Beasts of Beyond
GASOLINE / o, joining - Printable Version

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GASOLINE / o, joining - Character Graveyard. - 04-22-2018

Stockholm had been traveling for days. Or was it weeks or months? It might've been years maybe. Since the death of their abusive father, they hadn't been sure what to do at all. Rumors had stated that their older siblings, Deniz and Daphne resided here in Typhoon, so hear they were, sitting at the border- when their "split personality" began to speak to them in their mind.

"Well, well. Looks like nobody's here. Why don't we just go on over the border?" Lucis sneered, earning a roll of Stock's eyes. "No." Came their quiet mutter. "We must be civilized and remain here while we wait to see if Deniz is here or not. The same for Daphne."
code by spacexual

Re: GASOLINE / o, joining - Guru - 04-23-2018

The smell of a stranger (or a new plaything) met Guru's nostrils, prompting her to lower to her underbelly and observe the area around her. It seemed as if there was someone at the border. Well, at least someone knew their manners and wouldn't get cut up for trespassing (even if that's what Guru preferred). Moving up from the ground, a sigh left her. Looked like this had to be the easy way. She wouldn't risk another ear for her foolish motives until she was in the clear.

Finally emerging, a smirk peeled onto her lips. "Hello sweets," came the coo of the caracal as she approached silently through the underbrush. "What are you doing here?"

Re: GASOLINE / o, joining - Luciferr - 04-24-2018

Hymn of Ruin
a secondary shadow morphed out of the periphery as Lucifer - in Hellion form - came over as silent back up to Guru's questions, the dark one still dwarfing the two in height but alas that seemed a family trait if anything.

at least this one had the manners not to trespass straight over borders which couldn't be said for everyone the ascendant had met.