she may be with her own home's culture, she is well aware that it may be drastically different here, or maybe even just in small, little ways.
//whats up its god central over here and im in

[align=center] they'll be really fucking sorry

Re: OVER AND OVER ∞ joining - Nayru - 04-25-2018

As far as Nayru was concerned, there was nothing divine about her. She was simply a regular girl who led a less than average life and dedicated her every waking moment to a set of goddesses who seemed to care less about a pesky mortal such as herself. What she didn't know was that their silence was an extension of her very existence- the pale colored tabby being the physical embodiment of her namesake herself- but still, she continued to plead with them, desperate for answers, for guidance, for the power she supposedly possessed yet could not access no matter how much of her time and energy she devoted to praying, to them. She was growing weary of her same old routine and, desperate for change, for a breath of fresh air, had broken away from her ritual of praying for hours on end in the day to frequent the borders.

There was a whole world beyond Tanglewood, beyond Akala, and, as Nayru stared wistfully into the distance, she wondered if she'd ever get to see it. That certainly is the question, isn't it? Her mind whispered, a soft sigh forming at her lips. What she'd give to abandon her destiny and see everything there was to see. She'd quite like a fate like that, but the goddesses had ruled this life for her and she would not dare disrespect their plan for her. She was halfway tempted to steal away from Tanglewood for a little while when she heard the honeyed voice of another. Interest piqued, she abandoned her post to locate the other female, wondering if she could change that questioning 'perhaps' to a solid agreement.

[color=black]"I'm Nayru," offered the girl when she finally found her, her expression unchanged, [color=black]"You sound uncertain, why? This is a good place with good people for the most part. There's not much to not like." Except for the dangers that lurked around every corner, that's something I don't like anyways, she thought pointedly to herself, rearing upon her haunches. Never would she reveal her inner opinions towards the territory- no, not when the potential for a new could clanmate rely upon positive reviews anyways.  Flicking an ear, she arched an invisible brow curiously and waited for Liria's response.


Re: OVER AND OVER ∞ joining - arcy - 04-25-2018

Just as expected, Liria's ears twitch as she hears the voice of anther arriving. The star speckled goddess turns her head to see the small form of the feline(who is much more than meets the eye, but Liria can't quite tell what it is), and finds herself feeling a flicker of uncertainty as she is reminded of just how small the common cat population tends to be. Under normal circumstances, Liria would be unbothered by this, being so used to towering over the population, but she can't help but think of how big Uuvi's paw had been compared to Nebula. How effortless the jaded goddess had found it to take down her charge. And -- for all the horror and grief on Ilivi's face, she knew it was more over Liria herself than it was Nebula. And that -- that infuriated Liria more than anything else. That Ilivi didn't care about her creations, as short-lived and numerous as they were, as much as she did about her council of fakes. (liria included, yes.)
"I'm sure this is a perfectly nice place. I apologize, I did sound rather cryptic, didn't I?" Liria's head tilts as she looks down on the little feline's figure, near unblinkingly. She's not used to others bringing up her cryptic language, however subtle in may be. Though, Liria couldn't deny, she wouldn't be here if it weren't for Ilivi's direct intervention, so she supposed that Nayru's insistence on the group's good was rather spirit lifting. "I suppose it's because I am ... not the type to do something like this. I am not the most sociable, you see," The lioness answers Nayru's question now, and after a delayed pause, makes to shrug her shoulders. Her charges had always been made uneasy by Liria's complete stillness, not even a twitch, and Liria cares about their opinions above all. She'd been trying to get better about it, lately. "In any case, it is a pleasure to meet you, Nayru," Lyria smiles once more, this time more pleasantly. Nayru seemed well enough, if a little odd. Granted, Liria had never encountered many mortals(??) beyond her charges(or their companions, by extension), but she'd been told that her charges were too strange to set her standards for other mortals by the council.

//thank you!! <333
[align=center] they'll be really fucking sorry

Re: OVER AND OVER ∞ joining - Luciferr - 04-25-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
he carried with him the scent of a burning battlefield - blood, the iron tang of steel and the acrid stench of smoke - for all that he embodied, war was fierce in everything as was by design.

The nine foot beast when first glimpsing that starry mane briefly thought for a moment of his father's form, the great dark god's wings being huge swaths of pitch black speckled and outlined with white like the great black void of his grandfather and yet the many sparks of the known universe as was chaos' his grandmothers domain.

But he blinked and the reminder was gone, so it was the second harbinger of four made his way closer to the two - he noted that same tinge to her aura as was around himself and amunet, ah this clan was truly becoming quite the magnet for their like.

War inclined his head to her "you need not worry yourself over social niceties - we've all sorts here whether the loud or the introverted" he hummed inclining his head to Nayru with a nod in greeting before adding "Fenrisulfr Grimm - a pleasure to meet you"

another to join the squad! Welcome! C:

Re: OVER AND OVER ∞ joining - Nayru - 04-25-2018

Nayru was not frightened by creatures that staggered over her (though they did have the uncanny ability of reminding her just how small she truly was when it came down to things) and this starlight speckled goddess was no exception. She could feel a certain sense of divinity in the air and, transfixed for a brief second, she had to fight the urge to venture a few steps closer. Perhaps it was the slumbering goddess beneath her own skin seeking out others of similar status, but of course, she lived in blissful ignorance of her true nature and the pure light and wisdom that inhabited this mortal form. She chose to ignore the strange feeling that had settled over her delicate form, focusing instead on the words offered to her in response.

[color=black]"Then welcome, I'm rather new here myself but I'm sure someone more qualified than me could offer you a tour," She murmured. A faint breath of relief fell from her parted lips as Fenri appeared and she gave him a quick nod in greeting. As for being sociable, Nayru could understand that. Though she had a title and appearance to maintain in the lands of Akala, she never truly was granted this simple pleasure of interacting with others. As a result, she was a secluded and isolated being even to this day. Tanglewood was changing things though- slowly but surely.

[color=black]"If I may, you're quite beautiful," Nayru almost whispered, the comment more of an innocent observation than a genuine compliment. It was true- she had never seen anyone quite like Liria.

Re: OVER AND OVER ∞ joining - arcy - 04-26-2018

It appears another had come to welcome her. The great lioness turns her head, and she's assaulted for a moment with the scent of a battlefield. And then, in a moment, it becomes tolerable, and Liria tilts her head as she recognizes the great beast for who he was. It's odd, seeing the great beast, realizing he's a god of a sort. He resembles something more akin to one of Ikkivi's guardians than that of another god, though Liria hardly faults him for having a different design than the gods of Ilivi's council. The council had been crafted by Ilivi's own paws, and so if each of them had the same theme, the same species and wings, than that was all of their own.
Had this been why Liria had been sent here, perhaps? It was no secret that Liria hated the council, and by extension, the gods amongst them, for all they'd taken from her. But Liria was not prejudiced enough to hold the same standard to those uninvolved. She simply doesn't understand.
"A pleasure to meet you as well, Fenrisulfr Grimm," Liria says, in the overly formal way that was so typical of her. Even as she speaks in this tone, the star-speckled goddess allows her smile to slip into a grin, almost contrary to the tone of her voice. She wonders of what Fenrisulfr Grimm was patron of. She could hazard a guess, of course, but it would be terribly rude of her, she believes.
In a moment, Liria's attention is stolen back by little Nayru, shining bright but not quite. A tour? The great lioness considers this question for but a few moments, before smiling serenely once more. "I appreciate the offer, Miss Nayru, but I'm afraid I will decline." Liria says, dipping her head in something of an apology. (Liria had been sorely tempted to simply continue calling the other 'Nayru', but that was simply unprofessional) Liria had never been one for tours -- perhaps it was simply a reaction to all of the tours gone wrong, but nonetheless, they simply weren't something Liria did. "I -- ah, thank you, I appreciate it, Miss Nayru," Liria will admit she had been caught off guard by the -- not a compliment, but observation. For all Liria's beauty had been praised in the past, softly whispered about in awe, Liria hadn't expected to hear comment of it here, and so the goddess finds herself fumbling for but a moment. (for all of her serenity and grace, Liria still tended to find herself stumbling over her words). Liria didn't consider herself to be vain in the slightest, but even then Liria appreciates Nayru's words, still smiling as she bows her head a moment.
//thank you!!! <33
[align=center] they'll be really fucking sorry