Beasts of Beyond
looking for a good time / ascendants invitation - Printable Version

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looking for a good time / ascendants invitation - clarence a. - 12-28-2018

It was probably about time that Clarence ventured outside of Ascendants' territory. It was lovely, but there was much more of the world to see than what was just right there. At least he'd had the opportunity to stay in Sunhaven for a bit. That had been nice and it'd given him the opportunity to see more of the good parts of this new world he'd been dropped into. He still didn't understand most things about it, but at least he was starting to remember what the names of the other groups were like and was vaguely aware of how to get to most of them. He'd never visited Tanglewood before, though, so when he set up the event and had to deliver some invitations, he decided to take the swamp for himself. Upon arrival, it was mostly what he expected it to be, but he found his eyes travelling around the scenery nonetheless before he settled down at the border. "Hello? My name is Clarence Aston and I've come from the Ascendants. I'm here to extend an invitation to a 'blind dating' event with the Ascendants, as well as our allies and neutrals," the man called. "I've brought a map as well, just in case there was any confusion as to the directions." He was sure he was more likely to need a map to get back than anyone else, but still, it seemed like a nice gesture. 

Re: looking for a good time / ascendants invitation - aya - 12-29-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya approached the person with two names, blinking and staring at the invitation blankly. "Dating... Do we get the eyes of whoever we're matched to?" Aya asked, in a wonderful misunderstanding of what blind dating was. "I like your name. Is Aston your surname, a middle name, or the sequel to Clarence?" The tortoiseshell's paws fidgeted, suddenly feeling as though the ground had vanished beneath her for a moment, and her eyes blinked vacantly as her brain buzzed absently. In other words, the lights were on but nobody was home all of a sudden. "Map.. A map... I can't read maps. I used to be able to, and then the dust creatures took it from me."

For a moment, Aya stared directly into Clarence's eyes, unblinking. "Do you have kidneys?" She asked, before blinking and seemingly forgetting what she said, maw twisting into a smile and an otherwise friendly manner. "I can't accept the invitation, but uhhhh.... Someone who can should be around soon." The tortoiseshell explained n a friendly manner. "I'm Aya. Did I tell you my name already?"

tags | updated 11/12:

Re: looking for a good time / ascendants invitation - arrow - 12-30-2018

"Sounds dope. We might have a few folks around here who would use some...temporary company." Arrow responded to the invite lightheartedly, casually hopping over to join Aya in meeting the Ascendant fellow. She didn't seem to notice the commentary about his organs, and the eyes, other than a subtle twitch of her whiskers. "Aya, of course he has kidneys. Probably slippery ones." She grinned.

"I can accept the invite, and I say 'why not?'. Thanks for the map, man." She hoped he didn't need it again, the swamp was a bitch to navigate if you weren't used to it. She didn't want him to get lost. "Sure you don't need help getting out of here and back home?"

Re: looking for a good time / ascendants invitation - clarence a. - 12-31-2018

Hearing the question from the strange woman, his eyes widening slightly. He didn't know much about dating in this century but perhaps things had significantly changed from what he remembered. Then again, dating hadn't even really existed at all in his time. You were more likely to have an arranged marriage and, if you didn't, then there was the possiblity of a willful courtship, but even that wasn't much like modern 'dating' as Atticus had explained it to him. He thought that the man would've included if it involved taking out one another's eyes, though. That seemed like a rather important detail to forget about. "Um, no, I don't believe so, ma'm." Finally came his answer. "And thank you very much, it's a surname," he answered, despite the fact he didn't completely understand her question. A squeal to Clarence? What did that even mean? Then she started talking about dust creatures and the fact she couldn't read maps and Clarence seemed to be even more confused than before, and more than a little distressed over this statement. He didn't really like to see anyone in pain and this woman certainly seemed troubled over these 'dust creatures' with the way her eyes appeared so distant. "Oh, um, yes, I do have kidneys." At least that one had been easy to answer. "You didn't actually, but it's a pleasure to meet you, Aya," he responded with a polite smile before his gaze shifted to the new Tangler that arrived. "Wonderful! I'm glad to hear you're interested. And it's no trouble at all. Thank you very much for the offer, but I think I'll be alright. It was very nice to meet you." With that, the jaguar turned and began his journey back to the Ascendants.