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fall to your pride // joiner - Printable Version

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fall to your pride // joiner - teef - 12-28-2018

i never meant to start a fire.
code by spacexual
fire. the engulfing embrace of liquid heat rolling over his skin. the hot darkness pressing in and choking his lungs. the smoke clamoring and thick, destroying what precious little air he had in his throat, his mind working faster than possible as he raced for the command center, to escape the med bay, where the accident had begun.

starship enterprise 1701 had been engaged in battle with an unknown enemy before they had been hit with a beam, the med bay being the first casualty. the entire scenario reminded mccoy of losing him after khan and well ... self-explanatory. except that this time, he didn't have a magickal remedy to this fuck-up and he didn't think that tribble blood could solve the whole damn thing.


that fire was ... however long ago. months? years? seconds? he didn't know, for all of his knowledge he could have been stuck lingering in limbo for eternity before some higher power decided it was time for him to get a rebirth. he had no doubt that nobody survived the explosion of the ship, he had heard the repercussions and felt the rocking of the entire ship with each hit. he had heard the com go dead with a dizzying snap.

now here he was, in some god forsaken swamp, dredging through water and muck, following some sort of rumor that said there was a guy in the area with a badge similar to the little charm hanging off of his collar. now that had surprised him, maybe somebody had found a patch and just collected it because it was cool. but he wasnt going to pass up the opportunity to find another crew member ... only if it wasn't spock. not that he had anything against the vulcan, wait, well, maybe he did, but that wasn't the point. the guy was just plain freaky and an emotionless pain in the ass who might be more fun if he stopped having a stick up the ass and taking about 'logic this' and 'logic that'.

was that passive aggressive? probably. did he care? no, not really.

looking around, the male cleared his throat, shaking out his paws as he called out, "Hey! Anybody even live here? Looking for somebody!" he would pull himself from the muck to rest on a tree stump, looking down at his furry legs that were now covered in clumps of mud and refuse. ugh.
i never meant to make you bleed.

Re: fall to your pride // joiner - arcy - 12-28-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]The fact of the matter was that Jim didn't expect to see his crewmates again. His friends, basically his family ... it was all gone, and so it stayed gone. That was ... that was just how it was. So he'd been trying to adjust. He'd been interacting with his groupmates, but it was just .. so hard to connect when all he could think of some days was his crew. His crew, burning.
In hindsight, it was a little self-centered to think he'd be the only one.
He picks his way through the swamp. Jim hates the feeling of mud on his fur, but it's a small price for the easy acceptance the other Tanglers give him. Now, the real challenge there is to not think of them as replacements, but it was definitely difficult most days. Like ... yikes.
The call of a stranger is familiar. In several ways -- the voice, for one. Bones -- He thinks, the start of skyrocketing hope on his chest before its violently beat down. It isn't him. It isn't him. He's been here for months, don't get your hopes up now --.
There's no downlift of his spirits, despite the slight tremble of his paws. The wolfdog bounds through the mud, barely grimacing at the splashes of mud that coat his sides as he does so. He only stops when the other canine comes into view, skidding to a halt as he scrabbles for a hold in the mud. He nearly, nearly slips, full-body, in the fucking mud, but manages to stop himself in time. He still swears under his breath and shakes his pelt out even so, until he trots up to the other. His eyes don't even land on the doctor's collar at first, the wide grin transfixed on his face. The ever-standard stranger greeting, of course, complete with the newcomer-specific charming smile. It's not as effective as it could be, considering that there's mud all along his sides. God, he's filthy.
"You're in luck! You're not meaninglessly trudging through the swamp!" He says, very dramatically, voice cheery despite the edge to it. The swamp fucking sucks, he'll say it. He'll say it to fucking everyone if he has to. "Sure thing, who --" His eyes, belatedly taking in the apparent stranger's appearance(his chest is burning at the familiarity. No hope.), land on the collar. He freezes. Ah. Starfleet. ... ... Processing.
Holy fuck, it was Bones. Holy fuck. Wow, denial sure was a thing. "Bones!" He shrieks. Now, his friend may not be touchy feely, but Jim sure as fuck is. The wolfdog's tail is positively going at many miles an hour, and, after only a few moments of hesitation, he attempts to bowl the other canine over in some sort of weird show of affection. Like a regular dog would do, except Jim wasn't a regular dog, thank you.
//another dramatic border reunion, lads.


Re: fall to your pride // joiner - teef - 12-28-2018

i never meant to start a fire.
code by spacexual
oh god help him. he knows that voice. woke up to it on the coms every other goddamn day. turning his gaze, he felt his own heart skip a beat or two, making him wonder what the hell he was even doing there. of course others ought to have revived, but why did it have to be jim? not that he was complaining!

the light gray cross would gulp, giving a half smile at the brute that stood before him, eyes taking in the blonde fur so like the hair he remembered gripping many times in annoyance.

although, watching the wolfdog stumble about in the slick mud was funny, the fact that he was leaping at him on his perch, was less than entertaining. landing with a thick splash of mud, he would yelp, "what in the hell, jim!? wait! it's you, right?" oh, this better not be an illusion.

groaning, the doctor pushed at the captain's heavier body with a squawk, "hey jim, buddy old pal. you're heavy! get off!" he would lie if he said that being this close wasnt a relief. mccoy was very much at peace to be this physically close with jim, even if the other was a giant idiot and womanizer.

pulling himself from the mud was a whole different task, though. freeing himself, the doctor would give a quick well-meaning nuzzle to the underside of jim's jaw, giving him a sniff, "jesus, man. i thought that you were dead with everyone else ... is it only you?"
i never meant to make you bleed.

Re: fall to your pride // joiner - aya - 12-29-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya was somewhere, doing something nefarious and possibly evil (depending on your point of view) when her "important event to ruin" sensors went off. Those weren't actual scientific devices, unfortunately. They were just her broken brain forgetting what she was doing in the middle of doing it and deciding instead to go and do something else.

Anyway, Aya sort of emerged from the swamp in the way she often did and sort of jaggedly flounced over to the two. She recognised one as having been - uhh - brain hurty, no context? Aya blankly stared into the middle distance like a looming Furby until her brain reset and her gaze snapped over to the other person she didn't recognise. She knew they were talking, but her auditory perception was not all that and instead she heard muffled screaming. Actually, that may have been her internal monologue.

"Hi, I'm-" ouch oof brain hurting juice WHAT'S MY NAME owie wowie "Aya! Who's you?" BAD GRAMMAR BAD GRAMMAR BAD GRAMMAR

The tortoiseshell spoke to the stranger with a totally vacant, empty smile and pain in her eyes as her brain and mouth refused to cooperate. Today was a bad day for her brain damage.

tags | updated 11/12:

Re: fall to your pride // joiner - teef - 12-30-2018

i never meant to start a fire.
code by spacexual
a blank expression would claim the doctor's face as he worked on disentangling himself from the jumble of legs that was jim, the male clearing his throat.

"mccoy. leonard mccoy." he responded after a moment, gaze sweeping critically over the tortie's body, a habit he had learned to long ago pick up. yeah, thanks jim.

sighing, the canine would move closer, sniffing aya only to come away with a similar scent to jim's. god help this poor woman if jim decided to put on the charm.
he wasn't much a fan of speaking himself, and god knows that whatever he said wouldn't be filtered and rather sarcastic.
he would very much like to avoid pissing off the people - animals? - that he was surrounded by at the moment, considering what the area smelt like, now that he was using his nose.
i never meant to make you bleed.

Re: fall to your pride // joiner - arcy - 12-30-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]To be completely honest, Jim is feeling a little manic right now. Not in a really bad why, just in a 'would probably kill Bones via electricity(if he hadn't been training) way'.
"I'm not heavy!!" He says, voice shrill with not-really offense. It took a good few seconds to register that he was, in fact, a wolf(dog), and as such, a lot bigger than most regular dogs. Oof. So Jim does pull himself off, tail wagging, heart warm with affection as Bones nuzzles his jaw. .. Honestly, it's becoming physically painful not to spark right now. Non-trained electricity sucked. ... His tail slows as Bones asks about the others, and he shakes his head. ".. No. I've been here a while, it's just me," He glances away and ... is interrupted by Aya.
Jesus. That was a blank expression. Jim turns. Waves a paw in her face. "Anybody home? You okay there?" He had a vague idea of what had happened to her, but not enough for him to really be aware of her brain damage. As such, he's ... definitely kind of concerned. He doesn't linger longer than he needs -- he considers the concept of painkillers and worries a little, but ultimately turns back to Bones.
"Right!" His paw splashes in the mud as he stamps it, grin almost blinding but not really. Seems Bones had already gotten in the habit of scenting people. "Uh -- that's my groumate. This is Tanglewood. If you don't already know. Seriously, how did you find me?" He pokes at his poor friend's shoulder with a muddy paw. Not to say he isn't delighted, because there's still occasional little sparks on his pelt before they're ultimately suppressed for everyone's sake, but he keeps alternating because 'guard' and 'best friend' mode. It's weird.


Re: fall to your pride // joiner - teef - 12-30-2018

i never meant to start a fire.
code by spacexual
mccoy turned his gaze to jim,
giving a loose half-smirk, "how did i find you? you're seriously asking me how i found you?" he snorted, laughing as if it was the most amusing thing in the world. he quickly fell silent though, a distant look sliding over his visage.

shaking it off he breathed out heavily,  not quite a sigh, but a breath that indicated he was pulling himself back together mentally. "i heard that there was a fellow in the area with the same symbol as i got. the stars. these." the word was escaping him for their little badges. he motioned to the piece he had dangling from his collar.

" ... i see. well. tanglewood? what in god's name ..." he murmured, slight confusion decorating his eyes before it passed into indifference. "same rules as everywhere else?" he asks, tipping his head to jim after giving him a condescending glare for waving his hand-- no, paw, in front of aya's face.

he gave him one last dirty look for the dirty pawful of mud before he smirked and aimed a good natured mudball his friend's way.
i never meant to make you bleed.

Re: fall to your pride // joiner - aya - 12-30-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya blinked at McCoy's response, enjoying the way he spoke immensely. "You have two names. Which name do you use?" She could finally hear what they were both saying to each other, and picked up right away that they knew each other. A pretty boy with pretty friends... There was a second part to that thought, but it escaped her.

She blinked at Jim's paw in her face. "Did I phase out? Haha, sorry, it's the brain damage." She laughed, in a tone that almost sounded like she could be joking. She turned to explain to McCoy, because it was probably important that people knew why she was so... Like that. "I got my head all crushed up by rocks a while ago, and ever since I haven't been very alive. I used to be smart, I swear." She was still smart, but her logic, reasoning and memory was... Somewhat gone.

Unabashedly admiring how pretty both of the canines were, Aya listened to their conversation, not once getting the feeling that she was totally third-wheeling. "Same rules...  uh, don't murder people, and don't use other member's organs in your experiments." Maybe that one only applied to her?

tags | updated 11/12:

Re: fall to your pride // joiner - arcy - 12-31-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Brain damage, seriously? Jim blinks at Aya, tilts his head for a moment. "That explains a lot," He decides. Not cruelly, just .. an observation of some kind. He blinks. "Rocks, seriously?" What, a rockslide? Something else entirely? He just doesn't know. He shakes his head. Alright, Aya has brain damage, cool, cool.
Jim squints kind of suspiciously at his friend as he laughs. Jim genuinely did not get it -- to be fair, it didn't occur to him that he'd be talked about literally anywhere outside of Tanglewood. And it wasn't even from before, when he was picking fights and all that.
"I haven't even left this place since I got here!" Jim complains, but clearly can't find it in him to be annoyed. He wouldn't be even if it hadn't guided Bones here -- and he might just be a little smug, a little quirk there to his jaws. And, okay, the sudden phasing into indifference was kind of relatable. In all fairness, Tanglewood was a weird name, and a weird place. It was fuckin radioactive. Jim wasn't going to mention that, though, cause then he'd probably get yanked out of here by his tail. "Aya, I think the organ one is just for you. But yeah. Just listen to father Morgan and don't pick fights, you're good," He waves vaguely. I mean, that was basically the gist of it. A grand total of five rules -- all very vague and stuff he wouldn't do anyways. Except for picking a fight. But Jim actually liked these people. It was wonderful. There's that glimmer of delight at such a fact, just there -- that is quickly subtracted by the mudball to his face. He squawks.
"Hey!!" He shrieks again, well aware that he'd done the same thing a while ago and gotten a pebble to the face for it, but deciding to be hypocritical nonetheless. Now .. did Jim tackle him like he did Beck? .. Nah. He scoops up some more mud and swats it back to the other canine, pouting as much as a dog can pout.


Re: fall to your pride // joiner - Crow Roux - 12-31-2018

[align=center]action — "speech"'thoughts'
[div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #464C5A, #757f96, #464C5A); width: 500px; height: 2px;"]

There was mud... everywhere. His eyebrows furrowed as he gazed down at his feet, where there were now fresh splatters of the quite possibly radioactive goop. Crow would try to ignore it, as hard as it was going to be. He was already covered in it anyway. When one lived in the swamp, it was impossible to stay clean.

"I'm C-Crow... Welcome, McCoy," he stammered as he gave his appendages a thorough shake. 'Disgusting.'