Beasts of Beyond
NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN HIS FACE, BUT FEAR HIS SMILE - Open, mutations - Printable Version

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NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN HIS FACE, BUT FEAR HIS SMILE - Open, mutations - Luciferr - 04-24-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
there was a crawling itch beneath his plates and across his skin - it made the war more irritable than when he didn't get enough sleep in, possibly why the few random tanglers that saw the tall hybrid approaching immediately hurried by or away from the stormy scowl sported by the beast.

the pendant clinked against his chest, the new weight and feel bringing him out of his thoughts - and away from obsessing over the furious irritation - momentarily and fenris sighed before quickening his pace towards his current quarters - he'd think of them as temporary until he fully set up his own.

he padded into the spartan rooms before collapsing and proceeding to lie flat and glower at the walls as his fur pricked up and plates rustled as the irritation increased.

well, if it was something in the seams of his plating or buried in his fur, there was one sure fire way to get it gone.

which moments later was probably what startled several tanglers when the hybrid stepped out and the small concrete area he wandered into was set ablaze, him in it - before it died down and the hybrid strode form the flames like the proverbial phoenix, shaking out his fur, the pendant still swinging on his neck glowing slightly from the few flickering flames left whilst the soot climbed where the very edges of the flames had licked.

and like the proverbial phoenix - while he wasn't born anew, there was definitely some additions

long spine's jutted from his lower back that followed a smaller trail down a skeletal tail and quill feathers and spines stuck from shoulders and thighs like several blades emerging from dark fur - thin streaks like small cuts following the jut of his ribcage glowed softly like magma mimicked in the cracks upon his claws and the vents inbetween his plates - like the blood he bled.

he shifted and the blade ended whip of his tail shifted to circle around - a lethal weapon with considerable reach - the hybrid's eyebrows rose and he huffed amused slightly, skeletal like Azrael's motif usually was but then maybe another trait inherited from father - the dark ascendant did have a penchant towards spiky, monstrous and skeletal additions after all.

lastly he noted were the golden-magma markings along his legs - like the motifs of a blazing sun or one eclipsed - huh.

well the itching had ceased and it seemed his final growing spurts in this reincarnation were done - he had more traits resembling his truth - War had ever been built to echo ruthlessness after all, so why should he not look like he could cause serious injury just from a glance?

out loud the hybrid simply hummed at his upgraded appearance.

bc y'all asked and bc I felt I SHOULD with his updated appearance cx

Re: NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN HIS FACE, BUT FEAR HIS SMILE - Open, mutations - Morgan - 04-25-2018

Out of the many Tanglers in the transforming beast's path, Morgan was perhaps the least fazed. By now the concept of its comrades changing forms was not new to the samoyed, who stepped to the side just as the flames erupted. It stared as Fenrisulfr metamorphosed, the raging fire nearly licking its icy mask.

Its ally now appeared to be pointier than before; in jest, the dog's mask gained several new spikes of its own, jutting out in many directions. The spikes returned to their smoother forms as Morgan stepped forward, sniffing the air. Without any context to the changes, it asked, "Why?"

Re: NOBODY HAS EVER SEEN HIS FACE, BUT FEAR HIS SMILE - Open, mutations - beck. - 04-27-2018

    He always thought that a self-proclaimed embodiment of war and all hardships that came with it would be much more brutish. Wasn't war all about violence? If anything, Beck would have labeled Fenrisulfr on any other day as the "god" of looking bad-ass and not actually acting the part. Yet today, the poltergeist made certain to steer clear from the hybrid's path and his foul mood, sending a narrowed glance over his shoulder towards him whenever Fenris was nearby. Beyond that, Beck brushed aside his irritable behavior, assuming Fenris probably just ate a bad piece of meat that morning for his breakfast.

      Apparently, spoiled breakfasts were highly flammable. Beck watched from afar with a hint of mirth in his eyes, sprawled out on abandoned porch stairs and pretending to be interested in a tattered magazine -- which he was supposedly reading upside-down. Spontaneous combustion was quite the sight, and using the magazine to nonchalantly shield his face from the heat, the wiry feline quirked a brow as Fenrisulfr waltzed from the flames with new rows of spines shaking away soot. Rifling to the next page of the magazine and briefly scanning through the pictures, Beck lazily rasped from his seat on the porch, "Cool party trick." Without skipping a beat, he tore a glossy page from the magazine, crumbling it into a wad for safe-keeping, and hoarsely suggested, "Ya should teach me how t' do that sometime, Fen." Was he serious? Hardly. But it was an entertaining scenario to busy his bored mind with for the time being.


[b]ageless female jaguar a golden, pupiless jaguaress. she has a pair of feathery wings and unlike most jaguars has most of a luscious coat. she has a pair of front talons made for ripping into skin and a pair of horns.
Amunet was still a bit shaken up from her own transformation, the winged Goddess would slowly approach the scene with her pools of gold lighting up with a bit of interest both of her rounded ears angling in the direction of War. Victory would watch this spectacle with interest feeling something flutter within her chest as she stared at Fenrisulfr's sudden change in skin, she almost wanted to let her golden talons touch the flames and let them lap at her but she resisted the urge as she made her way over taking in the sight of Fenrisulfr. Victory would have loved to stare at him for a while but she was able to tear her gaze away from when she heard what Beck had said, she would roll her eyes briefly and shake her head unable to hide a smile at that comment "You can't be serious, Beck?" Even if she had been here since the kid had became leader, she still had a lot to learn and decipher about Beck. She supposed that would be something to be looking forward to even if she wouldn't admit that to anyone, everyone here in Tanglewood were pretty interesting.

Her eyes diverted themselves toward War, Victory feeling the skin underneath her fur beginning to grow warm with a single word spiraling throughout her thoughts; handsome. Her whiskers twitched briefly as she commented with a purr following her words "Well, you have had quite the makeover." She mused watching as the fire still lapped at War, Victory would simply adjust her feathery wings to the sides only to smile a bit more noting that Fenris had his own small collection of butt feathers. She had her own although, they were much too small to see and they blended in with her fur and the fact that no one would be able to see them unless they got close enough though she wouldn't let someone that close to her. It would be embarrassing. She wanted to tease him about how they weren't pastel but she knew that was their personal thing that she wouldn't dare utter to anyone else, she was certain that she wouldn't liked to be called Slugmunet in public. The thought made Victory release a soft noise that resembled laughter "Hugging or attacking you from behind will definitely prove to be a challenge." She finally finished, a thought still lingering in her mind.

"I accept this challenge, War."


”Ugly,” was the bear’s comment, following after Amunet and giving a hot huff out of his nose.