Beasts of Beyond
in the shadows ↠ o, joining - Printable Version

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in the shadows ↠ o, joining - ghostpact - 04-22-2018

It wasn't the prettiest of places, but it wasn't the worst either. At least, as far as she'd seen standing at the invisible border. It was dark and looked a bit difficult to navigate, but she wasn't too worried about it. Frankly, she'd traversed worse terrain. She debated sitting there, but she wasn't sure how quickly she might be noticed if she did just sit there. The raven sitting at her side ruffled their feathers and gave a quiet noise of impatience. With a nod, the small gray Bengal tiger stepped over a tree trunk and the raven flew to a tree. Her paw squished into some mud. She lifted it, attempting to shake it off, but realized it wouldn't make much of a difference if she continued walking. Sighing, she moved forward again. A crack of a twig sounded to the right of her and she jumped before lowering herself to the ground, looking in the direction of the sound. Her ears were flat against her head and her tail low, hopefully, whoever it was noticed she meant no harm in being there. "Hello?"

Instead of receiving any words in return, there was a hiss and a reptilian head slowly appeared from the underbrush. The raven above let out a shrill call and Camalora lifted her head slightly, eyes wide. This didn't look like an animal that was willing to talk to her. "I should've just waited- ah!" The alligator quickly moved forward, snapping its jaws in an attempt to grab hold of the small tiger. She wasn't totally incapable, but she also knew when she wouldn't be able to take something on her own. This alligator was one of them. She scrambled back out of its reach, turning tail and clawing her way up a tree. Her stomach twisted when she heard the thing chasing after. She glanced over her shoulder and swept her tail out of the way just in time before hauling herself onto a branch. The raven fluttered to her side, landing on the branch beside her as she glared down at the ground where the alligator sat, hissing. There was no way she could get down now without any help. She really hoped someone was around, then.

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Re: in the shadows ↠ o, joining - Luciferr - 04-22-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
good thing someone was around then.

Fenris had spotted the stranger's approach and as usual gone to greet them or possibly deman why they had crossed into the territory - Tanglewood wasn't kind to trespassers, whether the people or the forest itself really and it seems the Bengal had learned this given the alligator that now snapped after her.

Heaving a sigh, the war God shifted - muscles pulling tense as he stalked forward before pouncing on the alligator from behind, front talons of the draconic wolf smashing down on the jaws and springing away as it heaved up in a lunge before said talons raked across the now exposed throat of the beast.

It was over fairly quickly - and the nine foot beast had proverbially gotten two birds with one stone, food for the group and now confronting the stranger.

Speaking of,

Silver-blue eyes turned to find the Bengal and an even tone fell from sharp teeth "you realise you tressspassed onto Tanglewood ground? I imagine you have a reason too - as you can see the territory isn't kind to those that don't know it" he moved to pull the gator away from the waters - he might as well bring back a potential food source whilst demanding answers of the stranger and her crow companion.


Re: in the shadows ↠ o, joining - COSMIIX - 04-22-2018

[b]ageless female dragon an ebony scaled dragoness with a pair of lavender eyes, she has spikes lining down her spine to the tip of her tail which consists of scorpion stinger. she wears a bunch of jewelry and is believed to be the goddess of mystery.
People eventually learned the hard way that they shouldn't trespass, this was one of them. Amunet walked over with her wings briefly moving soon finding herself brushing against Fen's side until fur met scales, her ears angled forward with a blink of her lavender pools "Nice kill," She murmured in a quiet voice before her gaze would lock onto the possible joiner with their avian companion, she would speak after letting out a soft hum "It is pretty fortunate that you weren't eaten. What's your name?" Her head tilts a bit waiting for a response, she doesn't say all that much waiting for a moment before she would then add with a curt nod "Are you joining? Beck doesn't take kindly to trespassers," Her eyes would look towards the now dead alligator that Fenrisulfr held in his talons "The creatures of the swamp don't either," Well, aside from the alligator that had simply wanted a snack. The hunter had became the hunted thanks to War, Victory continued to keep to War's side with a blink of her lavender pools.

Re: in the shadows ↠ o, joining - ghostpact - 04-25-2018

For a moment, the appearance of the demonic wolf only worsened her slight fear because he didn't look any better than a gator running after her. She breathed a sigh of relief when she realized he was there to kill the thing, and hopefully not her. The assumption was correct, she decided, when he spoke to her. With a small smile, she leaped down from the branch she'd escaped to, landing easily and craning her neck to look at Fenris. Her raven squawked, fluttering down and landing on her back. They looked over the tiger's head at the two that approached. He looked a lot larger from down here. It was hard to see when her eyes appeared pupil-less, but she glanced to the side where Amunet was and her ears perked, the small chain on her left ear clinking against the lower piercing. "Yes, yes, thank you! I apologize for the trespassing. I wasn't sure if anyone might find me this far out. I guess that was wrong..." She faltered with a nervous laugh and glanced at the dead gator and then back up. She should've been more careful. She hoped they didn't take too negatively to this first impression. "I am Camalora Ravenrunner. I am looking to join, actually!"
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Re: in the shadows ↠ o, joining - Luciferr - 05-02-2018

▼ — when the weak court death, they find it.
Fen tilted his head to the side as Amunet approached, Where scales met fur briefly and War smiled his acknowledgment of victory's praise before his gaze would jump back to said trespasser.

Ah so not an intruder then, even still.

He inclined his head to her "well it would do you good to remeber next time either way, but welcome then Camalora - I am Fenrisulfr Grimm and this is Amunet Ghana (he motioned to the dragoness beside him) and considering how this has gone so far would you like us to lead you back?" it wouldn't be much trouble since he'd need to bring back the kill anyway.
