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EL TANGO DE ROXANNE | open, 100th post & transformation - Printable Version

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EL TANGO DE ROXANNE | open, 100th post & transformation - COSMIIX - 04-23-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
A new joiner had stirred up things between her and Amun, she had taken note of it and she hated to say that it made her uncomfortable. Very much. She didn't say anything only nodding silently though every word spoken made her angrier and angrier, her ears flicked back rather made that Amun would listen to a stranger and not her. But she realized how selfish she had been by locking Amun in the depths of her mind yet she had already lost one of her brothers and losing Amun wasn't exactly at the top of her list, he was all she currently had of family and her son, Kunta, but she didn't know of the young man's whereabouts is what caused her to be even more irritated. Were those reasons good enough for her to be this angry? She was uncertain especially since she didn't know what any of the things that Cairos said made any sense or was true, she didn't know him and well, if Amun was truly Husani then the other jaguar didn't recognize Cairos. She paced around her cave bathing in the riches that were within it, her talons lifting up a handful of golden coins before she would let them slip through her talons like the flow of a waterfall.

Was there truly things she didn't know about Amun? She was unsure but she decided that she'd sleep on it since her head was beginning to swim and her head throbbed lightly at the small pinches that were recognized as pain. She had been having frequent headaches and pains, she was much too weak to even use her powers or breathe fire so she could have some type of warmth for her usually cold body. Her body rippled through the sea of gold that stayed here in her cave, she let herself sink into it feeling the coins touching in between her talons much like sand would. She remembered the last few times she had ever felt sand underneath her paws. The raid that had been launched onto the Typhoon and well, one day her ex-husband (husband at the time) had decided to show her the beach with pink-orange skies. It was truly a sight to behold, there he had told her that he loved her and that they could reign together, have a family. Getting married and having a family to call her own. Call it simplistic but it was the only dream or future that she had ever desired in her whole lifetime. Remembering the warmth of the beach made her breathing start to slow and her eyes begin to droop with exhaustion as she muttered out in a soft voice "But he lied. . ." She closed her eyes slowly, tucking her muzzle underneath her scaly arm feeling a single tear slide down her cheek. Her talons clenched briefly before loosening with the exhaustion that was slowly blanketing itself over her.

"They all lie. . . Snakes. . ."

Her eyes would open slowly and she would stare towards the darkened skies, she realized she was near the oceanside standing near the edge of a cliff, her gaze surveying the area only to briefly squint into the darkness. She didn't know what had occurred but she felt her heart racing inside her chest and she was out of breath, she had been trying to find out where Moses or Amun were at but none of them were sight. She had gotten worried and she wasn't able to fly for she was in her birth form, a wingless jaguaress, she glanced down at the ground noticing dark spots near her forepaws. Only to feel something warm slithering down her cheeks, she lifted a paw up to wipe away the tears letting out a shaky breath. She blinked a few times staring towards the ocean watching as the waves would go into perfect unison moving side to side, the jaguar would take a step forward squinting into the darkness to notice that Moses was in the ocean. She opened her mouth to speak but no words escaped her mouth. She tried again but nothing came out, it almost felt as if a hand was clamped over his mouth making sure that her words didn't come and blow into the breeze.

She would squint a bit more trying to find a way to get towards Moses only to realize that the whole ocean itself, it was made of snakes. She was about to take a step back until the edge of the cliff gave way letting her fall towards the ocean of serpents. A silent scream formed on her face as she fell down towards the several snakes, she swallowed remembering that she shouldn't show any kind of fear. She eventually fell on some of the serpents but they paid her o heed only moving like an other waves would, she started wadding her way towards her snake companion. She wanted to utter his name so he would come to her, she wanted to feel his scales under her pawpads. She opened her mouth as if to speak but she closed her jaws continuing to make her way through this ocean before a loud hiss interrupted the silence, she could feel her body growing cold. She knew that hiss. That hiss was much too familiar and it made her body cold with fear. She started leaping though the heap of snakes wanting to grab Moses and go home.

Where was home?

She wasn't sure. She was lost. She was so lost and she would let out a silent cry of joy once she reached Moses, she would grab him holding him to her chest only to find it was nothing. The hiss would erupt from the ocean once more but it was now water, there were no more snakes. . .Except for the three swimming towards her, she could feel herself briefly sinking before she would resurface with a gasp for air and began to try swimming away. She wasn't fast enough, she couldn't swim like these serpents could and she could feel them coiling around her causing a gasp to be relieved from her slightly parted jaws. Two of them held her down bringing her down into the water as if to drown her and the last one was the largest, it slithered towards her face staring at her and with forked tongue flickering out and in. The large snake would press its snout against her nose whilst the rest of its body coiled around her throat, she thought she was safe. The way it held her, touched her, and didn't hurt her. That was until it lunged toward one of the other snakes that held her down and would slowly devour it whole making the serpent grow larger, she let out a whimper as she felt the fear taking over her body once more.

Fear. That was what seemed to trigger it as it eventually lunged out and bit her on the muzzle. She could feel the venom seeping into her system and killing her blood cells slowly, she felt the large black mamba release her only to rip off the other snake to let her sink completely. The more she sank, the smaller the silhouette of the black mamba appeared.

I never loved you.

She woke up in a cold sweat, a shaky breath leaving her parted jaws as she rose from the pile of gold and the dragoness would stare down at her talons feeling them shake. Her whole body shook as tears rolled down her cheeks, her teeth gritted as she let out soft agonized cries before she released a roar that made the ground shake. She put her talons over her eyes unable to hold in her cries, the tears rolled down her scaly arms as she sniffles loudly wishing she had someone to comfort her. Amun was nowhere near the cave she was in. She was alone. Not even Moses was here with her. She wiped away the tears with shaky talons feeling her body still shaking, she would leave the sea of gold until she was out in front of the mouth of the cave. The full moon having set a carpet of serene white in front of her doorstep, she stared at the way the shiny stone reflected the milkiness of the moon.

She stepped into the moonlight, letting the light kiss her skin and blanket her making her appear a bit silver. "Stop crying. . . Stop crying, darling. . ." She had held these tears in for so long now they flowed freely like a waterfall, she felt the pains in her head growing stronger and stronger. She was nowhere near Amun and she could feel it draining her energy, she was much too vulnerable when she wasn't near Amun ever since the separation. She wished that hadn't been the case as she would crouch a bit feeling her back starting to arch with pain, her talons trying to get a grip of the stone underneath her. The tears continuing to drip from her face and to the ground. She let out a hiss and a single roar but it was interrupted midway the pain starting to take over her whole body causing her to fall onto her belly with her snout pressed to the cold ground, she snarled with pain.

Her dark scales were suddenly being covered by golden fur, it was so lush it would even put the purebreed poodles to shame or anyone with a smooth coat for that matter. She seemed to shrink a bit in size but not by much as her body continued to shake, her talons starting to take on a shade much like the gold inside of her cave. Her once curved upwards horns would curve around her now rounded ears but the tip separated into two sharp tips, her once scaly tail with a scorpion tail was replaced by a fluffy tail. Her bat-like wings shrunk only for the scales to fall off being replaced by soft feathers, a single feather falling onto the ground. Her once lavender pools changing to an amber-gold hue and the pupils completely disappeared, her about shortened and spots covered her body with golden rosettes kissing her entire body except for her tail and wings, a form of fluff or mane having formed itself around her neck. Her chest heaved with shaky breathing as she stared down at her talons, the femme still adorned with jewelry and no longer a dragon but a jaguar once again.

She shakily tried shifting into her jaguar form but was unable to only to realize that this was her birth body, she would spread out her wings admiring how they seemed to shine underneath the touch of the fading moonlight. The sun was taking the place of the moon, the six foot jaguaress would slowly glide away from the cave making her way towards camp. She stumbled a bit to make a landing and fell onto the ground still shaking though she realized she no longer felt weak for being away from Amun. She rose to her paws feeling her legs shaking, she spotted a puddle taking the time to take a look at herself. She was surprised to see a beautiful ethereal creature looking back at her, she felt her eyes begin to sting as more tears began to drip onto the ground. She looked like her mother. She was no longer plain compared to her family, she sniffled lightly and wiped the tears away.

Victory felt powerful, new, and a true Goddess.

[ summary; amunet had a nightmare about being bit by a black mamba (she has a fear of them) and said black mamba represented her ex-husband, the other two that were killed were representatives of her brothers (one having died, the other alive). she woke up having a breakdown and eventually going through a transformation in her birth body. she had a delayed "growth sprout" hence the reason why she's so different and large, this is her true/final form. you don't have to match my post/muse etc... ]

Re: EL TANGO DE ROXANNE | open, 100th post & transformation - Belladonna - 04-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna had heard the roar most of all - it was common for the medic to be out on the plains at night when she couldn't sleep, instead looking for new ingredients for her tea. But hearing the roar of Amunet nearby made her shiver, and the small she-cat spun around to find the source of the sound.

It seemed to be a cave nearby, with obvious markings to show it was occupied - but the noise wasn't coming from the cave anymore. Turning around again, Belladonna spotted her friend - and Belladonna froze. She already considered Amunet beautiful in both her chimera and dragon bodies, but this was something else.

"A-Amunet?" her voice was small as she padded forward towards the female, watching as she spread her newfound wings and admired herself. " that you?" Belladonna asked again, staring up at Amunet's new appearance. She could feel it, the aura radiating off of her - and it gave Belladonna an overwhelming feeling, like she was suddenly very, very mortal.


Re: EL TANGO DE ROXANNE | open, 100th post & transformation - beck. - 04-24-2018

    He couldn't remember what it was like to dream. Hard to dream when he couldn't force himself to sleep. Restless ghost wasn't a term coined for nothing after all. His curse of insomnia was his excuse for aimlessly pacing the territory into the witching hours, but at least he had a task to busy himself with now. Scratching lines and shapes of various meaning into trees was tiring work, even for a demonic entity, spirits known for raking their nails down unwitting people's backs. More so, he was bored of clawing out symbols into the bark of surrounding trees, and long before Amunet stirred from her nightmares, Beck scaled a looming oak that was fortunate enough to overhang a commonly traverse path through the wetlands. Slumping and plopping his chin on his freckled arms, muddied flanks heaved with a deflated sigh. The boy chose to ignore the splinters caught in his paw pads from his carving, tracing out crude pictures of what he assumed were his peers with the tip of a worn claw.

    His imaginary doodling was interrupted by the wailing roar, the sound ringing out over cypress canopies and pine tops, and startled the hell out of him. For a minute or two, he debated on investigating, burning gaze stretched wide and frightfully glancing around for the source. The choice was made for him, as two familiar felines crossed paths nearby his perch. After missing a jump from one branch to another, the mangy feline thudded against the mud a few feet away, a clumsy wheeze knocked from damaged lungs. He didn't get how cats managed to land on their feet and he couldn't yet. Brushing it off like he always did and gracelessly stumbling back up, Beck gave Amunet a once over. Based on Bella's stammering, he promptly put two and two together. Rather than being bewildered or in awe like Belladonna, he offered a bitter huff and bluntly asked, "Why can't ya flesh-bags stay in one body? Y'all keep switchin' 'round willy-nilly and I can't keep track of it." In typical fashion, his ashen lower lip stuck out with a childlike pout, scarred features crinkling to emphasize his distaste. Who cares if she wasn't fully mortal? She still have skin and a pulse, which meant any godliness was irrelevant to the skeptical spirit.

Re: EL TANGO DE ROXANNE | open, 100th post & transformation - Luciferr - 04-24-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Unlike amunet and even his father, Fenris would likely forever be in this form - it was preferred and it was known to him, weathered many battles and spun from fire, steel and blood like his very namesake, indeed it was an appearance one would be hard pressed to forget even without the latent height that made him dwarf the rest - something of a family trait.

long tapered ears perked up at the noise in the distance - the moonlight reflecting off fur and plating where the soft glow of magma like vents and cracks illuminated the creature like his own bio-luminescence in the dark swamps - he knew that voice that spoke its pain.

War was moving before he even finished that thought, long strong limbs taking him from the edge of the borders he'd been patrolling across swampy murkland and over felled trees before he reached further into the territory where the wilds thinned out somewhat and towards where Beck and bella's voices were.

claws clicked on stone as he trotted closer, cool silver-blue eyes glowing in the dark as he neared and moved around the corner - and halted almost immediately for a whole second he didn't move.

Gold to white with a grace befitting of her nature - the colours of wealth and victory - in this new form made to be a stunning testament to her place in her pantheon, War could acknowledge the chosen transformation - beautiful.

she was bright and royal where his was dark and violent - an almost perfect contrast in opposing looks and colours but perhaps he was waxing poetic - his sisters would never have let him hear the end of it if they knew - something that made him smile faintly hm.

he moved further in, nodding to the three in greeting and eyeing Amunet with concern "are you well?" he knew it was her without needing eyes to see, that aura belonged to only one here in this territory - and war would always recognise victory.


Re: EL TANGO DE ROXANNE | open, 100th post & transformation - Morgan - 04-25-2018

As per usual, Morgan just happened to be nearby when the roar shook the area around it. Sensing a familiar presence, the dog raced toward the sound until it reached the new Amunet. It did not approach, instead standing back behind the others. It allowed its mask to fall into a puddle to see the form from afar, its curiosity thoroughly piqued.